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Current Issue
05 May 2018, Volume 30 Issue 5
Information forum
Research on Dynamic Evolutionary Game of Knowledge Transfer among Industry-University Cooperation Team Members | Open Access
WU Caili
2018, 30(5):  5-7.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.001
Asbtract ( 660 )   PDF (1984KB) ( 212 )  
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Using dynamic evolutionary game theory to construct the dynamic evolution game model of knowledge transfer of industry-university cooperation team, this paper analyzed the multidimensional factors influencing the strategy choice of two parties of the members and team. Research showed that the knowledge management of industry-university cooperation team played an important role in the knowledge transfer strategy whether to take the knowledge transfer to the members of the other unit. The knowledge transfer behavior of members was affected by the size of team knowledge management, and it also reacted to the team's knowledge management decisions. Furthermore, it discussed the evolution model of the maximum return of both sides of the game and the control effect of knowledge transfer income on decision making process, and obtained the Pareto optimality model of the dynamic effects of multidimensional factors.
Discussion on Intelligence Organization Change under the Conditions of Internet and Other New Technology | Open Access
WANG Xinfeng, ZHAO Bingfeng
2018, 30(5):  12-15.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.002
Asbtract ( 722 )   PDF (1557KB) ( 226 )  
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How to realize the intelligence organization change in the conditions of Internet and other new technologies is a strategic issue in national security governance system. Based on the research of intelligence organization classification and governance, this paper analyzed the power structure of intelligence organization change, and built strategic hypothesis according to the conditions of Internet and other new technologies, and summed up its change mode, so as to provide a logical basis for the intelligence organization change in the nation.
Exploration and Practice of Analyzing Overseas Students' Library Utilization via Fishbone Diagram | Open Access
SHI Huidan, WU Yanguo
2018, 30(5):  16-20.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.003
Asbtract ( 667 )   PDF (1633KB) ( 151 )  
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This paper summarized the research status of RCA, and introduced the common RCA analysis tools, and used the RCA to analyze the low utilization rate of oversea students by taking a university as example, and constructed the fishbone diagram model, and proposed the measures to improve the utilization rate of oversea students.
Resources construction
Analysis of Mobile Library Construction in the Upgrading of Nanjing's University Libraries | Open Access
FENG Xiaohuan
2018, 30(5):  21-24.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.004
Asbtract ( 702 )   PDF (1252KB) ( 261 )  
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As an inevitable product of mobile digital era, mobile library construction is one important index for creating the double first-class universities. Nanjing's universities have their own geographical and specialty features, and their mobile library construction also have a good foundation. Through first investigation on the construction and service status about the mobile library of Nanjing's universities based on regional alliance, their experiences and problems were analyzed. Mobile libraries in Nanjing's universities also had advantages as the sharing model of traditional knowledge. However, there were current bottlenecks for their upgrading from the simple self-service and mutual-help model toward the extent and efficient model. These will provides the upgrading reference of digital library.
An Empirical Study on Adoption of Archival Information Source Based on Nonparametric Test Methods | Open Access
WEN Xinjie
2018, 30(5):  25-28.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.005
Asbtract ( 835 )   PDF (4999KB) ( 180 )  
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This empirical study, in access to efficient and effective archival service, explored people's information source belief and preferences by observing the selection and adoption of information source. Based on the valid data of 112 subjects through the comprehensive research methodology including interview and questionnaire and SPSS 17.0, the major findings were as follows: information type explained the main factor of information source utilization strategy; significant differences occurred between archival users of different levels; cognitive style was significant individual variable, which deeply affected information source preferences. Some measures were proposed according to the results of this study: differentiated service should be offered for archival users with different needs; organizations should gain more popularity of information source among the archival primary users in order to improve their archival information source horizons; it should provide platforms to explore the information circulation via crowdsourcing algorithm and realize virtuous archives utilization in return.
Information Resource Construction of Public Library Based on Different Carrier Differences | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  31-36.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.006
Asbtract ( 729 )   PDF (1095KB) ( 259 )  
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In the information society, the complex information resource environment has changed public library's single resource construction work. The material carriers with distinctive characteristics have become the recording and communication medium of information and knowledge. In the process of information resource construction in public libraries, there are complicated conflicts and contradictions among different carrier resource. From the acquisition, organization, storage, different carrier information resource are required to seek different solutions, but also the harmonious development in the overall construction of public library resources construction and development, to provide more professional, more convenient and more effective service for the readers.
Integration Research of Library's Digital Resource in the Environment of Big Data | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  37-39.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.007
Asbtract ( 593 )   PDF (1333KB) ( 384 )  
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At present, with the rapid development of network technology and information technology, the number of data information has also exploded, indicating that we are entering the era of big data. In the big data environment, the number of data is massive, and their types become more complex and diversified. Library's digital resource also has the characteristics of big data, while some scattered data information basically has no value for the library, and the digital resource integration and the formation of big data have greater value. This paper analyzed the digital resource integration model in big data environment, and expounded the construction process of digital resource integration platform, hoping to ensure the further improvement of library service level through the effective combination of digital resource and promote the development of big data research in library and information work.
Network technology
Application Research and System Design of Hypermedia E-book: A Case Study of Jinan University Library | Open Access
QIN Jianning
2018, 30(5):  40-44.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.008
Asbtract ( 1192 )   PDF (3166KB) ( 145 )  
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Through the development and application of hypermedia e-book reading system, this research provided a reference case study and an effective application mode. It analyzed the current situation and development trend of e-book, and explored the information organization model and the application field of hypermedia e-books, and raised propose of establishing a hypermedia e-book system, taking Jinan University Library as an example to discuss how to develop and implement the system. The results showed that the system could help to promote the resource display and service of library, and impulse the hypermedia e-books reading as well as the research of hypermedia e-book.
Analysis of Beacon Technology in Building Library LBS Service | Open Access
QIAN Haigang
2018, 30(5):  45-48.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.009
Asbtract ( 650 )   PDF (2203KB) ( 398 )  
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This paper analyzed and compared seven kinds of common indoor positioning technologies including WiFi, RFID, ZigBee, ultrasonic, infrared, bluetooth and UWB, and discussed the use of beacon technology based on bluetooth technology to build the library location based service.
Literature study
Analysis and Enlightenment of Research Achievements in Colleges Based on ESI and InCites ——A Case Study of College of Optoelectronic Engineering in Shenzhen University | Open Access
SONG Danhui
2018, 30(5):  50-58.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.010
Asbtract ( 589 )   PDF (5731KB) ( 431 )  
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The existing research achievement analysis mainly concentrated on a university or a discipline with less in the view of a college. In order to understanding the real relative position of College of Optoelectronic Engineering in Shenzhen University in domestic and global colleges objectively, this paper filtered out and compared 1307 papers of the college in recent 11 years based on the collection of related literature. Using ESI and InCites databases and TDA data analysis tool, it comprehensively scanned the output number, total citations and the distributions of cooperative institutions, research fields and periodicals of SCI- E papers in optoelectronics field as well as College of Optoelectronic Engineering in Shenzhen University respectively. As a whole, the output of scientific research of this college was increasing year by year, and the number of highly cited papers was relatively low and the frequency of citations also needed to be improved, which should pay more attention to the hot topics and frontiers and strengthen the cooperation and communication with international high-level institutions.The research achievement could provide theoretical data basis for formulating discipline development strategy, and provide practical experience about how to use ESI and InCites for the other college librarians at the same time.
Bibliometrics Analysis of China's Publication on First-class International Entomological Journals (2007-2016) | Open Access
WANG Baocheng, WANG Hui
2018, 30(5):  59-64.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.011
Asbtract ( 626 )   PDF (1976KB) ( 137 )  
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Based on SCI indexed research papers published by Chinese scientists in 7 top entomology journals between 2007-2016, publishing trends, institutes, reprint authors, cooperation authors, cooperation institutes and cooperation countries were counted and analyzed. The results revealed that numbers of China's research papers of entomology published in high level international journals were increasing quickly in recent decade, with lower number of invited reviews. Among all institutes, Nanjing Agricultural University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences were high-yielding ones, and most corresponding authors were from these institutes. It also found low proportion of international cooperation in Chinese entomology research, which should be strengthened.
Bibliometric Analysis of Embedded Scientific Research Project Based on SCI ——Taking Cashmere Goats Research Literature for Example | Open Access
GUO Dongmei, WANG Lifeng, LIN Tao, ZHAO Yuanbin
2018, 30(5):  65-69.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.012
Asbtract ( 686 )   PDF (1524KB) ( 107 )  
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Embedding subject service into scientific research project procedure is a pioneering initiative service mode for university library. Taking the research on cashmere goats as for example, using SCI database, this paper analyzed the literature from 2007 to 2016 all over the world in the aspects of publishing year, publishing journals, highly cited documents, countries, institutions, authors and subject areas, so as to provide scientific accurate evaluation data and theoretical basis for global researchers and policy makers.
Bibliometric and Visual Analysis on Soybean Breeding for Pest Resistance in China | Open Access
LIU Feng, LI Xianglan, NAN Hong, TANG Yan
2018, 30(5):  70-74.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.013
Asbtract ( 792 )   PDF (2534KB) ( 231 )  
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Applying WPS form and visualization software CiteSpace 5.1.R1.SE, this paper analyzed the articles about soybean breeding for pest resistance published on Chinese core journals and indexed by China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) from 1979 to 2016, and drew visualization maps and revealed the development status including number, authors, research organization, journals and keywords of published papers, and made a brief analysis on the research trends in the future.
Work study
Countermeasures on Rural Public Crisis Prevention and Control in Big Data Era | Open Access
XIONG Chunlin, LI Hui
2018, 30(5):  75-79.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.014
Asbtract ( 685 )   PDF (1092KB) ( 186 )  
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With the rapid development of a new round of information technology, the era with the large-scale production, sharing and application of data has arrived.With big data driven as the core, the new generation of information technology to support the use of big data also began to penetrate into the rural public crisis prevention and control. In the era of big data, the rural public crisis prevention and Control is the linkage result of three major elements including big data, information technology and management thinking, which needs thinking transformation as a breakthrough to calmly deal with the new challenges, firmly grasp the new opportunities and new requirements follow management, conduct effective prevention and control for the increasingly norm and complex rural public crisis.
Empirical Study on the User loyalty of Digital Library | Open Access
HE Shuang
2018, 30(5):  80-83.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.015
Asbtract ( 379 )   PDF (1323KB) ( 264 )  
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This paper integrated the information system success theory, technology acceptance model and affinity theory to identify the factors affecting user satisfaction and loyalty for digital libraries based on questionnaire survey and modeling methods. The results showed that compared with information quality, system and service quality significantly affected perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and affinity of digital library; and perceived usefulness and affinity had significant effects on user satisfaction, thereby affecting user loyalty.
Research on the Analysis and Prediction of University Discipline Influence Index | Open Access
DAI Ying
2018, 30(5):  84-87.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.016
Asbtract ( 898 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 102 )  
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Scientific evaluation and prediction of potential discipline is of great importance to promote its global ESI ranking and enhance academic influence. Based on the comparative analysis of MNCS and percentile indicators, this paper proposed the accurate analysis and prediction system of potential subject based on ESI and InCites databases, and empirically analyzed and validated the computer science discipline in Hefei University of Technology. The results showed that the combination of these two indicators can more accurately identify and predict the development potential of discipline, so as to provide important reference for the "First-class" discipline construction in the university.
Research on the Location of Literature Repository ——Taking National Library as an Example | Open Access
WANG Shibo, WANG Liuchang
2018, 30(5):  89-93.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.017
Asbtract ( 1026 )   PDF (2748KB) ( 273 )  
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Location plays an important role in the function realization of literature repository. By reflecting and studying the location of National Library's strategic repository, it tried to help the construction of other types of literature repository in China.
Analysis on the Borrowing Data of 24-hour self-Service Libraries in Nanning | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  94-97.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.018
Asbtract ( 1112 )   PDF (1933KB) ( 262 )  
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This paper applied the methods of quantitative analysis, including visualization, horizontal and longitudinal comparison, regression model and Pearson correlation coefficient, to analyze the borrowing data of 11 24-hour self-service libraries in Nanning from January to October in 2017, and revealed the borrowing demands and improvement strategies to improve the service efficiency.
Study on the Wechat Content Marketing Strategies for University Library ——Based on 693 Popular Articles | Open Access
ZHAO Xing, YU Jing, LI Shuning
2018, 30(5):  98-102.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.019
Asbtract ( 586 )   PDF (1776KB) ( 360 )  
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In order to analyze the wechat content marketing strategies for university library, make a popular wechat official account and supply better service for patrons, this paper collected 693 articles published by ten university ibraries' wechat official accounts in 2016, and then analyzed their titles, contents, to reveal their theme composition and characteristics.
Analysis of Library Space Reconstitution Based on Digital Humanities | Open Access
CHEN Dongyang
2018, 30(5):  103-106.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.020
Asbtract ( 612 )   PDF (1054KB) ( 233 )  
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Library space reconstitution is a breakthrough for the traditional library lending service model, and also an important way to promote communication between libraries and readers. This paper referred to the theory of digital humanities, and expounded the value of digital humanities to library space reconstitution, and analyzed the existing problems from the aspects of science and technology, reading environment and space function, and discussed the development strategies of space reconstitution based on digital humanities, so as to promote the sustained and healthy development of librarianship.
Study on the Construction Model of Rural Library with Social Assistance | Open Access
HE Hongming, ZHANG Tao
2018, 30(5):  107-110.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.021
Asbtract ( 491 )   PDF (1072KB) ( 228 )  
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The construction model of public welfare rural library is divided into government leading and social assistance, while the representative social assistance model has included the enterprise (company), the social group and university library in cooperation with the government departments or village committee. These patterns have been an important supplement to China's public libraries, and will play its role in targeted cultural poverty alleviation and beautiful countryside construction.
Information education
Practice and Reflection on Reading Promotion of University Libraries Based on "Internet plus" ——Taking the Library of Southwest University as Example | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  111-114.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.022
Asbtract ( 579 )   PDF (1372KB) ( 238 )  
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"Internet plus" has provided new thoughts for reading promotion of university libraries. Based on the analysis about four practical activities of reading promotion in Southwest University, this paper proposed seven suggestions including catering for the habit of fragmented reading, implementing O2O publicity strategy, strengthening the systematicness and continuity, conducting activities with students oriented, interacting in multi-channels, enhancing attentions through the linkages of departments.
Research on Multi-dimensional Teaching Situation Construction of Literature Retrieval Course in Big Data Environment | Open Access
PENG Zhengling
2018, 30(5):  115-119.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.023
Asbtract ( 457 )   PDF (1098KB) ( 360 )  
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The teaching of literature retrieval course is now in big data environment, and the object is the generation after 90s who used to using electronic resource. However, the course setting, teaching content, teaching mode has not been adjusted with the change of teaching object and its environment timely, which is bound to affect the teaching effect. Through the analysis on the status of course teaching, this paper tried to find out the restricting factors, put forward the reasonable countermeasures, so as to establish multi-dimensional teaching situation conforming to the teaching object and environment and effectively enhance the teaching effect.
Study on Evaluation Mechanism Construction of Reading Promotion Activities ——Based on the Perspective of Overall Evaluation | Open Access
DU Yuxia
2018, 30(5):  120-125.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.024
Asbtract ( 638 )   PDF (1283KB) ( 148 )  
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Focusing on the current status of reading promotion activity evaluation, it should build and run the evaluation mechanism to ensure the scientificity of evaluation process, the objectivity of evaluation results, the innovativeness of evaluation program. A perfect and mature evaluation mechanism should include the aspects of evaluation system construction, evaluation system research, evaluation team integration, evaluation result announcement, evaluation function feedback. This paper carried out systematic and thorough study, so as to provide a certain enlightenment and reference about the theory and practice of universities reading promotion.
Editing &Publishing
Analysis on Networking, Digitalization and New Media Application of Journals of Agricultural Universities in China | Open Access
ZHU Miao, CHEN Juan
2018, 30(5):  126-131.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.025
Asbtract ( 570 )   PDF (1307KB) ( 310 )  
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To understand the practical situation of the journals of agricultural universities in China from networking, digitalization and new media application, through the analysis and comparison on the catalogues of 36 journals of agricultural universities given in Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports (Expanded Edition, 2016), the conditions of 35 Chinese journals of agricultural universities were investigated, including the construction of official websites, the joining to databases, and the operation situation of wechat official accounts and weibo accounts of these journals. The results showed that 30 of the 35 Chinese journals of agricultural universities constructed their official websites, accounting for 85.71%; 24 journals used edit systems, 6 journals adopted e-mail or online submission, accounting for 65.71% and 17.14%, respectively; all the 35 journals were included in Chinese databases, 17 of them possessed DOI codes, and 26 journals provided preferential digital publication service; and 8 of the 35 Chinese journals of agricultural universities launched their wechat official account, and 4 journals set up weibo. Measurements for improvement in networking, digitalization and new media application were given to theses journals of agricultural universities in this paper, expecting to provide reference for the development of agricultural journals.
Comparative Research on the Journal Evaluation Based on CiteScore and JIF ——Case Study on Journals of Library and Information Science | Open Access
ZHAO Shan, YANG Feng
2018, 30(5):  132-136.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.026
Asbtract ( 688 )   PDF (1340KB) ( 359 )  
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In the era when impact factor is criticized, Elsevier has published CiteScore at the end of 2016, a journal evaluation index based on the SCOPUS database, which brings new material to the endless debate of impact factor. The emergence of CiteScore means that the JIF-based evaluation pattern of journals will change. Therefore, starting from the differences between CiteScore and JIF, this article made an analysis on the journals of library and information science to present the evaluation of these journals in the comparative view, and also provide relevant reference for library and information institutions, scientific researchers and contributors to choose journals.
Service management
Study on the WeChat Service Data Investigation in Agriculture and Forestry University Library | Open Access
Wang Yu-Xin, Liu Yu-bo
2018, 30(5):  137-142.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.027
Asbtract ( 687 )   PDF (1531KB) ( 200 )  
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Through analyzing the opening, authentication naming composition, form content setting, Wechat Communication Index (WCI) and article title word cloud map analysis of the Wechat public platform of the agricultural and forestry university libraries, this article tries to discovery the characteristics and publishing rules of the WeChat public account, and propose suggestions for improvement.
Scientific Knowledge Service of University Library in E-science Environment | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  142-145.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.028
Asbtract ( 704 )   PDF (1051KB) ( 88 )  
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The construction of university libraries in e-science environment needs to be integrated from the perspective of digital service and information technology application. This paper systematically focused on the overall structure model and functional service of university library based on the implementation of technology, service, management and scientific knowledge demands, which would be the key work for managing digital knowledge resource, building open academic exchange system and strengthening users', information quality cultivation.
Micro-service Mode Based on Context Awareness in SoLoMo Times | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  146-149.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.029
Asbtract ( 702 )   PDF (1427KB) ( 213 )  
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Context awareness service can aware user situations and provide personalized accurate service. This paper started with the problems encountered in the development process of library micro-service, and proposed the library micro-service system based on the context awareness, by introducing the context awareness technology and service, and discussed the processing procedure of this system, and finally gave the prospects for the difficulties of library micro-service based on context awareness in SoLoMo times.
Innovation and Practice of University Library Service Content in the Era of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Open Access
ZHANG Beilei
2018, 30(5):  150-153.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.030
Asbtract ( 683 )   PDF (1066KB) ( 130 )  
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The era of mass entrepreneurship and innovation has called on colleges and universities to vigorously carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education, while the rapid development of information technology required the continuous innovation of library service. Based on the practice, this paper introduced how library to innovate the service contents and provide support for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship, so as to promote and guide the future participation of university students in library service innovation.
Research on Wechat Public Platform Service of University Libraries ——A Case of Tianjin Region | Open Access
NIU Jing, HAN Haitao
2018, 30(5):  154-159.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.031
Asbtract ( 774 )   PDF (1601KB) ( 260 )  
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In the mobile Internet environment, university libraries have built wechat public platform to expand the service mode and content. This paper analyzed the status quo of wechat service platform in Tianjin's universities by using the platform of "Qingbo Index", and analyzed the existing problems from the aspects of external features, promotion and popularization, service content and popular tweets, and put forward some suggestions for further improvement, to provide reference for the construction of wechat platform in university library.
Discussion on the Innovative Discipline Service Mode of University Library Based on WOS/ESI | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  160-164.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.032
Asbtract ( 571 )   PDF (2736KB) ( 143 )  
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Under the background of the construction of "Double First-Class", domestic universities has put the first-class discipline construction on the agenda. Taking the WOS and ESI as the statistical sources, through the statistical analysis of several indexes such as dispatch number, discipline distribution, collaboration, highly cited papers and influence, this paper explored the new mode of university library's discipline service, so as to provide objective basis and theoretical support for the first-class discipline construction.
Research on the Co-authorship Network of Domestic Personalized Knowledge Service Based on SNA | Open Access
LIU Huiliang
2018, 30(5):  165-169.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.033
Asbtract ( 780 )   PDF (3054KB) ( 265 )  
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This paper studied on the co-authorship network of domestic personalized knowledge service based on social network analysis by using Ucinet software, and expounded the current situation from the aspects of co-authorship relational network, co-authorship network density, co-authorship network centrality, network subgroups, and average distance of co-authorship network, and at last made some summaries and put forward some suggestions.
Research on Subject Service Model of University Library under the New Media Environment | Open Access
PAN Yuguang, CHEN Kemin, LI Hongyan
2018, 30(5):  170-174.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.034
Asbtract ( 664 )   PDF (1456KB) ( 119 )  
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Based on the investigation about the subject service mode of library and the operation situation of new media of 42 world-class universities library, this paper analyzed the development status of subject service mode under the new media environment, and the existing problems, so as to build a new subject service mode based on the technology of new media which can be more attractive and meet the demands of readers better.
Research on Wechat Official Account Service in University Library | Open Access
YANG Libing, CAO Ruiqin
2018, 30(5):  175-179.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.035
Asbtract ( 792 )   PDF (1974KB) ( 271 )  
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This paper studied the research situation, ways and contents of wechat official account, and presented the new mode of information service for university libraries, such as better propaganda, deep consultation, accurate push, information interaction and virtual communication space, which could play the reference function for university libraries to improve reader service.
Research on Improving Service Mode of University Library by Using ARCS Motivation Model | Open Access
YAN Ting
2018, 30(5):  180-182.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.036
Asbtract ( 506 )   PDF (1052KB) ( 138 )  
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This paper introduced the principle of ARCS motive model, and analyzed the present situation of service mode in university library, and tried to introduce the ARCS motive model into university library service, and improved the service mode of university library through the four factors including attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction.
Research on the Reader Service of University Library in the Era of Big Data | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  183-189.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.037
Asbtract ( 700 )   PDF (1397KB) ( 257 )  
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With the rapid development of computer technology, big data has a great impact on the reader service of library. This paper expounded the concept, characteristics and application of big data, and analyzed the current situation of readers' work in university library in the era of big data by using the function of measurement and visualization of CNKI, and studied the great challenges faced by library's reader service, and pointed out that librarians should be creative, and reform the shortcomings of library's reader service, effectively grasp the multi-level needs of readers and provide readers with a wide range of service.
Reconstruction of Library's Knowledge Dissemination Service Chain under the Background of Big Data and Internet | Open Access
2018, 30(5):  190-193.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.038
Asbtract ( 684 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 306 )  
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This paper introduced the development and reform of library under the background of big data and Internet, and put forward the development advantages of library's knowledge dissemination service chain, and summarized its reconstruction elements, and finally proposed to expand the knowledge dissemination service chain reconstruction from four aspects including technology, channel, management and service.
Analysis on Library's Strategy of Developing Reader Service in New Media Environment | Open Access
YAN Qing
2018, 30(5):  194-196.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.039
Asbtract ( 658 )   PDF (1332KB) ( 200 )  
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In new media environment, in order to further improve the level of library's reader service, based on the analysis of the characteristics of reader service, this paper explored the construction of library's reading service chain, and expounded the application of typical new media, and finally put forward the strategy of developing library's reader service in new environment.
Human Resources
Research on the Competence Index Construction and Performance Evaluation of Library Circulation Staff | Open Access
YANG Yuhuan
2018, 30(5):  197-201.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.05.040
Asbtract ( 640 )   PDF (1395KB) ( 378 )  
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The library circulation staff competency model was established based on the feature of library circulation work by means of competence theory. The competency index was constructed by the use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory and performance evaluation model of the circulation staff was discussed.