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Current Issue
05 June 2019, Volume 31 Issue 6
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Special review
Technology Forecasting: Status and Trends
Open Access
WANG Xuefeng, ZHANG Shuo, HAN Xiaotong, QIAO Yali
2019, 31(6): 4-11. DOI:
(1362KB) (
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Technology forecasting can not only help science and technology strategy decision makers regulate policy tendency and allocate resources, but also support researchers grasp research direction. Therefore, it plays an important role in the development of society. However, with the rapid development of technology and explosive growth of all kinds of information, technology forecasting activities are facing unprecedented challenges. How to use the information effectively and improve the systematic and scientific of technology forecasting approach has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper first differentiates the concept of technology forecasting, and then summarizes the development process of it. Finally, after analyzing the current situation of technology forecasting projects in some countries, we put forward the development trends for the future technology forecasting.
Research on SMEs' Competitive Technology Intelligence Methodology System Oriented Open Innovation
Open Access
LIU Zhihui, WEI Juanxia
2019, 31(6): 12-20. DOI:
(5388KB) (
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[Purpose/significance]Sci-tech SMEs are facing severe market challenges. By using competitive technology intelligence concepts and method tools, SMEs can effectively avoid potential risks of technology competition and utilize potential technology development opportunities to enhance their innovation ability and competitive strength. [Method/process]This paper proposes an analytical paradigm based on meta-analysis integration, which is a competitive technical intelligence analysis paradigm based on multi-source data and composite relationship. Under this conceptual framework, competitive technological intelligence of SMEs can be divided into three levels: the framework level, the business level and the operation level. The framework level establishes the core of competitive technological intelligence activities, the business level describes the business flow of competitive technological intelligence, and the operation level reflects the key link of competitive technological intelligence analysis. [Result/conclusion]This paradigm is applied in the open innovation of Sci-tech SMEs. It is conceptualized as a competitive technology intelligence methodology system oriented open innovation for SEMs, which proves the availability and validity of the paradigm.
Research paper
Topical Analysis of Scientific and Technical Reports based on Topical N-Grams Model
Open Access
AN Xin, XU Shuo
2019, 31(6): 21-30. DOI:
(3140KB) (
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As one of the important carriers of scientific & technical (S&T) intelligence, S&T reports can reflect the line of S&T development, recover the latest news of S&T fronts, and even insight the trends of S&T development. Researches on developing and utilizing S&T reports in our country mainly focus on the following: publication and distribution of S&T reports in the form of book and electrical publication; database construction; service mode; intelligent property and so on. The deep data mining on S&T reports remains largely under-studied. This work tries to discover the domain latent topics of S&T reports with the topical n-grams model. In order to determine the number of topics of S&T reports for some specific domain, the calculation method of perplexity of the topic n-grams model is put forward with the dynamic programming in this study. Finally, 70 domain topics are discovered from 1 344 S&T reports in the tumor domain, such as "molecular mechanisms/tumor cells", "system biology/key methods" and so on. Experimental results show that it is feasible and efficient to discover the latent topics from S&T reports with the topical n-grams model.
Visual Analysis on Research Status and Themes Evolution of Discipline Construction Research in China
Open Access
ZHANG Faliang, LIU Junjie
2019, 31(6): 31-39. DOI:
(4324KB) (
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By using the methods of bibliometrics and knowledge maps, based on the CSSCI data, the development of discipline construction research in China from 1998 to 2018 is analyzed. Firstly, the overall research status and the distribution of research subjects of this field, such as the leading researchers, institutions and journals, are counted and analyzed; Secondly, the co-word analysis method is used to analyze the structure and distribution of the whole field's themes; Finally, four periods are divided based on the amount of articles, the evolution of the co-word networks and themes of each period are analyzed and compared. The study shows that the overall development of discipline construction research in China showed a trend of "rise-peak-fall", and the amount of recent articles declined significantly; The core research group has not been formed. The institutions are mainly normal universities and comprehensive universities with strong humanities and social sciences. Journals and disciplines are mainly distributed in the field of education. The main themes mainly include the macro level and basic theory, construction contents/methods/paths and specific discipline construction. And the evolution of themes has inherited and phased characteristics.
Based on “Internet+” Individuals’ Information Channels Choice and the Influencing Factors——Based on the Data CGSS2015
Open Access
LIU Xiaoqian, NIU Xiaogeng
2019, 31(6): 40-47. DOI:
(1116KB) (
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The choice of information channel influence the individuals' production and life in data time, so this paper executes an empirical study of individuals' information channels choice, analyzes the influencing factors and applies Multinomial Logit model based on the survey data CGSS 2015. Through the econometric analysis, we find that individuals select television and internet as their primary information channels, and income and education levels are the main factors of the individuals to broaden their information channels. Age is affects individuals to change the traditional way of receiving information to new way. Work experience and work status of the individuals and the live style affect the choice of the information channels, especially the work experience and work status have a significant impact on the individuals' selecting the new information channels. Base on this, the paper puts forward the suggestion of improving information supply.
Analysis of Library Job Demand Based on ALA Recruitment Information
Open Access
WU Yufei, YANG Siluo
2019, 31(6): 48-59. DOI:
(5497KB) (
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This paper chooses to crawl ALA's recruitment advertisement data through Scrapy framework and obtains official population data and salary data as supplement in order to recognize the demand of the jobs in the field of library science .It describes the current working environment and employment situation of librarians and analyzes the requirements for librarians in the new environment by using descriptive statistics and geographic analysis methods to process standardized data including categorized data and numerical data and applying manual classification and text mining methods such as text Rank and TFIDF to textual data. At the same time, after combining curriculum of master of Library project in iSchool, it analyzes whether the curriculum design matches the library requirements, and puts forward some suggestions for library job seekers and training institutions. Based on the recruitment data, the author comprehensively analyzes the library positions from multiple perspectives. Based on the recruitment data, the author comprehensively analyzes the library positions from various angles, and draws conclusions including: (1) the library work is widely distributed and attractive; (2) the current library work is centered on user services; (3) in the digital age, the library technology category is considerable, but the fundamental purpose of technical work is still to improve service quality and meet service needs; (4) the various parts of the library are closely connected, requiring librarians Master the entire information processing process; (5) library recruitment needs staffs with abundant work experience and project experience but the requirements for travel time is limited, and the main academic requirements are master's degree; (6) university libraries and public libraries are the main sources of jobs; (7) the course set by iSchool is generally in line with the needs of the library, but there is still room for improvement in specific details.
University Curriculum Reform Strategy Based on Recruitment Demand —a Case Study of Undergraduate Students in Library Science
Open Access
DONG Shuai
2019, 31(6): 60-67. DOI:
(973KB) (
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[Purpose]By analyzing the demand of the recruiting units for the graduates of library science, colleges and universities can cultivate high-quality graduates of library science and improve the employment rate of graduates of library science. [Design]This paper adopts two research methods: literature reading method and network survey method. [Conclusion]It is found that the types of recruitment posts released by the library are mainly technical, administrative and comprehensive management, and business. The types of recruitment positions released by enterprises are mainly in two aspects: one is in the field of intelligence research and data mining, and the other is in the field of administrative positions. The recruitment positions of national examination and enterprises and institutions are mainly in the field of administrative management. Research institutes and intelligence agencies recruit jobs mainly for deep information processing. [Originality]The author collects and sorts out the needs of different recruiting units for library science graduates, conducts horizontal and vertical comparative analysis from multiple perspectives such as professional ability, education background, work experience and student origin, and summarizes the differences in the needs of different recruiting units for library science graduates.
Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Library Outsourcing Resource Base
Open Access
WU Yuling
2019, 31(6): 67-72. DOI:
(1216KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance]The research on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of library outsourcing resource base is conductive to the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation model of unified metrics, which makes the quality evaluation results of library outsourcing resource base more objective and accurate, and also provides reference decision for managers.[Method/Process]This paper takes Jiangxi Library Outsourcing Resource Base as an empirical case, makes dimensionless processing of various indicators data including benefit type and cost type, constructs a comprehensive evaluation model based on the weight of coefficient of variation and the combination of fuzzy matrix, and finally calculates the comprehensive ranking of the Outsourcing Resource Base by using MATLAB, which is a Data Analysis Tool.[Result/Conclusion] The experiment shows that when choosing Multi-dimensional and difficult-to-quantitative index evaluation model, the method of combining the Coefficient of Variation Weighting with the fuzzy matrix is often used. It can unify each index unit and carry out quantitative analysis, objectively reflect the quality level, and finally provide reference decision for managers.
Problems and Countermeasures on Subject Services in Academic Libraries
Open Access
CAO Ruiqin, YANG Libing
2019, 31(6): 73-80. DOI:
(21634KB) (
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Selecting the British and American countries with more mature disciplinary services and the university libraries such as China's 985 and 211 as the research objects, this paper gives a brief review on the development of subject services at home and abroad, and explains the role and responsibility of subject librarian. By comparing the typical cases of subject services in academic libraries of these three countries, the author summarizes and analyzes their respective characteristics, and focuses on the problems existing in Chinese academic. 8 feasible suggestions are put forward for the general academic libraries in China who want to do well in subject services.
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