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    Insights and Reflections of the Impact of ChatGPT on Intelligent Knowledge Services in Libraries
    ZHAO Ruixue, HUANG Yongwen, MA Weilu, DONG Wenjia, XIAN Guojian, SUN Tan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (1): 29-38.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0116
    Abstract1422)      PDF(pc) (1127KB)(3041)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This study is focused on the current popular "chatbot" ChatGPT to deepen users' overall cognition of ChatGPT, and provide reference and inspiration for the development of intelligent knowledge services in libraries by combining the power of new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.[Method/Process] The article comprehensively analyzes ChatGPT, including its development history, technical features, common application scenarios, and integrated application program paths. In addition, it compares ChatGPT with similar AI technologies developed domestically and internationally (such as Google's Brad and Meta's BlenderBot 3), intuitively reflecting that new AI technologies such as pre-training models and cognitive intelligence have become the research and development focus of major technology institutions. The article also analyzes the technical limitations and existing security risks of ChatGPT, pointing out the optimization direction for secondary development and indicating its potential hazards for other researchers. Furthermore, the potential impact of ChatGPT on the Chinese libraries and information institutions are explored. By studying the application of ChatGPT in libraries and information service institutions, this article attempts to provide an in-depth understanding of how to use this technology to improve information retrieval, knowledge management, and user engagement. Finally, a comprehensive overview of ChatGPT and its potential impact on the Chinese information environment is provided. [Results/Conclusions] The integration of new technologies such as big data and AI has great potential for China's library and information service institutions to provide better and more intelligent knowledge services. With the development of modern technologies, libraries and information service institutions have been faced with new challenges and opportunities at the same time. The challenges come from the overwhelming amount of information, the diversification of information resources, and the increasing demands of users for personalized services. The opportunities arise from the availability of advanced technologies such as big data and AI that can help libraries and information service institutions to address these challenges. By fully integrating big data and AI into libraries and information service institutions, these institutions can leverage the power of these advanced technologies to provide more intelligent knowledge services. High-quality scientific and technological resources and knowledge organization systems can play a vital role in ensuring that these institutions are equipped with the necessary infrastructure and expertise to successfully implement these technologies. In conclusion, the integration of big data and AI represents a significant opportunity for China's libraries and information service institutions to provide better and more intelligent knowledge services. By relying on high-quality scientific and technological resources and knowledge organization systems, these institutions can comprehensively improve their level of intelligent knowledge services, and better meet the needs and demands of their users in the digital age.
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    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (9): 100-101.  
    Abstract205)      PDF(pc) (787KB)(994)       Save
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    Building an Scientific and Technological Talent Database for New Quality Productive Forces
    LI Mengli, WANG Ying, QIAN Li, XIE Jing, CHANG Zhijun, JIA Haiqing
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (2): 15-25.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0175
    Abstract511)      PDF(pc) (4077KB)(855)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Talent data have become the most important production factor and strategic resource. Building a scientific and technological (S&T) talent database has become an inevitable way to narrow the digital divide and accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of talent work. Therefore, this study builds an S&T talent database to promote scientific decision-making for talent development, precision in attracting new quality technical talent, reform in evaluating S&T talents, and building talent system for new quality productive forces. [Method/Process] By analyzing the practical requirements and significance of building an S&T talent database, this study first explores and analyzes the intrinsic logic of promoting the development of new quality productive forces through an S&T talent database. It then summarizes the challenges facing the current construction of a S&T talent database, including the scattering and concealment of S&T talent data, the lack of policies and standardized systems for S&T talent data, the inadequate exploration of value-added S&T talent data, the need to expand the application of digital technology in talent work, and the security risks of S&T talent data. In response to these challenges, this paper finally proposes the idea of building an S&T talents database, and introduces the research exploration and application practice on it, including the construction of big data database for S&T talent aimed at the development of new quality productive forces, the development of AI-powered talent data computing engine, research into the system for profiling new quality technical talent, the analysis of talent growth paths for the training of new quality technical talent, the identification method of new quality talented professionals based on big data, the development of an efficient digital platform for talent management, and the development of a strategic analysis platform for technical talent. [Results/Conclusions] The construction of S&T talent database is an objective requirement for the development of the digital era and an inevitable requirement for the formation of new quality productive forces. Building big data for S&T talent, empowering talent workflow with big data and artificial intelligence technology can help empower talent workflow, release the enormous energy contained in digitalization, effectively activate the internal momentum of talented professionals, institutions, society, and government, and then continuously improve the efficiency of talent resource allocation, the operational efficiency of talent work, the overall effectiveness of talent development governance, and promote the development of new quality productive forces.
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    The Road to Digital Talent Power: Action Plan for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills of the People and College Students' Digital Literacy Education Strategy
    XIAO Peng, ZHAO Qingxiang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (12): 6-15.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0973
    Abstract756)      PDF(pc) (1057KB)(827)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Improving college students' digital literacy is of great significance to building a digital talent power. [Method/Process] By combing the relevant policies before and after the release of Action Plan for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills of the People, this paper analyzes the main contents of the Action Plan and believes that it has the following significance: it determines the concept of digital literacy with Chinese characteristics and international vision, pays attention to the frontier requirements such as creativity improvement and special group service, expands four digital scenes of life, work, learning and innovation, and deploys comprehensive operations according to key tasks and projects. [Results/Conclusions] The authors argue that for various fields of library, information science and archives, the Action Plan will have extensive influence theoretically and practically, and its impact on digital literacy education of college students, in particular, is perhaps the most direct and far-reaching according to the research pattern and tradition of information literacy. The authors argue that the layout and action should be started as soon as possible for the education around digital literacy of college students.
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    Bidirectional Empowerment Between Knowledge Service and New Quality Productive Forces Theoretical Interpretation and Practical Path
    ZHAO Ruixue, LI Tian, GUAN Zhihao, XIAN Guojian, KOU Yuantao, SUN Tan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (2): 4-14.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0171
    Abstract487)      PDF(pc) (1196KB)(806)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] New quality productive forces is the latest pattern of productivity development under the background of data-driven intelligence. To explore the mechanism and practical way of bidirectional empowerment of knowledge service and new quality productive forces has important theoretical and practical significance for giving full play to the effectiveness of new quality of data elements, new power of digital intelligence technology and new application of intelligent service, so as to promote the cultivation of new quality productive forces and improve knowledge service. [Method/Process] Based on the summary of the development process of knowledge service and the new interpretation from the perspective of new quality productive forces, this study analyzes the internal relationship and external manifestations of the bidirectional empowerment of knowledge services and new quality productive forces, constructs the bidirectional empowerment mechanism of knowledge services and new quality productive forces, and proposes the bidirectional empowerment path. [Results/Conclusions] "Factor reorganization, scientific and technological innovation, and quality service" has become the internal relationship between knowledge service and new quality productive forces. Data factor as the core production factor, digital intelligence technology as the key production technology, and intelligence-driven new business forms and new models as the common carrier, which is an important basis for intelligent knowledge service and new quality productive forces bidirectional empowerment mechanism. Intelligent knowledge service cultivates the new quality productive forces through three important ways: accelerating scientific and technological innovation, opening up new ways and creating new business forms. New quality productive forces drives the development of intelligent knowledge service and improves the service by solving the resource dilemma, technology dilemma and talent dilemma, and creating new competitive advantages. This is an important manifestation of the bidirectional empowerment mechanism of new quality productive forces and intelligent knowledge service. After clarifying the empowerment basis and the performance of the bidirectional empowerment mechanism, this study proposes that the two kinds of empowerment should be realized from the following four aspects: a) Taking the market demand as the guide by mining new value and responding to new demand, and grasping the new quality growth engine; b) Taking data elements as the center, the compacting intelligent driving base is realized by building the data element empowerment system and improving the standardization of element utilization; c) Taking technological innovation as the key way by releasing the potential of key elements and creating fusion application scenarios to consolidate the foundation of fusion application; d) Starting from the application scenario as the starting point, the bidirectional empowerment mechanism is put into practice in various fields.
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    Innovative Development of AIGC and GLAM: Review of "Shaping the Future: AIGC and GLAM Innovative Development" Cutting-Edge Academic Forum
    LV Ruijuan, ZHANG Jingbei, YAN Dan, CAI Yingchun
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (5): 27-36.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0424
    Abstract531)      PDF(pc) (941KB)(788)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The new generation of generative artificial intelligence technology and its applications have entered a new stage of development. Models such as ChatGPT are leading the way in model-driven content generation, ushering in a new era and attracting discussions and attention from various sectors. Currently, there is a wealth of research on artificial intelligence from the perspectives of technological advancements, machine language, algorithm models, application scenarios and so on. However, there are relatively fewer articles specifically focusing on the application of AI generated content (AIGC) in GLAM fields, such as galleries, libraries, art museums. AI in the GLAM field is currently undergoing a transition from digitization to intelligentized level. Therefore, this paper explores the multi-scenario innovative applications of AI in the GLAM field with the theme of "Shaping the Future: AIGC and GLAM Innovative Development", which aims to contribute to the innovation research of AI and cultural, development and provide valuable insights in this field. [Method/Process] The structure of this paper consists of three parts: the evolution and current status of AIGC, the exploration of AIGC's applications in various scenarios within the GLAM field, the risks and challenges faced by AIGC and GLAM in terms of innovative development. Firstly the article provides a brief introduction to the development history of artificial intelligence, the concept of AIGC, algorithm models, typical features, and its current development status both domestically and internationally. Secondly, it presents a review and summary of existing application cases of AIGC in the GLAM field, including the use of virtual scenarios, virtual IP idols, ancient book OCR technology, VR/AR experiences in the fields of image analysis, digital humanities research, and new formats of digital cultural industries. The article analyzes how AIGC enriches the content production, innovation, and user interaction modes, as well as resource management models within GLAM. It also highlights the potential significant advantages in specific areas such as digital individuals, digital collections, and digital media. Lastly, the paper addresses the potential risks and challenges that may arise during the process of AIGC and GLAM's innovative development. These challenges encompass technical aspects, algorithmic biases, network information security, ethical and moral considerations, academic research, publishing and legal regulations. [Results/Conclusions] AIGC possesses advantages such as high efficiency, intelligence, and immersive experiences. It not only brings about transformative changes in content within the GLAM field but also breaks free from traditional interactive modes characterized by singularity and flatness in user engagement. By leveraging technologies such as VR/AR, virtual digital characters, and virtual spaces, AIGC enables diverse and three-dimensional interaction models with customs, thereby significantly expanding the applications in the GLAM field. If we appropriately and fully utilize the valuable opportunities presented by AIGC, it can play a positive role in inheriting and promoting the Chinese excellent civilization and cultural heritage. Furthermore, it will also play a crucial role in accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of the cultural industry.
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    Impacts of Heuristic-Systematic Clues on Health Information Adoption of Mobile Short Video Apps: Based on SEM and fsQCA
    LI Li, HAN Ping, ZHANG Hong, ZHANG Weijuan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (1): 73-86.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0779
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (1878KB)(744)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Mobile short video apps like Tiktok have become one of the most frequently used tools to obtain/exchange health information in post-epidemic era. This study analyzed the complex relationships between the antecedents and users' health information adoption in mobile short video apps in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, in order to optimize users' experience with health information adoption systematically, which in turn generates users' sustainability. [Method/Process] Based on both the information adoption model (IAM) and the heuristic-systematic model (HSM), this study constructed a health information adoption model of mobile short videos, in which five predictor variables (content quality, expression quality, information source credibility, app's reputation, perceived information usefulness) and an outcome variable (health information adoption) were included. The construct validity, reliability and symmetrical relationships between the five predictor variables and an outcome condition were examined using structural equation model (SEM) method. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was used to examine and reveal the configuration models. [Results/Conclusions] The results from PLS-SEM method and fsQCA validated the IAM and HSM in the context of mobile short video apps. Specifically, the results from PLS-SEM show that systematic and heuristic clues jointly affect users' adoption of health information. Content quality, app's reputation and information resource credibility significantly impact perceived information usefulness, and further affect the health information adoption. Expression quality has a significant effect on content quality, but no obvious effects on perceived information usefulness and health information adoption. The results of fsQCA reveal three configurations to affect users' health information adoption (i.e., content quality * expression quality * perceived information usefulness * information resource credibility), and another three configurations to affect users' non-adoption i.e., ~content quality * ~perceived information usefulness * ~information resource credibility), in which the latter configurations are asymmetric with the former. The configurations where systematic clues are predominant (S1a and S1b) are more sufficient for promoting users' health information adoption. N1(~ content quality * ~ perceived information usefulness * ~ information resource credibility). This shows the most sufficient configuration path in non-adoption. This study is aimed at exploring users' adoption and non-adoption decision-making process in a growing context of mobile short video apps like Tiktok, in order to contribute to helpful advice for the better management of these apps, which will eventually optimize users' experience with health information behavior. Users always engaged in many kinds of information activities such as information sharing, retweeting, adoption, and some relationships between these activities may exists. Due to the limited length, we did not consider users' other information behavior i.e., retweeting) and the relationship between them in this context, which could possibly be further research directions.
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    Digital Intelligence Integration Innovation Development of GLAM Driven by AIGC
    MA Lecun, ZHAN Xini, ZHU Qiyu, SUN Rong, LI Baiyang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (5): 4-15.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0358
    Abstract376)      PDF(pc) (2499KB)(743)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Recently artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) has become an important tool for the digital development of industry in the digital intelligence integration environment. Clarifying the applicability and application scenarios of AIGC-driven innovation for galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs) as well as exploring GLAM development challenges will go far towards accelerating the transformation of GLAM digital intelligence and promoting GLAM to realize more value. As the previous research is fragmented and most of the related research only focuses on the impacts brought by a specific emerging technology such as ChatGPT or the application scenarios of a certain type of institution, especially libraries, we aim to explore the applicability, application scenarios and emerging challenges of various AIGC technologies to all GLAM institutions to ensure the systematicity of our research. [Method/Process] Based on the study of previous literature, this paper first elaborates on the applicability of AIGC to the development of GLAM digital intelligence integration from five aspects: policy, academia, industry, data, and users. Then, it analyzes the changes of GLAM digital intelligence scenarios driven by AIGC through the perspectives of technology, business, users and organizational management. Finally a discussion of the challenges faced by GLAM and the expectations for its future of digital intelligence integration is provided. In the section of applicability, policy documents are listed to illustrate the overlapping effect, and a review is provided on the development of the Semantic Web to metaverse, Web 3.0, then to AIGC to show the possibility of continuous research from an academic perspective for the GLAM to utilize AIGC. We demonstrate through several examples such as Hunan Museum that AIGC can be effective in the industry as it can create digital content and help develop the IP industry. It is also found that AIGC can help GLAM, which has a large amount of cultural data, to utilize the data, and AIGC can promote user immersive experience by specific user behavior examples. In terms of scenario change, we exemplify that the introduction of AIGC into GLAM as a collection of new technologies will first cause a huge change in technology, so that the diverse information in GLAM can produce more connections and fusion, and realize a large-scale digital twin. Second, it brings changes to the GLAM business such as AI digital human instead of real person doing inquiry service, and virtual pavilion expanding realistic exhibition hall. It also causes changes in user experience, which becomes strongly interactive, immersive and intelligent and it brings various changes to office style, cooperation mode, management mode and user information management. [Results/Conclusions] AIGC can efficiently promote the innovative development of GLAM under multiple application scenarios. In the future, GLAM institutions should actively address challenges including digital ownership protection and development, technology application benefit input-output ratio, and user conversion and evaluation, continuously promote digital talent training, expand digital technology research, and establish a complete AIGC application evaluation system based on existing resources.
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    Analysis of the Group Characteristics of Yuhua Heroes based on Lightweight Ontology
    HE Lin, WU Shuai, YE Yahui, BAI Ying
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (12): 33-44.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0876
    Abstract180)      PDF(pc) (1276KB)(725)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The spirit of Yuhuatai martyrs is one of the important components of the new democratic revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The primary documents about Yuhuatai martyrs is the significant source to record their spirit. Using text processing technologies, such as content annotation and feature construction to deeply excavate the content of the documents, which is not only conducive to carrying forward revolutionary culture and continuing the red spirit, but also beneficial to expanding the application objects of technology and promoting the improvement of text mining technology. [Method/Process] In this paper, the original documents related to Yuhuatai martyrs were used as the data source, which include 12,329 original records in 8 types of documents, including biographies of martyrs, letters, diaries, interrogation materials of the enemy and puppet governments, trial records, and oral history. Then the lightweight ontology of Yuhuatai martyrs was built, which was used as the feature description framework of Yuhuatai martyrs. Based on the domain ontology and trigger word features, relevant instances in the ontology were extracted from the documents of Yuhuatai martyrs, and the formal features of the multi-dimensional attributes of Yuhuatai martyrs were constructed and described. The categories and attributes of lightweight ontology described the Yuhuatai martyrs' group feature framework. Through the data analysis of the extracted ontology instance, the data analysis of Yuhuatai martyr group feature can be realized. [Results/Conclusions] Through the statistical analysis of the basic information, revolutionary activities and the relevant text content of the struggle in prison of Yuhuatai martyrs, this paper further revealed the group characteristics from the perspective of data, including: high education level, sacrifice at a young age, long-term struggle in the ruling center of the Kuomintang, adherence to faith, loyalty to CPC, full of family and country feelings of peace and order, and conscious practice of noble moral pursuit. By the application of lightweight ontology and other quantitative analysis methods in this paper, it is helpful to visualize the lofty ideals and beliefs of Yuhuatai martyrs, noble moral sentiments and the dauntless spirit of sacrifice for the people. This paper has a certain reference value for the presentation and dissemination of innovative Yuhuatai martyrs' spirit.
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    Information Resource Management Researchers' Thinking about the Opportunities and Challenges of AIGC
    ZHANG Zhixiong, ZENG Jianxun, XIA Cuijuan, WANG Dongbo, LI Baiyang, CAI Yingchun
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (1): 4-25.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0118
    Abstract794)      PDF(pc) (4191KB)(651)       Save
    With the explosive popularity of ChatGPT and the development of AI generated content (AIGC), the new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has triggered people's imagination and discussion about the production mode of digital content and the industry transformation. At the same time, it also prompted more scholars' thinking beyond embracing the technological changes in the field information resource management. Based on this, we invited 6 experts to carry out related discussions from the perspective of the disciplinary construction and development of information resource management. (1) AIGC and the field of library and information service: The essence of the rapid development of AI technology lies in the improvement of people's ability in knowledge acquisition brought by the continuous enrichment of data resources and the improvement of quality. The professionals in the field of library and information service should fully understand their value and their role, give full play to the advantages of data resources in libraries, effectively utilize their expertise in knowledge organization and management, actively promote research and development of AI technology, and contribute their wisdom and solutions. (2) The disruptive change brought about by AIGC: The emergence of ChatGPT has brought subversive challenges to the library and information service field. The professionals in this field should actively promote the transformation of the AI era, seize the opportunity, and explore new growth points around knowledge production, resource discovery, knowledge relevance and scientific research ethics. In addition, they should give play to the advantages of our country's political system and intensive development policies, promote the transformation of information services to knowledge content generation service, and raise the knowledge productivity of the whole society. (3) AIGC and cultural heritage resources: ChatGPT has ushered in an era of model-driven content production and carry out innovation in the mode of intelligent service of cultural heritage resources supported by AIGC. In addition, this paper also analyzes the copyright ownership, real-time, interpretability, verifiability, trustworthiness, algorithm bias and cognitive misdirection of large-scale AIGCs. In the future, universal value rationality such as public order and good customs should be endowed with the AIGC, and the paradigm change in the field of cultural heritage should be actively welcomed and promoted. (4) AIGC and researches on intelligent information processing of ancient books: While ChatGPT plays a positive role in promoting intelligent information processing of ancient books and promoting cultural transmission and civilization inheritance, it also brings challenges in cultural value and national security, content security and information governance, information literacy and humanistic education. It is necessary to make efforts in the aspects like providing higher quality and larger scale of precise processing of ancient books in the future, so as to build a scientific, comprehensive and systematic system of information security and digital ethics. (5) AIGC and intelligent tool revolution: This paper analyzes the three elements of big data, giant model and huge computing power in the development of AIGC technology, as well as the four development directions of large and complete data volume, fine granularity of data analysis, multi-source and multi-mode semantic integration of semantic association, human-computer integration of information services and intelligent interaction. It is pointed out that AIGC will bring about the paradigm change of content production in three aspects: production innovation, automatic generation and ecological cultivation. At the same time, it will also bring challenges in technology monopoly and hegemony, network information security technology integration and other aspects. (6) AIGC and library: Based on the analysis of the core technology innovation trend in the ChatGPT model expansion, data enhancement and model fusion, this paper demonstrates the necessity and crisis of using ChatGPT in libraries. In addition, from five aspects of intelligent management system, retrieval system, recommendation system, question answering system and search engine, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the use of GPT in library service integration and innovation promotion.
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    Identification of Key Core Technologies Enables the Development of New Quality Productive Forces
    WANG Shan, TAN Zongying
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (2): 26-35.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0191
    Abstract411)      PDF(pc) (1156KB)(630)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Identifying key core technologies helps to clarify the direction of future efforts, optimize the allocation of innovation resources, accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies, and promote the development of new quality productive forces by cultivating new types of workers, updating new types of means of labor, and expanding new types of subjects of labor. [Method/Process] Given the importance of key core technology identification in empowering the development of new quality productive forces, the research clarifies the connotation and extension of the key core technologies, and investigates the qualitative and quantitative identification methods of key core technologies at home and abroad. Quantitative methods are divided into three categories: indicator evaluation, social network analysis, and text mining. A comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each method are reviewed, and the overall shortcomings and problems of existing identification methods are summarized. Based on the analysis of the practical requirements and significance of breakthroughs in key core technologies, this study delves into the inherent logic of identifying key core technologies, which enables the development of new quality productive forces. The method of identifying key core technologies can cultivate new types of workers by improving talent management mechanisms and strengthening skills training for workers, New types of means of labor are updated through promoting technological integration and innovation and engaging in industry-academia-research cooperation and expanding new types of objects of labor by developing new production fields and analyzing market demand. In view of the challenges faced in the process of empowering new quality productive forces through the identification of key core technologies, this study proposes a practical way for empowering the development of new quality productive forces through the identification of key core technologies. [Results/Conclusions] Current research on identifying key core technologies is in its early stages and still faces several challenges, including outdated identification methods, inconsistent standards, the complexity of integrating technologies across disciplines, the need for improving accuracy of identification results, the lack of mining and using of multi-source data, and uncertainties in forecasting market demand. These obstacles hinder the process of using key core technology identification to cultivate new types of workers, update new types of means of labor, and expand new types of objects of labor, thus hindering the accelerated development of new quaity productive forces. Therefore, we need to focus on removing the obstacles that hinder the acceleration of new quality productive forces through the identification of key core technologies. A dynamic identification indicator system can be established to support the training of new types of workers, industry-academia-research cooperation can be strengthened to facilitate the updating of new production materials, and industrial development funds can be established to support the expansion of new types of objects of labor.
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    Construction and Application of the Evaluation Indicator System of Government Data Openness Maturity in China
    WANG Lin, YAO Feifei
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (1): 56-72.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0740
    Abstract223)      PDF(pc) (2833KB)(559)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] At present, governments at different levels in China are faced with some problems and challenges in opening up government data such as lagging policy legislation, data unable to meet public demand, insufficient platform service function and integration, imperfect data openness innovation mechanism, and a lack of unified management institutions. The purpose of this paper aims at construction of a stage maturity model to build an evaluation indicator system to measure government data openness maturity, It is important for the local government to understand which level of development their open data is at and which areas need to be improved, in order to comprehensively understand and grasp the actual level of local government data openness in China, which is important for strengthening the construction of sunshine government and e-government, optimizing the process of government data openness, and promoting the innovative development of government data openness. [Method/Process] Based on the idea of the software capability maturity model Capability Maturity Model (CMM), the Chinese government data openness maturity model was constructed, and then a data openness evaluation indicator system was also established on the basis of the maturity model. The government data openness maturity model includes strategic level, data level, technical level, organizational level and application level, and the levels are divided into five categories: initial level, document level, development level, open level and optimization level. The evaluation indicator system consists of 5 primary indicators, 11 secondary indicators and 35 tertiary indicators. The combination weights of the indicators were calculated by using the AHP-entropy weight method. Then, we designed the scoring rules, set the scoring criteria, and scored the four municipalities directly under the central government of China according to the actual situation. [Results/Conclusions] According to the ratings of the four municipalities, Shanghai has a good overall performance, followed by Beijing, Tianjin, and Chongqing. The municipalities directly under the central government are better in terms of related policies launched, but they are lacking in terms of platform function construction, the degree of perfection of local policies and regulations, and the interaction ability with users, which need to be further strengthened. The open government data evaluation indicator system proposed in this paper needs continuous improvement in terms of indicator selection and scoring criteria. In some aspects, the effect of using one indicator alone may not be satisfactory, and the follow-up study involving more elements will summarize more experiences and collect more experts' opinions in the field of government data openness to further improve the government data openness maturity evaluation indicator system.
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    A Survey of Author Name Disambiguation Techniques of Academic Papers
    WANG Xin, LU Yao, YUAN Xue, ZHAO Wanjing, CHEN Li, LIU Minjuan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (10): 82-90.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0906
    Abstract436)      PDF(pc) (1018KB)(559)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This paper investigates the research on author name disambiguation published in recent years, and reviews the development context of relevant research from the perspective of the impact of data on author name disambiguation methods, so as to provide reference for further research. [Method/Process] The papers related to author name disambiguation were collected from English research databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Google Academic, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Springer Link, and Chinese research databases such as CNKI, CQVIP and WANFANG. The search results cover the relevant papers published from 1998 to 2021. On the premise of giving consideration to authority, influence and novelty, 46 publicationswere selected for review. There are many types and structures of author name disambiguation data. For example, literature feature information is generally presented in unstructured text, and the extracted features can be stored and represented in two-dimensional tables; Citation information and interpersonal relationship are network relational data, which can be stored and represented by graphs, key value pairs or two-dimensional tables. The fundamental reason for different data structures lies in their semantic differences, but the data structure itself determines its applicable algorithm. According to the structure of characteristic data used in the author name disambiguation task and the different corresponding data processing algorithms, the relevant research is divided into three categories: 1) disambiguation method based on literature characteristics, 2) disambiguation method based on social network and 3) disambiguation method by integrating external knowledge. The impact of data on the author name disambiguation method is examined from the data level. [Results/Conclusions] The analysis found that with the progress of technology, deep learning methods have been widely used. Compared with the improvement of the model, the feature learning and representation based on deep learning can significantly improve the effect of the author name disambiguation algorithm. In addition, in order to overcome the problem of insufficient data utilization by a single method and improve the utilization efficiency of data, the three methods show the trend of mutual combination and complementary gain. From the literature research results, there are few related studies on incremental author name disambiguation and multi-language author name disambiguation, which could be one of the directions for further research.
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    Ecological Mechanism of User Information Interaction in the Metaverse Environment
    GUO Yajun, YUAN Yiming, ZHANG Tengfei
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (6): 4-13.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0424
    Abstract444)      PDF(pc) (4229KB)(558)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Information ecology, as a kind of overall scenario of user information interaction behavior, reveals the basic logic of information flow among information elements in a particular environment. The study of information ecology in traditional information environment has been relatively mature. With the arrival of the metaverse, its characteristics of virtualization, immersion and decentralization have transformed user information interaction behavior, which in turn has brought about changes of the ecological interaction mechanism. We need to analyze the ecological mechanism of information interaction in the metaverse environment, in order to provide reference for relevant information theory research and promote the birth of metaverse informatics. [Method/Process] This paper stands on the information ecology perspective, takes the four ecological elements of information people, information, information environment and information technology as the entry point, and divides the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment into three layers of architecture: information interaction, information data and information technology. Among them, the information interaction layer contains information users and information environment. Unlike the information ecological chain, each information user in the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment is an integration of information producer, transmitter and consumer. Unlike the linear information flow in the information ecological chain, the information flow in the metaverse will show a wave-like diffusion. The information data layer provides the information resources in the information interaction ecology, and in this layer, we discuss the process from production to management of information resources under the metaverse environment. The information technology layer is the implementation path and basic support of the whole information interaction ecology, and in this layer we introduce several information technologies commonly used in the metaverse information interaction ecology. Through the above three-layer architecture, we have discussed the ecological composition of information interaction, information interaction logic, and information movement process as a whole to constitute the user information ecological mechanism under the metaverse enviornment. [Results/Conclusions] This paper constructs an ecological mechanism of user information interaction in the metaverse with a hierarchical architecture from the physical environment to the interaction scene, and provides strategies for the development of this mechanism from the perspectives of user, resource, technology, and governance. Taking the metaverse as the theoretical background, this study re-examines and expands the traditional information ecology theory, with the aim to provide a boost to the development of metaverse informatics. It is worth stating that the ecological mechanism of metaverse information interaction proposed in this paper is a theoretical prediction based on existing research, and the empirical conditions are insufficient.
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    Towards Known Unknowns: GPT Large Language Models Empower Human-Centered Information Retrieval
    SHOU Jianqi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (5): 16-26.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0386
    Abstract363)      PDF(pc) (1547KB)(553)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The foundation of public library services lies within information retrieval (IR), an area that has a profound societal impact through activities such as digital resource integration and the advancement of societal equity. Current methodologies focus primarily on classical keyword-based Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)-like top-down retrieval and large language model (LLM) based point-to-point retrieval. Unfortunately, these approaches individually fail to strike a balance between flexibility and reliability, hindering the evolution towards user-centric IR systems. Consequently, there is an urgent need for an innovative retrieval strategy that fosters a human-centered IR paradigm. [Method/Process] Contrary to the prevalent school of thought that advocates for the complete substitution of classical OPAC-like approach with LLM methods such as GPT, we put forward a groundbreaking proposal that synergizes the merits of both strategies. This proposition represents the inaugural effort of this kind within the scholarly community of public information service. We introduce the adaptive literature retrieval framework (ALRF), an innovative approach grounded in the principles of cognitive science, addressing the critical user challenge in retrieval - the pursuit of known unknown knowledge (KUK). KUK originates from a user's explicit understanding of the desired outcome, without comprehending the associated domain-specific terminology, thereby lacking the necessary entry point for a keyword-based search. ALRF's novel two-stage workflow caters specifically to such situations: (i) users can identify target keywords or keywords at a more abstract level by entering descriptions in natural language, thus implementing a bottom-up strategy; (ii) utilizing these extracted keywords, users can then conduct a top-down search. ALRF accommodates LLMs such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, and ERNIE Bot. The platform's effectiveness in retrieving literature from diverse fields such as science and engineering, biology and medicine, literature and sociology was carefully evaluated. [Results/Conclusions] The ALRF significantly outperforms standard methods, i.e., LLM-based retrieval service and OPAC-like retrieval service, in terms of both flexibility and reliability. This holds true for tasks involving keyword abstraction (i.e., identifying keywords at a higher level of abstraction in the target domain) and property extraction (i.e., locating keywords with specific attributes but at the same abstraction level as the target domain). Consequently, it addresses the pressing need for KUK retrieval, signifying that ALRF has showcased initial potential to cater to the diverse and personalized retrieval requirements of users. This suggests that ALRF could potentially revolutionize public information services by placing humans at the center of its operation. Regrettably, a current hindrance to the wider adoption of ALRF in public IR in China is the pace of development of powerful LLMs by Chinese corporations. We recommend that researchers remain abreast of such advancements to be cognizant of the realistic possibilities and limitations in real-world applications.
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    Analysis of Scholars' Comments on Breaking Through the Evaluation Criteria Based on"Four Only"
    LIU Qian, ZHENG Sijia, GUI Chenjun, WANG Xuefeng
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (10): 46-58.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0961
    Abstract266)      PDF(pc) (1375KB)(508)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The publication of policy documents of breaking through the evaluation criteria based on" only thesis, only professional title, only academic degree, only awards" and "only SCI " has triggered extensive discussions among academic researchers. Scholars' discussions are logical and thorough, which can be used as a reference for the further improvement of talent evaluation and institutional evaluation policies. [Methods/Process] This paper comprehensively adopted the literature research method, analyzed scholars' views and comments on policy documents, classified scholars' concerns, and proposed suggestions based on the current status of scientific research evaluation. [Results/Conclusions] The paper proposed to improve the classification and evaluation methods, promote the implementation of the representative work system, optimize the allocation of scientific research resources, strengthen the cultivation of domestic journals, establish a comprehensive evaluation system, and strengthen academic ethics supervision, in order to provide references for government decision-making.
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    Analysis and Enlightenment of International Deepfake Technology Policy Texts: Taking the United States and the European Union as Examples
    ZHAO Xueqin, LI Tian'e, HU Huihui
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (9): 60-71.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0501
    Abstract347)      PDF(pc) (1283KB)(469)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] In the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies based on intelligent algorithms have a huge impact on people's lives, and one representative technology is deepfake technology. It is a derivative technology that appears naturally in the development of AI technology, and is mainly used in speech synthesis, AI face changing, etc. However, the abuse of deepfake technologies has caused varying degrees of threat to national security, social and public security, and privacy and reputation. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to formulate policies to guide the behavior of deepfake technology subjects. [Method/Process] Through online research, it is found that the United States and the European Union have paid much attention to the alienation of deepfake technology, and have formulated a series of policies to govern it. Therefore, the deepfake technology policies of the United States and the European Union were selected as the research object. This paper adopts the "X-Y" two-dimensional analysis framework to analyze the deepfake policy text. The X dimension is the basic policy tool, and the Y dimension is the perspective of how to deal with technology alienation. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of the two was carried out, that is, the application of policy tools in dealing with technology alienation is studied. This paper uses Nvivo12 to complete the coding of policy tools, codes the policy terms one by one according to the selected policy tool types, and then analyzes the coding results and draws conclusions. [Results/Conclusions] The deepfake technology policies of the United States and the European Union have certain characteristics in content, such as focusing on environmental policy tools, paying more attention to the governance of technology, individuals and organizations, and focusing on the publicity and education of technology ethics. But in general, it is based on its existing system to increase the governance of the alienation phenomenon of deepfake technology, so as to strengthen the mutual promotion and integration of new policies and old policies. For China, the governance of deepfake technology alienation should be started as soon as possible. Specific measures include formulating deepfake technology alienation governance plans, promoteing government-led deepfake technology innovation practices, realizing the combination of technology ethics and policy tools, actively participating in international governance of deepfake technology alienation. In addition, this paper takes the deepfake technology policies of the United States and the European Union as an example, which has certain limitations, so in the future research, we will expand the selection of samples.
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    Framework for the Semantic Description of Images with Integrated Events and Emotions
    HU Shoumin, DONG Huanqing
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (2): 51-60.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0109
    Abstract47)      PDF(pc) (1363KB)(460)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Aiming at the semantic missing and incomplete problems in the process of image organization and retrieval, a framework for semantic description of images in social media is proposed to enrich the existing theoretical system of image description, improve the efficiency and utilization of image retrieval, and provide a reference for the realization of the automatic semantic annotation of images. [Method/Process] First, we conducted a survey and analysis of research progress related to image description both domestically and internationally, summarizing the existing theories of image description and annotation, metadata specifications, and related technical methods. Second, based on the image metadata standards and the theory of hierarchical and categorical description of image features, we constructed a semantic description framework for social media images, focusing on seven layers: external feature layer, content layer, object layer, relationship layer, scene layer, event layer, and emotional layer. We also elaborated in detail the various semantic layers and their interrelationships. Finally, we verified the feasibility of the image semantic description framework by describing the examples of character images and landscape images. [Results/Conclusions] The results of the descriptive examples of character images and landscape images indicate that the image semantic description framework can eliminate the "semantic gap" in image description through semantic associations between different layers, and achieve a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, and multi-level structured and semantic description of the external and content features of images. It has strong portability and flexibility. However, there are also certain limitations and areas for improvement in this paper: 1) Based on the image semantic description framework proposed in this paper, a prototype system based on image annotation needs to be developed; 2) The images posted by users on social media are closely related to the situation, and they are more likely to express emotions. In the future, more research on the semantic layer of images can be conducted based on the text information posted by users; 3) Future research can further explore the application of deep learning in image and text fusion to achieve more accurate event and emotion recognition. By constructing a more complex neural network structure, the event and emotion information in the image can be deeply mined and fused; 4) When describing images, the study should pay attention not only to static visual features, but also to consider the dynamic course of events. Future frameworks could attempt to combine static and dynamic information to provide richer, more vivid descriptions of images.
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    Review and Prospect of Research on Technology Opportunity Identification
    LIU Ting, ZHAO Yajuan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (7): 4-17.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0409
    Abstract234)      PDF(pc) (1123KB)(446)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Identifying potential technological opportunities will help countries and enterprises seize scientific and technological opportunities, which is particularly important for innovation entities to enhance their core competitiveness and gain competitive advantages in scientific and technological innovation and application. A systematic review of existing research is provided on technology opportunity identification, discriminating current limitations and research prospects to provide theoretical support for further research and practice on technology opportunity identification. [Method/Process] This paper first clarifies the connotation and types of technology opportunities, and the research holds that technology opportunities can be divided into three types: emerging technology, blank technology and fusion technology. It then sorts out the research status of three different types of technology opportunity identification at home and abroad through literature review, and focuses on the summary of the characteristics of different types of technology opportunity identification. It includes the core ideas, main methods, representative literature, and each type of data sources, and evaluates the existing research results. Finally, the limitations of the current research, and the development direction of future are discussed. [Results/Conclusions] Diversified types of technology opportunity identification are found and rich research methods are used in the literature, and a relatively standardized and systematic research paradigm has come into being. By analyzing each type of technology opportunity, some common elements can be found, including representative methods, method principles, data sources, knowledge representation units, technology opportunity definitions, technology opportunity evaluation, advantages and disadvantages, and other characteristics. The main limitations of the existing research are summarized as follows. First, the existing research is primarily carried out from a single perspective view, and a complete system of cross-domain technology identification and reference methods has not yet been formed. Second, in terms of data sources, most of the data sources of technology opportunity identification are papers or patent data, and there is a lack of research on the integration of multi-source data and study on multiple relationships. In terms of identification methods, the representative technology is primarily at a macro or micro level, and the semantic relationship between words is seldom considered. Finally, in terms of post-evaluation, there is a lack of a comprehensive and systematic evaluation system. The possible research work in the future may focus on the following aspects: cross-field and cross-topic technology opportunity identification to achieve cross convergence among more technology elements will become the development trend; more diversified and targeted data sources, research methods, and research content are expected; the analysis framework and process will be more standardized, and the post-evaluation system will be improved.
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    Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Resources Development Based on NFT
    MOU Lijun, XU Xin
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (6): 14-23.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0453
    Abstract643)      PDF(pc) (973KB)(444)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Intangible cultural heritage, as a typical representative of excellent traditional Chinese culture, have extremely high social value and cultural value, and the current intangible cultural heritage digital resources development work has made some progresses. However, the distribution of resources is fragmented, displaying the resource "island" phenomenon, and the developers are difficult to form a synergistic effect, user's requirements and live condition, input and output are difficult to balance, leading to the outcome are affected. Therefore, we use the NFT to organize intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, which can better realize the dissemination and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. [Method/Process] According to online survey and literature research, this paper analyzes the deep problems of the intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, introduces the key technology of NFT, which including smart contracts and blockchain, discusses the feasibility in intangible cultural heritage digital resources development. At the subject level, the development based on NFT integrates the strength of various institutions, promotes the multi-developer cooperation. At the method level, the development meets the three needs of users and realizes the live development. At the economic level, the balance between input and output has been achieved, and economic and social values are unified. In addition, this paper puts forward the development architecture based on NFT according to the characteristics of intangible cultural heritage digital resources, which can be divided into network layer, consensus layer, contract layer, resource layer and user layer from bottom to top. Then we expound the application processes and implementation strategies. [Results/Conclusions] The NFT has many advantages in transactions. For example, digital collection transactions record ownership and its flow on a blockchain, the whole transfer process is open and transparent, solving the problem of authenticity of the collection. What's more, NFT brings a new confirmation model, in the new model, the entire blockchain recognizes the sole ownership of the owner, which has revolutionary significance for intellectual property protection. Based on the blockchain, we introduced the NFT into the intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, which is conducive to the copyright protection and develop traceability, provides a reference path for the fine-grained intangible cultural heritage digital resources development. In addition, the architecture has a certain universality, and it needs to be combined with the specific intangible cultural heritage project, resource type, digital format and other personalized requirements. With the maturity of the Meta-Universe ecology, intangible cultural heritage digital resources, as a potential cultural resource, can be further innovated and developed, and derive more forms.
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    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (12): 4-5.  
    Abstract245)      PDF(pc) (4038KB)(426)       Save
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    Innovative Development and Utilization of Agricultural Cultural Heritage Enabled by Digital Technologies
    HE Mengfan, XIONG Lejia, DING Ying, YANG Weishu
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (3): 71-80.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0822
    Abstract105)      PDF(pc) (1286KB)(426)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The agricultural cultural heritage embodies the traditional farming wisdom, unique natural scenery and rich biodiversity formed through hundreds and thousands of years of inheritance. The study of digital technology-enabled development and utilization of agricultural cultural heritage is conducive to fully exploring the modern value of agricultural cultural heritage, strengthening the integrated interaction with the key work of rural revitalization, such as the development of modern agriculture, the construction of beautiful countryside, the construction of ecological civilization, and the entrepreneurship and innovation of farmers. On top of that, it is beneficial to the sustainable development of agricultural cultural heritage and is related to the successful implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. [Method/Process] By using the methods of literature analysis, case study and field survey, the current status and problems of agricultural cultural heritage are comprehensively reviewed. There are some problems, such as insufficient application of innovation in agricultural cultural heritage areas and inadequate value exploration. In this regard, the article puts forward several measures for the development and utilization of agricultural cultural heritage resources enabled by digital technologies after the analysis of digital management of agricultural cultural heritage resources, including building public brands in agricultural cultural heritage areas to form industrial clusters. This article takes "Anhua Black Tea" as an example to analyze the brand digital marketing mechanism and takes Li Ziqi's short videos as another example to analyze how to attract e-commerce traffic and realize traffic in the new media era and build a local brand with local characteristics with the help of "Internet plus Agriculture." It provides ideas and solutions for the development and utilization of digital technology-enabled agricultural cultural heritage. [Results/Conclusions] With the transformation of social economy, the traditional production mode of agricultural cultural heritage can no longer meet the needs of modern society. In order to make agricultural cultural heritage continue to "live", it is necessary to explore its multiple values, enable the modernization transformation of agricultural cultural heritage with the help of digital technology, realize its living state inheritance, improve the comprehensive benefits of agricultural cultural heritage and maintain sustainable development. The study explores the digital development, open communication, new scene construction and innovative utilization of agricultural cultural heritage, which can be realized through the Internet and digital technologies. Agricultural cultural heritage has many characteristics, such as brand differentiation, brand subdivision, and precise description of natural scenery, high-quality agricultural products and cultural connotation of agricultural cultural heritage. With the help of new media marketing, the ecological advantages and industrial value of agricultural cultural heritage system are explored to maximize the value of resources. A limitation of this study is that there still lacks quantitative analysis. Future research will use structural equation model and other tools to analyze the factors that affect the conversion rate of agricultural account traffic from multiple aspects such as video content, audience and platforms.
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    Research Progress and Implementation of FAIR Principles for Scientific Data Management
    CHEN Shuxian, LIU Guifeng, LIU Qiong
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (8): 30-41.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0238
    Abstract555)      PDF(pc) (1248KB)(412)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] With the development of data-intensive scientific research paradigm, the effective discovery and reuse of scientific data is of great significance to the sharing of research results. In order to promote scientific data utilization and improve the scientific value of data resources, the international academic community proposed the FAIR principles in 2016, aiming to promote data openness, which has so far attracted widespread attention from scholars at home and abroad. Many exploratory studies have been carried out around the FAIR principles, such as GO FAIR, and RDA, CODATA and other international organizations have been established to be devoted to open science and data sharing practices; the European Union, as the representative advocate of open science, has strongly promoted the implementation and promotion of the FAIR principles by establishing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and introducing data policies, etc. The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic and comprehensive overview of the academic achievements of FAIR principles, with the aim of providing references for the promotion and implementation of the principles and scientific data management practice in China. [Method/Process] This paper combines literature research and online research, and through content analysis, provides an in-depth analysis of literature on FAIR principles in terms of content interpretation, assessment methods, domain application, discipline application and regional application. It includes five perspectives of organization guarantee on FAIR principles, four basic principles of FAIR, practical exploration, disciplinary implementation and regional practice of FAIR principles to review the research progress and implementation of FAIR principles at home and abroad, focusing on exploring the practical value of FAIR principles, and systematically summarizing the research status and existing achievements. [Results/Conclusions] International research on FAIR principles focuses on theory, implementation strategies, and evaluation methods, For example, at the level of FAIR content, the four basic principles have been explored and discussed in practice; at the level of implementation strategies, many stakeholders have taken different measures to ensure the implementation of FAIR principles, and different organizations have developed evaluation methods. In addition, FAIR principles have been explored in the fields of medicine and other disciplines and are widely used in Europe and other regions. In contrast, domestic research is still in its infancy and national policy support and follow-up by relevant organizations is needed for further study and implementation of FAIR principles in China.
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    Developing the New Quality Productivity: Responses and Reflections on the Discipline of Information Resource Management
    XIA Yikun, JIANG Jie, ZHANG Xiaheng, WANG Jiandong, ZHOU Wenjie, YANG Xinya, LI Yang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2024, 36 (1): 4-32.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-1101
    Abstract226)      PDF(pc) (5126KB)(406)       Save
    The scientific connotation, strategic considerations and practical ways of "new quality productive forces" have received wide attention from the political, academic and industrial circles. Cultivating and developing new quality productive forces means fundamentally changing the mode of production. It is necessary to grasp the practical direction of new quality productive forces from their scientific connotation and internal logic, and explore the scientific way of cultivating and developing the new quality productive forces from China's national conditions. As an important engine of economic development in the new era, its connotation characteristics, development path, opportunities and challenges are worthy of further discussion. For this reason, seven experts were invited to share their perspectives. 1) The deep logic and realization path of the construction of new quality productive forces and high-quality data resources. This paper discusses in depth the background and connotation characteristics of the high-quality data resources, and analyzes the internal logic of the mutual promotion between high-quality data resources and the development of new quality productivity. It is proposed that the construction of high-quality data resources must implement the concepts of innovation, coordination, openness, credibility and sustainability, and follow the construction strategies of concept innovation, model innovation, structural innovation and technological innovation. 2) The theoretical logic and practical path of data elements empowering new quality productive forces. In the new era of green and intelligent development, there is a profound dialectical relationship between data elements and new quality productive forces, and a new situation of economic and social development is accelerated in the spiral ascent of complementarity. We should comprehensively build a data space governance model with clear data ownership, smooth data path, guaranteed data quality and orderly and standardized algorithm computing power, expand new quality production capacity and production factors with the goal of human-machine cooperation and promote sustainable economic and social development. 3) Accelerating the promotion of data rights. Data can act on new quality productive forces from the technical, factor and industrial dimensions, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces. The multiplier effect of data elements on new quality productive forces will involve many dimensions, levels and stages, the most important and fundamental of which is how to determine the ownership of data. The measures for speeding up the promotion of new quality productive forces are discussed, such as constructing the theory of property rights in accordance with the characteristics of data and the law of development of new quality productive forces, speeding up the clarification of the types and scope of data confirmation, and improving the supporting system of data confirmation. 4) Promoting China's modernization path with Chinese-style digitization. Accelerating the promotion of Chinese-style digitization is not only the only way to realize Chinese-style modernization, but also the core to fully release new quality productive forces and build China's asymmetric competitive advantage under the new situation. It is suggested that in the process of digitalization and informatization in China, the information resource management industry plays a vital role and bears the important responsibility of digital transformation. 5) Interpreting the mission of public libraries from the perspective of new quality productive forces. Since its establishment, public libraries have been based on the concept of enlightenment. Faced with the profound digital transformation of society, today's public libraries need to further develop the potential of empowering the people in the field of digital economy and make them play an active role in the development of new quality productive forces. Public libraries need to further develop their potential to empower people in the field of digital economy, so that they can play an active role in the development of new quality productive forces. They should actively participate in data commercialization, promote the effective use of data elements and the efficiency of resource allocation, and enable more people to obtain and use data elements equally through open access and digital services. 6) The intelligent transformation of university libraries from the perspective of new quality productive forces. In the process of developing new quality productive forces, we should fully understand the profound meaning of new productive forces, based on the core tasks of providing a strong guarantee for the development of new quality productive forces in higher education, grasp the development opportunities, and realize the high-quality development of the industry. This paper explains the understanding of university libraries on the three key words of new quality productive forces, and proposes that the re-understanding and realization of library intelligence is an important starting point for the development of new productive forces. 7) To support information resource management discipline to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces. From the perspective of information resource management discipline, this paper analyzes several aspects of "doing something" under the rise of new quality productivity concept, including theoretical system, information resource guarantee, information analysis and consultation, scenario building, knowledge popularization and civic literacy cultivation. The content of academic evaluation, information policy, intellectual property rights, digital consumption behavior and other directions related to new quality productivity are also important directions that the discipline needs to pay attention to.
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    Applications and Prospect Analysis of Deep Learning in Plant Genomics and Crop Breeding
    HOU Xiangying, CUI Yunpeng, LIU Juan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (8): 4-18.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0101
    Abstract603)      PDF(pc) (1977KB)(401)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Advances in single-cell sequencing and high-throughput technology have made it possible for plant genomics to accumulate large quantities of data describing multidimensional genomic-wide molecular phenotypes at low cost. As powerful data mining tools, deep learning techniques can be utilized to further predict and interpret the acquired molecular phenotypes. In recent studies, deep learning has been shown to yield significant results in plant genomics and crop breeding research. However, a complete review of deep learning applications in plant genomics is lacking. [Method/Process] The input to deep learning applied to genomics is usually biological sequences and molecular phenotypes as predictor and target variables, respectively. We introduced the workflow from four views: input data pre-processing includes retrieval, coding, and splitting; model construction and training includes the selection of model architecture and hyperparameters; model evaluation and interpretability. Specifically, this paper introduces the background of deep learning approaches, including the latest graph neural networks; then it discusses two prominent issues in the intersection of genomics and deep learning with respect to gene characterization and protein characterization: 1) how to model the flow of information from plant genomic DNA sequences to molecular phenotypes; and 2) how deep learning models can be utilized to identify functional variation in natural populations? Specifically, the paper summarizes the current status of deep learning applications in related fields, which include deep learning and DNA and gene characterization research, interpretability of deep learning in genomics applications, graph neural networks in genomics, deep learning and genomic variation research, deep learning in protein prediction, ALPHAFOLD in protein prediction, deep learning and crop breeding research, and unsupervised learning in genomics and protein characterization. [Results/Conclusions] This article summarizes how traditional deep-learning algorithms, graph deep-learning, generative adversarial networks and interpretable AI are applied in current research in order to address these two problems. Finally, the prospects for deep learning in future plant genomics research and crop improvement are discussed. Overall, deep learning has provided better results than conventional methods in many genomics research directions, and the application of deep learning in genomics has yielded early applications of scientific and economic significance. Deep learning offers two distinct advantages: 1) end-to-end learning, with the ability to integrate multiple pre-processing steps into a single model; and 2) multimodal data processing capabilities that can handle extremely heterogeneous data in genomics. The advancement of deep learning has the potential to expand new research perspectives in genomics and crop breeding, and to facilitate larger-scale association studies in both phenotypic and genotypic genomics as algorithms become more accurate.
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    Review and Prospect of Rural Public Cultural Space Research in China
    MIAO Meijuan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (4): 4-18.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0222
    Abstract246)      PDF(pc) (958KB)(401)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Using the concept of "public cultural space" to refer to various public cultural facilities and places in rural areas is a research trend that has gradually emerged in recent years. Under the background of rural revitalization strategy, clarifying the current research status and existing problems of rural public cultural space in China, exploring future research priorities is of great practical significance and theoretical value to promote the high-quality development of rural public cultural services, prosperous development of rural culture and the spiritual enrichment of farmers in the new era. [Method/Process] This paper reviewed relevant literature on rural public cultural spaces in China from 2012 to 2022, summarized existing research results, analyzed existing problems, and proposed future research priorities. [Results/Conclusions] The existing study mainly focuses on the overall research on rural public cultural space and the research on specific types of rural public culture. The former includes the basic theoretical issues such as the concept connotation, constituent elements, space types, value functions, development and evolution of rural public cultural space, as well as the construction status quo, existing problems and reconstruction path. The latter includes rural traditional cultural space, rural modern cultural space and rural new cultural space construction. The research of rural public cultural spaces puts increasing emphasis on the in-depth and systematic study and is focused on the theoretical value, the problem orientation and policy orientation of the research are becoming increasingly obvious. However, compared with urban public cultural space, specialized research on rural public cultural space is still relatively lacking. At the theoretical research level, research on digital or virtual public cultural spaces in rural areas in the digital and post pandemic era still needs to be improved, and research on the construction and evaluation of rural public cultural space based on the perspective of villagers' participation is still insufficient. At the practical research level, compared with modern cultural space such as township cultural stations and rural libraries, the research on new types of public cultural space such as rural bookstores and homestay bookbars that have emerged in recent years still needs to be further deepened. The innovative practice and advanced experience of traditional rural public cultural space in revitalization and transformation still lack systematic refinement. Faced with the new requirements of rural revitalization strategy and high-quality development of public culture for rural public cultural space, future in-depth research includes comparison of reconstruction paths of various types of rural public cultural space, construction of new rural public cultural space, construction of rural public cultural digital space, service innovation of rural public cultural space, evaluation indicators of rural public cultural space, and international experience and Chinese characteristics of rural public cultural space.
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    Research on Library User Profiles for Precision Services
    CAO Shujin, YUE Wenyu
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2021, 33 (10): 4-19.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0399
    Abstract398)      PDF(pc) (2608KB)(394)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance]In order to meet the needs of the innovation and development in libraries in the era of big data, and promote the realization of library precision services based on user profiles.[Method/Process]Based on the interactive data of readers in Foshan Library, combined with the TF-IDF algorithm and the LDA modeling method to extract interactive text features, this study constructed and analyzed the multi-dimensional and multi perspective reader profile data.[Results/Conclusions]By revealing the characteristics of readers' attributes, this study offers a comprehensive and three-dimensional framework for describing users, providing insights intothe ways of accurate recommendation and related servicesin public libraries.
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    Review of Deep Learning for Language Modeling
    WANG Sili, ZHANG Ling, YANG Heng, LIU Wei
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (8): 4-18.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0251
    Abstract206)      PDF(pc) (1215KB)(387)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Deep learning for language modeling is one of the major methods and advanced technologies to enhance language intelligence of machines at present, which has become an indispensable important technical means for automatic processing and analysis of data resources, and intelligent mining of information and knowledge. However, there are still some difficulties in using deep learning for language modeling for technology development and application service in the library and information science (LIS) field. Therefore, this study systematically reviews and reveals the research progress, technical principles, and development methods of deep learning for language modeling, with the aim at providing reliable theoretical basis and feasible methodological paths for the deep understanding and application of deep learning for language modeling for librarians and fellow practitioners. [Method/Process] The data used in this study were collected from the WOS core database, CNKI literature database, arXiv preprint repository, GitHub open-source software hosting platform and the open resources on the Internet. Based on these data, this paper first systematically investigates the background, basic feature representation algorithms, and representative application development tools of deep learning for language modeling, reveals their dynamic evolution and technical principles, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages and applicability of each algorithm model and development tool. Second, an in-depth analysis of the possible challenging problems faced by the development and application of deep learning for language modeling was performed, and two strategic approaches to expand their application capabilities were put forward. [Results/Conclusions] The important challenges faced by the application and development of deep learning for language modeling include numerous parameters and difficulties to adjust accuracy, relying on a large amount of accurate training data, difficulties in making changes, and the intellectual property and information security issues. In the future, we will start from two aspects of specific domains and feature engineering to expand and improve the application capabilities of deep learning for language modeling. Specifically, we focus on consideration of the collection and preparation of domain data, selection of model architecture, participation of domain experts, and optimization for specific tasks, in order to ensure that the data source of the model is more reliable and secure, and the application effect is more accurate and practical. Moreover, the strategic methods for feature engineering to expand the application capabilities of deep learning for language modeling include selecting appropriate features, feature pre-processing, feature selection, and feature dimensionality reduction. These strategies can help improve the performance and efficiency of deep learning for language models, making them more suitable for specific tasks or domains. To sum up, LIS institutions should leverage the deep learning for language modeling related technologies, guided by the needs of scientific research and social development, and based on advantages of existing literature data resources and knowledge services; they should carry out innovative professional or vertical domain intelligent knowledge management and application service, and develop technology and systems with independent intellectual property rights, which is their long-term sustainable development path.
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    Advancing the Work on Ancient Classics in the New Era and Accelerating Innovative and Intelligent Development
    HUANG Shuiqing, WANG Xiaoguang, XIA Cuijuan, OUYANG Jiang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (5): 4-20.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0359
    Abstract617)      PDF(pc) (1562KB)(387)       Save
    The promulgation of the Opinions on Advancing the Management Work on Ancient Classics in the New Era brought great development opportunities to the research on protection and management of ancient books and documents, the innovative development of digital humanities and the upgrading of cultural industry. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the work on protection and management of ancient books and documents in China has achieved fruitful results. In order to advance the management work on ancient classics in the new era, and promote the sharing, publicity and reuse of ancient books and docuemnts, the Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture organized a special seminar on four directions.1)Computing humanities should become an important discipline method for the research and management work of ancient books and docuemnts in the new era. By making full use of computing humanities' theories and methods, and giving full play to the advantages of the knowledge base of ancient classics and related knowledge service platforms in humanities computing, semantic publishing and cultural popularization, more abundant resource base, more convenient technical support and more intuitive promotion form for the work on ancient classics in the New Era will be obtained.2)Data intelligence empowerment brings new opportunities to the development of ancient classics. In recent years, with the progress of image OCR recognition, natural language processing and machine learning technologies and their successful applications in the managment work on ancient books and documents, the management work on ancient classics has begun to advance from digital development to intelligent development.3)New technologies are explored for the sharing, publicity and reuse of ancient classics. Although the professionals in the industry of ancient books have been reducing the cost of and limitation to sharing ancient books by establishing the normative guarantee at the institutional level and exploring technological forces for a long time, they still fail to achieve the ideal effect on how to achieve the balance between preservation and utilization. The introduction of new technologies such as blockchain, the new business models such as non-homogeneous tokens, and the initial formation of new digital media industry chains such as "virtual digital human" and "digital collections" will provide new opportunities for the asset-based management of ancient books, and the development of cultural and creative products and the evidence-based on-chain based on the digital content of ancient books.4)Vitality and utilization of ancient books is the new task for the professionals in the industry. The aim can be achieved by using the text-orientation, datafication and knowledgeization as the means of transformation and utilization of ancient book resources in the new era, actively building the national digital resource platform of ancient books, and constructing the ancient book knowledge system through artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, and other intelligent media.
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    VOSviewer Application Status and Its Knowledge Base
    LI Jie, WEI Ruibi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (6): 61-71.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0843
    Abstract430)      PDF(pc) (4099KB)(378)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks which may include citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer Online creates the possibility to embed interactive visualizations on online platforms. The software's powerful functions in processing literature information, coupled with free and continuous improvement, are increasingly favored by experts and scholars in scientometrics and domain analysis. It provides a reference for users to use this tool for scientific research through quantitative analysis of VOSviewer's papers and the analysis of its knowledge base structure. [Method/Process] First we collected relevant documents from the Web of Science database, and then used the document co-citation network to obtain some documents and analyze the important documents in this field based on bibliometric analysis. [Results/Conclusions] It was found that the number of papers in this field has entered an explosive period of application after a relatively slow growth stage. It has been widely used by scholars in many countries and disciplines. The research topics involved the novel corona virus epidemic, sustainability, social media, sustainable development and supply chain, etc. Bibliometric theory and methods, software principles, database and network analysis have formed relatively solid research foundation in this field. There is also a great deal of misuse in the applied literature. For example, a survey of the highly productive scholars' papers found that the papers are often a direct interpretation of the results generated by the software, lacking the process of data cleaning and disambiguation, and there are a large number of errors such as duplicate authors, unprocessed singular and plural topics. VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize co-occurrence networks of important terms extracted from a body of scientific literature. However, there are few applied research results in this area.VOSviewer Online has been integrated in Digital Science's Dimensions platform, making it very easy for Dimensions users to create VOSviewer visualizations of co-authorship networks and citation networks.
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    The Mechanism of Personal Data Transfers of Social Network Users
    YUAN Fan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (5): 76-91.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0622
    Abstract250)      PDF(pc) (3377KB)(362)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] As a typical pattern of user-centered information service, social network has become increasingly pervasive throughout every aspect of users' lives, whereas resulting in some safety problems, for instance data abuse and data monopoly. Users' power of control over personal data has been weakened. The digital market has witnessed the incidence of restrained competition and suppressed innovation, which leads to the impaired vitality of the national digital economy. Nationally, much more attention has been drawn to the protection of users' data rights and interests. Likewise, with the advancement of information technology, it is possible to transfer users' data across platforms. However, the absence of management mechanism makes it impossible to bridge the gap of users' cross platform access, acquisition and transfer of personal data. Hence, on the basis of the investigation and analysis of international successful data transfer modes within the domestic digital network environment, this research aims to construct a personal data transfer mechanism for social network users for breaking the data blockade and protect their digital rights and interests. [Method/Process] To provide the insights into existing research on management mechanism of user's personal data transfer, this research has investigated and reviewed systematically the data transfer systems at home and abroad represented by Data Portability, California Consumer Privacy Protection Law and Anti-Monopoly Law, in such a way that a horizontal comparison from the aspects of system characteristics and connotation, and an analysis of the effectiveness and existing problems of a data transfer system in protecting user's data rights and breaking data monopoly were conducted. Furthermore, according to the characteristics of social network platform, some representative cases like Facebook, SoLiD, and WeChat were chosen to investigate and analyze the mode, characteristics and impact of user's personal data transfer, and then ten mainstream social network platforms at home and abroad were selected in terms of the different number of downloads, users and other indicators of a digital platform. From collecting content, transferable data to data format, a horizontal comparative analysis was conducted to summarize the mode and problems of data transfer on social network platforms. Finally, based on the users' needs of personal information resource management and government digital governance, this research has designed the whole process management organization structure of user personal data transfer, including trust mechanism, feedback mechanism, evaluation mechanism, deletion mechanism and supervision mechanism. To form a personal data transfer mechanism for social network users, the paths of user data acquisition, transfer and deletion were utilized and developed in the context of three phases, before, in and after the transfer. [Results/Conclusions] The data transfer mechanism empowers users' data to be transferred between different digital platforms, effectively breaking the monopoly of large-scale social network platforms on users' personal data. The free transfer of user data lowers the threshold for new entrants of social network services, addressing the significance of the data competition and innovation in the industry of information service. More significantly, some insights could be identified to promote the social network platform for optimizing the technology, product and service mode, and further enriching users' experience, which benefits the ecology-oriented development of digital industry.
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    Research of the Impact of LLMs on Information Retrieval Systems and Users' Information Retrieval Behavior
    GUO Pengrui, WEN Tingxiao
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (11): 13-22.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0573
    Abstract278)      PDF(pc) (970KB)(360)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This article is aimed to explore the impact of artificial intelligence generation technologies such as large language models (LLMs) on users' information retrieval behavior and to suggest ideas for information retrieval systems and information resource construction. In this way, it provides insights into and references for the future establishment of the artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) information platform with Chinese characteristics as well as the information literacy education system. [Method/Process] In the field of library intelligence, with the wide application of AI technology in information service work, LLMs represented by ChatGPT have also become a hot topic of discussion. Taking the booming development of LLMs such as ChatGPT as background, we analyzed the impact of the increasing popularity of this technology on information retrieval systems and user retrieval behavior from the perspective of user information behavior by combining the technical features of LLMs with the characteristics of existing products. Literature survey and empirical analysis were used. [Results/Conclusions] The use of LLMs as information retrieval systems has unparalleled advantages over traditional products. These advantages include the ability to understand and process natural language queries, generate relevant and context-specific responses, and interact with users in a more human-like way. The application of LLMs in information retrieval systems has the potential to transform the way users search for information, influence the underlying logic, action priorities, and retrieval expectations of user information retrieval behavior. However, the existing shortcomings of LLMs in terms of reliability and accuracy still make it difficult for them to replace traditional information retrieval methods immediately. Language models may not always provide accurate and reliable answers, especially when dealing with complex or domain-specific queries. Additionally, LLMs may struggle to understand and process contextual information effectively, leading to limitations in their ability to extract relevant and context-aware insights. It is recommended to pay attention to this technology in the construction of information retrieval systems and information resources, and to explore the combination of LLMs and information services in order to cope with the changes in future user information needs and to further make full use of the value of existing information resources. Limited by the lack of expertise in the field of AI and the fact that LLMs are not yet widely used in practice in China, the research findings are only a reflection and exploration of the impact of LLMs on users' information behavior.
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    Twenty Years of Left-Behind Children Education in Rural China: Based on Structural Topic Model
    WANG Xing, LI Yeye, ZHOU Tianyu, LIU Feng
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (9): 43-56.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0691
    Abstract216)      PDF(pc) (3126KB)(359)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The introduction of national poverty alleviation policies and rural revitalization strategies has thrust the issue of education for left-behind children into the spotlight of scholarly attention. Education, far beyond serving as a mere instrument for personal growth and human capital accumulation for left-behind children, emerges as a pivotal measure in consolidating rural poverty alleviation endeavors and breaking the transmission of intergenerational poverty in China. It stands as a vital force propelling the future of rural revitalization. Yet, the existing literature on the education of left-behind children remains sporadic and dispersed. A more profound organizational effort, integrating, synthesizing, and evaluating this scattered literature, is imperative to establish a foundational framework for future research, fostering more cohesive and focused research endeavors. Presently, literature review studies primarily fall into three categories: qualitative review methods, meta-analysis, and bibliometric analysis methods employing tools like Citespace. This study sets out to achieve a systematic and comprehensive understanding of education-related issues for rural left-behind children through text mining methods grounded in topic models. [Method/Process] The advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies has empowered the processing and analysis of vast amounts of textual data. Previous research, employing latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic models, successfully mined texts related to teacher team construction reform policies, internationalization in higher education literature, news reports, and online comments. In this study, a corpus was meticulously constructed using abstract texts extracted from 2037 journal articles published between 2002 and 2023. The structural topic model (STM) was chosen for topic modeling, overcoming the limitations associated with LDA, with a specific emphasis on exploring the diversity and dynamism of topics within the existing literature. [Results/Conclusions] The culmination of this research effort identified eight distinct research themes: psychological well-being, factors leading to left-behind children, macro-level coping strategies, types of guardianship, review studies, family education, media literacy, and micro-level coping strategies. By synergizing document metadata information, the study systematically unraveled the evolving trends of these topics over time, providing crucial insights into potential shifts in the focus of left-behind children's education research. It is essential to note that this study, while collecting abstracts instead of full texts, may not capture the entirety of information contained in complete research articles. Future research endeavors should explore left-behind children's education more comprehensively, leveraging full-text mining techniques for a more nuanced understanding of this critical subject.
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    A Review of Big Data Governance Research in China
    SONG Shanshan, BAI Wenlin
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (4): 4-17.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0094
    Abstract493)      PDF(pc) (1512KB)(339)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] With the rapid development of information technology and the arrival of the era of big data, big data has become a key production factor and a strategic fundamentally resource for a country. Big data governance has become an important way to fully release data value and realize the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity. This study reviews the related research on big data governance, in order to better play its positive role as a new production factor and a means of social governance. [Method/Process] On the basis of bibliometrics and content analysis, this study systematically reviews the relevant research on big data governance in China, and finds that the research on big data governance has been rising in recent years. The relevant research topics have also displayed characteristics such as wide diversity and multidisciplinary integration. The core topics involved in the research include big data governance, social governance, government governance, big data technology, data resources, network public opinion, risk governance, and data security. The research on the big data governance system of the whole process is the most critical part. [Results/Conclusions] This study classified the relevant research topics into three aspects: theoretical system, implementation evaluation and practical challenges. The big data governance system is a complex, multi-level and multi-dimensional systematic project, which consists of governance goals, governance subjects, governance objects and governance tools. Big data governance implementation and evaluation includes three stages: organizational planning, specific implementation, evaluation and optimization. The organizational planning stage includes formulating implementation guidelines and constructing governance organizations; the specific implementation stage includes metadata management, master data management, data quality and data security; the evaluation optimization phase includes big data governance maturity evaluation and big data governance audit. The practice of big data governance focuses on three aspects: the Chinese government actively uses big data to improve scientific decision-making ability, social management level and public service construction. The practical challenges are mainly reflected in the management and technical challenges faced by data-centered fields. As an open topic and dynamic process, big data governance is still mostly based on conceptual and descriptive qualitative analysis, and focuses on theoretical discussion and experience summary. There is still a lack of relevant case support and technology application research, and the design and implementation evaluation of the big data governance system still needs to be improved and optimized.
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    Application Scenario Construction of the University Metaverse Libraries
    QI Jing
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (11): 69-80.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0722
    Abstract376)      PDF(pc) (2213KB)(333)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The emergence of the metaverse has brought new opportunities to the development of libraries, which can not only solve many challenges and problems faced by libraries since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, but also promote the construction of smart libraries to a higher stage of development. [Method/Process] Based on literature research and online survey, this paper focuses on the connotation and characteristics of the metaverse library, constructs the application scenarios of the university metaverse library, and finally discuses the opportunities and challenges faced by the construction of the metaverse library. [Results/Conclusions] In September 2022, the China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Technology (CNTERM) invited more than 20 experts to discuss the metaverse and the concept of core terms and reached a consensus. Metaverse is a virtual world that can interact with the real world by mapping or surpassing the real world, which is constructed by human using digital technology. The metaverse library uses cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, VR/AR and other technologies as the means to build the virtual space of library services, and is combined with the real space services to provide readers with immersive experience and encourage readers to participate in the virtual community of library resource production. It has eight characteristics: immersive experience, integration of virtual and reality, human-computer interaction, multi-source information resources, space-time expansion, social network, reader economy, and thought twinning and storage. University metaverse library is an important component of Metaverse Library and a service system of university libraries in virtual space. It has the characteristics of Metaverse Library and its own characteristics. The university metaverse library will break the service mode of the real space library, and the learning experience of readers in the library will be more game-like, immersive, simple to operate, strong gain in reality and so on, which fully reflects the concept of "reader-centered". To be specific, the university metaverse library mainly has five application scenarios: virtual digital human exchange, immersive panoramic reading and space experience, librarian avatar interaction, community interaction, and reader creation to reader economy interaction. But the new technology is not yet perfect. The construction of metaverse virtual space resources is difficult; there is a lack of constraints and norms in virtual space reader behavior; the traditional library business will be impacted and other problems are the possible challenges in the process of constructing the university metaverse library. To get out of the dilemma, we need to establish a research team to enrich the practice of new technology in the library, give full play to library technical expertise to solve the problem of resource construction, use laws and regulations to restrict readers' behavior, and promote active use of services to drive the traditional library business.
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    Influencing Factors of User Participation Behavior in Online Health Community under the Dimension of Emotional Experience
    ZHU Yiping, ZHU Yi, ZHANG Cheng
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (10): 15-18.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0680
    Abstract226)      PDF(pc) (1376KB)(328)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] Emotional experience is a purely subjective feeling of the interaction between users and products. Exploring user participation behavior and influencing factors in online health communities under the influence of user emotional experience has obvious significance for retaining users. [Method/Process] A total of 25 users of the online health platform were selected as the research objects. The semi-structured interview method was used, and the basic information of the interviewees was combined with the questionnaire. With the help of grounded theory, the original interview data were coded, and the factors influencing user participation in online health communities were analyzed. Then, the emotional experience and feedback mechanism model of user participation in online health communities was constructed by combining the "emotion-cognitive recursive model". Finally, effective cases were screened from the questionnaire, and the configuration of the influencing factors of user participation behavior and affective feedback was explored based on the principle of qualitative comparative analysis and calculation of fuzzy sets. [Results/Conclusions] Through the grounded theory coding, six factors affecting user participation behavior are obtained: risk perception, platform cognition, demand motivation, platform experience, user emotion and environment. Then combined with the cognitive-affective model, the seven main categories derived from the rooted coding were divided into three dimensions: cognitive assessment, affective experience and participatory behavior. The feedback mechanism of emotional experience after participating behavior is further studied. It is found that the cognitive evaluation including risk perception, platform cognition and demand motivation affects the emotional experience of users, thus affecting their actual participation behavior. In the process of user participation in online health community, the factors of cognitive assessment, emotional experience and participation behavior interact with each other, and have a two-way effect on user participation behavior and user cognitive assessment. Further verification by fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) shows that among the six factors affecting user participation behavior, platform experience and demand motivation are the core conditions affecting user participation in online health community, and the three single factor variables of user emotion, environment and platform cognition do not necessarily affect the generation of user participation behavior. The extraction of influencing factors and the definition of user behavior are not comprehensive, and some real variables and key engagement behaviors may be overlooked. In addition, there is an imbalance in the number of samples on each platform. Follow-up related research can improve the pertinence of the platform and expand the sample capacity.
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    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (3): 104-105.  
    Abstract118)      PDF(pc) (826KB)(327)       Save
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    The Current Situation and Analysis of Patent Information Service of University Libraries in China: Taking the IPR Information Service Centers of 23 Universities as an Example
    LIAO Siqin, ZHOU Yu
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (2): 63-74.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0329
    Abstract217)      PDF(pc) (1187KB)(312)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] It has become a new direction for subject service of university libraries to provide the whole process service for the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property rights (IPRs), support the collaborative innovation and construction of advantageous disciplines in universities, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities. Through the investigation and analysis of the information service status of IPR information centers in 23 universities in China, this paper summarizes the experience and lessons, and provides guidance for the patent information service of university libraries. [Method/Process] By using the methods of network survey, interview and literature research, this paper investigates patent information services and the construction of information service platforms in university libraries, and puts forward strategies and suggestions for patent information services. [Results/Conclusions] The enlightenment and suggestions: (1) Encourage more university libraries to set up IPR information service centers; (2) expand patent information service content and service object; (3) strengthen the construction of service norms and standards; (4) enhance the construction of talent team; (5) reinforce the construction and organization of patent information resources; (6) build a patent information service platform with stronger functions.
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    Characteristics of Information Poverty in Rural Areas in the Era of Digitalization & Intellectualization: Explorations Based on Field Cases
    FAN Zhenjia, LIU Zhaoyi, YANG Xieyi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2022, 34 (1): 38-48.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0984
    Abstract266)      PDF(pc) (1318KB)(312)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] As the new generation of ICTs, such as 5G, big data and artificial intelligence, continues to release development effects in the construction of digital countryside, rural residents in an information disadvantaged position are likely to be excluded by a new round of ICT innovation wave and fall into a new information poverty. Therefore, sorting out the new characteristics of rural information poverty in the digital era is of great practical significance. [Method/Process] The basic information, ICT access and use, information behavior and information environment of rural residents were obtained through field investigation and in-depth interview, and the characteristics of rural information poverty in the era of digitalization & intellectualization were sorted out. [Results/Conclusions] Six new changes brought by digitalization and intelligentization to rural information practice are described. It is found that factors such as time and space energy, intellectual level, social support and individual psychological factors affect the accumulation of digital capital of rural residents. It has concluded characteristics of rural information poverty, such as invalid use of ICT equipment, a new round of digital exclusion and invalid digital feedback.
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    Future Learning Centers: A Study on Libraries' Role Reorientation, Function Reconstruction, and Practical Innovations
    ZHANG Jingbei, XU Yaping, ZHOU Qiong, CAI Yingchun
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2023, 35 (6): 43-50.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0448
    Abstract384)      PDF(pc) (958KB)(309)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] A future learning center (FLC), a ground-breaking novel education model crafted in response to the burgeoning demands of a rapidly digitized and intelligent society, will undeniably spearhead the new wave of intelligent construction in contemporary university libraries. As this evolution unfolds, libraries urgently need to clarify and solidify their roles in the meticulous construction of future learning centers. Doing so will promote vibrant knowledge exchange, robustly stimulate cross-disciplinary cooperation, and also guide and embolden libraries to proactively seize unprecedented development opportunities and to collaboratively face the emerging challenges ahead. [Method/Process] To comprehend the genesis and potential of the FLC, this research undertakes a meticulous examination of its foundational concepts, overarching objectives, inherent tasks, and structural framework. It delves deep into the libraries' pivotal role in nurturing these centers, especially through the lens of role delineation and functional metamorphosis. Gleaning insights from real-world examples such as the Beijing Institute of Technology Library and the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Library, this investigation seeks to capture a snapshot of the current operational landscape, along with its associated tribulations and challenges. Through this way, the research hopes to chart a roadmap, offering invaluable reference and actionable guidance for libraries poised to embark on their journey of creating FLCs. [Results/Conclusions] The future learning center encompasses an intelligent learning environment that melds information services with learning and teaching support. Such spaces are poised to emerge as novel grassroots learning organizations underpinning evolution in learning techniques and the genesis of knowledge. Crafting these future learning centers necessitates a systematic approach, calling for collaboration from various stakeholders. Within this context, libraries serve dual roles as both initiators and active contributors. While libraries' involvement in developing future learning centers remains in nascent stages of growth, the core challenge lies in pioneering a human-centric model that harmoniously fuses space, resources, and services to offer students an enriched, tailored, and novel learning journey. As educational paradigms shift, libraries must capitalize on this momentum, drawing from their foundational expertise in intelligent library development, to resonate with the evolving criteria of talent development. Confronted with myriad challenges-ranging from role definition, conceptual alignment, and overcoming educational reform resistance to enhancing professional acumen and navigating spatial constraints-libraries are suggested to strategically assimilate educational assets, reconfigure spatial methodologies, and proffer intelligent solutions. They should aim at fostering students' proficiency in autonomous, participatory, and investigative learning through diverse resources. In essence, libraries should evolve into hubs for information services, focal points for student learning, and pillars for teaching assistance.
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