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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 50-62.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0572

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Driving Path of High-quality Development of China's Artificial Intelligence Technology Industry from the Perspective of Policy Instruments

Anqi HU1, Shunquan JI2   

  1. 1. Suzhou University of Science and Technology Library, Suzhou 215009
    2. Suzhou City University School of Marxism, Suzhou 215104
  • Received:2024-05-26 Online:2024-07-05 Published:2024-11-26


[Purpose/Significance] In recent years, the development momentum of the artificial intelligence (AI) technology industry has been strong. From the perspective of policy instruments, in-depth discussion on the high-quality development path of China's AI technology industry is of great significance to the selection of high-quality development path of China's provincial AI technology industry and the formulation and optimization of government policies in the AI industry. [Method/Process] The mechanism of the high-quality development path of the AI technology industry is relatively complex. The article is based on the theory of policy instruments, selecting supply-oriented, environment-oriented, and demand-oriented policy instruments as the analytical framework. The platforms such as Peking University Treasure, Law Star, and various provincial administrative region government portals were used to review policy texts. A total of 42 policy texts were selected as the objects of analysis, and NVivo software was used to encode the text content and assign conditional variables. The evaluation index of regional competitiveness of AI technology industry in 31 provincial administrative regions was selected as the result variable of QCA analysis, and the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method was used to explore the diversified combination driving path of policy instrument elements. [Results/Conclusions] Research has shown that the high-quality development of the AI technology industry is influenced by multiple policy instruments, including demonstration and promotion, infrastructure, technical support, cooperation and exchange, and target planning. There are three combined paths, namely the supply-oriented path, the supply-demand synergy path, and the supply-demand-environment synergy path. The government should promote the high-quality and sustainable development of China's AI technology industry by improving the basic support system, continuously promoting infrastructure construction, improving the environmental impact mechanism, creating a sound and favorable policy environment, optimizing the structure of policy instruments, and strengthening demand-oriented public services. This study has several limitations. On the one hand, the selection of conditional variables needs to be further optimized; on the other hand, the article has not further verified the key combination path that affects the high-quality development of China's AI technology industry. In subsequent research, we will continue to improve the variable selection of policy instrument elements, draw on and explore more scientific variable assignment standards and methods, and conduct in-depth analysis of the specific combination path obtained in the article to verify the feasibility and scientificity of the key combination path for the high-quality development of the AI technology industry. This will further enrich the theoretical achievements of AI policy research and provide strong theoretical support for the formulation of AI technology industry policies.

Key words: artificial intelligence, high quality development, policy instruments, fsQCA, content analysis

CLC Number: 

  • G203


The impact of policy tools on the development of artificial intelligence technology industry"

Table 1

Description of policy tools for the development of artificial intelligence technology industry"

政策工具类型 二级政策工具要素 二级政策工具含义
供给型 基础设施 政府通过建设和完善基础设施,如网络、计算设备、创新平台、实验室、系统等,为人工智能技术产业高质量发展提供必要的资源
财政支持 政府通过财政拨款、财政补贴、专项资金等形式为人工智能产业发展提供财力支持
人力资源保障 政府通过人才引进、教育培训和业务规划等措施为人工智能产业发展提供人力保障
技术支持 政府为人工智能技术产业发展提供技术支持,如关键、核心技术的研发与创新
环境型 目标规划 政府基于人工智能产业发展需要,提出发展目标、基本原则、指导思想、规划、计划等
标准制定 政府为保障人工智能技术产业有序发展制定行业标准、技术方案、质量评价体系等
知识产权保护 强化人工智能领域知识产权保护,推动创新成果知识产权化,具体措施包括提供咨询服务、制定收益分配、明确主体责任等
金融税收 政府通过贷款、投融资、奖励、税收减免等经济手段推动人工智能技术产业发展
法规管制 政府围绕人工智能产业发展制定系列强制性措施,规范、引导人工智能技术产业有序发展
需求型 示范推广 政府通过建立试点、建设示范项目等推广成功经验,并积极促进人工智能基础研究的成果转化,从而加快人工智能相关工作的推进
合作交流 政府通过鼓励海内外企业、社会组织、个人等之间展开合作与交流,在引进人工智能技术发展相关经验的同时推动人工智能产业进一步发展
服务外包 政府通过委托服务的方式,引导企业、科研机构等参与人工智能项目的研发,以推动人工智能产业快速发展

Table 2

Examples of coding for some policy tools"

序号 政策工具类型 政策条目编码示例 文件来源
1 基础设施 加快智能化网络基础设施建设,增加适应人工智能发展的基础服务供给 《黑龙江省人工智能产业三年专项行动计划(2018—2020年)》
2 技术支持 引导开展云计算、人工智能等基础前沿技术攻关,形成一批技术成果 《贵州省人民政府关于促进大数据云计算人工智能创新发展加快建设数字贵州的意见》
3 标准制定 开展人工智能技术研发、科技成果转化和行业标准制定等工作 《广东省新一代人工智能发展规划》
4 法规管制 推动人工智能相关政策法规建设,指导、协调和督促人工智能工作部署实施 《甘肃省新一代人工智能发展实施方案》
5 示范推广 通过实施人工智能科技重大专项,开展应用示范 《天津市人工智能“七链”精准创新行动计划(2018—2020年)》
6 合作交流 鼓励并支持有条件的机构和企业,加强与全球顶尖人工智能研究机构和企业合作互动 《湖南省人工智能产业发展三年行动计划(2019—2021年)》
7 服务外包 开展制造能力外包服务,推动中小企业智能化发展 《浙江省新一代人工智能发展规划》


Number of reference points for coding different types of artificial intelligence policy tools"

Table 3

Measurement standards and calibration of outcome and conditional variables"

变量分类 变量名称 完全隶属(0.95) 交叉点(0.5) 完全不隶属(0.05)
结果变量 评价指数(INDEX) 81.170 13.190 4.010
条件变量 基础设施(JCSS) 19.900 7.500 2.000
技术支持(JSZC) 18.950 7.500 1.000
目标规划(MBGH) 7.950 3.000 1.000
示范推广(SFTG) 16.950 8.000 2.050
合作交流(HZJL) 12.000 5.500 2.000

Table 4

Necessary condition analysis results"

前因变量 结果变量INDEXfs 结果变量~INDEXfs
一致性 覆盖度 一致性 覆盖度
JCSSfs 0.674 339 0.713 471 0.581 557 0.650 259
~JCSSfs 0.669 442 0.602 203 0.743 744 0.707 049
JSZCfs 0.595 984 0.626 029 0.592 215 0.657 407
~JSZCfs 0.673 849 0.609 929 0.663 114 0.634 309
MBGHfs 0.620 47 0.673 22 0.635 31 0.728 48
~MBGHfs 0.749 755 0.660 483 0.715 014 0.665 66
SFTGfs 0.586 68 0.577 071 0.666 821 0.693 16
~SFTGfs 0.688 051 0.661 488 0.593 142 0.602 637
HZJLfs 0.649 853 0.679 816 0.571 826 0.632 172
~HZJLfs 0.648 384 0.588 968 0.710 38 0.681 939

Table 5

Configuration analysis of the driving path for high-quality development of China's artificial intelligence technology industry"

条件变量 人工智能高质量发展指数INDEX
H1 H2 H3
原始覆盖度 0.299 706 0.410 872 0.299 216
唯一覆盖度 0.091 576 8 0.166 014 0.036 239
解的一致性 0.914 798 0.796 015 0.916 042
总体覆盖度 0.585 211
总体一致性 0.805 799
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