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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 19-33.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0417

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Evaluation and Influencing Factors of Farmers' Digital Literacy Levels in the Context of the Digital Countryside

Chen MA1,2,3, Jin LI1,2,3(), Zexin LI1,2,3, Beibei FAN1,2,3, Xian FENG1,2,3   

  1. 1. Information Technology Research Center of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097
    2. National Agricultural Information Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100097
    3. Key Laboratory of Digital Village Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100097
  • Received:2024-05-18 Online:2024-07-05 Published:2024-11-26
  • Contact: Jin LI


[Purpose/Significance] Farmers' digital literacy is the prerequisite and foundation for the construction and development of digital rural areas. How to quantitatively assess farmers' digital literacy, accurately identify the influencing factors, and then purposefully improve farmers' digital literacy level, and stimulate farmers' vitality in digital village construction has become an urgent task for the current construction of digital villages in China. [Method/Process] Based on the definition of the relevant concepts of farmers' digital literacy, this article constructs an evaluation index system for farmers' digital literacy in Beijing based on theoretical and practical bases, and combines 236 pre-survey data to comprehensively use exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to test the rationality of the evaluation index system. Based on 1500 questionnaire survey data from 13 agricultural areas in Beijing, the current level of digital literacy among farmers in Beijing was evaluated and analyzed. A regression model was constructed to analyze and explore the influencing factors of digital literacy among farmers in Beijing from three dimensions: personal factors, resource supply factors, and environmental factors. [Results/Conclusions] Based on the KAP theoretical model and the practical development needs of Beijing's digital countryside and smart city construction, the article constructs an evaluation system for Beijing farmers' digital literacy indicators, which includes six primary indicators: digital concept awareness, digital general literacy, digital technology literacy, digital innovation literacy, digital social literacy, and digital security awareness, as well as 26 secondary indicators. According to the calculation, the overall digital literacy level of Beijing farmers is 68.15, and there are significant differences between different regions, dimensions, and groups. From a regional perspective, the digital literacy level of farmers in Fengtai District is relatively high, while that in Daxing District is relatively low. In terms of indicators, farmers have the highest level of digital security literacy, while their levels of digital innovation literacy and digital technology literacy are relatively low. In terms of group characteristics, small farmers and older people aged 60 and over have the lowest levels of digital literacy. Farmers' digital literacy is negatively influenced by age, but positively influenced by education level, income level, digital training, digital services, popularization of digital science, digital living atmosphere, and digital network. It is suggested to effectively enhance farmers' digital literacy and promote their participation in digital rural areas by strengthening top-level design, creating a good atmosphere, building a lifelong learning system, and establishing a guarantee mechanism.

Key words: digital countryside, farmers' digital literacy, conceptual framework, level evaluation, influencing factor

CLC Number: 

  • G725


Digital literacy framework for farmers in Beijing"

Table 1

Evaluation index system for digital literacy of Beijing farmers"

一级指标 二级指标 具体问项
数字概念意识(X1) 数字化概念辨析(X11) 能否熟练地区分机械化与数字化
数字化基础意识(X12) 认为通过互联网等数字化手段获取信息的重要性如何
数字化应用意识(X13) 认为通过互联网等数字化手段学习、工作、生产的重要性如何
数字通用素养(X2) 基本硬件使用技能(X21) 能否熟练掌握智能手机、电脑的一般功能
基本硬件维护技能(X22) 能否熟练地通过定期杀毒、系统升级等自主维护智能手机、电脑等终端的正常运转
基本软件下载技能(X23) 能否熟练地掌握下载与安装软件、APP的能力
基本软件使用技能(X24) 能否明确地知道不同软件的使用功能
数字技术素养(X3) 数字信息获取能力(X31) 遇到问题时,能否熟练地通过互联网进行在线搜索
数字理解与分析能力(X32) 在阅读涵盖数据、图表内容的文字、报告、新闻内容时,能否轻松地理解数据的含义以及数据之间的关系
数字化生产场景应用能力(X33) 能否熟练地运用数字化“新农具”(如使用数字化环境监控系统、水肥一体化系统、病虫害监测系统、农业物联网、畜禽舍综合管理系统、质量安全追溯系统)
数字化经营场景应用能力(X34) 能否熟练地运用电子商务平台进行农产品宣传与销售
数字化管理场景应用能力(X36) 能否熟练地运用农业相关管理系统(如农业基本信息管理系统、财务管理系统、销售管理系统、市场信息系统、客户管理系统等)
数字化生活场景应用能力(X36) 能否熟练地在网上缴纳水电费、燃气费、暖气费、电话费等生活开支
数字化学习场景应用能力(X37) 能否熟练地通过互联网进行专业知识/技能的学习与提升
数字化金融场景应用能力(X38) 能否熟练地运用微信、支付宝、网上银行进行网上收付
数字化娱乐场景应用能力(X39) 能否熟练地使用视频软件、音乐软件、游戏软件等娱乐软件
数字创新素养(X4) 数字化文本创新能力(X41) 能否熟练地使用office、WPS等软件编辑文字/表格并进行在线协同工作
数字化图像创新能力(X42) 能否熟练地制作生活、工作相关电子相册
数字化视频创新能力(X43) 能否熟练地制作、剪辑生活、工作相关短视频
数字媒体内容创新能力(X44) 能否会用微博、微信、QQ等媒体平台来表达自己的想法或观点
数字社交素养(X5) 亲人数字化社交能力(X51) 能否熟练地通过微信、QQ等平台与亲人/朋友进行线上聊天与信息共享
熟人数字化社交能力(X52) 能否熟练地通过电子邮件等数字化通信方式与熟人进行线上沟通、洽谈
陌生人数字化社交能力(X53) 能否在微博、抖音、快手、小红书等平台上建立自媒体账号,向陌生人分享自己的生活与工作
数字安全素养(X6) 个人信息和隐私防护意识(X61) 使用网上银行、支付宝等互联网金融平台时,能否采取措施或相关措施维护账号及密码等信息的安全(如绑定手机号、动态验证码等)
信息安全鉴别意识(X62) 能否会通过不同渠道来确定网上信息的真实性(如网络诈骗信息等)
网络健康辨别意识(X63) 能否区分网络中的不良信息或行为(如网络谣言、网络暴力等)

Table 2

Demographics of respondents in the second round of the sample survey"

变量 选项 样本量/人 比例/% 变量 选项 样本量/人 比例/%
年龄 18~30岁 159 10.6 所在区 朝阳区 60 4.0
31~40岁 415 27.7 丰台区 53 3.5
41~50岁 365 24.3 海淀区 60 4.0
51~60岁 341 22.7 门头沟区 38 2.5
60岁以上 220 14.7 房山区 124 8.3
性别 741 49.4 通州区 119 7.9
759 50.6 顺义区 158 10.5
学历 小学 123 8.2 昌平区 105 7.0
初中 631 42.1 大兴区 176 11.7
高中/技校/中专 270 18.0 怀柔区 45 3.0
大专/本科 411 27.4 平谷区 252 16.8
研究生及以上 65 4.3 密云区 216 14.4
婚姻状况 已婚 1352 90.1 延庆区 94 6.3
未婚 148 9.9

Table 3

Variables and descriptive statistics"

变量 定义 平均值 标准差 最小值 最大值
个人因素 受教育程度 小学及以下=1;初中=2;高中/中专/技校/职高=3;大专/本科=4;研究生及以上=5 2.91 0.99 1 5
务工经历 是=1;否=2 0.60 0.49 0 1
收入水平 家庭年人均可支配收入(万元) 8.99 7.19 0.95 60
年龄 18~30岁=1;31~40岁=2;41~50岁=3;51~60岁=4;60岁以上=5 2.93 1.24 1 5
环境因素 是否营造数字生活氛围 是=1;否=0 0.59 0.49 0 1
手机是否智能 是=1;否=0 0.99 0.07 0 1
是否接入网络 是=1;否=0 0.98 0.12 0 1
资源供给因素 开展数字化服务 是=1;否=0 0.46 0.49 0 1
是否开展过数字化培训 是=1;否=0 0.57 0.49 0 1
是否开展过数字科普宣传 是=1;否=0 0.53 0.49 0 1

Table 4

Regression coefficients"

模型 未标准化系数 标准化系数 t 显著性
B 标准误差 Beta
常量 7.369 0.277 26.646 0.000
年龄 -0.230 0.015 -0.263 -14.987 0.000
受教育程度 0.344 0.020 0.225 12.234 0.000
务工经历 -0.052 0.037 -0.024 -1.413 0.158
数字化培训 0.584 0.038 0.239 15.225 0.000
数字化服务 0.815 0.040 0.375 20.192 0.000
数字科普宣传 0.556 0.050 0.126 7.122 0.000
数字生活氛围 0.430 0.052 0.114 6.576 0.000
手机是否智能 0.365 0.041 0.025 1.579 0.115
网络环境 0.152 0.042 0.073 4.595 0.000
收入水平 0.114 0.012 0.094 5.830 0.000
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