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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 63-75.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0697

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Constructing and Researching the Collaborative Cultivation Model of Farmers' Digital Literacy from the Perspective of Activity Theory

Xiaoyu WANG1, Shuo LI1, Suluo ZHANG1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000
    2. Hebei Rural Culture and Rural Governance Research Center, Baoding 071000
  • Received:2024-08-29 Online:2024-10-05 Published:2025-03-12
  • Contact: Suluo ZHANG


[Purpose/Significance] In the context of digital rural development, farmers' digital literacy is greatly influenced by both intrinsic motivations and external influences. Cultivating digital literacy is of great significance in accelerating farmers' integration into the digital process, promoting the construction of digital villages, and facilitating the revitalization of rural talent. As an innovative mechanism for farmer education, the synergistic cultivation of farmers' digital literacy is poised to emerge as a critical research focus in the revitalization of rural talent. [Method/Process] Drawing from activity theory, the static components of this synergistic cultivation - consisting of the interrelated elements of goals, core aspects, and mediating factors - offer a nuanced perspective on the intricacies involved in enhancing farmers' digital literacy. The framework includes production, communication, sharing, and collaboration subsystems that together form a dynamic structure for cultivating farmers' digital literacy. By examining both static activity elements and dynamic operational systems, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the challenges encountered within each subsystem during collaborative cultivation efforts. [Results/Conclusions] We recommend the optimization strategies such as refining the use of tools, improving the regulatory framework, maximizing the potential for collaboration, and establishing sustainable mechanisms. The farmers' digital literacy collaborative cultivation activity model constructed in this paper is based on the background of digital rural construction and high-quality farmer cultivation. With the agricultural broadcasting school (center) as the core subject, it interacts and cooperates with other communities, and through the online digital platform and offline regular practice tools, it realizes the embedding of tool use, the improvement of the rule system, the long-term cooperation of activities, and the close participation and co-construction through the interaction and coordination of the four subsystems of production, sharing, communication and cooperation. It is closer to the digital scene requirements of farmers' cultivation. Moreover, few studies have applied activity theory to the cultivation activities of farmers' digital literacy, and analyzed the interaction and coordination process among elements from a dynamic and holistic perspective. The proposed framework for synergistically cultivating farmers' digital literacy not only provides detailed insights into educational practices, but also offers theoretical foundations for improving practical pathways in this area. The limitation of this article lies in the fact that the collaborative mechanisms and existing problems among the subsystems in the collaborative cultivation model of farmers' digital literacy have not been systematically sorted out. In response to the above limitations, continuous research based on the integration of different perspectives and methods will be conducted on the hot topic of cultivating farmers' digital literacy, which is "always in progress".

Key words: digital literacy, activity theory, collaborative cultivation, information education

CLC Number: 

  • G725


Overview of activity theory"


Framework of elements for developing farmers’ digital literacy"

Table 1

Specific subdivisions of activity objects"

培育类型 群体划分
经营管理型农民 家庭农场经营者、农民合作社理事长及骨干、农业企业负责人及单位骨干、返乡入乡创新创业者、农业经理人
专业生产型农民 新型农业经营主体的普通员工、雇员,非遗传承人等
技能服务型农民 执业兽医、统防统治植保员、无人机和农机装备操作员、农产品经纪人、农产品电商从业者、农村信息员、动物受精配种人员、农业科技自主研发人员
普通农民 未成年人、青年人、老年人

Table 2

Basic situation of farmers' activities (partial)"

活动内容 共同体成员
智慧农业技术应用科普大家谈 中央农业广播电视学校央视频
乡村土特产网络销售助力农民增收致富 农业农村部信息中心
数字化引领农民素养提升 中国移动通信集团有限公司
农民数字素养蝶变 引领乡村未来发展潮头 北京农信通科技有限责任公司

Table 3

Types of tools for cultivation activities"

活动工具 类型
线上培育工具 农业农村部官网或中国农村远程教育网
线下培育工具 农民田间学校、益农信息社体系、涉农企业


Model of collaborative education activities for farmers' digital literacy"

Table 4

Cultivation methods of LN Junior College education base (partial)"

培训名称 培训活动 培训方式
“数字素养+乡村振兴”专项人才培训 1+X农产品电商运营培训 线下培训
阿里巴巴公益&淘宝教育短视频拍摄与制作实战班 线下培训
1+X商务数据分析培训 线下培训

Table 5

Lack of timely disbursement of part of the cultivation funds in H Province (partial)"

未回款年度 培育任务 应收金额/元 未收回款金额/元
2020 XX市高素质农民新型农业经营主体带头人“农村电商”培训 300 000 270 000
2021 2021年ZD市新型农业经营和服务主体带头人水稻专题培训班 30 000 30 000
2021 2021年JH县高素质农民教育—新型农业经营和服务主体带头人培训班 300 000 300 000
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