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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8): 55-65.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.23-0338

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A Functional Framework for a Library's Mobile Reading Service

NIU Xianyun   

  1. National Library of China, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2023-06-01 Online:2023-08-05 Published:2023-12-04

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Mobile reading has become an important way to acquire knowledge. As an important institution providing public reading services, public libraries have launched various forms of mobile reading services utilizing new technologies to meet changes of user needs. Compared with market-oriented mobile reading services, a public library's mobile reading services have certain disadvantages, such as poor user experience, limited functionality, lack of reading aids, and weak social functions. By studying the market-oriented operation of mobile reading services, it is found that the common parts of mobile reading services can provide a certain reference for the construction of a library's mobile reading services and improve the user experience of the library's mobile reading services. [Method/Process] This paper mainly adopts a survey method. It selects representative mobile reading apps in the market, including iReader, Migu Reading, Shuqi Novel, WeChat Reader, and NetEase Snailreader. The mobile reading function is divided into five parts: bookshelf, bookstore, book details page, personal center, and reader, and the functions of each part are fully investigated. Due to the fact that reading is the core function of mobile reading services, we focused on investigating the reader functions of various apps and divided all the functional points of readers into six categories, namely reading content positioning, reading social and interactive, reading assistance, personalized settings, book management, and other functions. A summary of the basic functional points of mobile reading apps surveyed is provided, which serves as a foundation for the subsequent proposal of a functional framework for mobile reading services. [Results/Conclusions] The focus is on proposing the front-end and back-end functional framework of the mobile reading services. Based on the investigation of five representative mobile reading apps and the author's years of experience in mobile reading services, the basic functional framework of the mobile reading service front-end is proposed. Based on the current mainstream information technology and user reading needs, an extended functional framework has been proposed, including five aspects: enhancing user experience design, enhancing content recommendation function, creating multi-dimensional knowledge associations, strengthening the construction of reading aids, and designing smart reading services. This provides a reference for the development of mobile reading products by libraries. Moreover, the article proposes a back-end functional framework for mobile reading services from the perspectives of user behavior management, resource publishing and management, statistics and big data analysis, copyright management, and interface services, which fully considers the needs of different users and the publishing standards of mobile reading service resources. In addition, the basic functional framework of mobile reading service front-end is mainly proposed based on the research of existing mobile reading products. Although some expansion suggestions have been made, there is still a lack of practicality in smart libraries. There are relatively few reference materials for the back-end functional framework, mainly based on the author's years of work experience and a small amount of network resources. Further research is needed in terms of applicability.

Key words: mobile reading, functional framework, APP, digital reading, reading promotion

CLC Number: 

  • G202
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