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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 34-49.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0438

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A Review of Health Information Behaviors of Older People from the Perspective of Topic Differentiation

Guowei GAO1, Shanshan ZHANG1, Jialan YU2()   

  1. 1. Department of Management, LiaoNing Normal University, Dalian 116000
    2. The 967th Hospital of PLA Joint Logistic Support Force, Dalian 116000
  • Received:2024-05-31 Online:2024-07-05 Published:2024-11-26
  • Contact: Jialan YU


[Purpose/Significance] As China enters the threshold of an aging society, the health problem of the elderly group has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. The demand for health information among this group has increased dramatically, not only because of the physiological changes associated with aging, but also because they have high expectations of how health information can improve their quality of life. As a unique branch in the field of information behavior, the research on the health information behavior of the elderly presents specific complexity in its object, phenomenon and mechanism. The acquisition, processing and application of health information has a profound impact on the health behavior of older people, particularly the potential for inappropriate drug use and overuse of drugs, which is often closely linked to their health information behavior. Therefore, in-depth research in this area is urgent and important. [Methods/Process] Based on the topic differentiation perspective, this paper conducted a comprehensive and in-depth literature review on the occurrence mechanism, internal influencing factors (such as cognition, emotion, social support, etc.) and external environment (such as family, community, and medical system) of health information behavior of older people. This review aims to identify the status quo, hot spots and shortcomings of current research, and to provide a valuable reference frame of reference and inspirational direction for future research. [Results/Conclusions] The study found that there were significant differences between the concerns of the elderly and the young and middle-aged in health information behavior, mainly reflected in the preferences for types of health information and factors influencing health information behavior. There are also large differences between urban and rural areas, social backgrounds at different stages of development, different social characteristics (such as educational background, economic status), individual characteristics (such as age, gender, health status) and health information behaviors in different scenarios. In terms of study objects, future studies can design experiments with control groups to explore more precisely the specific differences in health information behaviors of older people at different stages of development and with different characteristics. In terms of research content, we should broaden our horizons and introduce a variety of theoretical models in combination with the trend of social development, so that the research field not only covers a wider area, but also improves the depth of research. In terms of research methods, future research should actively explore new perspectives, adopt innovative research methods, such as the survey experiment method, and try to combine modern technical means, such as big data analysis and artificial intelligence to obtain more comprehensive and accurate data resources, while exploring and developing new research methods and analysis tools to promote the continuous in-depth development of research in this field.

Key words: health information, older people's health information behavior, literature review

CLC Number: 

  • C913.6


Literature screening process"

Table 1

Factors influencing the health information behavior of older people"

研究主题 影响因素 相关参考文献








CHOI W[20]











Table 2

Differences in health information behavior between urban and rural older people"

研究主题 差异方面 差异原因 相关参考文献
城乡老年人健康信息行为差异研究 受教育水平、收入水平、代际关系、智能设备的使用、自我感知老化、解决健康问题的经验、对健康信息的表达、获取健康信息的意愿 个人认知限制、客观条件限制、服务供给问题



感知易用性、社会影响、个体行为态度和自我效能 周凡姝[26]
依赖替代搜寻者 吴迪[27]

Table 3

health information behavior of older people at different stages of life"

研究主题 低龄老年人行为特征 高龄老年人行为特征 相关参考文献
不同发展阶段下老年人健康信息行为研究 关注疾病预防与身心保健方面的健康信息 关注特定的疾病治疗或者社会提供的便利医疗服务等信息




更频繁地使用互联网寻找健康信息 BROCKMEYER D[29]

Table 4

Offline health information behavior of older people"

研究主题 最受老年人信任的信息源 相关参考文献
线下老年人健康信息行为研究 医疗保健者、药剂师 刘嫣[30]




CHOI W[20]


Table 5

Online health information behavior of older people"

研究主题 影响因素 相关代表文献






MA, XM, LIU[36]









Table 6

References to research on health information behavior of older people in experimental settings"

研究主题 影响因素 相关参考文献




Table 7

References related to other research topics"

研究主题 相关参考文献
老年人盲目就医行为 许广梅[41]
老年人健康信息搜寻行为与成功老龄化 RD E M M[42]
老年人中医药信息行为 侯小妮[43]

Table 8

Summary of existing research objects and suggestions for future research objects"

比较视角 现有研究 未来研究
研究对象 一般老年人群体

1. 年龄对照组:低龄、中龄、高龄

2. 健康状况对照组:健康、患有慢性疾病、失能等

3. 社会经济特征对照组:教育程度、收入水平、居住地区等

4. 亚文化特征差异对照组

Table 9

Summary of existing research content and suggestions for future research content"

比较视角 现有研究 未来研究

1. 老年人健康信息行为影响因素研究

2. 城乡老年人健康信息行为研究

3. 不同发展阶段下的老年人健康信息行为研究

4. 不同场景下的老年人健康信息行为研究

1. 老年人健康信息行为影响因素总体解释模型研究

2. 老年人健康信息需求、动机与体验

3. 老年人健康信息行为决策模型

4. 数智社会环境下老年人健康信息行为

5. 老年人健康数据安全和健康隐私保护

6. 个性化健康监管、健康信息系统和健康信息平台


Summary of existing research methods and suggestions for future research methods"

比较视角 现有研究 未来研究

1. 访谈法

2. 问卷调查法

3. 访谈法和问卷调查法相结合

1. 融入观察法

2. 使用调查实验法

3. 利用现代技术手段,如大数据分析和人工智能

4. 设计老年人健康信息行为测量与量表

5. 结合多种理论模型,如社会认知理论、健康信念模型、信息行为理论等

6. 行为信息学视角

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