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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 4-18.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0222

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Review and Prospect of Rural Public Cultural Space Research in China

MIAO Meijuan   

  1. School of Government Management, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029
  • Received:2023-03-07 Online:2023-04-05 Published:2023-07-12

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Using the concept of "public cultural space" to refer to various public cultural facilities and places in rural areas is a research trend that has gradually emerged in recent years. Under the background of rural revitalization strategy, clarifying the current research status and existing problems of rural public cultural space in China, exploring future research priorities is of great practical significance and theoretical value to promote the high-quality development of rural public cultural services, prosperous development of rural culture and the spiritual enrichment of farmers in the new era. [Method/Process] This paper reviewed relevant literature on rural public cultural spaces in China from 2012 to 2022, summarized existing research results, analyzed existing problems, and proposed future research priorities. [Results/Conclusions] The existing study mainly focuses on the overall research on rural public cultural space and the research on specific types of rural public culture. The former includes the basic theoretical issues such as the concept connotation, constituent elements, space types, value functions, development and evolution of rural public cultural space, as well as the construction status quo, existing problems and reconstruction path. The latter includes rural traditional cultural space, rural modern cultural space and rural new cultural space construction. The research of rural public cultural spaces puts increasing emphasis on the in-depth and systematic study and is focused on the theoretical value, the problem orientation and policy orientation of the research are becoming increasingly obvious. However, compared with urban public cultural space, specialized research on rural public cultural space is still relatively lacking. At the theoretical research level, research on digital or virtual public cultural spaces in rural areas in the digital and post pandemic era still needs to be improved, and research on the construction and evaluation of rural public cultural space based on the perspective of villagers' participation is still insufficient. At the practical research level, compared with modern cultural space such as township cultural stations and rural libraries, the research on new types of public cultural space such as rural bookstores and homestay bookbars that have emerged in recent years still needs to be further deepened. The innovative practice and advanced experience of traditional rural public cultural space in revitalization and transformation still lack systematic refinement. Faced with the new requirements of rural revitalization strategy and high-quality development of public culture for rural public cultural space, future in-depth research includes comparison of reconstruction paths of various types of rural public cultural space, construction of new rural public cultural space, construction of rural public cultural digital space, service innovation of rural public cultural space, evaluation indicators of rural public cultural space, and international experience and Chinese characteristics of rural public cultural space.

Key words: rural public cultural space, rural public cultural service, rural cultural revitalization

CLC Number: 

  • G259.2
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