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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture


Practices for New Research University’s Collaborative Collection Development of Print and Electronic Books: A Case Study of SUSTech Library

Feiyan HUANG   

  1. Library of Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055
  • Received:2024-09-09 Online:2025-02-25


[Purpose/Significance] With the rapid development of international academic digital publishing, ebook sales have surpassed those of print books since 2020. Many academic libraries in the USA are adopting e-preferred book collection development policies. In recent years, China's academic ebook market has been growing rapidly, as the well-known academic publishers such as Science Press and Tsinghua University Press have successively launched their own ebook platforms, and high-quality ebook integrator platforms such as Keledge and Cxstar have emerged, leading to a qualitative leap in both the quality and quantity of Chinese academic ebooks. The rapid development of the Chinese and English ebook markets has made collaborative collection development of print and ebooks feasible, which is considered to be a good solution to the tight collection budget and insufficient library space for Chinese academic libraries. The paper aims to propose a strategic direction and implementation path for collaborative collection development of print and ebooks, and provide a reference for the high-quality development of academic library collection development under the background of "Double First Class" construction. [Method/Process] The paper summarizes the main characteristics of SUSTech Library's three phases of book collection development, and introduces SUSTech Library's collaborative collection development practices of print and ebooks from four aspects: collaborative acquisition, collaborative management, collaborative services, and collaborative evaluation. A collaborative acquisition strategy should be based on four factors: collection assurance, patron needs, library space, and cost effectiveness. Collaborative management should redesign the business process from the aspects of funding plan, book selection, acquisition implementation, metadata management, and statistics. Collaborative services should be based on the needs, recommendations, and usage of user groups and individual users. Collaborative evaluation refers to a structured analysis on the print and ebook collections across five dimensions, including language, subject, publisher, book type, and year of publication. [Results/ [Conclusions] The paper puts forward suggestions from three aspects, such as top-level design, deep integration of business processes, and integrated management platforms. The academic libraries' management team should develop collaborative collection development policies and strategies from the top down. Deep integration of business processes should support optimization of organizational structure and job position adjustment, which replaces the traditional approach of defining job positions and responsibilities based on a single material type or business process. Integrated management platforms should support the integration of multiple metadata sources and business processes, and have strong knowledge discovery and service capabilities.

Key words: collection development, collaborative collection development, print books, electronic books, university Library

CLC Number: 

  • G253

Table 1

Book collection development phases"

年份 发展阶段 特征





2010—2015年 起步积累阶段 经费充裕,全面快速建设 400~500 400~800
2016—2021年 起伏探索阶段 经费起伏,被动调整建设 300~400 0~200
2022年至今 统筹发展阶段 经费回升,主动统筹建设 200~300 300~700


Collaborative collection development business process for print and ebooks"

Table 2

User-centric, collaborative collection development for print and ebooks"

用户视角 面(用户群) 点(单个用户) 纸电协同建设思路



通过对纸质图书流通数据分析、电子图书访问和拒访数据分析、读者阅读习惯问卷调查,掌握师生的图书需求和纸电阅读行为特征 通过对读者荐购图书数据进行分析





学科馆员通过院系联络获取荐购图书清单,通常以专题书单为主,以及少数新建学科或新增研究方向,通常以重点书目进行系统补藏 单个读者基于个人教学科研需求向图书馆提出荐购申请,通常以单本或少量图书荐购为主 院系批量荐购由采访馆员与学科馆员合作评估后确定采购纸质图书或电子图书。单个读者的零星荐购在图书馆官网提交需求,由一位采访馆员负责,根据图书供应情况和服务速度确定采购纸质图书或者电子图书







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