Basic Principles, Skill and Norm of Title Translation for Agricultural Scientificand Technical Periodicals
| Open Access
- 1.Journals Department of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, CATAS,Haikou 571101, China;2.Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, CATAS,Danzhou 571737, China
2014, 26(3):
DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.3.036
748 )
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This study aims to thoroughly understand the quantity, quality, and development potential of Henan Agricultural Sciences, and thus provide reference for the researchers and journal editors. Number of articles published, ratio of funded papers, distribution of authors and organization, and keyword frequency, published in Henan Agricultural Sciences from 2001 to 2012, were analyzed by bibliometric analysis method. The result showed that 144 issues with 5031 papers were published. And papers per year , pages per year, pages per paper, papers per issue were 419.25, 1367.08, 3.26, 34.94, respectively. Number of papers published, papers per issue, pages per paper, total pages, number of funded paper, and ratio funded papers increased year by year, which number of papers increased by 47%, total pages increased by 258%. The reseach on wheat, maize, cotton and tobacco which are major crops in Henan province is an most concern field. The distribution of first author was extremely uneven, which ratio of papers from Henan province to total papers was 74.38%. In conclusion, This study reflects the academic level of Hena Agricultural Sciences, and provides some basis for further improving the quality.