Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
Zhihao GUAN1, Zhiyi SHAN2,3, Tian LI1, Ruixue ZHAO1,4()
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中共中央, 国务院. 中共中央 国务院关于进一步深化农村改革 扎实推进乡村全面振兴的意见[EB/OL]. (2025-01-01)[2025-03-05].
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范可昕, 鲜国建, 赵瑞雪, 等. 面向农作物种质资源智能化管控与应用的本体构建[J]. 农业图书情报学报, 2024, 36(3): 92-107.
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管博伦, 张立平, 朱静波, 等. 农业病虫害图像数据集构建关键问题及评价方法综述[J]. 智慧农业(中英文), 2023, 5(3): 17-34.
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刘静羽, 顾立平, 王昉, 等. 国际大型词表开放共享协议分析与启示: 以STKOS词表开放共享协议设计为例[J]. 图书馆杂志, 2020, 39(2): 41-50.
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Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Crop ontology[EB/OL]. [2024-03-04].
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[3] | SUN Shaodan, DENG Jun, ZHANG Zishu, ZHONG Chuyi, SHENG Panpan. Topic Knowledge Organization of Modern Newspaper Resources by Incorporating the Knowledge Element Concept: Taking the "Shengjing Times" as an Example [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2022, 34(4): 50-62. |
[4] | WANG Xin, LU Yao, YUAN Xue, ZHAO Wanjing, CHEN Li, LIU Minjuan. A Survey of Author Name Disambiguation Techniques of Academic Papers [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2022, 34(10): 82-90. |
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[7] | CHAI Miaoling, HUANG Lin, REN Yunyue. A Review of Construction of Major Agricultural Open Scientific Data Resources [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2020, 32(10): 25-34. |
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