Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (8): 34-42.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0670
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Baiyang LI, Rong SUN
CLC Number:
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OECD. Emerging Trends in AI skill demand across 14 OECD countries[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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UNESCO. Beijing consensus on artificial intelligence and education[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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UNESCO. AI competency framework for teachers[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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中华人民共和国教育部. 关于“双一流”建设高校促进学科融合加快人工智能领域研究生培养的若干意见[EB/OL]. [2024-06-20].
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中华人民共和国中央人民政府. 习近平在全国教育大会上强调: 紧紧围绕立德树人根本任务 朝着建成教育强国战略目标扎实迈进[EB/OL]. [2024-06-20].
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National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. 科学技术指标2024[EB/OL]. [2024-06-20].
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UNESCO. AI: UNESCO mobilizes education ministers from around the world for a co-ordinated response to ChatGPT[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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UNESCO. AI competency framework for students[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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OECD. OECD digital education outlook 2023: Towards an effective education ecosystem[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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OECD. PISA 2025 learning in the digital world[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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IFLA. IFLA statement on libraries and artificial intelligence[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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IFLA. Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group[EB/OL]. [2024-07-13].
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Computing Community Consortium & Association for the Advancement of Articial Intelligence. A 20 -year community roadmap for artificial intelligence research in the US[EB /OL]. [2024-06-16].
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The White House. National artificial intelligence research and development strategicplan 2023 update[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence(NSCAI). The final report[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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United Kingdom Government. National AI strategy[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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Deep Knowledge Analytics. Artificial intelligence industry in the UK: Landscape overview 2021[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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沈苑, 胡梦圆, 范逸洲, 等. 可信赖人工智能教育应用的建设路径与现实启示——以英国典型举措为例[J]. 现代远程教育研究, 2023, 35(4): 65-74.
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中华人民共和国中央人民政府. 国务院关于印发新一代人工智能发展规划的通知[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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中华人民共和国教育部. 教育部关于印发《高等学校人工智能创新行动计划》的通知[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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中华人民共和国中央人民政府. 中央网信办等四部门印发《2024年提升全民数字素养与技能工作要点》[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].
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中华人民共和国教育部. 教育部发布4项行动助推人工智能赋能教育[EB/OL]. [2024-06-16].