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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 78-88.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0492

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Application Models and Innovative Approaches of Smart Libraries from the Perspective of MR Technology

Jiaxin HUANG, Xiaofang ZHANG   

  1. School of Public Administration, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105
  • Received:2023-07-29 Online:2024-09-05 Published:2025-01-13


[Purpose/Significance] The continuous development of metaverse technology marks the transition of mankinds from information society to information civilization. How to understand the relationship between human beings, physical space and information space in the future society has become a key problem of the era. The mixed reality (MR) Technology is a new intelligent technology that integrates the advantages of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), makes virtual objects coexist in the physical world, and integrates the functions of human perception, computer processing and environmental input. The new generation of MR technology has improved the traditional global understanding of digital reality interaction, and also has been bringing technological innovation opportunities for the development of smart libraries. Exploring the new application scenarios of MR technology is helpful in expanding the depth and breadth of the research on smart libraries. [Method/Process] By using the methods of literature review, content analysis and website analysis, this paper reviews the current research status of MR Technology in the field of library science at home and abroad. In addition, through practical cases, this paper summarizes the relevant experience and existing gaps in the application of MR Technology in domestic and foreign libraries. Therefore, it is clear that the research of this paper aims to further stimulate and release libraries' demand and potential for MR Technology. Specifically speaking, by examining the characteristics of high realism, more intelligent and omni-directional MR technology, this paper further explores the ability of smart libraryies in four dimensions of service, knowledge, experience and collaboration, which will contribute to building a new application scenario of smart libraries with the vision of MR technology. It is hoped that this paper can promote the formation of a new type of smart libraries that combines dynamic and static, actively data, blending virtual-real and multi-dimensional expansion. [Results/Conclusions] In the wave of rapid innovation of VR, the construction of smart libraries should be considered in four dimensions: problem orientation, theoretical supports, talent management and subject co-creation. It can provide a better understanding of the future smart libraries with the possible risks, urgent internal and external needs. It is expected to build a future ecological picture of the integration of smart libraries and MR technology. However, due to the limitation of the author's knowledge level and the lack of practical ability, this paper provides a relatively macro guidance. Libraries vary in their application of MR technology. On specific issues, we need specific analysis and different solutions. Therefore, in the future research, we will continuously improve and refine the research in this aspect, and provide reference basis and application value for the effective practice of MR technology in the smart libraries.

Key words: MR technology, mixed reality, smart libraries, metaverse

CLC Number: 

  • G250.7

Table 1

Comparison of the characteristics of VR, AR and MR technologies"

实现空间 虚拟数字世界 真实世界与裸眼的部分融合 数字现实
交互对象 全虚拟对象 半虚拟对象 数字化与物理化全对象
应用范围 数字空间 特定建模空间 大尺度的现实场景空间

Table 2

Cases of virtual reality construction in American libraries"

图书馆 项目名称 支持技术
圣何塞公共图书馆 虚拟现实 VR、MR
乔治城大学图书馆 杰拉尔丁新媒体中心 VR、MR
西密歇根大学图书馆 虚拟现实实验室 VR、MR
密西西比州立大学图书馆 CAVS混合现实实验室 VR、AR、MR
德克萨斯州立大学图书馆 沉浸式工作室 VR、MR
俄克拉荷马大学图书馆 创新中心可视化实验室 VR、MR
北卡罗来纳大学图书馆 健康科学图书馆AR/VR中心 AR、VR、MR
宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆 地球矿物科学图书馆VR中心 VR、MR
辛辛那提大学图书馆 虚拟校园 VR、MR
斯坦福大学图书馆 第二人生 VR、MR
弗吉尼亚海滩公共图书馆 景点的伟大故事 VR、MR
弗吉尼亚理工大学图书馆 VSAP项目 VR、MR
迈阿密大学图书馆 ShelvAR AR、MR
华盛顿大学图书馆 UW现实实验室 AR、MR


SKEC application model of MR Technology enabling smart libraries"

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