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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture


Multimodal Learning Technology Aimed at Exploring the Innovative Path of Library Intelligence Service

Yuanyuan SANG   

  1. Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009
  • Received:2024-08-30 Online:2025-03-05


Purpose/Significance The evolution of smart libraries has ushered in a new era, marked by the integration of multimodal learning technologies that combine information from various modalities such as speech, images, and video. This cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing traditional information service systems by providing a more interactive, efficient, and personalized user experience. Unlike traditional studies that focus on single-mode interactions, this research examines the role of multimodal technologies in transforming library services and increasing user engagement. The study highlights its unique contributions to the field of library science, particularly in improving knowledge dissemination, enhancing user-centered services, and addressing emerging challenges in digital information management. These findings not only enrich the theoretical framework of smart libraries, but also provide practical insights into the design and deployment of advanced information services. Method/Process This study takes a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from library science, information technology, and human-computer interaction theories. It systematically reviews the historical development and theoretical foundations of multimodal learning technologies while emphasizing their relevance to intelligent library ecosystems. The analysis is organized around key application areas, including intelligent navigation, intelligent question and answer systems, user education with intelligent support, and immersive reading experiences. These areas were explored through a combination of case studies, and a detailed analysis of current library practices. To evaluate the practical impact of these technologies, the study employed qualitative methods, analyzing user feedback and system performance metrics. This comprehensive research also identifies current barriers to adoption, such as data privacy concerns, technology costs, and disparities in user acceptance across different demographics. [Results/ Conclusions The results show that multimodal learning technologies significantly enhance the functionality and user experience of smart libraries. They improve the accuracy of information retrieval, enable more interactive and immersive learning environments, and enable personalized services tailored to individual needs. Despite these advantages, challenges remain, particularly in areas such as securing user data, reducing deployment costs, and increasing accessibility for underprivileged users. The study proposes actionable strategies to address these issues, including enhancing system interoperability, refining ethical frameworks, and fostering human-computer collaboration to reduce barriers to technology adoption. It also identifies gaps in current research, such as the need for more empirical studies of long-term user interaction patterns and the scalability of multimodal systems in large library networks. Future studies could also explore the integration of emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) into multimodal library services to further improve their efficiency and reach. By providing a robust framework and practical strategies, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on smart library innovation, and paves the way for more sustainable and inclusive information service models. It underscores the transformative potential of multimodal technologies to redefine library science and advance the global digital information landscape.

Key words: multimodal learning, smart libraries, intelligent services, path innovation, multimodal large language models, future learning center

CLC Number: 

  • G252

Table 1

Key application areas and scenarios for multimodal learning technologies"

应用领域与场景 技术类型 典型案例
智慧教育:提供沉浸式的学习体验,融合视觉、听觉和文本来提高学习效果 多模态教学系统 Coursera的多模态学习系统;Edmodo的AI辅助教学平台;好未来的智能课堂
医疗:帮助医生通过图像和语音进行患者健康评估 多模态医疗诊断 微软的Healthcare NExT;科大讯飞的智慧医疗;拜耳的多模态诊断系统
自动驾驶:利用摄像头、雷达和语音数据进行环境感知和决策 多模态感知系统 Tesla的自动驾驶系统;Waymo的自动驾驶平台;百度的Apollo技术
娱乐:结合视觉、语音和动作捕捉,提供更沉浸的游戏体验 多模态互动娱乐系统 索尼的PlayStation VR;Meta的Horizon Worlds;Valve Index的VR游戏体验
电商:通过图像、语音和文本分析消费者行为,提供个性化推荐 多模态推荐系统 亚马逊的Alexa购物助手;阿里巴巴的达摩院多模态推荐引擎;京东的AI推荐
智慧金融:结合不同类型的数据进行风险评估和欺诈检测 多模态风控与评估系统 平安银行的多模态风控系统;Visa的AI风控平台;摩根大通的金融监控系统
智能家居:通过语音、图像和手势识别来控制智能设备 多模态智能家居控制系统 谷歌Nest的多模态交互平台;小米的AIoT智能家居;亚马逊的Echo Show
智能客服:利用语音、文本和表情识别为用户提供智能服务 多模态智能客服系统 阿里巴巴的“阿里小蜜”;京东的“京小智”;腾讯的智能客服
医疗培训:通过虚拟环境结合图像、语音和触觉反馈进行培训 多模态医疗培训系统 强生的虚拟培训平台;达芬奇机器人的手术培训系统;迈瑞的虚拟培训
安防:通过监控视频、语音和行为分析实现全面的安全监控 多模态安防系统 华为的智慧安防平台;海康威视的AI安防系统;大华股份的多模态监控技术


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