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Current Issue
05 April 2023, Volume 35 Issue 4
Review and Prospect of Rural Public Cultural Space Research in China | Open Access
MIAO Meijuan
2023, 35(4):  4-18.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0222
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[Purpose/Significance] Using the concept of "public cultural space" to refer to various public cultural facilities and places in rural areas is a research trend that has gradually emerged in recent years. Under the background of rural revitalization strategy, clarifying the current research status and existing problems of rural public cultural space in China, exploring future research priorities is of great practical significance and theoretical value to promote the high-quality development of rural public cultural services, prosperous development of rural culture and the spiritual enrichment of farmers in the new era. [Method/Process] This paper reviewed relevant literature on rural public cultural spaces in China from 2012 to 2022, summarized existing research results, analyzed existing problems, and proposed future research priorities. [Results/Conclusions] The existing study mainly focuses on the overall research on rural public cultural space and the research on specific types of rural public culture. The former includes the basic theoretical issues such as the concept connotation, constituent elements, space types, value functions, development and evolution of rural public cultural space, as well as the construction status quo, existing problems and reconstruction path. The latter includes rural traditional cultural space, rural modern cultural space and rural new cultural space construction. The research of rural public cultural spaces puts increasing emphasis on the in-depth and systematic study and is focused on the theoretical value, the problem orientation and policy orientation of the research are becoming increasingly obvious. However, compared with urban public cultural space, specialized research on rural public cultural space is still relatively lacking. At the theoretical research level, research on digital or virtual public cultural spaces in rural areas in the digital and post pandemic era still needs to be improved, and research on the construction and evaluation of rural public cultural space based on the perspective of villagers' participation is still insufficient. At the practical research level, compared with modern cultural space such as township cultural stations and rural libraries, the research on new types of public cultural space such as rural bookstores and homestay bookbars that have emerged in recent years still needs to be further deepened. The innovative practice and advanced experience of traditional rural public cultural space in revitalization and transformation still lack systematic refinement. Faced with the new requirements of rural revitalization strategy and high-quality development of public culture for rural public cultural space, future in-depth research includes comparison of reconstruction paths of various types of rural public cultural space, construction of new rural public cultural space, construction of rural public cultural digital space, service innovation of rural public cultural space, evaluation indicators of rural public cultural space, and international experience and Chinese characteristics of rural public cultural space.
Comparative Study and Optimization Strategies of Knowledge Graph Construction Management Systems | Open Access
MA Weilu, XIAN Guojian, ZHAO Ruixue, LI Jiao, HUANG Yongwen, SUN Tan
2023, 35(4):  19-31.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0293
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[Purpose/Significance] Knowledge Graph has become a major research hotspot in the era of artificial intelligence due to its ability to provide a new means of organization and representation of knowledge. As the field continues to evolve, numerous scholars have proposed advanced algorithms and technologies for each core stage of constructing a knowledge graph, and many large domestic and foreign enterprises have also developed their independent knowledge graph management systems. However, the majority of these graph tools developed are designed for commercial use and are often too expensive and difficult to deploy locally for small and medium-sized research teams. This presents a challenge for information organizations such as research libraries with massive resources, which require a more adaptable, universal, and efficient tool to build and manage knowledge graphs. To meet this need, it is important to develop an open-source, user-friendly, and customizable knowledge graph management system that can be easily deployed by small and medium-sized research teams. [Method/Process] In summary, this article offers a thorough and informative analysis of six mainstream knowledge graph management systems, both domestically and internationally. It delves into the unique characteristics of each system within the business process and provides an in-depth comparative analysis based on several important factors, including system functionality, technology selection, open-source availability, and application domains. The article refers to the standard construction process of knowledge graphs and highlights the platform characteristics of each system during the construction process while also examining their limitations based on current data characteristics. In response to practical needs, the article focuses on multi-path, multi-engine, distributed, and collaborative construction, integrating advanced graph algorithms and considering a well-developed underlying graph storage strategy. [Results/Conclusions] As a result,the article presents an in-depth analysis of the construction model for a collaborative development and management system of an integrated knowledge graph. It not only investigates the current state of knowledge graph management systems but also proposes novel optimization ideas. These ideas include distributed collaborative construction, which allows for simultaneous contributions from multiple sources, and parallel management of multiple graphs, enabling efficient organization and retrieval. Additionally, some suggestions are put forward: developing multi-path knowledge extraction techniques to enhance the knowledge acquisition process, and using specialized multi-graph storage engines for optimized storage and retrieval. Last, the article emphasizes the importance of incorporating cross-media and multimodal knowledge into the graph for a comprehensive representation of information.
Persuasion Strategies of Health Short Videos for Refuting Rumors | Open Access
CHEN Yijin, MAI Jingyun, JIANG Qianying
2023, 35(4):  32-47.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0193
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[Purpose/Significance] As a new means of information dissemination, short videos have become a new favorite of some people in spreading rumors and refuting rumors due to their characteristics of visibility, convenience, and freedom of expression. It is of great significance to understand the content characteristics of health short videos in rumor refuting and improve their spreading effect. [Method/Process] This paper uses Python to conduct data mining, crawling the rumor refuting short videos related to the theme of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control as samples, and the data set obtained includes the published articles and the original data, such as the number of forwards, and comments. Based on "logos", "ethos" and "pathos" in Aristotle's rhetoric theory, this paper codes the persuasion strategies of sample videos in combination with the coding standard table of 13 persuasion strategies under four categories. At the same time, it divides short videos into seven video elements under two categories and ten themes under five categories, and encodes samples from two aspects of video elements and themes. The information processing was carried out as follows. First, the Apriori algorithm was used to mine the types of persuasion strategies used, the relationships among various types of persuasion strategies, the video elements commonly used in persuasion strategies, and the correlation between persuasion strategies and rumors in the short health video samples with the theme of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control. Then, short videos using different numbers or types of persuasion strategies were grouped, and one-way ANOVA was used to explore the relationship between persuasion strategies in short videos of refuting rumors and user responses in short videos. Finally, we proposed measures to promote the dissemination effect of anti-rumor short videos and promote the positive development of anti-rumor short videos. [Results/Conclusions] There is a clear correlation between some video elements, rumor types, and the use of persuasive strategies: the persuasive strategies of health related anti-rumor short videos are mainly logical and diverse. When using logical, emotional, reputation, or other persuasive strategies, videos will combine pure text, non-pure text, voice, or music video elements. In refutation short videos, short videos that use both logic and other persuasive strategies are more likely to be accepted by users. In the future, short videos can be used to optimize video transmission and help rumor management. Future studies can further explore the configuration effects of rumor-dispelling strategies, video elements and rumor-dispelling themes, and we will delve into the causal relationship between them and the communication effect.
Definition and Measurement of Core Collaborators in Scientific Research Collaboration: A Measurement Methodology Based on the H-Index | Open Access
LUO Wen, HU Zhigang
2023, 35(4):  48-58.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0230
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[Purpose/Significance] Different collaborators play different roles and assume corresponding responsibilities in scientific research collaboration. Distinguishing the different roles in research collaborators is important for the evaluation of research talent and human resources allocation. Previous studies have defined the roles of collaborators from multiple perspectives, both qualitative and quantitative, but lack a simple and efficient way to identify core collaborators. In this paper, we use the number of collaborations to identify core collaborators in scientists' collaborative relationships based on the H-index measure, which is a very easy to calculate and intuitively understandable method. [Method/Process] Using the OpenAlex database as a data source, an empirical analysis of approximately 5.05 million journal papers in the field of computing in China and G7 countries over 20 years (2000-2021) was conducted. First, the core collaborators of highly productive scientists were studied and their collaboration characteristics were analyzed from the perspective of size and share. Second, based on the H-index fitting formula proposed by previous authors, a formula for estimating the number of core collaborators based on the number of publications and the average number of collaborators per article was proposed. Finally, the formula was used to compare the differences between the theoretical and actual values of the number of core collaborators across countries. [Results/Conclusions] The study found that in terms of size and proportion of core collaborators, China had the highest average total number of collaborators among highly productive scientists, followed by the USA, Germany and the UK, while Italy had the lowest. The number of core collaborators was generally 3-7 across countries, with China and Italy having a higher rate of cooperation and the UK, France and Canada having a lower rate of cooperation. In terms of the number of core collaborators as a percentage, no country has more than 10%, with Italy having the highest percentage of core collaborators at 7.42%, followed by Japan, France and Canada, while the US has the lowest percentage of core collaborators. In terms of the total number of collaborators, there is no significant difference between China, the US and Germany, while there is a significant difference among all five other countries. In terms of the number of core collaborators, China is not significantly different from Italy and is significantly different from all other six countries. The number of core collaborators can be estimated by using the formula of the product of the number of publications and the power of the average number of collaborators per article, which has a good fit of 0.8 or more. Among China and the G7, the US, Germany and the UK have a lower proportion of core collaborators, with more frequent mobility and exchange of talent, while Italy, Japan and China have a higher proportion of core collaborators, indicating a lack of talent mobility and a relative consolidation of research collaboration.
Comparison and Analysis of Library's Participation in Scientific Culture Construction | Open Access
2023, 35(4):  59-69.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0121
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[Pupose/Significance] The library community can contribute greatly to scientific culture construction. This paper aims tosystematically analyze the connotation of scientific culture construction and explore the potential space where libraries can participate inscientific culture construction. give some enlightenment to libraries in our country.[MethodProcess] This research adopts the methodsof literature research, network research and systematic literature review.First,this study extracts Chinese keywords based on the Chineseliterature about "scientific culture" and analyzes its connotations. Ssecond it builds a list of English and Chinese keywords containing thesub concepts of "scientific culture". After retrieving, classifying and reading the literature about practice of libraries' participation inscientific culture construction carefully,this study compares the practice of Euro-American libraries and Chinese libraries, and putsforward countermeasures and suggestions for Chinese libraries to bridge the gap.[ResultsiConclusions] Scientific culture includes threelayers: scientific culture as basic literacy, scientific culture as research ethics and scientific culture as workplace culture of researchers.Libraries can play an important role to support all of them.However, considering the present situation,Chinese public libraries aresignificantly insufficient in participating in the constructing of scientific culture as basic literacy.University libraries are the main actorsin constucting scientific culture as research ethics and scientific culture as workplace culture of researchers, but the practical results didnot meet expectations. The important problems include few researchers embrace data management and planning, few researchers payattntion to the reproducibility crisis, research integrity education is not enough, and research evaluation services is a lack of standards. Leaming from the experience of other foreign libraries and combining the situation of Chinese libraries, this study proposes that Chinesepublic libraries can increase their participation in scientific culture construction through promoting ideology, strengthening links with thescientific community, increasing the proportion of STEM activities, absorbing ethics related courses, and carrying out citizen science andother comprehensive science popularization activities. Chinese academic libraries can provide the acadenmic integrity support service of"trinity of facilities, resources and services". Besides that, the construction of the academic evaluation service standard of academiclibraries and practicing responsible scientific measurement can maintain the faimess of the academic workplace so as to promote thescientific culture as research ethics and scientific culture as workplace culture of researchers. Our future work will conduct thematicresearch around the medium and micro levels of scientific culture. The preliminary direction is the standard of responsible scientificmeasurement.
Medical Data Literacy Education System in Reproducibility Crisis | Open Access
KONG Xianghui, SUN Pu
2023, 35(4):  70-78.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0158
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[Purpose/Significance] The biomedical research field is suffering from reproducibility crisis, which has become one of important issues under the background of the rise of the data-intensive research paradigm. As one of the most important attributes of scientific research by empirical data study,reproducibility needs to be improved by good data practices of researchers. How to effectively improve the data literacy of researchers has become the key point to solve the crisis. However, the relevant research is basically in the blank condition. The paper aims to establish a new data literacy education system for reproducibility crisis, in order to fill the current research gap and provide reference for implementing the relevant education in our country. [Method/Process] Firstly, the paper clarifies the relationship between reproducibility crisis and data literacy by using content analysis: the inappropriate data behavior of researchers may bring serious problems in many respects, such as research data, methods, process, environments and results, which could eventually lead to the irreproducible research. Then, we redefine the concept of data literacy education. Secondly, based on the summarization of the existing foreign research results and practice, the paper builds the Reproducibility Data Literacy Education (Re-DLE) system from the perspective of educational goals and content, subjects and objects, teaching methods, implementation strategies, and evaluation. At last, it proposes the necessary guarantee factors for the operation of the system. [Results/Conclusions] The ultimate goal of Re-DLE is to improve research reproducibility, bulid the educational content framework on the theory of data life cycle, and divide the main content into three dimensions: re-data awareness, re-data skills, and re-data ethics, each of which includes some clear educational objectives, subject modules and detailed instructions Medical libraries have a wealth of teaching experience and should become the educational main body for the broader biomedical research community. the establishment of diversified training methods, diversified teaching strategies and evaluation methods, in other words, we need to strengthen the team building of teaching librarians, consolidate the educational resources foundation, promote educational exchanges, and improve the internal and external cooperative system, so as to push forward the building of the Re-DLE system. The research results of this paper not only can be seen as a theoretical breakthrough, but also provide the theory basis for the development and implementation of education. In addition, due to the limitation of methods, the paper can be used as a qualitative research, which still has some problems to be solved. In the future work, we need to build more scientific and effective Re-DLE system by using empirical research methods.
Design and Analysis of a Blockchain Security Framework Model for Smart Libraries | Open Access
YANG Xiaofei, KONG Yuefan, SUN Jipu
2023, 35(4):  79-89.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0234
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[Purpose/Significance] Smart libraries are an important component of the construction plan for the public cultural system for the smart society and at the national level. However, in the development process of smart libraries, there are security issues such as data leaks, interruptions, attacks, and tampering in data storage and transmission, smart services, and user privacy, leading to a decrease in the user experience of smart libraryies and a lack of trust in library services. Utilizing the technological advantages of blockchain to build a security protection system for smart libraries can solve security issues such as big data, smart services, and user interaction, forming a well documented security protection system for smart libraries. [Method/Process] This article provides a detailed analysis of the contradictions between smart library services and security protection. It is found that there are three major contradictions: data freedom and openness and data security protection, user behavior analysis and user privacy data protection, and dynamic editing and static protection of smart services. Based on this, the possibility and technical support of blockchain to solve the above contradictions was analyzed. Then, based on the provisions of the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, combined with the uniqueness and security risks of smart library services, the four principles of smart library security management were established, namely classification and grading, and a dynamic, editable, and evaluatable system. Finally, based on the constituent elements of a smart library, including people, resources, space, and its operational process, a security guarantee system for a smart library was constructed, covering basic layer, data layer, service layer, interactive application layer, and evaluation layer. [Results/Conclusions] The smart library blockchain security framework model is data-driven, relying on the advantages of blockchain technology such as decentralization, distributed storage, trust mechanism, consensus mechanism, smart contracts, timestamps, record operation traces, data traceability, and asset authentication, to achieve terminal security detection response at the basic layer, data-driven at the data layer, risk correlation analysis at the service layer, and user privacy protection at the application layer The closed-loop management of the evaluation layer can effectively ensure the authenticity, integrity, and security of smart library data, build a safe and trustworthy environment for smart library services, and achieve secure management of smart libraries, secure transmission and traceable digital resources, improved user experience, and sustainable development. However, the application of blockchain technology is not achieved overnight. Although the application of some levels or links has been carried out, the application of the complete system needs to be promoted, and the operational exploration at the practical level needs to be further verified.
Application of EfficientNet-based Transfer Learning in Image Classification of Modern Documents: Taking Shanghai Library's "Picture Gallery of Modern Chinese Literature" as an Example | Open Access
YANG Min, GUO Limin
2023, 35(4):  90-99.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0154
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[Purpose/Significance] As important historical data, images in modern literature are increasingly valued by humanities researchers. The deep annotation of large-scale image resources has also become an important part of the construction of image data infrastructure. It is a new direction of image study to analyze the content of massive images by using technologies such as deep learning. The purpose of this paper is to address the challenges of automatic classification of large-scale modern document images, improve accuracy and efficiency in practical application through the empirical research of transfer learning based on a simplified EfficientNet network specifically optimized for modern document image classification. [Method/Process] This paper adopts the selective images of "Illustrated Century - Modern Chinese Literature Library" from Shanghai Library, which is a deep exploration of the image content in modern Chinese literature by the "National Newspaper Index". The research method is to improve the diversity of sample images by serial stacking of those selective 7,645 modern literature image data sets through imaging enhancement technologies such as cutting, white balance, tone separation, and affine transformation, based on the characteristics analysis of modern literature images. Then we conducted transfer learning by fine-tuning simplified EfficientNet depth convolution neural network model through the study of depth learning algorithms. Finally, an optimized model that performs well in modern literature image classification was identified. Our simplified model achieved an average classification Top1 accuracy of 90.97%, an average F1 value of 91.00%, which validated its simplification, efficient, and good generalization ability for modern literature image classification application. During the experiments, it was also found that some images had high similarity and phototropism in morphology, which led to not good-enough classification results. However, this does provide valuable insights for further optimization and simplification of EfficientNet network model. The performance comparison test results with ResNet50-vd network also fully demonstrate that the simplified EfficientNet network can more economically and efficiently support incremental iterative training of subsequent models for achieving high-precision artificial intelligence classification of modern literature image databases. [Results/Conclusions] The experimental results indicate that the model effectively improves the efficiency and accuracy of image classification, and thus it has certain application promotion value for solving the automatic classification challenges of large-scale images in modern literature. In the future, we will continue to explore its application in the extraction of digital image semantic information. Through digital image pre-processing and extraction of digital image content and characteristics, we will provide technical enablers for automatic extraction of semantic information, so as to truly reduce the workload of manual intervention and achieve semantic description of millions of image data.