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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture


Emotion Perception and Service Optimization in ChatGPT-Driven Smart Libraries

Mingjie ZHANG1, Ruixue ZHAO2()   

  1. 1. Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8511
    2. Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2024-10-24 Online:2025-01-13
  • Contact: Ruixue ZHAO


Purpose/Significance Sentiment analysis technology is an important part of the natural language process and plays a key role in modern smart systems. As smart libraries continue to develop, traditional service models focused only on functionality are no longer enough to meet users' diverse and personalized needs. In the digital transformation era, smart libraries need new technologies to improve service quality, and adding sentiment awareness has become a key way to move beyond traditional approaches. This study uses ChatGPT(Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to apply sentiment analysis in smart library services. This goal is to create a new service model based on emotions, helping smart libraries shift from basic information management to services that focus on emotional care and better user experiences. This approach not only helps smart libraries handle the challenges of digital transformation but also offers a fresh way to meet users' emotional needs. MethodProcess This study reviews relevant literature from both domestic and international sources, systematically analyzing the mainstream research methods and technological trends in the field of smart libraries. It also explores the adaptability and feasibility of sentiment analysis technology in smart libraries, based on current practical scenarios. The research uses ChatGPT's sentiment analysis as the technological foundation, combined with the theory of smart library service models, leveraging the advantages of the ChatGPT to create an analysis framework that integrates theory and practice. At the same time, the study draws on successful cases and practical experiences from domestic and international smart libraries, such as intelligent recommendation systems and contextual knowledge services, extracting effective application paths for sentiment perception technology. This approach provides strong theoretical and practical support for the applicability of the research methods, ensuring the scientific, logical, and innovative nature of the study, and effectively contributing to the optimization of smart library services.[ Results / Conclusions ChatGPT's sentiment analysis capabilities have the potential to significantly enhance both the service quality and user experience in smart libraries. Personalized recommendations and context-aware services can effectively meet the diverse needs of library users. However, the application and research in this area are still in their infancy in China, and there are ongoing challenges in technology adaptation and practical implementation. Particularly, the difficulties in promoting the technology, user adaptability, and issues related to funding have hindered the implementation and widespread adoption of smart library services. To promote the further development of smart libraries, greater efforts should be made to deepen the integration of ChatGPT technology and explore its potential to meet the evolving demands for library services in the digital era. Additionally, the research proposes strategies to address these challenges, such as enhancing technology adaption and user education, exploring diversified funding support options, and continuously innovating application pathways. Through these explorations, smart libraries will better adapt to the needs of the new era and provide more personalized, context-aware services.

Key words: smart libraries, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, sentiment analysis

CLC Number: 

  • G252

Table 1

Current directions of integration of libraries with ChatGPT and their technological applications"

发展方向 利用的ChatGPT技术 具体应用描述 技术细节
智能检索系统 高级自然语言处理(NLP) 实现语义搜索,理解复杂查询,提供相关文献和资料 利用BERT或GPT模型进行语义分析和查询扩展,结合TF-IDF或BM25算法优化搜索结果
个性化推荐系统 机器学习与用户画像构建 根据用户行为和偏好,推荐相关图书和阅读材料 结合用户画像数据,利用协同过滤和基于内容的推荐算法,实现个性化推荐。
虚拟参考助手 对话管理与上下文理解 提供24/7的在线咨询服务,解答用户咨询 集成Rasa或Dialogflow对话管理平台,实现多轮对话和上下文关联
自动化服务流程 工作流自动化与API集成 自动化图书预约、续借、通知等流程 利用Zapier或IFTTT等工具,结合图书馆管理系统API,实现服务流程自动化
知识管理系统 知识图谱构建与信息抽取 构建图书馆知识图谱,实现知识关联和信息整合 应用命名实体识别(NER)和关系抽取技术构建图数据库,如Neo4j,存储和管理知识图谱
用户交互体验优化 人机交互设计(UX/UI)与情感分析 提升用户界面的友好性和交互的自然性,通过情感分析提高用户满意度 设计直观的用户界面,集成情感分析模型,如Sentiment Analysis API,实现对用户情绪变化的实时响应
数据分析与洞察 数据挖掘与预测分析 分析图书馆使用数据,预测趋势,为图书馆决策提供数据支持 运用Python的Pandas、NumPy库进行数据处理,使用Scikit-learn进行预测建模,如用户流失预测


ChatGPT processing flow"


Practical ways of ChatGPT-driven emotional perception in libraries"

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