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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2022, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 31-46.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0200


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Research on the Development Trend of Crop Breeding in China from the Supply of Innovative Elements

HUANG Yichun   

  1. The Science and Technology Library of Guangdong /Institute of Information, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510075
  • Received:2022-03-29 Online:2022-05-05 Published:2022-05-11

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] A more comprehensive picture of the development trend of the hotspots can be obtained through the analysis of the supply of innovative development elements. This research aims to provide references for the improvement of the disciplinary development policy systems, the scientific deployment of special plans and the optimization of the research layouts. [Method/Process] The study is based on the text analysis and information correlation method. First, the hotspots of basic research, technological innovation, and industry reports were sorted out. Then, the agglomeration and guiding role of multi-dimensional innovation elements on hotspots was studied, such as national strategic needs, policy-oriented promotion, and R&D capital investment. Accordingly, the development trend of subject hotspots was considered. [Results/Conclusions] Taking crop breeding as an example, the hotspots were divided into three categories based on this analytical method. There are intense research interests in the following directions, containing modern biological breeding technologies such as gene-editing breeding, molecular marker-assisted breeding, genome breeding, and transgenic technology, as well as mining of key genes for crop trait regulation and research on molecular regulation mechanism of traits, and crop trait improvement, in which the innovation elements are concentrated. Therefore, a series of high-quality results are expected to be produced in the future. The investments in innovation elements are highly concentrated, and the corresponding results are expected to be further expanded in the fields of the protection, utilization and accurate identification of germplasm resources, and innovations of targeted and precise breeding technologies such as molecular design and digital intelligent breeding. Classical breeding technology systems such as ploidy breeding, genetic transformation systems, tissue culture, and cell engineering breeding, as well as crop phenotype research, are calling for the new research momentum. In summary, the hotspot research of crop breeding subject in China showed the development trend of "conventional breeding + modern biotechnology breeding + information-based precision breeding".

Key words: crop breeding, technology "stranglehold", innovative development elements, supply analysis, subject hotspots, development trend

CLC Number: 

  • G353.1
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