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Current Issue
05 October 2016, Volume 28 Issue 10
Information forum
The Cooperation and Development of Public Libraries and Physical Bookstores in the era of big data——Based on the Model of Heterogeneous System Platform | Open Access
ZHAI Xiu-qin, XUE Jian
2016, 28(10):  5-9.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.001
Asbtract ( 681 )   PDF (1363KB) ( 379 )  
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Physical bookstores and public libraries have jointly participated in the socialization of information service. Both of them have a high degree of relevance which is the basis for cooperation in the competition. This paper applied the big data tendency chart to show the great development prospects of their cooperation, and proposed a cooperative model based on heterogeneous platform to integrate some technical links in the field of IT, so as to link the each level of economic development with cultural industry through the cooperation and its promotion in the whole cultural industry.
Reading Needs of Dyslexia Villagers with Minimal Effort and Library help with Maximum Effort | Open Access
BI De-qiang, DONG Ying
2016, 28(10):  10-14.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.002
Asbtract ( 623 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 239 )  
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The problem of dyslexia villagers has not only concerned the lives of individual villagers, but also slowed the poverty alleviation of rural culture. In fact, dyslexia is caused by the no guaranteed minimum reading needs of rural villagers, library should change their mode of operation to make a difference between different reading needs, introduce the differentiation and layering into reading and carry out targeted order reading service, so as to attract the villagers to approach and contact reading, achieve the minimum reading needs and ultimately form the situation of national reading.
Research on the Model Construction of Information Ecology Chain in Library's Wechat Public Platform | Open Access
LU Ju-hui, SUN Rui-ying
2016, 28(10):  15-20.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.003
Asbtract ( 579 )   PDF (1312KB) ( 189 )  
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Library’s wechat platform has become a new mobile terminal information dissemination model widely accepted by the community. Constructing and analyzing its information ecological chain model from the view of information ecology can make the managers of library’s wechat platform able to be more efficient in charging of their platform. This paper analyzed the information ecology chain and its model construction for wechat platform, and constructed the information ecology chain model of library’s wechat platform by combining its ecological demand on sustainable development, which could play a good role in the harmonious, orderly and circular development of the information ecology chain of library’s wechat platform.
Resources construction
Detection on Rice Wx and fgr Gene Distribution in Heilongjiang Rice Germplasm Resource by HRM Functional Markers | Open Access
GUO Zhen-hua, LUO Wen-long, HUANG Cui-hong, CHEN Zhi-qiang, HUANG Xiao-qun, LIU Chuan-xue, ZHANG Lan-min
2016, 28(10):  21-25.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.004
Asbtract ( 600 )   PDF (1478KB) ( 415 )  
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As the most important quality characters of rice grain, amylose content and fragrance are always hot issues in scientific research on rice. HRM (High Resolution Melting) technology as a new PCR analysis technology in recent years, with the characters of simple, fast and high resolution, is widely concerned by the broad mass of researchers. In order to determine the distribution of Wx and fgr gene in germplasm resource of Heilongjiang province, 67 main cultivated varieties and germplasm resource in Heilongjiang province were genotyped by the two HRM(high resolution melting)-based functional markers Wx-a/b and fgr-E7FNP. The results showed that the homozygous gene Wxb existed in all the 67 germplasm resource; 4 germplasm resource contained the homozygous gene fgr, namely Ha99352, Longjingxiang1, Zhonglongxiangjing1 and Longjiao103970, and the rest contained the homozygous gene BAD2.
Detection of End-users’ Utilization Level for the Sharing Collection Resource of Library Alliance | Open Access
WANG Li-feng, JIA Hong-mei, GUO Dong-mei
2016, 28(10):  26-30.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.005
Asbtract ( 706 )   PDF (1347KB) ( 351 )  
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This paper detected end-users’ acceptance and utilization for library alliance resource in 4 agricultural universities in Inner Mongolia based on UTAUT model, and analyzed the behavioral intention and influencing factors of end-users’ acceptance and utilization for library alliance resource. The results revealed that there was a variance of 57% in users’ acceptance and utilization for library alliance resource in Inner Mongolia area, and users’ acceptance and utilization played a major role in the social service of library alliance resource.
Library Makerspace Construction Based on SECI model | Open Access
ZHANG Yan-qing
2016, 28(10):  31-33.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.006
Asbtract ( 568 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 392 )  
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Library makerspace should develop different construction strategies based on four stages of SECI model, including socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. Some matters needing attention in the construction process were pointed out.
Discussion on the Smart Library Construction in Universities | Open Access
MENG Li-bing, LI Min
2016, 28(10):  34-36.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.007
Asbtract ( 652 )   PDF (1103KB) ( 289 )  
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Along with the development and construction of smart campus in universities, smart library will become a new development mode for future library. This article discussed some suggestions about smart library construction in terms of digitization, network, intelligence and talent team construction.
Study on the Integration of Digital Resource Servicing the Teaching——Taking Shanghai Ocean University as an Example | Open Access
XU Qian
2016, 28(10):  37-40.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.008
Asbtract ( 725 )   PDF (1300KB) ( 201 )  
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University library is the important provider of digital resource used in the teaching process, but not the only one. Taking Shanghai Ocean University as an example, this paper studied on the characteristics of digital resource distributing in the library, dean’s office and network center, and put forward the suggestions on how to integrate the digital resource on campus by combining with the actual needs of teachers and students .
Network technology
The Application and Influence of BIBFRAME in Library Catalogue | Open Access
2016, 28(10):  41-44.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.009
Asbtract ( 825 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 201 )  
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Bibliographic framework initiative(BIBFRAME) is a new generation of bibliographic data format in the application of semantic web/linked data, which will break the restriction of MARC format in the library data opening, and lead the library community as a concerted effort to create a bibliographic description and data exchanging environment to understand and use the resource of global data network. Based on the analysis of the reasons for the emergence of BIBFRAME, this paper unscrambled the ontology model of BIBFRAME, and expounded the influence of BIBFRAME on the work process of library cataloging department by exploring the relationship between RDA and MARC21.
Application Study of RFID Technology in Public Libraries | Open Access
WANG Xue, ZHAO Zhi-nan, LI Jian-feng
2016, 28(10):  45-48.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.010
Asbtract ( 638 )   PDF (1337KB) ( 529 )  
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This paper pointed out that the introduction of RFID technology changed the management and service of library, and introduced its current application and development, and analyzed its key role in the construction of wisdom library and the existing problems in public library, and then gave some suggestions.
Study on the user Experience Construction of Archives Website Based on Program Development Progress | Open Access
CHEN Ling-xia, GAO Lin-hai
2016, 28(10):  49-51.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.011
Asbtract ( 650 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 220 )  
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This paper firstly analyzed the significance of archives website’s user experience based on program development progress, and then elaborated on the components of archives websites’ user experience, and finally discussed the construction strategies from strategic level, scope level, frame level and presentation level, including ascertaining the user requirements and website objectives, planning the functional specification and content requirements, ensuring interactive design and system architecture, pinpointing the design of locating information, interface and navigation, and reasonable perception.
Literature Review on the Application of Internet of Things Technology under the Background of Agricultural Informatization | Open Access
GAO Qian, WANG Xin-dong, LV Hai-jun, LI Min
2016, 28(10):  52-54.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.012
Asbtract ( 602 )   PDF (1121KB) ( 327 )  
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At present, the development trend of agricultural policy is agricultural informatization, and each country has its own characteristics. China is vast agricultural country, which needs to strengthen the process of agricultural informatization. Internet of things technology is the key for the enhancement of agricultural informatization. This paper summarized the development situation of domestic agricultural informatization and the application situation of Internet of things technology, as well as the development and update of Internet of things technology.
Literature study
The Comparative Visualization Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Mobile Reading Research Based on CitespaceIII | Open Access
HOU Xue, PENG Ai-dong
2016, 28(10):  55-60.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.013
Asbtract ( 1060 )   PDF (1444KB) ( 245 )  
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This paper focused on the literature relating to mobile reading in CNKI database and Web of Science database between 2004 and 2015, and conducted visualization analysis on the domestic and foreign mobile reading literature about authors and keywords based on CitespaceIII. Meanwhile, it compared the domestic hot spots and trends of mobile reading research with the foreign ones: most domestic research hot spots were related to the library, and mobile reading content organization and user behavior based on different platforms in the new media and micro information environment were new trends in current domestic research. While foreign research hot spots focused on the implementation techniques for mobile reading, and combining mobile reading and mobile learning to explore the promotion of mobile reading on mobile learning was the new trend.
Statistical Analysis of Natural Rubber Papers Published from Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) | Open Access
LI Yi-ping, GAO Xiu-yun, HU Xiao-chan, WANG Da-peng
2016, 28(10):  61-66.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.014
Asbtract ( 595 )   PDF (1420KB) ( 186 )  
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Bibliometric analysis was carried out to investigate the papers of natural rubber field published in journals cited by SCI-E during 1996-2015. The results showed that the annual quantity of relevant papers and their citations were increasing year by year during 1996-2015. The hot research fields were included in Polymer Science, Materials Science and Chemistry, Plant Sciences and Biochemistry Molecular Biology, and the journals of hot field mainly come from developed countries. The number of papers supported by foundations was top in China, Thailand, Malaysia and Brazil. There were only five natural rubber papers which ranked at top 1% listed in ESI (Essential Science Indicators) database. In summary, the research capacity of major natural rubber producing countries have been improving considerably in past twenty years, but in important technological fields they were still behind the developed countries.
Visualization Analysis on Information Literacy Education Field Based on CitespaceⅡ | Open Access
ZHAO Yan-li, DONG Hong-wei, SUN Ning-ning, ZHANG Gui-shan
2016, 28(10):  67-71.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.015
Asbtract ( 543 )   PDF (1473KB) ( 178 )  
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In order to explore the development trend of information literacy education field, this paper applied CitespaceII software to draw the visualization knowledge map on information literacy education field, containing institution distribution, author distribution and document co-citation, and probed the evolution path and research hotspots in this field.
Social Network Analysis on the Patent Inventor team and core Inventor——Taking Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials and Device of SCUT as Example | Open Access
WANG Li-jie
2016, 28(10):  72-76.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.016
Asbtract ( 726 )   PDF (1411KB) ( 967 )  
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Using the Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials and Device of SCUT as an example, this paper searched the patents invented by the institute teachers and constructed the cooperation frequency matrix and Jaccard index matrix, and then drew the cooperation network map of inventors by using Ucinet and Netdraw, and finally found out the core inventors from these teachers based on centrality analysis. Results showed that there was a big team with 24 inventors while the core inventors were Cao Yong and Peng Jun-biao, and a small team with 3 inventors while their positions were equal.
Research Trends Analysis of Modern Agricultural Science and Technology During Recent 10 Years in China Based on Bibliometric and Topic Model | Open Access
YE Chun-lei, NING Lu
2016, 28(10):  77-82.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.017
Asbtract ( 590 )   PDF (1356KB) ( 266 )  
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In order to understand and master the research situation and development trend of modern agricultural science and technology during recent 10 years in China comprehensively, this paper analyzed the literature on two important aspects of modern agricultural science and technology in China, namely the botany and botany-related disciplines and animal husbandry & animal medicine discipline based on bibliometric and LDA topic model, including the bibliometric analysis on the trend of published papers, author and research institution, and the topic analysis of research contents. The results showed that these research fields were active and the research contents were consecutive. The research would have certain reference value for the decision-making and development of related research field in China.
Research on the Literature Delivery data of Small and Medium University Libraries——A case Study of Beijing University of Agriculture Library Based on Citespace | Open Access
LIU Dong-mei
2016, 28(10):  83-86.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.018
Asbtract ( 387 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 147 )  
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Using statistical methods and Citespace software, this paper realized the data analysis of literature delivery in Beijing University of Agriculture in 2008-2014, and obtained the high frequency keywords and the knowledge map of the periodical source in 7 years. The results revealed the research hotspot and hot journals source of literature delivery in Beijing University of Agriculture, while the analysis of research hotspot helped make librarian initiative to push forward the relevant information and service readers’ scientific research work and the analysis of hot journals source could guide university library’s digital resource procurement work.
Current Situation of PRRS research and Analysis based on CNKI | Open Access
Lihu Li, Lei Chen*, Yi Jiang, Zhu Ren
2016, 28(10):  87-90.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.019
Asbtract ( 663 )   PDF (1339KB) ( 173 )  
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In order to understand the research status and hot spot which Porcine Circovirus Disease,We select papers of Porcine Circovirus Disease in CNKI database included in SCI, EI, core source journals and papers CSSIC data object,during2005-2015 for statistical analysis. The results show that: China porcine circovirus associated disease research papers focused on the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary medicine, biology and other disciplines; Porcine Circovirus disease-related research papers published the largest number of the year 2008; core journal "Progress in Veterinary Medicine" Papers Up, animal husbandry and veterinary, animal-related journals are journals of porcine circovirus disease research papers published; researchers mostly concentrated in major research institutes and universities, where the number of papers published is the largest research institute of Nanjing Agricultural University; the epidemiology of Porcine Circovirus, detection and vaccine development is the focus of research porcine circovirus disease areas. The above results to understand the status of PCV virus disease research provides a scientific reference for researchers conducted Research Projects, academic exchanges, and other published papers provide important information.
Work study
Construction of Fuzzy Evaluation Model for the Effect of Organizational Culture on the Core Competitiveness of Library | Open Access
2016, 28(10):  91-94.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.020
Asbtract ( 604 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 228 )  
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Organizational culture is an important characterization parameter to enhance the core competence of library, and it is necessary to explore the relationship between organizational culture and library’s core competence. This paper firstly defined the connotation of library’s organizational culture and core competitiveness, and then constructed the fuzzy evaluation model for the effect of organizational culture on core competitiveness of library, and carried on quantitative analysis to make librarians recognize themselves, identify gaps and continue to develop and enhance their own core competitiveness in ubiquitous knowledge environment.
Rethinking of Library's Function and Positioning | Open Access
LIU Qian-ning
2016, 28(10):  95-98.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.021
Asbtract ( 860 )   PDF (1113KB) ( 184 )  
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In the network era with the rapid development of information technology, this paper expounded the main function and significance of library’s positioning from its connotation, and analyzed the characteristics and classification of library function, and put forward the measures about building library’s function and positioning based on the harmony concept between monism and pluralism.
Construction on the Evaluation Index System for Foreign-language Periodical Suppliers in China's University Libraries | Open Access
HAN Cai-yun
2016, 28(10):  99-101.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.022
Asbtract ( 620 )   PDF (1294KB) ( 192 )  
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Foreign-language periodicals are special literature resource. However, China’s university libraries have not formed a scientific and reasonable evaluation index system for foreign-language periodical suppliers currently. Through analyzing the influencing factors of foreign-language periodical procurement and combining with existing literature evaluation index systems, this paper used Delphy method to establish a foreign-language periodical supplier evaluation index system for modern library, and introduced its composition, contents and advantages, so as to provide useful ideas for the scientific and normative development of foreign-language periodical supplier selection and evaluation.
Comparative Study on Evaluation Index System and Methods of University's Science and Technology Innovation Ability | Open Access
SONG Cheng-cheng
2016, 28(10):  102-105.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.023
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Aiming at the regional feature of agricultural production, many agricultural products have intensive district characteristics. This article combines regional charaineeds wf agpush s a foundation for implementing personalized agricultural information push.
Mobile Reading Promotion Platform Construction under the Background of Smart City Construction in Qinhuangdao | Open Access
WANG Yun-ping
2016, 28(10):  106-108.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.024
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With the rapid development of Internet and information technologies, mobile reading has been changing people’s reading habits and mode. This paper intended to discuss how to effectively advance nationwide reading from general characters. Through the research on the current situation of mobile reading developing conditions in Qinhuangdao, it put forward a construction scheme on mobile reading promotion platform that served the construction of Smart City with the emphasis on the historical culture and tourism culture.
Study on Publication Information Acquisition in University Library Based on Information Foraging Theory | Open Access
CHEN Da-lian
2016, 28(10):  109-111.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.025
Asbtract ( 612 )   PDF (1117KB) ( 189 )  
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Book acquisition is the basic work in library literature resource construction. By introducing the Information Foraging Theory into book acquisition, this paper tried to provide better guidance for acquisition librarians to get effective access to publication information resource. It indicated that acquisition librarians should foster the consciousness of information clues through designating information sections and building core authors and core press database, and strengthen information foraging skills and create co-construction and sharing mechanism, so as to improve the overall acquisition ability based on collaborative information foraging.
Guarantee on the Limited Intellectual Freedom Right in Library | Open Access
2016, 28(10):  112-114.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.026
Asbtract ( 514 )   PDF (1105KB) ( 97 )  
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Limited intellectual freedom as a fundamental right of a person or organization has been an important part of people’s pursuit for freedom and happiness. Since intellectual freedom was presented by ALA , it has been very much concerned by the library science field and defined as the core of library concept by IFLA. This paper explored the concept of intellectual freedom to seek the difference between intellectual freedom in library and in individual or organization, and proposed that library as the social security system for intellectual freedom should pay attention to intellectual freedom and take on its responsibilities.
Analysis on the Dissemination Strategies of Library Micro-film in the Era of Fragmentation | Open Access
XU Han-rong
2016, 28(10):  115-118.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.027
Asbtract ( 635 )   PDF (1127KB) ( 376 )  
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Catering for readers’ demand on fragment information in the era of fragmentation, library micro-film has showed some characteristics such as high standard, convenience, interactivity and being worth watching, which can greatly help libraries disseminate their resource and service. Based on the initiation of International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, the support of the development of dissemination technology, readers’ demand on fragment reading as well as the non-library experience, micro-film has become more and more popular. However, the dissemination of library micro-films has also faced some problems. This paper analyzed its dissemination strategies from the following three aspects: readers-oriented, content-based and initiation-first; building the system of three-dimensional marketing; strengthening the system of self-discipline and supervising.
Application of Wechat Public Platform in University Library | Open Access
SUN Ling-yun
2016, 28(10):  119-122.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.028
Asbtract ( 534 )   PDF (1336KB) ( 235 )  
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This paper introduced the development status and characteristics of wechat, and the service functions and features of wechat public platform, and then examined the open situation of wechat platform by listing several domestic university library wechat platform, and analyzed the feasibility of its application in library information service, and finally showed that wechat would become the new library information service platform based on the new application mode of wechat in library information service.
Study on the Extension of University Library's Space Function in Ubiquitous Information Environment | Open Access
TANG Xian-zhen
2016, 28(10):  123-126.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.029
Asbtract ( 581 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 174 )  
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Ubiquitous information environment with intelligent and ubiquitous features is the new living environment and development goal of university library. This paper analyzed the changes of university library’s space function in ubiquitous information environment, and studied the extension methods of university library’s space function, and noted that university library should actively innovate education mode, enhance human space service concept and improve the ability of multi-cultural tolerance based on the space function extension.
Analysis and new Strategy of University Library's Advocacy work——A case of Beijing Technology and Business University | Open Access
LIU Yu-zi
2016, 28(10):  127-130.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.030
Asbtract ( 488 )   PDF (1126KB) ( 276 )  
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This paper analyzed and discussed the current situation and existing problems of University library’s advocacy work. Under the background of the terrible homogenization phenomenon and low effect of advocacy work, by taking Beijing Technology and Business University as a case, it introduced new measures on advocacy work to provide better service for teaching and research of university, and lay the foundation of university library’s responsibility on social scientific and cultural development.
Information education
Knowledge Transfer of Human Library Based on the new Professional Farmers and Herdsmen Science and Technology Training | Open Access
LIUYu-xi, WU Peng, WU Jun-ying, LI Ming
2016, 28(10):  131-135.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.031
Asbtract ( 580 )   PDF (1239KB) ( 183 )  
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China has always attached great importance to the training of farmers and herdsmen, back in the early days after the nation’s founding, chairmen Mao has put forward the classical conclusion that the serious problem is the education of peasants. Based on the science and technology training of new professional farmers and herdsmen, this paper discussed the origin of Human Library and the publication of the documents, and introduced the basic mechanism of library knowledge transfer and the main problems faced by the new professional farmers and herdsmen science and technology training center, and put forward the technical training model and process of Human Library knowledge transfer.
Research on the Vocational Education Demand of Migrant Workers in Logistics Industry of Agricultural Colleges Based on the Survey of South China Agricultural University | Open Access
2016, 28(10):  136-139.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.032
Asbtract ( 595 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 309 )  
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Based on the research about the vocational education of 500 migrant workers in 6 logistics departments of South China Agricultural University by adopting the method of questionnaire, interview and field survey, this paper analyzed the status and existing problems of vocational education in this special group, and thereby put forward proposals including innovating diversified vocational training service model, establishing vocational training fund investment policy mechanism and demand expression mechanism, improving the ideological understanding of rural migrant workers about vocational education through media and propaganda.
Recognition of University Library Reading Promotion under the Environment of SNS | Open Access
WANG Lian-xia
2016, 28(10):  140-142.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.033
Asbtract ( 486 )   PDF (1112KB) ( 127 )  
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This paper analyzed the characteristics of SNS and reading promotion, and proposed the recognition of university library reading promotion under the environment of SNS, and construct the reading promotion with rich content, functional development, concept inheritance, role transposition and resource sharing through its concept, theme, effect, role, job nature and promotion alliance, so as to attract readers to take the initiative to participate in reading promotion activities and improve the quality of reading promotion.
Empirical analysis on Teachers’ Information Demand and University Library Service in Agricultural and Forestry Colleges in the Digital age——A case of Jiangxi Agricultural University | Open Access
GE Ting-ting, YIN Chuan-jian, ZHANG Hui
2016, 28(10):  143-147.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.034
Asbtract ( 849 )   PDF (1375KB) ( 226 )  
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Through the investigation and analysis on teachers' information demand, information behavior and information utilization in three majors of Jiangxi Agricultural University, this paper pointed out the gap between user demand and information resource construction in agricultural and forestry university library, and suggested that agricultural and forestry university library should increase the library funds, strengthen the integration and development of resource , intensify propaganda, strengthen team construction and carry out personalized service.
Research of Library Knowledge Ecosystem | Open Access
MENG Lu-fang
2016, 28(10):  148-150.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.035
Asbtract ( 455 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 382 )  
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Based on the fully research about ecological system, this paper built a simple model of library knowledge ecology system, and revealed the characteristics and function of the three elements of library knowledge ecosystem. Through analyzing the new characteristics of modern library knowledge ecosystem, it constructed the library knowledge management mode with virtuous circle, and put forward suggestions on how to build good library knowledge ecosystem.
Research on the Normalization of Classical Reading Promotion in University Library under the Background of Digital Humanities | Open Access
LU Su-juan, MA Lu-qi
2016, 28(10):  151-154.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.036
Asbtract ( 448 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 299 )  
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This paper introduced the necessity of university library in developing classic reading promotion, and analyzed the influencing factors on the normalization of classic reading promotion under the background of digital humanities, and then put forward the construction model of university library’s classic reading promotion normalization.
Research on the Information Literacy Education Model of Flipped Classroom in University Library | Open Access
ZHANG Zeng-an
2016, 28(10):  155-157.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.037
Asbtract ( 648 )   PDF (1224KB) ( 223 )  
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The flipped classroom model breaks the traditional teaching mode, and injects new vitality into the educational reform. On the basis of analyzing the forms and characteristics of information literacy education in university library, a model of information literacy education is presented based on the teaching idea of flipped classroom. The process of the practice model includes three phases, such as independence learning before class, collaborative learning in class and comprehensive evaluation after class. It hopes that the practice model can offer a new method for developing the information literacy education in university library.
Editing &Publishing
Research on Playing the Role of Sci-tech Periodicals as Important Window Opening to the west with the Implementation of “the Belt and Road”Initiative ——Taking Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences as an Example | Open Access
ZHANG Qiong, WANG Fang, HE Jing, LI Chao-hui, YUE Rong-qiang
2016, 28(10):  158-161.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.038
Asbtract ( 748 )   PDF (1452KB) ( 331 )  
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Initial payoffs have been achieved in the development and construction of featured agriculture in Xinjiang, which has displayed a significant role in China. For example, compared with the cotton yield in other areas, Xinjiang’s cotton growth and production, whether on the scale of production or in terms of production efficiency, show relatively strong comparative advantage and its dominant position can not be replaced. The grain production (wheat and corn) in Xinjiang also has relative advantage in production efficiency over other provinces in China. Xinjiang’s featured fruits such as Hami cantaloupe, grape, pear, walnut and apricot have extremely strong production scale and efficiency and the comprehensive comparative advantage demonstrates prominent position. In the course of carrying out “the Belt and Road” initiative, Xijiang has become the core area. Agriculture is the dominant industry in Xinjiang and Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences is an important platform for domestic and foreign science and technology information communication. Taking Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences as a case, the discipline and organization distribution of all the papers published in this journal were gone through statistics and analysis. It indicated that this journal played an important window role in promoting the scientific and technological achievements to open to the west.
Main Evaluation Indexes Analysis of 11 core Journals on Waterway Transport | Open Access
ZHANG Dong-dong
2016, 28(10):  162-167.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.039
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Based on the evaluation system of Chinese Journals Citation Reports(CJCR) in 2011~2015, evaluation indexes of 11 core journals on waterway transport were chose, and statistical analysis of impact factor, total cited frequency was conducted by applying bibliometric method, to provide reference for the sustainable development and academic influence improvement of journals on waterway transport.
Current situation and the Development of Agricultural Technical Journals based on Omni-media Mode | Open Access
SI Zhi-xia, WANG Cui
2016, 28(10):  168-170.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.040
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More opportunities and challenges were brought on the Omni-media age. This thesis has put forward low development speed of new-media,poor quality and homogenization of agricultural technical journals,Saturation of advertising market and instability income. In the future, Apart from doing well in traditional media, We should do more effort to new media, to the Omni-media age.
Service management
Study on the Personalized Information Push Service of University Library in SoLoMo Environment | Open Access
2016, 28(10):  171-174.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.041
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This paper analyzed the theory foundation and its basic elements of university library’s personalized information push service in SoLoMo environment, and researched its mode construction, and finally proposed the service strategies to promote the integration of university library and SOLOMO environment.
Practice and Research of University Library's Circulation Service Quality | Open Access
CUI Ling-jie
2016, 28(10):  175-178.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.042
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Circulation service of university library is the most important window for the library. Reader is the main service object of circulation service work and library staff is the service personnel, while book is the service carrier and rule is the service safeguard and environment is the service condition. These five major elements complement each other, work together to ensure the circulation service quality of university library and improve the utilization rate of library books and cultural atmosphere.
Research of Library Service Quality Evaluation Based on LibQUAL+® System—A Survey of Reader's Satisfaction on Southern Medical University Library | Open Access
WU Xue-ying, ZHAO Dan, GU Ping
2016, 28(10):  179-183.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.043
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A survey of readers’ satisfaction based on the LibQUAL+® system was taken in Southern Medical University Library. Readers valued the service of library from 3 aspects including service, resource and environment. The advice of some readers were collected. According the analysis of survey results, some suggestion on perfecting construction and improving service level were put forward.
Study on University Library’s Subject Service mode Innovation with Online user Community Embedded | Open Access
TIAN Hui-ming, ZHANG Yu-e, HE Mei-ping, WANG Jie
2016, 28(10):  184-187.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.044
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This paper analyzed the background of embedded library subject service, and described the core elements of online community, and expounded the service process of embedding online user community, and finally constructed the subject service mode with online user community embedded.
Reference Service of Public Library in new Media Environment | Open Access
MA Li-ping, ZHU Hui
2016, 28(10):  188-190.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.045
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As an important work of modern public library, reference service is the crucial section in public library’s future development. This paper illustrated the challenges and problems of public library’s reference work in new media environment, and offered the corresponding innovative ideas and development prospects.
Analysis on the Social Service Innovation mode of University Library Based on MOOC | Open Access
2016, 28(10):  191-194.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.046
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This paper introduced the concept and characteristics of MOOC in detail, and analyzed deeply the impacts of MOOC on university library, such as changing from service on campus to social service. On this basis, it proposed the social service innovation mode of university library based on MOOC, including social service on information literacy and copyright permission.
Design and Practice on Subject Service Platform Based on the Requirements of Resource and Environment Specialties | Open Access
HE Xin, GUO Peng, SONG Bao-ping
2016, 28(10):  195-197.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.047
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The construction of subject service platform needs to motivate readers’ initiative in acquiring information and increase the interaction among subject librarian, readers and resource with the help of knowledge integration, thus improving the use efficiency. Taking teachers and students in Resource and Environment Department of Shijiazhuang University as research object, this paper designed a personalized subject service platform for their professional needs by using the five laws of library science as guidance.
Construction on the new " Internet+Library" Service mode in Agricultural Colleges | Open Access
CAO Xiao-yu
2016, 28(10):  198-200.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.048
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According to the current form of agricultural college library management, this paper put forward the new service mode of " Internet + Library", and analyzed the characteristics and platform construction of this new mode, and achieved the integrated development of digital library by combining library and internet better and starting from the three subjects including society, school and individual.
How Digital Library Builds Professional Audio-visual Space to Provide Audio-visual Resource for Readers | Open Access
LIN Ping
2016, 28(10):  201-204.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.049
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Digital library collection is not limited by the printed text and database, but also includes pictures,video,audio and other digital audio-visual resource. Taking the audio-visual room in Wendian Pavilion of Anhui University Library as an example, this paper expounded the main contents of professional audio-visual room construction. University library should really give play to the unique function of multimedia audio-visual resource in library collection by using professional audio-visual room, and make readers not only get text knowledge from books, but also enjoy the charm of audio and video from audio-visual resource in the library.
Application of Internet plus Library Concept in Library’s Reader Service | Open Access
FAN Li-ping
2016, 28(10):  205-207.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.050
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With the development of modern information technology, e-books have got great applications, which caused a large number of reader loss in university libraries. In such a situation, university libraries should conduct service innovation to strengthen cooperation and interaction with readers, use varieties of service activities to attract readers and improve the overall library service. This paper firstly introduced the service concept and denotation of Internet plus library, and then analyzed the countermeasures by adhering to the service concept of new era.
Analysis of Improving the NSTL Document Delivery Service——Taking NSTL Shenzhen Service Station as an Example | Open Access
WU Wan-hua
2016, 28(10):  208-211.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.051
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This paper analyzed the basic data of document delivery in the NSTL Shenzhen service station in recently years, and summed up the methods of improving the document delivery service in NSTL Shenzhen service station.
Application Study of Personal Knowledge Management Based on the 360 Web-browser | Open Access
XIONG Chuan-yi, KONG Hui
2016, 28(10):  212-216.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.052
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This paper analyzed the necessity of taking 360 Web-browser as the research object, and constructed personal knowledge map on 360 web-browser combining personal knowledge management method, and further gave the application deployment of knowledge learning, knowledge sharing, knowledge innovating and knowledge preserving, so as to achieve comprehensive and effective personal knowledge management on the web-browser.
Exploration and Practice on the Service Innovation of Public Library during the Reconstruction and Expansion Period——Taking Taiyuan Library as an Example | Open Access
HAN Chun-yan
2016, 28(10):  217-221.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.053
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Public library undertakes the heavy responsibility of constructing public cultural service system covering the entire social. Taking the service of Taiyuan Library during its reconstruction and expansion period as the case, this paper elaborated the exploration and practice of service innovation from expanding its depth and widening its breadth, and carried on the outlook in the service innovation of new library.
The Research of the Intelligent services and Applications in University Library Based on RFID Technology | Open Access
HU Bo, HAI Jin-mei
2016, 28(10):  222-225.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2016.10.054
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This thesis introduces the theoretical research and practical application situation in the field of RFID technology apply to library ,and introduces the RFID technology application and implementation of hardware and software system function ,and analyzes the problems appeared in the process of practical application comprehensively,the purpose is to provide references for the library being constructed and will be constructed.