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张铭洁1, 赵瑞雪2()   

  1. 1. 广岛大学,日本 739-8511
    2. 中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-24 出版日期:2025-01-13
  • 通讯作者: 赵瑞雪
  • 作者简介:

    张铭洁(1999- ),女,硕士,广岛大学,研究方向为计算机科学与技术

  • 基金资助:

Emotion Perception and Service Optimization in ChatGPT-Driven Smart Libraries

Mingjie ZHANG1, Ruixue ZHAO2()   

  1. 1. Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8511
    2. Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2024-10-24 Online:2025-01-13
  • Contact: Ruixue ZHAO


目的/意义 情感分析技术作为自然语言处理领域的重要分支,在智慧图书馆中具有广泛的应用潜力。通过探讨基于生成预训练变换模型(Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer,ChatGPT)的情感分析技术在智慧图书馆服务中的实际应用,旨在挖掘其优化路径和创新服务方式,为智慧图书馆服务创新提供实践启示。 方法/过程 通过调研国内外智慧图书馆研究现状,分析情感分析技术的应用与发展趋势。结合当前技术进展与服务需求,提出利用ChatGPT的情感感知能力推动个性化推荐、情境化知识服务及优化用户体验的创新路径,并探讨了技术适配和场景化实现的应用挑战。 结果/结论 ChatGPT的情感分析能力能够显著提升智慧图书馆的服务质量和用户体验,通过个性化推荐和情境化服务,能够更好地满足读者的多样化需求。本研究提出了多个智慧图书馆领域的研究方向,重点关注了情感分析技术在提升服务质量和用户体验方面的应用,尤其是通过个性化推荐和情境化服务满足不同群体的需求。同时,讨论了技术适配和场景化实现等挑战。通过这些探索,本研究为智慧图书馆未来的发展提供了创新的思路和实践指导。

关键词: 智慧图书馆, 人工智能, ChatGPT, 情感分析


Purpose/Significance Sentiment analysis technology is an important part of the natural language process and plays a key role in modern smart systems. As smart libraries continue to develop, traditional service models focused only on functionality are no longer enough to meet users' diverse and personalized needs. In the digital transformation era, smart libraries need new technologies to improve service quality, and adding sentiment awareness has become a key way to move beyond traditional approaches. This study uses ChatGPT(Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to apply sentiment analysis in smart library services. This goal is to create a new service model based on emotions, helping smart libraries shift from basic information management to services that focus on emotional care and better user experiences. This approach not only helps smart libraries handle the challenges of digital transformation but also offers a fresh way to meet users' emotional needs. MethodProcess This study reviews relevant literature from both domestic and international sources, systematically analyzing the mainstream research methods and technological trends in the field of smart libraries. It also explores the adaptability and feasibility of sentiment analysis technology in smart libraries, based on current practical scenarios. The research uses ChatGPT's sentiment analysis as the technological foundation, combined with the theory of smart library service models, leveraging the advantages of the ChatGPT to create an analysis framework that integrates theory and practice. At the same time, the study draws on successful cases and practical experiences from domestic and international smart libraries, such as intelligent recommendation systems and contextual knowledge services, extracting effective application paths for sentiment perception technology. This approach provides strong theoretical and practical support for the applicability of the research methods, ensuring the scientific, logical, and innovative nature of the study, and effectively contributing to the optimization of smart library services.[ Results / Conclusions ChatGPT's sentiment analysis capabilities have the potential to significantly enhance both the service quality and user experience in smart libraries. Personalized recommendations and context-aware services can effectively meet the diverse needs of library users. However, the application and research in this area are still in their infancy in China, and there are ongoing challenges in technology adaptation and practical implementation. Particularly, the difficulties in promoting the technology, user adaptability, and issues related to funding have hindered the implementation and widespread adoption of smart library services. To promote the further development of smart libraries, greater efforts should be made to deepen the integration of ChatGPT technology and explore its potential to meet the evolving demands for library services in the digital era. Additionally, the research proposes strategies to address these challenges, such as enhancing technology adaption and user education, exploring diversified funding support options, and continuously innovating application pathways. Through these explorations, smart libraries will better adapt to the needs of the new era and provide more personalized, context-aware services.

Key words: smart libraries, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, sentiment analysis

中图分类号:  G252,G250.7


张铭洁, 赵瑞雪. ChatGPT驱动的智慧图书馆情感感知与服务优化[J/OL]. 农业图书情报学报. https://doi.org/10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0754.

Mingjie ZHANG, Ruixue ZHAO. Emotion Perception and Service Optimization in ChatGPT-Driven Smart Libraries[J/OL]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0754.