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    Insights and Reflections of the Impact of ChatGPT on Intelligent Knowledge Services in Libraries
    ZHAO Ruixue, HUANG Yongwen, MA Weilu, DONG Wenjia, XIAN Guojian, SUN Tan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (1): 29-38.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0116
    Abstract2255)      PDF(pc) (1127KB)(3426)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This study is focused on the current popular "chatbot" ChatGPT to deepen users' overall cognition of ChatGPT, and provide reference and inspiration for the development of intelligent knowledge services in libraries by combining the power of new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.[Method/Process] The article comprehensively analyzes ChatGPT, including its development history, technical features, common application scenarios, and integrated application program paths. In addition, it compares ChatGPT with similar AI technologies developed domestically and internationally (such as Google's Brad and Meta's BlenderBot 3), intuitively reflecting that new AI technologies such as pre-training models and cognitive intelligence have become the research and development focus of major technology institutions. The article also analyzes the technical limitations and existing security risks of ChatGPT, pointing out the optimization direction for secondary development and indicating its potential hazards for other researchers. Furthermore, the potential impact of ChatGPT on the Chinese libraries and information institutions are explored. By studying the application of ChatGPT in libraries and information service institutions, this article attempts to provide an in-depth understanding of how to use this technology to improve information retrieval, knowledge management, and user engagement. Finally, a comprehensive overview of ChatGPT and its potential impact on the Chinese information environment is provided. [Results/Conclusions] The integration of new technologies such as big data and AI has great potential for China's library and information service institutions to provide better and more intelligent knowledge services. With the development of modern technologies, libraries and information service institutions have been faced with new challenges and opportunities at the same time. The challenges come from the overwhelming amount of information, the diversification of information resources, and the increasing demands of users for personalized services. The opportunities arise from the availability of advanced technologies such as big data and AI that can help libraries and information service institutions to address these challenges. By fully integrating big data and AI into libraries and information service institutions, these institutions can leverage the power of these advanced technologies to provide more intelligent knowledge services. High-quality scientific and technological resources and knowledge organization systems can play a vital role in ensuring that these institutions are equipped with the necessary infrastructure and expertise to successfully implement these technologies. In conclusion, the integration of big data and AI represents a significant opportunity for China's libraries and information service institutions to provide better and more intelligent knowledge services. By relying on high-quality scientific and technological resources and knowledge organization systems, these institutions can comprehensively improve their level of intelligent knowledge services, and better meet the needs and demands of their users in the digital age.
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    Comparison of Visualization Principles between Citespace and VOSviewer
    FU Jian, DING Jingda
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2019, 31 (10): 31-37.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0776
    Abstract6378)      PDF(pc) (1577KB)(3279)       Save
    With the rapid development of social informatization and the arrival of the era of big data, scientific
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    How to Use the Function of Personal Literature Management in Google Scholar
    LIN Rui
       2014, 26 (8): 46-48.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.8.011
    Abstract1536)      PDF(pc) (3958KB)(2611)       Save
    Google Scholar is a kind of important information retrieval tool. With the improvement of Google Scholar, it also provides the function of personal literature management in recent months. Combined with its powerful literature searching function, it should be the most convenient tool for users in personal literature management. The authors detail the use of this useful tool and give reminders for its users.
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    Design and Implementation of Library Seat Online Reservation System——Taking China Pharmaceutical University Library as an Example
    WANG Xiaoliang, HU Jun, WANG Wei, LIN Ting
       2014, 26 (5): 36-39.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.5.009
    Abstract1194)      PDF(pc) (4636KB)(1435)       Save
    According to current situation of China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) library, this paper explains the need to built up a seat online reservation system based on current seat management system, and describes in detail the design, implementation, application effect of CPU library seat online reservation system. It turns out that online system can increase utilization percent of seat resource and management ability to a great extent.
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    Research on the Influence of Expected Confirmations on the Willingness of Continuous Use of Online Knowledge Q&A Community under the Framework of ECM-ISC
    CHEN Yijin, CHEN Xijian, GU Tinghua
    Agricultural Library and Information    2019, 31 (9): 37-50.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.09.19-0656
    Abstract1772)      PDF(pc) (2909KB)(1244)       Save
    [Purpose/significance] Factors influencing users' willingness of continuous use of online knowledge Q&A community was studied, deeply into the essence of users' acceptance and continuous use of technology innovation, to deepen users' behavior theory of continuous use, and to promote the development of knowledge Q&A community and user demand theory.[Method/process] Based on the expectation-confirmation theory model (ECM-ISC) and the relationship maintenance binary theory, this study constructed a model and measurement scale for the continuous use of users in the online knowledge Q&A community. A total of 358 valid sample data were collected and the structural equation model was used for hypothesis testing.[Result/conclusion] The results show that the user's expected confirmation is composed of five dimensions: information, social, emotional, entertainment and social identity expectation, and all five kinds of confirmation can positively and significantly affect the user's satisfaction and perceived usefulness. Satisfaction and perceived usefulness have positive effects on users' willingness to continue using; User perceived switching cost, user habits and self-efficacy positively affect willingness to continue using; Self-efficacy positively affects the degree of social identity confirmation.
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    Search Engine and Network Information Retrieval Techniques
    YAN Hong-bing
       2016, 28 (8): 164-167.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.08.039
    Abstract960)      PDF(pc) (1043KB)(1218)       Save
    Through the analysis on the operational principle, classification and characteristics of search engine, this paper summarized the network information retrieval techniques via search engine, so as to provide reference for people to retrieve network information fast and accurately.
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    Review and Prospect of Research on Technology Opportunity Identification
    LIU Ting, ZHAO Yajuan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (7): 4-17.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0409
    Abstract348)      PDF(pc) (1123KB)(1150)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Identifying potential technological opportunities will help countries and enterprises seize scientific and technological opportunities, which is particularly important for innovation entities to enhance their core competitiveness and gain competitive advantages in scientific and technological innovation and application. A systematic review of existing research is provided on technology opportunity identification, discriminating current limitations and research prospects to provide theoretical support for further research and practice on technology opportunity identification. [Method/Process] This paper first clarifies the connotation and types of technology opportunities, and the research holds that technology opportunities can be divided into three types: emerging technology, blank technology and fusion technology. It then sorts out the research status of three different types of technology opportunity identification at home and abroad through literature review, and focuses on the summary of the characteristics of different types of technology opportunity identification. It includes the core ideas, main methods, representative literature, and each type of data sources, and evaluates the existing research results. Finally, the limitations of the current research, and the development direction of future are discussed. [Results/Conclusions] Diversified types of technology opportunity identification are found and rich research methods are used in the literature, and a relatively standardized and systematic research paradigm has come into being. By analyzing each type of technology opportunity, some common elements can be found, including representative methods, method principles, data sources, knowledge representation units, technology opportunity definitions, technology opportunity evaluation, advantages and disadvantages, and other characteristics. The main limitations of the existing research are summarized as follows. First, the existing research is primarily carried out from a single perspective view, and a complete system of cross-domain technology identification and reference methods has not yet been formed. Second, in terms of data sources, most of the data sources of technology opportunity identification are papers or patent data, and there is a lack of research on the integration of multi-source data and study on multiple relationships. In terms of identification methods, the representative technology is primarily at a macro or micro level, and the semantic relationship between words is seldom considered. Finally, in terms of post-evaluation, there is a lack of a comprehensive and systematic evaluation system. The possible research work in the future may focus on the following aspects: cross-field and cross-topic technology opportunity identification to achieve cross convergence among more technology elements will become the development trend; more diversified and targeted data sources, research methods, and research content are expected; the analysis framework and process will be more standardized, and the post-evaluation system will be improved.
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    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (9): 100-101.  
    Abstract254)      PDF(pc) (787KB)(1135)       Save
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    A Comparative Study of Patentics Patent Intelligent Retrieval System and State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C
    PANG Desheng, WANG Fang, LIU Ruijuan
       2014, 26 (5): 46-49.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.5.012
    Abstract870)      PDF(pc) (1278KB)(1123)       Save
    This paper introduces the patent retrieval of Patentics patent intelligent retrieval system and State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C,and then carries on the comprehensive and comparison of two data-base
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    Innovative Development of AIGC and GLAM: Review of "Shaping the Future: AIGC and GLAM Innovative Development" Cutting-Edge Academic Forum
    LV Ruijuan, ZHANG Jingbei, YAN Dan, CAI Yingchun
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (5): 27-36.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0424
    Abstract638)      PDF(pc) (941KB)(1100)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The new generation of generative artificial intelligence technology and its applications have entered a new stage of development. Models such as ChatGPT are leading the way in model-driven content generation, ushering in a new era and attracting discussions and attention from various sectors. Currently, there is a wealth of research on artificial intelligence from the perspectives of technological advancements, machine language, algorithm models, application scenarios and so on. However, there are relatively fewer articles specifically focusing on the application of AI generated content (AIGC) in GLAM fields, such as galleries, libraries, art museums. AI in the GLAM field is currently undergoing a transition from digitization to intelligentized level. Therefore, this paper explores the multi-scenario innovative applications of AI in the GLAM field with the theme of "Shaping the Future: AIGC and GLAM Innovative Development", which aims to contribute to the innovation research of AI and cultural, development and provide valuable insights in this field. [Method/Process] The structure of this paper consists of three parts: the evolution and current status of AIGC, the exploration of AIGC's applications in various scenarios within the GLAM field, the risks and challenges faced by AIGC and GLAM in terms of innovative development. Firstly the article provides a brief introduction to the development history of artificial intelligence, the concept of AIGC, algorithm models, typical features, and its current development status both domestically and internationally. Secondly, it presents a review and summary of existing application cases of AIGC in the GLAM field, including the use of virtual scenarios, virtual IP idols, ancient book OCR technology, VR/AR experiences in the fields of image analysis, digital humanities research, and new formats of digital cultural industries. The article analyzes how AIGC enriches the content production, innovation, and user interaction modes, as well as resource management models within GLAM. It also highlights the potential significant advantages in specific areas such as digital individuals, digital collections, and digital media. Lastly, the paper addresses the potential risks and challenges that may arise during the process of AIGC and GLAM's innovative development. These challenges encompass technical aspects, algorithmic biases, network information security, ethical and moral considerations, academic research, publishing and legal regulations. [Results/Conclusions] AIGC possesses advantages such as high efficiency, intelligence, and immersive experiences. It not only brings about transformative changes in content within the GLAM field but also breaks free from traditional interactive modes characterized by singularity and flatness in user engagement. By leveraging technologies such as VR/AR, virtual digital characters, and virtual spaces, AIGC enables diverse and three-dimensional interaction models with customs, thereby significantly expanding the applications in the GLAM field. If we appropriately and fully utilize the valuable opportunities presented by AIGC, it can play a positive role in inheriting and promoting the Chinese excellent civilization and cultural heritage. Furthermore, it will also play a crucial role in accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of the cultural industry.
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    Building an Scientific and Technological Talent Database for New Quality Productive Forces
    LI Mengli, WANG Ying, QIAN Li, XIE Jing, CHANG Zhijun, JIA Haiqing
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (2): 15-25.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0175
    Abstract589)      PDF(pc) (4077KB)(1056)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Talent data have become the most important production factor and strategic resource. Building a scientific and technological (S&T) talent database has become an inevitable way to narrow the digital divide and accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of talent work. Therefore, this study builds an S&T talent database to promote scientific decision-making for talent development, precision in attracting new quality technical talent, reform in evaluating S&T talents, and building talent system for new quality productive forces. [Method/Process] By analyzing the practical requirements and significance of building an S&T talent database, this study first explores and analyzes the intrinsic logic of promoting the development of new quality productive forces through an S&T talent database. It then summarizes the challenges facing the current construction of a S&T talent database, including the scattering and concealment of S&T talent data, the lack of policies and standardized systems for S&T talent data, the inadequate exploration of value-added S&T talent data, the need to expand the application of digital technology in talent work, and the security risks of S&T talent data. In response to these challenges, this paper finally proposes the idea of building an S&T talents database, and introduces the research exploration and application practice on it, including the construction of big data database for S&T talent aimed at the development of new quality productive forces, the development of AI-powered talent data computing engine, research into the system for profiling new quality technical talent, the analysis of talent growth paths for the training of new quality technical talent, the identification method of new quality talented professionals based on big data, the development of an efficient digital platform for talent management, and the development of a strategic analysis platform for technical talent. [Results/Conclusions] The construction of S&T talent database is an objective requirement for the development of the digital era and an inevitable requirement for the formation of new quality productive forces. Building big data for S&T talent, empowering talent workflow with big data and artificial intelligence technology can help empower talent workflow, release the enormous energy contained in digitalization, effectively activate the internal momentum of talented professionals, institutions, society, and government, and then continuously improve the efficiency of talent resource allocation, the operational efficiency of talent work, the overall effectiveness of talent development governance, and promote the development of new quality productive forces.
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    Digital Intelligence Integration Innovation Development of GLAM Driven by AIGC
    MA Lecun, ZHAN Xini, ZHU Qiyu, SUN Rong, LI Baiyang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (5): 4-15.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0358
    Abstract929)      PDF(pc) (2499KB)(1038)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Recently artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) has become an important tool for the digital development of industry in the digital intelligence integration environment. Clarifying the applicability and application scenarios of AIGC-driven innovation for galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs) as well as exploring GLAM development challenges will go far towards accelerating the transformation of GLAM digital intelligence and promoting GLAM to realize more value. As the previous research is fragmented and most of the related research only focuses on the impacts brought by a specific emerging technology such as ChatGPT or the application scenarios of a certain type of institution, especially libraries, we aim to explore the applicability, application scenarios and emerging challenges of various AIGC technologies to all GLAM institutions to ensure the systematicity of our research. [Method/Process] Based on the study of previous literature, this paper first elaborates on the applicability of AIGC to the development of GLAM digital intelligence integration from five aspects: policy, academia, industry, data, and users. Then, it analyzes the changes of GLAM digital intelligence scenarios driven by AIGC through the perspectives of technology, business, users and organizational management. Finally a discussion of the challenges faced by GLAM and the expectations for its future of digital intelligence integration is provided. In the section of applicability, policy documents are listed to illustrate the overlapping effect, and a review is provided on the development of the Semantic Web to metaverse, Web 3.0, then to AIGC to show the possibility of continuous research from an academic perspective for the GLAM to utilize AIGC. We demonstrate through several examples such as Hunan Museum that AIGC can be effective in the industry as it can create digital content and help develop the IP industry. It is also found that AIGC can help GLAM, which has a large amount of cultural data, to utilize the data, and AIGC can promote user immersive experience by specific user behavior examples. In terms of scenario change, we exemplify that the introduction of AIGC into GLAM as a collection of new technologies will first cause a huge change in technology, so that the diverse information in GLAM can produce more connections and fusion, and realize a large-scale digital twin. Second, it brings changes to the GLAM business such as AI digital human instead of real person doing inquiry service, and virtual pavilion expanding realistic exhibition hall. It also causes changes in user experience, which becomes strongly interactive, immersive and intelligent and it brings various changes to office style, cooperation mode, management mode and user information management. [Results/Conclusions] AIGC can efficiently promote the innovative development of GLAM under multiple application scenarios. In the future, GLAM institutions should actively address challenges including digital ownership protection and development, technology application benefit input-output ratio, and user conversion and evaluation, continuously promote digital talent training, expand digital technology research, and establish a complete AIGC application evaluation system based on existing resources.
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    Optimization and Practice of Book Oriented Recommendation Model
    CHEN Lidong, GONG Jintao, YiNG Xianjun
    Agricultural Library and Information    2019, 31 (8): 54-62.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.08.19-0599
    Abstract763)      PDF(pc) (3328KB)(1017)       Save
    Through the research and improvement of several common recommendation algorithm, and combined with the computer database technology, the paper wants to construct the books directional push mode. While the reader is browsing web pages or querying library resources in the library, he'll receive personalized book recommendation from library. This research newly makes up for the deficiency of the existing book recommendation mode, and improves the achievement ratio of the book recommendation.
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    Review on Paper Novelty Measurement
    CHAI Jiaqi, CHEN Shiji
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (10): 56-61.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.10.20-0153
    Abstract487)      PDF(pc) (1150KB)(988)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This paper clarifies the concept of novelty, reviews different novelty measurements, and summarizes different types and research progress of novelty detection at home and abroad. It is of great significance to the development of science and scientific technological planning. [Method/Process] By summarizing existing relevant Chinese and English literature, this paper reviews the definitions of novelty, different novelty measurements such as content analysis and citation analysis, as well as their evaluation methods. [Result/Conclusion] Most of the existing methods measure the novelty from a single perspective, and few used combined methods. Therefore, both qualitative and quantitative methods should be taken into consideration to form a comprehensive analysis in the future.
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    Building an Artificial Intelligence Engine Based on Scientific and Technological Literature Knowledge
    ZHANG Zhixiong, LIU Huan, YU Gaihong
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (1): 17-31.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0797
    Abstract746)      PDF(pc) (3230KB)(952)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] How to use the knowledge in the scientific and technological literature to train and improve the model of deep learning algorithm, and acquire knowledge and discover knowledge is an important subject of information research. In order to fully mine and utilize the value of literature knowledge, this paper proposes the goal of building an artificial intelligence (AI) engine based on scientific and technological literature knowledge. [Method/Process] It chooses the literature and information science work as the starting point and takes the scientific and technological literature as the most important carrier of human knowledge. This paper explores the essence of the rapid breakthrough of AI, and innovatively puts forward the construction idea of "science and technology knowledge engine" which is the transformation from "science and technology literature library" in the field of information science. [Results/Conclusions] This paper discusses the construction practice of AI engine based on scientific and technological literature knowledge and explores the method of using the deep learning technology to excavate knowledge to serve information research, so as to provide reference for peers.
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    The Intelligent Diagnosis Model of Fruit Tree Disease Based on ResNet-50
    JIN Ying, YE Sa, LI Honglei
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (4): 58-67.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0670
    Abstract432)      PDF(pc) (1675KB)(941)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Fruit tree diseases endanger the safety of agricultural production, and the use of artificial intelligence technologies to help fruit growers identify fruit tree diseases in a timely and accurate manner is of great significance to ensure safe agricultural production. [Method/Process] Using 10 000 fruit tree leaf diseased spots image data sets, through image enhancement methods such as rotation, pollution, noise enhancement, and cutting to improve the diversity of sample images; using the ResNet-50 deep convolutional network model to perform machine learning to obtain the fruit tree diseases identification model, and develop application software based on this model to provide online diagnostic services. [Results/Conclusions] The experimental results show that the average recognition rate of the four fruit tree diseases reached 92.9%, which has a better diagnostic effect compared with related research results.
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    The Road to Digital Talent Power: Action Plan for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills of the People and College Students' Digital Literacy Education Strategy
    XIAO Peng, ZHAO Qingxiang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (12): 6-15.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0973
    Abstract854)      PDF(pc) (1057KB)(928)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Improving college students' digital literacy is of great significance to building a digital talent power. [Method/Process] By combing the relevant policies before and after the release of Action Plan for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills of the People, this paper analyzes the main contents of the Action Plan and believes that it has the following significance: it determines the concept of digital literacy with Chinese characteristics and international vision, pays attention to the frontier requirements such as creativity improvement and special group service, expands four digital scenes of life, work, learning and innovation, and deploys comprehensive operations according to key tasks and projects. [Results/Conclusions] The authors argue that for various fields of library, information science and archives, the Action Plan will have extensive influence theoretically and practically, and its impact on digital literacy education of college students, in particular, is perhaps the most direct and far-reaching according to the research pattern and tradition of information literacy. The authors argue that the layout and action should be started as soon as possible for the education around digital literacy of college students.
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    Bidirectional Empowerment Between Knowledge Service and New Quality Productive Forces Theoretical Interpretation and Practical Path
    ZHAO Ruixue, LI Tian, GUAN Zhihao, XIAN Guojian, KOU Yuantao, SUN Tan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (2): 4-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0171
    Abstract587)      PDF(pc) (1196KB)(922)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] New quality productive forces is the latest pattern of productivity development under the background of data-driven intelligence. To explore the mechanism and practical way of bidirectional empowerment of knowledge service and new quality productive forces has important theoretical and practical significance for giving full play to the effectiveness of new quality of data elements, new power of digital intelligence technology and new application of intelligent service, so as to promote the cultivation of new quality productive forces and improve knowledge service. [Method/Process] Based on the summary of the development process of knowledge service and the new interpretation from the perspective of new quality productive forces, this study analyzes the internal relationship and external manifestations of the bidirectional empowerment of knowledge services and new quality productive forces, constructs the bidirectional empowerment mechanism of knowledge services and new quality productive forces, and proposes the bidirectional empowerment path. [Results/Conclusions] "Factor reorganization, scientific and technological innovation, and quality service" has become the internal relationship between knowledge service and new quality productive forces. Data factor as the core production factor, digital intelligence technology as the key production technology, and intelligence-driven new business forms and new models as the common carrier, which is an important basis for intelligent knowledge service and new quality productive forces bidirectional empowerment mechanism. Intelligent knowledge service cultivates the new quality productive forces through three important ways: accelerating scientific and technological innovation, opening up new ways and creating new business forms. New quality productive forces drives the development of intelligent knowledge service and improves the service by solving the resource dilemma, technology dilemma and talent dilemma, and creating new competitive advantages. This is an important manifestation of the bidirectional empowerment mechanism of new quality productive forces and intelligent knowledge service. After clarifying the empowerment basis and the performance of the bidirectional empowerment mechanism, this study proposes that the two kinds of empowerment should be realized from the following four aspects: a) Taking the market demand as the guide by mining new value and responding to new demand, and grasping the new quality growth engine; b) Taking data elements as the center, the compacting intelligent driving base is realized by building the data element empowerment system and improving the standardization of element utilization; c) Taking technological innovation as the key way by releasing the potential of key elements and creating fusion application scenarios to consolidate the foundation of fusion application; d) Starting from the application scenario as the starting point, the bidirectional empowerment mechanism is put into practice in various fields.
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    Considerations for the Development of Agricultural Informatization Driven by a New Generation of Information Technologies
    SUN Tan, HUANG Yongwen, XIAN Guojian, CUI Yunpeng, LIU Juan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (3): 4-15.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0809
    Abstract588)      PDF(pc) (1771KB)(914)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] At present, the world is in an information age, and the development of agricultural information has become an important development direction of modern agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how a new generation of information technologies promotes the development of agricultural informatization. [Method/Process] This paper summarizes the current situation of the applications of the new generation of information technologies in the agricultural field, analyzes the path of the technologies to promote the development of agricultural informatization, and puts forward the strategy of the innovation and integrated applications of the technologies. [Results/Conclusions] The paper proposes to supplement the shortcomings of agricultural informatization and modernization through the innovation of a new generation of information technologies, helps the "village revitalization strategy", and realizes and accelerates the "synchronization of the four modernizations and integrated development". Promoting the applications of information technologies in agriculture must rely on technological innovation, model innovation, mechanism innovation and policy innovation.
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    Social Network Analysis on the Patent Inventor team and core Inventor——Taking Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials and Device of SCUT as Example
    WANG Li-jie
       2016, 28 (10): 72-76.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.016
    Abstract713)      PDF(pc) (1411KB)(898)       Save
    Using the Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials and Device of SCUT as an example, this paper searched the patents invented by the institute teachers and constructed the cooperation frequency matrix and Jaccard index matrix, and then drew the cooperation network map of inventors by using Ucinet and Netdraw, and finally found out the core inventors from these teachers based on centrality analysis. Results showed that there was a big team with 24 inventors while the core inventors were Cao Yong and Peng Jun-biao, and a small team with 3 inventors while their positions were equal.
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    Study on the Performance Evaluation of University Library Based on KPI
    SHI Jing
       2014, 26 (4): 67-70.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.4.016
    Abstract728)      PDF(pc) (1375KB)(897)       Save
    KPI is an effective way for performance evaluation, the fundmental for library to carry out KPI system is amending sicientific and clear performance index, build orgnizational, department and personal performance index system based on the library practical, demostrate the content of the index, and validate the effectiveness of the designed index via survey and interview.
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    Impacts of Heuristic-Systematic Clues on Health Information Adoption of Mobile Short Video Apps: Based on SEM and fsQCA
    LI Li, HAN Ping, ZHANG Hong, ZHANG Weijuan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (1): 73-86.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0779
    Abstract260)      PDF(pc) (1878KB)(888)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Mobile short video apps like Tiktok have become one of the most frequently used tools to obtain/exchange health information in post-epidemic era. This study analyzed the complex relationships between the antecedents and users' health information adoption in mobile short video apps in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, in order to optimize users' experience with health information adoption systematically, which in turn generates users' sustainability. [Method/Process] Based on both the information adoption model (IAM) and the heuristic-systematic model (HSM), this study constructed a health information adoption model of mobile short videos, in which five predictor variables (content quality, expression quality, information source credibility, app's reputation, perceived information usefulness) and an outcome variable (health information adoption) were included. The construct validity, reliability and symmetrical relationships between the five predictor variables and an outcome condition were examined using structural equation model (SEM) method. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was used to examine and reveal the configuration models. [Results/Conclusions] The results from PLS-SEM method and fsQCA validated the IAM and HSM in the context of mobile short video apps. Specifically, the results from PLS-SEM show that systematic and heuristic clues jointly affect users' adoption of health information. Content quality, app's reputation and information resource credibility significantly impact perceived information usefulness, and further affect the health information adoption. Expression quality has a significant effect on content quality, but no obvious effects on perceived information usefulness and health information adoption. The results of fsQCA reveal three configurations to affect users' health information adoption (i.e., content quality * expression quality * perceived information usefulness * information resource credibility), and another three configurations to affect users' non-adoption i.e., ~content quality * ~perceived information usefulness * ~information resource credibility), in which the latter configurations are asymmetric with the former. The configurations where systematic clues are predominant (S1a and S1b) are more sufficient for promoting users' health information adoption. N1(~ content quality * ~ perceived information usefulness * ~ information resource credibility). This shows the most sufficient configuration path in non-adoption. This study is aimed at exploring users' adoption and non-adoption decision-making process in a growing context of mobile short video apps like Tiktok, in order to contribute to helpful advice for the better management of these apps, which will eventually optimize users' experience with health information behavior. Users always engaged in many kinds of information activities such as information sharing, retweeting, adoption, and some relationships between these activities may exists. Due to the limited length, we did not consider users' other information behavior i.e., retweeting) and the relationship between them in this context, which could possibly be further research directions.
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    Discussion on the Selection of First and Reprint Authors' Core Papers Collected by Web of ScienceTM
    SHI Xiaohua, CHEN Shou
       2018, 30 (11): 90-93.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.11.015
    Abstract1453)      PDF(pc) (1598KB)(886)       Save
    Based on the dominant function of Excel and NoteExpress, this paper introduced the methods of selecting first authors and reprint authors' core papers belonged to Guangdong Medical University and collected by Web of ScienceTM, so as to help university librarians and administrators for the statistics, statistical analysis and management of papers.
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    Artificial Intelligence Empowers Library and Information Service ——Review of Forums about Information Technology for Library 2019
    LYU Lucheng, HAN Tao
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (5): 13-18.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.17-0912
    Abstract1039)      PDF(pc) (2417KB)(862)       Save
    [Purpose / Significance] the conference of Forums about Information Technology for Library (IT4L) held in Shanghai Library on August 12-13, 2019 with the theme of "Artificial Intelligence Empowers Library and Information Service". library and information service practitioners and relevant researchers. [Method / Process] The conference was reviewed based on the classification and summarization of expert reports. [Results / Conclusions] The conference covered the following three topics: AI reconstructing knowledge service infrastructure, the methods and means of AI enriching knowledge service and AI upgrading the service forms of knowledge service.
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    Conversion of Enzyme Activity unit (non-SI unit) to SI unit for CAT, POD and APX
    LIU Chang-lai, TIAN Ya-ling, WANG Guo-dong, ZHENG Yan-yi, LI Yan-wen
       2015, 27 (8): 160-163.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2015.08.039
    Abstract1344)      PDF(pc) (1347KB)(854)       Save
    In order to spread the SI system and change the chaotic situation about the enzyme activity unit of CAT and POD and APX, we downloaded 45 papers published in 2013 and 2014 containing CAT, POD and APX from springer database, and analyzed the catalytic mechanism and the method for determination of enzyme activity and the definition method of enzyme activity about CAT, POD and APX. We found that these enzyme activities of three enzymes were expressed by reduction rate of reactant amount or increasing rate of resultant amount which they catalyzed, and the amount which catalyzed could be detected at a certain wavelength. So through molar extinction coefficient of the reactant or resultant at its certain wavelength, all kinds of enzyme activity unit of CAT and POD and APX could be convert to IS unit by using three formulas, for example, extinction coefficient for hydrogen peroxide was 43.6 L/ (mol·cm) at 240 nm, for tetraguaiacol was 26.6 L/ (mmol·cm) at 470 nm, extinction coefficient for ascorbic acid was 2.8 L/ (mmol·cm) at 290 nm.
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    Research on the Resources Construction of Joint Information Systems Committee
    MIAO Qi
       2018, 30 (3): 18-22.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.03.003
    Abstract2362)      PDF(pc) (1173KB)(854)       Save
    The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) is a "non-government public institution" that supports UK teaching, research and management from the national level to the UK's higher education and skills sector as a unique educational information for the UK To promote the organization, in the world it also won a great reputation. This article describes in detail the general situation of JISC, the content and way of resource construction, and finally put forward the inspiration.
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    Institutions Retrieval Method Based on Web of Science
    FANG Wen-ge, WANG Li-jun, ZHANG Hong
       2015, 27 (4): 64-66.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2015.4.017
    Abstract1986)      PDF(pc) (2353KB)(852)       Save
    Web of Science Database is quantitative tools to evaluate the influence of academic institutions and research strength .Institutions retrieval method is an important means of academic evaluation, institutional retrieval recall and precision rates directly affect the authority and accuracy of academic evaluation.
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    Twenty Years of Left-Behind Children Education in Rural China: Based on Structural Topic Model
    WANG Xing, LI Yeye, ZHOU Tianyu, LIU Feng
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (9): 43-56.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0691
    Abstract295)      PDF(pc) (3126KB)(847)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The introduction of national poverty alleviation policies and rural revitalization strategies has thrust the issue of education for left-behind children into the spotlight of scholarly attention. Education, far beyond serving as a mere instrument for personal growth and human capital accumulation for left-behind children, emerges as a pivotal measure in consolidating rural poverty alleviation endeavors and breaking the transmission of intergenerational poverty in China. It stands as a vital force propelling the future of rural revitalization. Yet, the existing literature on the education of left-behind children remains sporadic and dispersed. A more profound organizational effort, integrating, synthesizing, and evaluating this scattered literature, is imperative to establish a foundational framework for future research, fostering more cohesive and focused research endeavors. Presently, literature review studies primarily fall into three categories: qualitative review methods, meta-analysis, and bibliometric analysis methods employing tools like Citespace. This study sets out to achieve a systematic and comprehensive understanding of education-related issues for rural left-behind children through text mining methods grounded in topic models. [Method/Process] The advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies has empowered the processing and analysis of vast amounts of textual data. Previous research, employing latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic models, successfully mined texts related to teacher team construction reform policies, internationalization in higher education literature, news reports, and online comments. In this study, a corpus was meticulously constructed using abstract texts extracted from 2037 journal articles published between 2002 and 2023. The structural topic model (STM) was chosen for topic modeling, overcoming the limitations associated with LDA, with a specific emphasis on exploring the diversity and dynamism of topics within the existing literature. [Results/Conclusions] The culmination of this research effort identified eight distinct research themes: psychological well-being, factors leading to left-behind children, macro-level coping strategies, types of guardianship, review studies, family education, media literacy, and micro-level coping strategies. By synergizing document metadata information, the study systematically unraveled the evolving trends of these topics over time, providing crucial insights into potential shifts in the focus of left-behind children's education research. It is essential to note that this study, while collecting abstracts instead of full texts, may not capture the entirety of information contained in complete research articles. Future research endeavors should explore left-behind children's education more comprehensively, leveraging full-text mining techniques for a more nuanced understanding of this critical subject.
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    Interlibrary Borrowing and Lending Module (IBLM) Integration with Small Open Online Class System (SPOCS) - Need Analysis and Development Strategy
    YU Xingfen
       2017, 29 (5): 56-62.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2017.5.013
    Abstract537)      PDF(pc) (2053KB)(847)       Save
    The need analysis of the IBLM is conducted in order to address a few existing issues at many libraries including possible solutions to logistics and management difficulties with library campaigns, facilitating better matching with classroom teaching needs, meeting the student and faculty research needs, and improving the effectiveness of library campaigns. Information is gathered from various library literature and websites to provide need analysis of the interlibrary borrowing and lending module at higher learning institutions in China.A detailed Interlibrary Borrowing and Lending Module (IBLM) development strategy is proposed to improve library service and utilization and facilitate classroom teaching from the perspective of personal and social needs, library campaigns sustainability and library resources management.
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    Advancing the Work on Ancient Classics in the New Era and Accelerating Innovative and Intelligent Development
    HUANG Shuiqing, WANG Xiaoguang, XIA Cuijuan, OUYANG Jiang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (5): 4-20.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0359
    Abstract674)      PDF(pc) (1562KB)(836)       Save
    The promulgation of the Opinions on Advancing the Management Work on Ancient Classics in the New Era brought great development opportunities to the research on protection and management of ancient books and documents, the innovative development of digital humanities and the upgrading of cultural industry. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the work on protection and management of ancient books and documents in China has achieved fruitful results. In order to advance the management work on ancient classics in the new era, and promote the sharing, publicity and reuse of ancient books and docuemnts, the Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture organized a special seminar on four directions.1)Computing humanities should become an important discipline method for the research and management work of ancient books and docuemnts in the new era. By making full use of computing humanities' theories and methods, and giving full play to the advantages of the knowledge base of ancient classics and related knowledge service platforms in humanities computing, semantic publishing and cultural popularization, more abundant resource base, more convenient technical support and more intuitive promotion form for the work on ancient classics in the New Era will be obtained.2)Data intelligence empowerment brings new opportunities to the development of ancient classics. In recent years, with the progress of image OCR recognition, natural language processing and machine learning technologies and their successful applications in the managment work on ancient books and documents, the management work on ancient classics has begun to advance from digital development to intelligent development.3)New technologies are explored for the sharing, publicity and reuse of ancient classics. Although the professionals in the industry of ancient books have been reducing the cost of and limitation to sharing ancient books by establishing the normative guarantee at the institutional level and exploring technological forces for a long time, they still fail to achieve the ideal effect on how to achieve the balance between preservation and utilization. The introduction of new technologies such as blockchain, the new business models such as non-homogeneous tokens, and the initial formation of new digital media industry chains such as "virtual digital human" and "digital collections" will provide new opportunities for the asset-based management of ancient books, and the development of cultural and creative products and the evidence-based on-chain based on the digital content of ancient books.4)Vitality and utilization of ancient books is the new task for the professionals in the industry. The aim can be achieved by using the text-orientation, datafication and knowledgeization as the means of transformation and utilization of ancient book resources in the new era, actively building the national digital resource platform of ancient books, and constructing the ancient book knowledge system through artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, and other intelligent media.
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    Toward Big Data Knowledge Services:Innovation of the Library Service Models in the Era of Big Data
    HU Lian-xiang
       2014, 26 (2): 173-177.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.2.043
    Abstract964)      PDF(pc) (1473KB)(830)       Save
    It is the innovation direction of library service model from the knowledge service towards big data knowledge service in the era of big data. Big data knowledge service is the knowledge service mode with facing the huge amounts of data processing, smart library and the next-generation library. It is the basic path to realize big data knowledge service, such as promoting big data applications rationally, strengthening the library humanistic care, maintaining and developing the library system, cultivating smart librarians and constructing library knowledge service platform based on big data.
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    Analysis of the Group Characteristics of Yuhua Heroes based on Lightweight Ontology
    HE Lin, WU Shuai, YE Yahui, BAI Ying
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (12): 33-44.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0876
    Abstract227)      PDF(pc) (1276KB)(820)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The spirit of Yuhuatai martyrs is one of the important components of the new democratic revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The primary documents about Yuhuatai martyrs is the significant source to record their spirit. Using text processing technologies, such as content annotation and feature construction to deeply excavate the content of the documents, which is not only conducive to carrying forward revolutionary culture and continuing the red spirit, but also beneficial to expanding the application objects of technology and promoting the improvement of text mining technology. [Method/Process] In this paper, the original documents related to Yuhuatai martyrs were used as the data source, which include 12,329 original records in 8 types of documents, including biographies of martyrs, letters, diaries, interrogation materials of the enemy and puppet governments, trial records, and oral history. Then the lightweight ontology of Yuhuatai martyrs was built, which was used as the feature description framework of Yuhuatai martyrs. Based on the domain ontology and trigger word features, relevant instances in the ontology were extracted from the documents of Yuhuatai martyrs, and the formal features of the multi-dimensional attributes of Yuhuatai martyrs were constructed and described. The categories and attributes of lightweight ontology described the Yuhuatai martyrs' group feature framework. Through the data analysis of the extracted ontology instance, the data analysis of Yuhuatai martyr group feature can be realized. [Results/Conclusions] Through the statistical analysis of the basic information, revolutionary activities and the relevant text content of the struggle in prison of Yuhuatai martyrs, this paper further revealed the group characteristics from the perspective of data, including: high education level, sacrifice at a young age, long-term struggle in the ruling center of the Kuomintang, adherence to faith, loyalty to CPC, full of family and country feelings of peace and order, and conscious practice of noble moral pursuit. By the application of lightweight ontology and other quantitative analysis methods in this paper, it is helpful to visualize the lofty ideals and beliefs of Yuhuatai martyrs, noble moral sentiments and the dauntless spirit of sacrifice for the people. This paper has a certain reference value for the presentation and dissemination of innovative Yuhuatai martyrs' spirit.
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    Prospects for Machine Learning Research and its Application in Agriculture
    HU Lin, LIU Tingting, LI Huan, CUI Yunpeng
    Agricultural Library and Information    2019, 31 (10): 12-22.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.09.19-0652
    Abstract1161)      PDF(pc) (1033KB)(815)       Save
    Machine learning is a machine-oriented data analysis method, and the research of automated machine learning promotes the development of artificial intelligence. The rapid accumulation of big data has promoted the development of machine learning algorithms. How to choose the right one to solve industry problems has been difficult in its applications. The authors sort out the new materials in this area, and carefully analyzes the characteristics of various machine algorithms and the differences between them, summarizes the background, advantages and disadvantages of them. On this basis, this paper analyzes the case of machine learning in agricultural applications, and summarizes it, finally, this paper points out the current development bottlenecks and proposes further research and application.
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    Research Status and Application Challenges of Altmetrics to Evaluate the Social Impact of Scientific Research Output
    LIU Chunli, LIU Liping, MA Fengmao
    Agricultural Library and Information    2019, 31 (5): 13-20.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.05.19-0465
    Abstract917)      PDF(pc) (1007KB)(791)       Save
    The evaluation of the social influence of scientific research output is an important topic concerned by the government and the fund. Altmetrics has long been recognized as having the potential to measure social impact, but its application in the field of scientific output social impact assessment is still in the theoretical and empirical exploration stage. Firstly, this paper explains the concept and connotation of social impact assessment of scientific research output, common methods and typical international social impact assessment projects. Secondly, the research status of Altmetrics in evaluating the social impact of scientific research output is summarized. Finally, the future challenges of Altmetrics in the application of social impact assessment are pointed out from four aspects: the development of Altmetrics platform and indicators based on domestic data sources, the construction of the data tracking and collection framework for localizing Altmetrics, the normalization of Altmetrics and the multi-dimensional subdivision of social impact.
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    Several Methods Based on SCI for Evaluating Scientific Research Performance and Their Applicability
    XU Xiao-qin
       2015, 27 (7): 66-69.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2015.07.014
    Abstract681)      PDF(pc) (1081KB)(783)       Save
    The number of papers published in SCI (Science Citation Index) journals and their cited times by other papers as well as impact factors of these SCI Journals have become important indicators for China's scientific performance evaluation system. Nevertheless, how to use these indicators for effectively evaluating research staff is still a controversial topic. From the analysis on advantages and disadvantages of SCI indicators, combined with the history of China's scientific research development and the process of personnel growth, the applicability of SCI indicators were comprehensively analyzed on the evaluation of scientific research achievements. Quantity of SCI papers should be used as an indicator for evaluating young scientists while the cited time of the papers by SCI journals should be considered as an important indicator for selecting high-end talents and evaluating national scientific and technological achievements, especially for the evaluation of National Awards for Natural Sciences. Using suitable SCI indicators in scientific performance evaluation system will not only promote scientific and technological innovation, and also play an important role in creating a good competiton environment for scientific research.
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    Study on the Reference work of National Peking Library in the Republican Period
    CAI Cheng-pu
       2016, 28 (7): 61-65.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.07.014
    Abstract650)      PDF(pc) (1290KB)(777)       Save
    According to the historical data of National Library of China, this paper summarized the development process and the service object change of reference group business in National Peking Library in the republican period, as well as the earliest record of consulting service and the typical service cases, and published books and articles of librarians, and showed the achievements of reference work in this period, which corrected the viewpoint proposed by some scholars that the reference work of National Peking Library during the Anti-Japanese War was interrupted.
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    Investigation on Social Impact of Academic Papers Based on Sina Weibo
    LIU Xuanzhen, CHEN Jing
       2017, 29 (9): 63-69.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2017.09.016
    Abstract665)      PDF(pc) (1483KB)(773)       Save
    This paper performed content analysis on blog posts discussing academic papers. The blog posts were categorized by the emotion and attitude which involved manually. It found, the public presented their attention and interests, put forward their view and attitude by social media. Academic papers impacted the public on their opinion and behavior, which reflected the social impact of academic research. Content analysis about social media can help to understand the interaction relationship between the public and the academic research, and promote the public to understand and participate in academic research as objective basis.
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    Ecological Mechanism of User Information Interaction in the Metaverse Environment
    GUO Yajun, YUAN Yiming, ZHANG Tengfei
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (6): 4-13.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0424
    Abstract490)      PDF(pc) (4229KB)(771)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Information ecology, as a kind of overall scenario of user information interaction behavior, reveals the basic logic of information flow among information elements in a particular environment. The study of information ecology in traditional information environment has been relatively mature. With the arrival of the metaverse, its characteristics of virtualization, immersion and decentralization have transformed user information interaction behavior, which in turn has brought about changes of the ecological interaction mechanism. We need to analyze the ecological mechanism of information interaction in the metaverse environment, in order to provide reference for relevant information theory research and promote the birth of metaverse informatics. [Method/Process] This paper stands on the information ecology perspective, takes the four ecological elements of information people, information, information environment and information technology as the entry point, and divides the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment into three layers of architecture: information interaction, information data and information technology. Among them, the information interaction layer contains information users and information environment. Unlike the information ecological chain, each information user in the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment is an integration of information producer, transmitter and consumer. Unlike the linear information flow in the information ecological chain, the information flow in the metaverse will show a wave-like diffusion. The information data layer provides the information resources in the information interaction ecology, and in this layer, we discuss the process from production to management of information resources under the metaverse environment. The information technology layer is the implementation path and basic support of the whole information interaction ecology, and in this layer we introduce several information technologies commonly used in the metaverse information interaction ecology. Through the above three-layer architecture, we have discussed the ecological composition of information interaction, information interaction logic, and information movement process as a whole to constitute the user information ecological mechanism under the metaverse enviornment. [Results/Conclusions] This paper constructs an ecological mechanism of user information interaction in the metaverse with a hierarchical architecture from the physical environment to the interaction scene, and provides strategies for the development of this mechanism from the perspectives of user, resource, technology, and governance. Taking the metaverse as the theoretical background, this study re-examines and expands the traditional information ecology theory, with the aim to provide a boost to the development of metaverse informatics. It is worth stating that the ecological mechanism of metaverse information interaction proposed in this paper is a theoretical prediction based on existing research, and the empirical conditions are insufficient.
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    Theoretical Mode and Implementation Path of Cultural and Creative Product Development in Public Libraries
    WANG Yi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (11): 5-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.11.20-0929
    Abstract390)      PDF(pc) (1715KB)(762)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] As is supported by national policies and promoted by social development, the development of cultural and creative products in China's public libraries has made initial achievements. However, the development is still in the elementary stage, and there is imbalance and disparity in the development process; efforts are needed to promote the in-depth development of cultural creative products with the aspects of organization and implementation plan, diversified creative design and extension of promotion approaches. Based on the theoretical and practical research, this paper proposes the theoretical model and implementation path for the development of cultural and creative products in public libraries, in order to provide references in methods and decision support for promoting cultural and creative products in libraries. [Method/Process] This paper reviews the current status of studies on cultural and creative products at home and abroad, and summarizes the current situation, differences and problems of cultural and creative product development in domestic and overseas public libraries by means of an investigation and interviews. [Results/Conclusions] This paper constructs the development model of cultural and creative products in public libraries from six aspects: theory, research, organization, design, promotion and evaluation, and then analyzes the realization path and solution strategy of the model.
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    Research of User Experience Service Based on Broken Window Theory
    PAN Wen-jia
       2015, 27 (9): 167-169.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2015.09.041
    Abstract568)      PDF(pc) (1059KB)(758)       Save
    For the university library, any broken window phenomenon will influence its user experience. Only zero tolerance for the existence of broken windows phenomenon can enhance the user experience and improve the quality of service. Starting from the origin and connotation of broken window theory, this article explicitly analyzed the impact of broken window phenomenon on the user experience of university library, and proposed the corresponding solution measures to play a certain reference role for the user experience service of university library.
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