Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
Liman ZHANG1, Yueting U1, Wenjing CHENG1, Tianyi LIU1(), Xinxin SUN2
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[1] | XIANG Rui, SUN Wei. Methodology for Assessing the Influence of Technical Topics Based on PhraseLDA-SNA and Machine Learning [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2024, 36(4): 45-62. |
[2] | YAO Ru, WANG Jinfei, LIN Qiao, KONG Lingbo, NIE Yingli. Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration: Current Situation and Perspectives [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2024, 36(4): 21-35. |
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[11] | MAO Jin, CHEN Ziyang. A Deep Learning Based Approach to Structural Function Recognition of Scientific Literature Abstracts [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2022, 34(3): 15-27. |
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[14] | YANG Siluo, TIAN Peilin, ZHU Chuanyu, QIU Junping. Characteristics of UNESCO's Humanities and Social Sciences Research: Topic, Evolution and Cooperation [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2021, 33(6): 6-17. |
[15] | ZHANG Min, CHEN Yunwei. Review on the Theory, Method and Model of Policy Performance Evaluation [J]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture, 2021, 33(6): 30-39. |