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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 63-75.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0447

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Innovation and Risk Avoidance of Smart Library Services Based on Generative Artificial Intelligence

Jia LIU   

  1. Nanjing Library, Jiangsu 210018
  • Received:2024-06-07 Online:2024-07-05 Published:2024-11-26


[Purpose/Significance] With the rapid advancement of information technology, library services are undergoing transformative changes. The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI) presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for innovation in smart library services. By enhancing service efficiency and user experience, generative AI supports core library functions, such as personalized recommendations, intelligent question answering, and automatic summarization. This research explores the implications of applying generative AI technology to library services, with the goal of understanding its transformative impact on the field and addressing its potential risks. Unlike traditional studies that focus primarily on functionality, this study emphasizes the ethical, technical, and management risks associated with the use of generative AI in libraries. The study occupies an important place in the advancement of knowledge in this area and contributes to the development of sustainable, user-centered library services capable of addressing significant contemporary challenges related to information accessibility and data security. [Method/Process] This study uses a systematic literature review and case analysis to examine the current state of generative AI applications in smart libraries. A comprehensive approach is taken to understand how generative AI can enhance library services in areas such as personalized recommendation systems, intelligent Q&A, and automated summarization. The study draws on both theoretical and empirical sources, utilizing qualitative analysis to examine trends in the use of generative AI in different types of library services. This review also includes a thorough examination of the potential risks associated with implementing these technologies. Technical risks include data security vulnerabilities and model bias, while ethical risks focus on the issues surrounding user privacy, misinformation, and intellectual property rights. Management risks are also discussed, including the challenges of maintaining system stability and ensuring regulatory compliance. The multi-dimensional risk framework developed in this study provides a robust structure for analyzing these complex challenges and serves as a foundation for future empirical research in smart library applications. [Results/Conclusions] The research reveals that while generative AI can significantly improve the quality of library services and user satisfaction, it also poses significant risks. These include challenges related to data security, model bias, ethical standards, and management complexity. To address these, the study proposes a number of risk mitigation strategies. Key recommendations include strengthening data security through advanced encryption and access controls, increasing model transparency to build user confidence, and ensuring system stability through rigorous testing and monitoring. In addition, the study advocates for the establishment of ethical guidelines that prioritize user privacy, transparency, and content accuracy. It also underscores the need for ongoing regulatory adjustments to keep pace with technological advances. The study concludes by identifying limitations, such as the lack of quantitative data and real-time experiments, and suggests areas for future research. Future studies should focus on empirically validating the proposed framework, exploring the long-term impact of generative AI on library services, and developing best practices for balancing innovation with ethical responsibility. The continued evolution of generative AI is likely to deepen its integration with smart libraries, enabling innovative service models that meet the diverse and dynamic needs of users while safeguarding against potential risks. This research provides a foundational reference for library managers and policymakers seeking to implement generative AI responsibly and sustainably, and to promote the progressive transformation of library services in the information age.

Key words: personalized recommendation service, generative artificial intelligence, smart library, user satisfaction, data analysis

CLC Number: 

  • G250.7

Table 1

The development history of generative artificial intelligence"

阶段 时间 主要技术与进展 应用领域
初期发展 20世纪80年代 统计模型与概率图模型的研究 限于理论研究,实际应用有限
近代进展 21世纪初 深度学习技术的发展 推动生成模型在多个领域的应用
生成对抗网络(GANs) 2014年 极大提升生成模型的性能 图像生成、文本生成
最新动态 近年 GPT系列模型、大规模预训练与微调 文本生成、图像生成、视频生成、音频生成

Table 2

Application of generative artificial intelligence in various fields"

应用领域 具体任务 技术方法 应用实例
计算机视觉 图像生成、图像修复、风格迁移 生成对抗网络(GANs) DeepArt,将普通照片转换为艺术风格[12]
超分辨率图像重建 生成对抗网络(GANs)、变分自编码器(VAEs) SRGAN,用于提升图像分辨率[13]
图像去噪 变分自编码器(VAEs) 使用VAEs消除图像噪点[14]
自然语言处理 文本生成、对话系统、自动摘要 GPT系列模型 提升机器翻译、问答系统性能[15]
自动文本校对与编辑 自回归模型(Transformer) 使用Transformer进行自动文本校对[16]
语言翻译 GPT系列模型、Transformer 自动翻译多种语言文本
医疗健康 药物设计 生成对抗网络(GANs) 生成新化合物结构用于药物发现[17]
医学影像生成、图像质量增强 生成对抗网络(GANs)、变分自编码器(VAEs) 增强医学影像质量,辅助医生进行诊断[18]
疾病预测 生成对抗网络(GANs)、变分自编码器(VAEs) 模拟患者数据,预测疾病发展趋势[19]
其他应用领域 音乐生成 生成对抗网络(GANs) 使用GANs生成新的音乐作品[20]
游戏内容生成 生成对抗网络(GANs)、自回归模型 生成游戏中的新关卡和角色[21]
市场营销 生成对抗网络(GANs)、GPT系列模型 生成个性化的广告文案和市场分析报告[22]
虚拟现实和增强现实内容生成 生成对抗网络(GANs)、变分自编码器(VAEs) 生成逼真的虚拟现实和增强现实内容

Table 3

Main applications of generative artificial intelligence in smart libraries"

应用领域 具体任务 技术方法 实际应用示例
书籍推荐系统 个性化书籍推荐 生成对抗网络(GANs) 通过分析用户的阅读历史、兴趣爱好和行为数据,生成个性化的书籍推荐列表
捕捉用户潜在兴趣 GANs生成虚拟行为数据 提升推荐系统的性能和鲁棒性
智能问答系统 图书馆资源咨询 GPT3等大规模语言模型 用户与图书馆系统的自然语言交互
服务使用方法的问答 自然语言处理(NLP) 提供即时、准确的回答
数据挖掘与知识发现 阅读趋势分析 生成式模型、深度学习模型 识别用户的阅读趋势和热点话题
馆藏资源深度挖掘 数据挖掘 优化资源配置和服务策略
知识图谱生成 生成式人工智能技术 自动生成知识图谱,提升知识管理能力

Table 4

Innovative service cases based on generative artificial intelligence"

应用领域 案例 技术方法 具体任务 实际效果
个性化推荐服务 北京大学图书馆 生成对抗网络(GANs) 分析用户阅读历史和兴趣偏好,生成个性化推荐列表 提升用户满意度和图书借阅率
哈佛大学图书馆 机器学习,生成式人工智能 根据借阅历史和学术兴趣,推荐相关书籍和期刊 帮助学生和研究人员快速找到相关文献,提高学术效率
台湾大学图书馆 深度学习 分析用户阅读模式和行为,提供个性化推荐 提升用户阅读体验和满意度
自动摘要与翻译服务 上海图书馆 变分自编码器(VAEs),GPT-3 自动生成文献摘要,多语言翻译 用户快速了解文献内容,提升信息获取能力和效率
剑桥大学图书馆 生成式人工智能技术 为研究人员提供文献自动摘要服务,多语言翻译支持 帮助研究人员快速筛选文献,提升文献可访问性
东京大学图书馆 深度学习模型 实时生成文献摘要,并翻译成指定语言 方便国际学生和研究人员获取信息,提升学术研究效率
虚拟助理与聊天机器人 南京大学图书馆 GPT-3,自然语言处理 提供图书馆服务咨询和个性化服务建议 提升用户服务体验,减轻图书馆工作人员负担
斯坦福大学图书馆 语音识别,自然语言处理 帮助用户进行资源搜索和借阅,解答常见问题 提升自助服务能力,减轻工作人员负担
德国国家图书馆 生成式人工智能技术 提供咨询服务,回答用户问题,推荐相关书籍 提升服务效率和用户满意度

Table 5

SWOT analysis in generative artificial intelligence applications"

SWOT要素 风险类型 具体要素 详细描述
技术风险 数据安全与隐私保护 数据泄露风险 生成式人工智能依赖大量用户数据,可能面临数据泄露风险
模型偏差与公平性 数据偏差 数据不均衡可能导致推荐系统偏差,忽视用户多样化需求
技术稳定性与可靠性 系统稳定性 系统不稳定可能降低用户的信任感
伦理风险 信息操控与误导 虚假信息 生成虚假内容可能误导用户,影响社会安全
版权与知识产权 版权问题 生成内容可能侵犯版权,导致侵权纠纷
人机交互的伦理问题 情感依赖 用户对虚拟助理的依赖可能影响心理健康
管理与政策风险 法律法规适应性 法律法规滞后性 现有法规未完全覆盖生成式人工智能带来的新问题
管理与运营风险 技术管理与维护 技术管理不当可能导致服务中断和安全事故
用户隐私与数据保护政策 用户隐私风险 用户数据隐私保护不力可能导致严重的法律风险
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