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Current Issue
05 July 2014, Volume 26 Issue 7
Information forum
Current Situation and Trend of ASTEAN Information Resources Construction in Libraries | Open Access
ZHANG Ying, SU Rui-zhu
2014, 26(7):  5-9.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.001
Asbtract ( 518 )   PDF (1148KB) ( 394 )  
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Learn a foreign language, non-Universal Language Literature experience in the construction of the security system, China's the ASEAN Literature Information Resources in the status quo, the progress of building a variety of resources, ASEAN literature information services and other information resources security system research to be reviewed and summarized.
Study on the Smart Libraries Architecture Based on the Internet of things | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  10-14.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.002
Asbtract ( 533 )   PDF (2421KB) ( 489 )  
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Describe the basic concepts identification, key technology and how it works about the Things. Analysis of the current status of the smart library in and abroad based on the Things .Noted some earlier smart application of RFID tags and other things questions. Try building the smart libraries architecture model based on the Things.
Based on Cross-platform Tools PhoneGap to Develop Mobile Library | Open Access
YANG Wen-jun
2014, 26(7):  15-18.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.003
Asbtract ( 510 )   PDF (2175KB) ( 351 )  
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Since the concept of cross-platform development technologies emerge, the tools of cross-platform mobile development become the preferred for developers, Porting, testing workload also reduced. But these tools have their own characteristics, scope varies. This paper attempts to the process of development mobile library with PhoneGap, Exploration based on PhoneGap, standard development languages of WEB(HTML、CSS、JavaScript、xml),JavaScript framework under development model of environmental information dissemination system the possibility and reality, Test results show that the technical route feasible.
Research on Perfection of Grass-Root Library Construction based on New Unbanization Development Exemplified by Liaoning Province | Open Access
WANG Xiao-qing
2014, 26(7):  19-21.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.004
Asbtract ( 514 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 289 )  
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This paper discusses the new-type urbanization development trends of grass-root library in Liaoning Province. And it illustrates some problems needing attention during the grass-root library urbanization development. The author makes further study on countermeasures of grass-root library service system construction in Liaoning Province.
Resources construction
Digital Library Resources Construction of My Humble Oinion | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  22-25.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.005
Asbtract ( 476 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 260 )  
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Resource is the indispensable core content in the library of digital construction.As constantly de-epening as people depending on the digital library,the quality of resource construction directly affects t-he service utility of the digital library. This paper mainly introduces the digital library resources constru-tion and its main features,elaborates the present situation of the digital library resources construction,a-nalyzes the main existing problem and on this basis,it proposes some suggestions and measures for enr-iching and improving the digital library resources construction.
Reflections on the Construction of Public Library Information Resources | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  26-28.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.006
Asbtract ( 632 )   PDF (1129KB) ( 165 )  
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Public libraries have a wealth of information resources. This article makes a reflection on the construction of information resources of public libraries from three aspects, in order to point out the efforts the public library should make on information resources construction.
A New Visual on DJVU in Local Literature Resources Construction | Open Access
WANG Cong-cong
2014, 26(7):  29-32.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.007
Asbtract ( 666 )   PDF (1447KB) ( 217 )  
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As the the coming of of the information age, local literature Resources of digitized and digital resource development has become the core work of the library construction and promotion, how to deal with the collection of local literature resources in the digital environment "owned" and "access" relationship to mature the standardized digital resources services to the people, has become the biggest challenge facing libraries today. This article from the local literature digital object format DJVU departure, from digital object processing system TRS, data with recorded classified and standards and local literature figures of published application platform design, such as the construction of a new perspective to explore the analysis of its in library local digitization building the application prospects
Network technology
Research and Improvement of Feature Selection for Page Categorization in Digital Library | Open Access
BAO Ling-yun
2014, 26(7):  33-35.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.008
Asbtract ( 782 )   PDF (1349KB) ( 134 )  
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Firstly this paper analyzed the importance of applying page categorization in digital library, then it introduced the connation and basic technologies of page categorization. Also the author studied two main feature selection methods specially: Mutual Information algorithm and Chi-square algorithm. Meanwhile, the paper pointed the current weaknesses of the two feature selection methods and put forward corresponding improving measures.
Analysis of China's key subject network architecture based on SNA | Open Access
WANG Yun-ying
2014, 26(7):  36-39.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.009
Asbtract ( 700 )   PDF (1351KB) ( 155 )  
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The article is grounded in the 2007 ministry of education approval of national-level key subjects, using social network analysis to visualize the national key subjects' network architecture, analyzing the network architecture from network density and network-centric point of view, is helpful to understand the national key subjects' overall characteristics from the network perspective. In addition, the article puts comparative analysis from the number of schools in key subjects and the schools' number of key subjects.
Literature study
Visualized Analysis of Subject Service based on Citespace | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  40-43.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.010
Asbtract ( 759 )   PDF (1353KB) ( 251 )  
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With the tool of mapping knowledge visualization software Citespace Ⅱ , this paper made a keyword analysis of 808 theses on the topic of subject service which are included in CNKI database and published during 1994-2013. This paper put previous studies on subject service into four parts and made a deep overview respectively, in order to make a simple summary of the field, as well as provide some reference for further research of Chinese university libraries' subject service.
Statistics and Analysis of Research Papers in Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences of 2013 | Open Access
ZHANG Qing, WANG Fang, HE Jing, MA Jian-rong, GUO Wen-chao, LI Chao-hui
2014, 26(7):  44-48.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.011
Asbtract ( 637 )   PDF (2195KB) ( 178 )  
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It is an integrated agricultural academic periodical which is distributed openly at home and abroad, and which is also the first one that was started in Xinjiang with the most influential power in agriculture. In order to make the fullest use of its advantages in exchange of scientific and technological information in agriculture and in displaying its relevant outcomes and information feedback, this paper intends to analyse the general current situation in agricultural research, related organizations, research teams’ research dynamics and development tendencies in the year 2013 from the perspective of papers sources, the composition of subject branches, the structure of the corresponding authors and the number of papers supported by annual fund programs. What is being done aims to provide scientific reference for all the research organizations, management and decision making departments of higher institutions to accurately understand their research progress and academic dynamics and evaluate the creative capacity, vitality, influential factors and performance of individual research members, their teams, project groups and scientific research sectors.
Research on Library Articles Concerning Microblog in China: based on Biliometrics | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  49-53.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.012
Asbtract ( 838 )   PDF (1665KB) ( 147 )  
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Based on the CNKI "Chinese Journal Full-text Database",we analyzed the recent publications about library microblog with information metrology related theories and methods. The analyses were conducted along with the distributions of published years and journals as well as the authors and word frequency. Moreover, we did a comprehensive statistical analysis on the theme of the content of literature as well. In short, we attempted to review the current research on the library articles on microblog in China and point out the critical shortcomings first, and then provide some suggestions accordingly.
Research on Evolution and Research Frontier of Domestic Library and information Science in the Last Decade | Open Access
MAO Gui-fang
2014, 26(7):  54-57.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.013
Asbtract ( 930 )   PDF (1627KB) ( 407 )  
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This paper uses CiteSpaceII and SPSS to analysis the paper published in the key journals of Library and Information Science in China in recent 10 years, and obtains the research status and frontier of this field. Research results show that the field has formed the key of the relatively stable and highly cited authors, and the research frontier mainly focus on the management and service of library, information resources construction, knowledge management, information technology services.
Work study
Construct of University Library Management Framework from the Perspective of Knowledge Management | Open Access
WANG Zhen-xing
2014, 26(7):  58-60.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.014
Asbtract ( 542 )   PDF (1270KB) ( 316 )  
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Sectors of the society is paying more attention to knowledge management as the continuous development of the global information technology. It has been an inevitable trend that university libraries shall introduce the concept of knowledge management to promote the innovation of service system. Knowledge management can explore potential capacity of librarian and the entire organization. It can also be helpful to build a real learning library and cultivate innovative talents for the university. Based on knowledge management, the article proposes several strategies to build university library management framework.
Research on Library Indoor Environment Improvement | Open Access
WANG Yan-ming, ZHANG Yu-qing
2014, 26(7):  61-67.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.015
Asbtract ( 582 )   PDF (1224KB) ( 436 )  
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The harmful materials that decorating produce seriously pollute indoor environment. The fog haze weather recently appeared has caused more people's attention to indoor air quality. As important public place, there are many pollution sources in library. These sources were classified into dust, harmful organisms, harmful gas, electromagnetic radiation and noise. Development strategy and technology were researched. Adopting scientific strategies including ventilation, dust prevention, lighting and decoration contribute to control pollution sources and reduce the pollution degree. Combining with actual library working experience and emerging technology in the field of environmental protection, library indoor environment improvement technology is put forward. These technologies mainly include dust removal, air purification, disinfection and indoor greening.
The Research and Practice on “Happiness Library Construction”——Taking the Library of Hebei Normal University as an Example | Open Access
LIU Zong-li, YAO Xiu-min, LI Shu-wen, ZHAO Hai-fei
2014, 26(7):  68-71.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.016
Asbtract ( 672 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 171 )  
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Building “happiness library” is society responsibility for library organization. Guided by happiness view of Marxism, improve librarians' professional happiness, from the aspect of library organizations can start with create a harmonious organization atmosphere, establish fair and reasonable system of rewards and penalties, broaden librarians career development path, promote librarians physical and psychological health development, build gardening library landscape; on the other aspect, from the aspect of readers feel the happiness of the library, libraries and librarians strive with research and practice on happiness library construction altogether.
The University Library Collection Evaluation Based On “Evidence-based librarianship” | Open Access
ZHANG Hui, LI Hong, LU Xiao-yan, WANG Li-min
2014, 26(7):  72-74.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.017
Asbtract ( 533 )   PDF (1453KB) ( 213 )  
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In this paper, it is the first time that we apply evidence-based idea in the university library collection evaluation, according to the definition and procedure of “Evidence-based librarianship”(EBL): formulate clearly-defined, relevant to collection, and answerable questions, gain an insight into users' requirements directly; search for the objective and pertinent evidence in all available resources; critically analysis and evaluate the evidence; take full advantage of the evidence and analysis the result. Thereby, through the EBL progress above, the service quality of the university library could be improved, library decision- making could become scientific and rational, construction and development of the collection could be guided.
Quality Evaluation of Self-circulation System Durinig the Implementation | Open Access
DANG Hai-xia, ZHENG Jian-li, WU Hai-xia
2014, 26(7):  75-78.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.018
Asbtract ( 669 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 291 )  
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The use of Self-service circulation system has brought the University’s humanistic management to a new level. In this paper, a series of measures were given, according the using of Self-check system in China University of Mining Technology, by exploring the effects arising in the implementation, as well as the reflecting problems.
Case Study Based on Empirical Cases: The Secret Emotional Labor of Academic Library Reference Job | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  79-81.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.019
Asbtract ( 560 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 397 )  
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Secret emotional labor is usually produced during the process of academic library reference job. This paper examines what causes emotional labor and how to solve the problems through concrete empirical cases.
Discussion of Role Conversion in Library——Take the Library in Zhaoqing District as an example | Open Access
FAN Wu-mei
2014, 26(7):  82-84.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.020
Asbtract ( 643 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 282 )  
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This paper takes the library in ZhaoQing as an example and discusses background of the role conversion, status of the role and its initiatives in library.
Study on How to Correctly Handle Complaints of Library Readers——Taking Guangzhou library as an example | Open Access
ZUO Xiao-lin
2014, 26(7):  85-88.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.021
Asbtract ( 524 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 284 )  
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With the development of network information, the development environment of the library to meet new challenges hitherto unknown. Readers’ dissatisfaction is an unavoidable problem in the library. Taking Guangzhou library as an example, the main reasons of reader's complaint and readers complain that the form of expression, and the library correctly handle the effective methods and Strategies of reader's complaint for the corresponding discussion. For reference, and CRM customer relationship management for library readers complain about the significance of some tentative.
Study on issues of village library construction and countermeasures——Taking village library of Tianjin Beichen District as an Example | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  89-91.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.022
Asbtract ( 536 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 322 )  
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In recent years, as a major cultural benefiting projects,village library is rapidly expanding and has made a remarakable achievement. This paper points out some major problems which appear in the process of rapid development on the basis of understanding the status of village library. It also puts forward different way of development for improving and perfecting governance mechanism of village library, will promote its sustainable development.
Discussion on Cataloguing of the Authorized Western Language Reprints and Related Different Versions and the Show of the Title Number | Open Access
FAN Li-na
2014, 26(7):  92-94.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.023
Asbtract ( 590 )   PDF (1148KB) ( 544 )  
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This paper expounds the features of the authorized western language reprints and the related different versions, discusses the classification and cataloging method of this kind of books and puts forward the author’s suggestion.
Summary of Our Library Collection Weeding for Decades | Open Access
YU Chun-Yan
2014, 26(7):  95-98.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.024
Asbtract ( 603 )   PDF (1301KB) ( 335 )  
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Collection weeding is important work of library construction. From the six aspects such as the reason、principles、method、management,this paper combed the research of collection weeding for decades. Analysis showed that weeding study of this period is steady progress, especially on the old method of picking a breakthrough, but the overall research level is not high, the lack of empirical research, the system needs to be further deepened.
The Maintenance of Call Number in Library Bibliographic Data | Open Access
ZOU Juan
2014, 26(7):  99-101.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.025
Asbtract ( 576 )   PDF (1263KB) ( 167 )  
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The high quality of the library bibliographic data is the guarantee for the recall ratio and precision ratio of the literature. Call number as a field in the key, its maintenance is particularly important. This paper analyzes the cause and types of the error of call numbers in detail, by describing the steps of maintenance for the call number. The method of correcting mistakes is also put forward in order to achieve the scientific nature the and uniqueness of the call number.
Reading Guidance for Periodicals in Public Libraries under the New Information Environment | Open Access
HE Jia-ling
2014, 26(7):  102-104.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.026
Asbtract ( 564 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 208 )  
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Reading Guidance for Periodicals in Public Libraries has obtained important development opportunity. This paper explores some measures for periodicals reading guidance including current contents alerting services, reading guidance of brand orientation subject periodicals, strengthening propaganda and promotion, periodicals reading promotion for different people and the service integration of printed periodicals and electronic periodicals.
The Work of University Library and Emotional Labor | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  105-106.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.027
Asbtract ( 469 )   PDF (1121KB) ( 326 )  
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Emotional labor and physical labor, mental labor is the third mode of labor,is an important factor in service industry. University library is the academic information supporting education and academic research university, providing education and research support services organization. University Librarians and teachers and students in daily contact with very close. Therefore, Emotional labor plays a more and more important role in the work of university library. By using the emotional labor in university library work analysis.
Intellectual Property Issues in Reader Services of University Libraries | Open Access
ZHANG Wei-cong
2014, 26(7):  107-109.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.028
Asbtract ( 720 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 174 )  
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This article discusses the intellectual property issues in reader services of university libraries,and analyzes the cause,and then puts forward some approaches countermeasures on how to address and avoid the the intellectual property issues in reader services of university libraries.
Information education
The construction of Virtual Reality Training System Based on Sketchup——Taking the Library of Anhui Medical University as an Example | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  110-113.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.029
Asbtract ( 594 )   PDF (1929KB) ( 199 )  
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In order to solve the problem of low utilization of electronic resources in the Anhui Medical University library,we attempts to construct 3D virtual training system using Sketchup Technology.This paper briefly expounds the image-based modeling steps, method and the function of 3D virtual training system. In the future, We will use the traditional training mode and 3D virtual training system in order to attract users to actively participate in, to improve the utilization ratio of the electronic resources.
Micro-Retrieval Course Teaching Model | Open Access
SHI Hui-dan, XIAO Yi
2014, 26(7):  114-116.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.030
Asbtract ( 600 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 365 )  
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According to the concept and characteristics of the microlecture, the paper tries to use microlecture concept in the literature retrieval teaching and discusses the model of the literature retrieval microlecture.
Empirical Research on College Students’ Credibility Judgments in the Information-Seeking Process——A Case Study in Guangdong Communication Polytechnic | Open Access
YUAN Yu-ying
2014, 26(7):  117-119.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.031
Asbtract ( 603 )   PDF (1158KB) ( 294 )  
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This paper makes a empirical research on college students’ credibility judgments in the information-seeking process, taking Guangdong Communication Polytechnic as object.
The Thinking of New Media Reading under the e-times | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  120-122.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.032
Asbtract ( 505 )   PDF (1289KB) ( 330 )  
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E-times refers to electronic age, internet age; With the development of E times, Information resources tend to digitization, networking, the way of reading of new media emerged gradually changing the way of reading of traditional byl the paper 。People using computers 、mobil phones、readers and other electronic media to read. This article aims to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of new media reading; and pointed out the measures of media reading.
The Research of University Librarians’ Continuing Education | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  123-125.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.033
Asbtract ( 658 )   PDF (1244KB) ( 210 )  
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Twenty-first Century is a knowledge economy and information era with the network as the core, it sets forward higher requirements for librarians. This paper discusses the necessity and urgency of university librarians’ continuing education. Use a Nanjing university as example, analyzes the importance and possibility of university library continuing education, and probes into the mode of university library continuing education.
Study on the Characteristics of Regulation of Cognition of College Students' Network Reading and its Countermeasures | Open Access
ZHANG Ying-ying
2014, 26(7):  126-129.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.034
Asbtract ( 559 )   PDF (1152KB) ( 203 )  
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This paper analyses the cognitive control process of the network reading, and understands college students' reading purpose, motivation, interest, strategy, willpower and other factors impact of network reading. Points out the mainly problems existed in the net reading and suggests some education countermeasures of how to develop net reading.
Public Library and Civic Digital Literacy | Open Access
MO Bin
2014, 26(7):  130-132.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.035
Asbtract ( 520 )   PDF (1127KB) ( 222 )  
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This paper discusses the content of civic digital literacy in digital times, the function and the processes of public library in educating civics how to acquiring digital literacy skills. By the efforts of all educating institutions and government, try to make every citizen to be a person with digital literacy, construct China with digital literacy, one China with digital literacy will be beneficial for economic sustainable growth, harmonious society to be created, and China dream to be realized early in our country.
Editing &Publishing
Study on Academic Integrity Guarantee Mechanism and Development of Periodicalls | Open Access
LU Hong-zhou
2014, 26(7):  133-136.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.036
Asbtract ( 517 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 261 )  
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Academic integrity is becoming the focus of academic circles, as the key of style consturction and the academic atmosphere directly decides the level of scientific research and development in colleges and universities. In recent years a number of academic misconducts to a certain extent reflect the abnormal situation of integrity mechanism, belong to the academic corruption and seriously violate the university spirits. Academic journal is an important platform for academic integrity, to establish an effective academic integrity guarantee system is closely related to the construction of journals and has a fundamental influence on the modernization and acamemisation of the journals.
Differentiation Analysis on Usage of “year” and “day” | Open Access
XIONG Shui-bin, LUO Chao, ZHOU Hong-mei
2014, 26(7):  137-140.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.037
Asbtract ( 696 )   PDF (1160KB) ( 397 )  
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Aiming at the problem of how to precisely judge the "year" and "day" being time unit or not in scientific papers, the usage of "year" and "day" were analyzed in detail. It is pointed out that when “year” and "day" are used to be time measure unit, they should be expressed as unit symbols, i.e. a and d, respectively; when they indicate time series, counting number, habit time, and a period of time, et al, "year" and "day" are not expression of a specific time, they should be Chinese characters "year" and "day" used rather than unit symbols.
Service management
Study on the construction of the comprehensive evaluation index system of employment service level of University Library | Open Access
HE Xiao-zhen
2014, 26(7):  141-144.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.038
Asbtract ( 548 )   PDF (1312KB) ( 239 )  
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The library providing employment services for college students, becomes an important way for Library's innovation in employment service contents and methods, which has important theoretical and practical significance to carry out the employment service of university students in University Library.Through starting from the theory and practice of employment service of University Library, from five levels of the employment service environment, employment service support, employment service content, employment services methods, employment services Achievements and etc in the comprehensive evaluation index system of employment service level of University Library.Finally, from the development capacity, the base power, quality of service and etc to put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the level of employment service of University library.
Report on the Research of Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County Public Information Services | Open Access
LI Wan-mei
2014, 26(7):  145-152.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.039
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Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County is located in the economically underdeveloped western regions, where the harsh natural conditions, economic and cultural lag, traffic inconvenience, lack of information, which are the negative factors of the public information services to the region, but also a serious impact on the region's public information services and orderly development. This article focuses on the Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County Public Information Status by analyzing the Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County in the construction of a public information service problems and constraints, combined with local conditions, thus some suggestions and countermeasures are given at the end.
A Study of University Libraries’ Information Service Model based on Instant Messaging Tools | Open Access
HAN Yu-qiao, LI Juan-juan
2014, 26(7):  153-156.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.040
Asbtract ( 581 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 168 )  
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With Instant messenger as a new force suddenly rising in E-era, the ways of obtaining information change correspondingly for university students. Based on instant messenging tools having the advantages of efficiency, interactivity, strong function and the development potential of space and the methods of obtaining information demandtendency for students, the paper puts forward some strategy analysis of the service innovation of university library.
Study on the Mobile Phone Reading Service Promotion in University Library | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  157-160.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.041
Asbtract ( 521 )   PDF (1276KB) ( 290 )  
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Mobile phone reading , as a new form of reading, provides the promotion strategy for university library reading service innovation. In order to meet the need of college students mobile phone reading, the paper, basing on the characteristics of mobile phone reading, suggests some mobile phone reading platform selection and assessment of recommendations in the university libraries and discusses the University Library Reading Promotion Strategy of mobile phone service from reading content, interactive, personalized service in three aspects.
Study on the service mode of University Library Characteristic Database Oriented to enterprise innovation | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  161-163.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.042
Asbtract ( 608 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 176 )  
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From the University Library's development and the necessity for enterprises to carry out special database marketing began, according to the characteristics of the enterprise the service pattern of characteristic database framework based on the school enterprise cooperation.
A Discussion of the Model of Coordinated Loan and Return for Multi-campus Academic Libraries——Taking Xiamen University Libraries as an Example | Open Access
XIE Ming-quan
2014, 26(7):  164-167.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.043
Asbtract ( 618 )   PDF (1157KB) ( 136 )  
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Under the premise of uniform automatic system and collection system, constructing a efficient mode of coordinated loan and return for multi-campus academic libraries, includes system support、operation mode of coordinated loan and return、circulation rules、logistics mode、the way of registration and notice etc., and taking the coordinated loan and return work in Xiamen University Libraries as an example.
Example Analysis and Enlightenment of Subject Service from Five American University Libraries | Open Access
HU Xuan-zhen
2014, 26(7):  168-171.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.044
Asbtract ( 529 )   PDF (1150KB) ( 221 )  
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This paper analyzed the subject service of five famous American university libraries and obtained the information of its present situation,characteristics and developing trend. The aim is to broaden our horizon and provide a new perspective to promote the development of subject service of university libraries in China.
Study on Library Knowledge Navigation Service mode under Network Environment | Open Access
YUAN Lin-rong
2014, 26(7):  172-174.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.045
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With the development of the knowledge economy and knowledge society, knowledge management philosophy, thanks to support of information technology which has undergone tremendous changes, massive information resource requirements of users of information and knowledge toward accurate, fine direction, knowledge navigation becomes essential knowledge management component. Library as an important information resource distribution center in knowledge construction and navigation service process is very prominent. In this paper, a library, for example, to discuss the construction and implementation of the network environment library knowledge navigation service model, and to analyze trends library knowledge navigation.
Analysis of Difficult Development on Embedded Service in Provincial University Llibrary | Open Access
LI Jing-jing
2014, 26(7):  175-177.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.046
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The embedded service is the future direction of the development of the library career, Library of colleges and universities have carried out different levels of embedded service discovery in our county. This paper illustrates the connotation and the mode of embedded service, probes the difficulties and challenges in the development of the embedded service in provincial university library, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasure and suggestion.
The History and Status Quo of the Studies of Reader Service in the University Library in China | Open Access
GAO Hong-yan
2014, 26(7):  178-180.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.047
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Studies of reader service occupy a central position in the university library research. Chinese studies of reader service in the university library began in the early 1980s, developed quickly in the 1990s and thrived in the 21st century. For more than 30 years since the beginning of the 1980s, Chinese studies of reader service in the university library have been expanding their areas and new concerns and perspectives have been appearing. Although the studies have made many achievements, there have been many studies that lack problem-awareness, originality-awareness, comparison-awareness and reflection-awareness, which should draw attention from critics.
Research on Model of Individualized Digital Reference Service based on Cloud Computing | Open Access
LIU Qiao
2014, 26(7):  181-183.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.048
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Based on the connotation and feature of cloud computing,and the essence of Digital Reference Service, this paper discusses the advantages of Digital Reference Service on the cloud computing, analyzed and proposed a model of Individualized Digital Reference Service based on cloud computing. It is hoped to make reference to apply cloud computing in library digital reference service.
Using Seats Nanagement System——Best Strategy to Govern the Phenomenon of Saving Seats in University Libraries | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  184-187.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.049
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To save seats is a phenomenon which has long history. Discussing how to govern this confused phenomenon is a topic that has been paid close attention to by insiders. Practice shows that using seats management system is the best strategy. Taking the library of university of science and technology Liaoning as an example , the author gives a positive evaluation to this system, and puts forward some problems needing attention.
Library's Service Strategy Based on the Talent Cultivation of University | Open Access
WU Zhao-wen
2014, 26(7):  188-191.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.050
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University is to cultivate moral, intellectual, physical, beautiful all-round development of the social talented Persons, and the main function of the university library is training talents in universities and colleges, it takes an important role in college students' moral quality, cultural quality, information quality, professional quality and the quality of emotional intelligence on the nurturance education directly or indirectly; The article around the cultivation of talents, from five aspects ,such as humanistic, institutionalization and humanization, personalization and digitization , has carried on the shallow to discuss the construction of the library service.
Free service: Basic Level Public Library's Location and Practice | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  192-195.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.051
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Basic level public library's free service can real form features, only fixed position exactly and take on the social responsibility of the public cultural institutions. This paper in combination with basic level library's free service's practice experience, the innovation of library service development thinking.
Research on Individualized Knowledge Service of Library Based on Knowledge Map | Open Access
2014, 26(7):  196-198.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.052
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With the transformation of the development of information technology and people's way of life and service concept,It's the route one must take the library developmentto provide individualized knowledge service.It's to better play the role of libraries and to meet readers'different needs to provide individualized knowledge service. Introducing on the knowledge map and personalized knowledge services, It demonstrates feasibility and application method of knowledge map application in library individualized knowledge service and enhances the individualized knowledge service of library efficiency to introduce the knowledge map.
Human Resources
Human Factor Analysis in the Construction of Institutional Repository | Open Access
HE Yun
2014, 26(7):  199-202.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.053
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The human factor plays an important part in every link of the institutional repository construction. This article analyses human resource structure in institutional repository construction, and from the following four angles, organizational leadership, resource providing, technology development, maintenance and promotion, analyses the form and function of all kinds of personnel in the institutional repository construction.
Study on Performance Evaluation System for University Librarians | Open Access
CHEN Run-ping
2014, 26(7):  203-206.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.054
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The research on the system of the university and college library performance management has been an important subject raised recently in practice of library administration in China. But the librarian is a complex collectivity and every staff members worked in different Positions. It is result a difficulty to evaluate the performance appraisal for university library. In this paper, the evaluation situation of university librarians has been comprehensive analyzed. Furthermore, the performance evaluation index, method and procedure have been study. The results are beneficial to the construction and effective implementation for the library performance appraisal system.
Pitfalls of Peter Principle in University Library's Personnel Management and its Countermeasures | Open Access
ZHANG Chun-feng
2014, 26(7):  207-208.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2014.7.055
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Through analyzing the promotion phenomenon of personnel management in University Library, we found that the promotion as a means to encourage mode, incomes directly related to the positions, the lack of job competency model, and other factors resulting the library exsists pitfalls of Peter Principle in job promotion, and resulting an unreasonable situation of human resources. This paper put forward that through guiding librarians do a good career plan, perfecting the salary system, creating multi-track promotion opportunities, establishing job competency model, sounding librarian training system, and optimizing job promotion by work incentives,etc, the library coould avoid pitfalls of Peter Principle in personnel management.