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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 4-22.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0716

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Behavioral Motivation and Influencing Factors of Graduate Students Using AIGC Tool: An Empirical Analysis Based on Questionnaire Survey

Yijia WAN1,2, Liping GU1,2()   

  1. 1. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
    2. Department of Information Resource Management, School of Economic and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
  • Received:2024-09-05 Online:2024-10-05 Published:2025-03-12
  • Contact: Liping GU


[Purpose/Significance] To explore in depth the acceptance and usage habits of AIGC tools by graduate students in the process of academic research, and to promote the positive attention and application of emerging technologies by graduate students is one of the goals of library knowledge service and information literacy education. This paper aims to reveal the influence mechanism of internal and external factors on the use of AIGC tools by graduate students at the user level, clarify the behavioral motivation of graduate students to use AIGC tools to support learning and research, help libraries to design and promote AIGC services according to the actual situation, and promote the implementation of AIGC technology in knowledge services. [Method/Process] Based on the UTAUT2 model, considering related theories such as perceived value and the characteristics of AIGC tool and graduate student group, this study constructed the influencing factor model of graduate students' AIGC tool use behavior, and provided empirical evidence through questionnaire survey and structural equation model analysis. The survey respondents are graduate students in universities or research institutes. In this study, questionnaires were distributed to graduate students through social media platforms, enterprise Wechat contacts, email, etc., and the survey period was from July to August 2024. After the data collection, statistical software such as SPSS and SmartPLS was used to analyze all the valid data obtained, including descriptive statistics, reliability and validity test and structural equation model analysis. [Results/ [Conclusions] Functional value, use value and emotional value in the tool aspect, individual innovation in individual aspect and social influence in environmental aspect have significant positive effects on graduate students' willingness to use AIGC tools, and indirectly affect their use behavior. Facilitating conditions, such as network equipment, as supporting factors, also have a significant positive impact on graduate students' usage. It is suggested that AIGC tool developers and library service designers consider the functional advantages and convenience. On the one hand, it is suggested that they pay attention to the functional value of the tool, that is, the auxiliary role to the graduate study and scientific research; on the other hand, they consider whether the tool is design-friendly, easy to operate, with low technical threshold and easy to use on an ongoing basis. From a graduate education perspective, it is important to promote the deep integration of the tool use with one's own professional learning and research in order to realize the improvement of other qualities through information literacy. Meanwhile, strengthening students' innovative thinking and comprehensive ability training, and guiding AIGC tool application ability and scientific research thinking to promote each other are conducive to new technologies to truly support learning and scientific research, and ultimately achieve the goal of developing high-level innovative talents.

Key words: AIGC tool, use behavior, graduate student, individual innovation, use willingness, structural equation model, information behavior

CLC Number: 

  • G252


Model of factors influencing graduate students' use behavior of AIGC tools"

Table 1

Variable measurements and reference sources"

变量 题项编号 题项表述 参考来源
功能价值 GN1 AIGC工具为我提供了极其丰富且有价值的资源和帮助 VENKATESH等[37];ANDREWS等[50]
GN2 AIGC工具大大提高了我的学习和科研效率
GN3 AIGC工具提供了准确、全面、高质量的内容结果
GN4 对我来说,AIGC工具拥有远超其他工具的功能优势
使用价值 SY1 AIGC工具的界面设计十分友好,语言表述简单易懂 VENKATESH等[37];ANDREWS等[50]
SY2 AIGC工具的使用操作非常简便,无繁琐步骤
SY3 AIGC工具的使用方法很容易学习,技术门槛低
SY4 我能够持续使用AIGC工具获得并保存需要的内容
情感价值 QG1 使用AIGC工具令我有一种时尚感和优越感 MENON等[18];KIM等[52]
QG2 使用AIGC工具的过程具有娱乐性,令我心情愉悦
QG3 我对AIGC工具感到好奇,认为AIGC工具新鲜有趣
感知成本 CB1 使用AIGC工具额外增加了我的网络费用,例如购买VPN流量 KIM等[52]
CB2 我额外支付了AIGC工具本身的使用费用,例如购买账号
CB3 使用AIGC工具额外耗费了我的时间和精力
社会影响 SH1 周围很多人都在使用或推荐我使用AIGC工具 VENKATESH等[37];ANDREWS等[50];张海等[20]
SH2 组织机构的态度或要求,支持我使用AIGC工具
SH3 社交媒体、新闻报道等宣传推送形成了品牌效应,引导我使用AIGC工具
促进条件 CJ1 网络设备等外部条件支持我随时、方便地使用AIGC工具 VENKATESH等[37];MENON等[18]
CJ2 有大量教学培训以及他人帮助,使我能够解决使用AIGC工具时遇到的困难
CJ3 我的知识和能力水平足以支持我独立操作、使用AIGC工具
CJ4 目前已有大量的AIGC工具类产品供我使用
CJ5 我的工作强度和难度令我不得不使用AIGC工具
感知风险 FX1 我担心AIGC工具提供的帮助并不可靠,例如我对其信息真实性的认知有限 WU等[17];MENON等[18];张海等[20]
FX2 我担心AIGC工具会引发学术诚信、知识产权或信息泄露问题
FX3 我担心AIGC工具提供的内容在共享时引起争议或不被认可,影响与他人合作
FX4 我担心对AIGC工具产生依赖,自我思考和学习能力下降,长远来看不利于学习和科研
个体创新性 CX1 我往往较早地发现、关注和尝试新事物 ROGERS[48];张海等[20]
CX2 我善于捕捉和追赶科技产品和技术方面的潮流趋势
CX3 我愿意付出时间和精力去学习使用新兴科技产品和技术
行为意愿 YX1 我愿意持续关注AIGC工具 VENKATESH等[37];ANDREWS等[50];张海等[20]
YX2 未来我愿意(继续)使用AIGC工具
YX3 我很愿意向同学、朋友等推荐AIGC工具
YX4 我认为AIGC工具应该得到更多的宣传和推广
使用行为 XW1 我正在使用或曾经使用过AIGC工具 VENKATESH等[37]
XW2 在学习和科研中我经常使用AIGC工具
XW3 未来我会持续使用AIGC工具

Table 2

Sample demographics"

变量 类别描述 数量/个 比例/%
性别 200 38.99
313 61.01
年龄 25岁及以下 369 71.93
26~30岁 127 24.76
31~35岁 14 2.73
36岁及以上 3 0.58
培养层次 硕士研究生 386 75.24
博士研究生 127 24.76
学科类别 哲学 8 1.56
经济学 16 3.12
法学 27 5.26
教育学 19 3.70
文学 40 7.80
历史学 6 1.17
理学 84 16.37
工学 110 21.44
农学 6 1.17
医学 30 5.85
管理学 157 30.60
艺术学 5 0.97
交叉学科 5 0.97

Table 3

Descriptive statistics of the influence factor scale"

变量 测度项 平均值 标准差 偏度 峰度
功能价值 GN1 3.87 0.888 -0.775 0.809
GN2 3.96 0.918 -0.882 0.799
GN3 3.23 0.917 -0.055 -0.083
GN4 3.64 0.99 -0.547 -0.093
使用价值 SY1 3.83 0.885 -0.74 0.603
SY2 3.97 0.887 -1.023 1.35
SY3 3.9 0.96 -0.937 0.636
SY4 3.87 0.945 -0.827 0.598
情感价值 QG1 2.66 1.057 0.164 -0.572
QG2 3.07 1.045 -0.058 -0.55
QG3 3.83 0.911 -0.806 0.722
感知成本 CB1 3.23 1.31 -0.196 -1.099
CB2 3.07 1.39 -0.111 -1.285
CB3 2.56 0.994 0.303 -0.407
社会影响 SH1 3.67 0.978 -0.637 0.117
SH2 3.09 1.03 -0.23 -0.314
SH3 3.43 0.996 -0.535 -0.109
促进条件 CJ1 3.56 1.081 -0.764 0.003
CJ2 3.25 1.096 -0.319 -0.682
CJ3 3.86 0.926 -0.909 0.854
CJ4 3.47 1.038 -0.455 -0.354
感知风险 FX1 3.96 0.96 -0.969 0.898
FX2 3.99 0.946 -1.006 0.909
FX3 3.68 0.994 -0.578 -0.106
FX4 3.63 1.164 -0.611 -0.49
个体创新性 CX1 3.55 0.955 -0.351 -0.178
CX2 3.49 0.978 -0.285 -0.392
CX3 3.98 0.847 -0.845 0.868
行为意愿 YX1 4.29 0.716 -1.01 1.902
YX2 4.31 0.722 -1.035 1.663
YX3 4.09 0.838 -0.678 -0.031
YX4 3.98 0.881 -0.504 -0.279
使用行为 XW1 4.19 1.029 -1.549 1.998
XW2 3.69 1.157 -0.656 -0.409
XW3 4.22 0.807 -1.056 1.381

Table 4

Reliability test of the influence factor scale"

变量 测度项 修正后的项与总计相关性 删除项后的克隆巴赫 Alpha 整体克隆巴赫 Alpha
功能价值 GN1 0.753 0.788 0.853
GN2 0.75 0.788
GN3 0.594 0.853
GN4 0.685 0.817
使用价值 SY1 0.722 0.828 0.867
SY2 0.788 0.802
SY3 0.715 0.831
SY4 0.649 0.857
情感价值 QG1 0.559 0.656 0.737
QG2 0.642 0.549
QG3 0.493 0.727
感知成本 CB1 0.558 0.452 0.665
CB2 0.53 0.499
CB3 0.373 0.695
社会影响 SH1 0.518 0.537 0.673
SH2 0.484 0.581
SH3 0.456 0.616
促进条件 CJ1 0.563 0.695 0.757
CJ2 0.541 0.708
CJ3 0.573 0.693
CJ4 0.545 0.704
感知风险 FX1 0.414 0.737 0.736
FX2 0.638 0.618
FX3 0.636 0.614
FX4 0.456 0.729
个体创新性 CX1 0.761 0.763 0.855
CX2 0.802 0.722
CX3 0.631 0.881
行为意愿 YX1 0.699 0.842 0.868
YX2 0.784 0.81
YX3 0.796 0.8
YX4 0.632 0.874
使用行为 XW1 0.768 0.812 0.874
XW2 0.808 0.789
XW3 0.75 0.852

Table 5

KMO and Bartlett's test"

KMO取样适切性量数 0.931
巴特利特球形度检验 近似卡方 11 432.607
自由度 741
显著性 .000***

Table 6

Total variance interpretation"

成分 初始特征值 旋转载荷平方和
总计 方差百分比 累积% 总计 方差百分比 累积%
1 10.88 32.001 32.001 3.455 10.163 10.163
2 2.493 7.334 39.334 3.306 9.724 19.887
3 2.1 6.178 45.512 3.043 8.95 28.837
4 1.756 5.166 50.678 2.603 7.656 36.493
5 1.569 4.614 55.292 2.308 6.789 43.282
6 1.48 4.353 59.645 2.176 6.401 49.682
7 1.361 4.004 63.649 2.161 6.355 56.037
8 1.116 3.282 66.931 1.988 5.846 61.884
9 0.845 2.486 69.417 1.724 5.071 66.955
10 0.812 2.389 71.806 1.649 4.851 71.806
11 0.715 2.104 73.91
12 0.656 1.929 75.84
13 0.625 1.837 77.677
14 0.603 1.774 79.451
15 0.586 1.725 81.175
16 0.554 1.628 82.804
17 0.499 1.467 84.271
18 0.48 1.412 85.682
19 0.464 1.366 87.048
20 0.425 1.251 88.299
21 0.417 1.226 89.525
22 0.389 1.145 90.67
23 0.377 1.109 91.778
24 0.346 1.017 92.795
25 0.342 1.006 93.801
26 0.294 0.865 94.666
27 0.289 0.851 95.517
28 0.274 0.806 96.323
29 0.246 0.724 97.047
30 0.239 0.704 97.751
31 0.223 0.657 98.408
32 0.198 0.582 98.99
33 0.183 0.538 99.528
34 0.161 0.472 100

Table 7

Result of the convergent validity analysis"

变量 题项 标准化因子载荷 CR AVE
功能价值 GN1 0.889 0.900 0.694
GN2 0.891
GN3 0.712
GN4 0.828
使用价值 SY1 0.839 0.909 0.713
SY2 0.878
SY3 0.818
SY4 0.841
情感价值 QG1 0.742 0.843 0.642
QG2 0.797
QG3 0.860
感知成本 CB1 0.842 0.866 0.764
CB2 0.906
社会影响 SH1 0.864 0.817 0.600
SH2 0.748
SH3 0.703
促进条件 CJ1 0.748 0.846 0.578
CJ2 0.724
CJ3 0.818
CJ4 0.749
感知风险 FX1 0.661 0.843 0.646
FX2 0.918
FX3 0.811
个体创新性 CX1 0.871 0.910 0.771
CX2 0.900
CX3 0.863
行为意愿 YX1 0.846 0.914 0.727
YX2 0.898
YX3 0.898
YX4 0.760
使用行为 XW1 0.888 0.928 0.810
XW2 0.918
XW3 0.895

Table 8

Result of the discriminant validity analysis"

CB 0.874
CJ 0.168 0.761
CX 0.199 0.445 0.878
FX 0.169 0.160 0.052 0.804
GN 0.282 0.528 0.396 0.047 0.833
QG 0.210 0.378 0.368 0.089 0.460 0.801
SH 0.230 0.553 0.218 0.148 0.462 0.281 0.775
SY 0.148 0.560 0.314 0.080 0.693 0.402 0.462 0.844
XW 0.267 0.525 0.411 0.083 0.646 0.342 0.474 0.606 0.900
YX 0.241 0.508 0.460 0.075 0.557 0.417 0.459 0.512 0.705 0.852

Table 9

Result of hypothesis validation"

假设内容 项目路径 路径系数 T P 结果
H1:研究生对AIGC工具功能价值的认识将正向影响其对AIGC工具的行为意愿 GN -> YX 0.198 3.642 0.000 支持
H2:研究生对AIGC工具使用价值的认识将正向影响其对AIGC工具的行为意愿 SY -> YX 0.155 3.067 0.002 支持
H3:研究生对AIGC工具情感价值的认识将正向影响其对AIGC工具的行为意愿 QG -> YX 0.110 2.415 0.016 支持
H4:研究生对AIGC工具的感知成本将负向影响其对AIGC工具的行为意愿 CB -> YX 0.046 1.305 0.192 不支持
H5:社会影响将正向影响研究生对AIGC工具的行为意愿 SH -> YX 0.203 4.514 0.000 支持
H6:研究生的个体创新性将正向影响其对AIGC工具的行为意愿 CX -> YX 0.239 6.558 0.000 支持
H7:研究生对AIGC工具的感知风险将负向影响其对AIGC工具的行为意愿 FX -> YX -0.007 0.166 0.868 不支持
H8:促进条件将正向影响研究生对AIGC工具的使用行为 CJ -> XW 0.226 4.837 0.000 支持
H9:研究生对AIGC工具的行为意愿将正向影响其对AIGC工具的使用行为 YX -> XW 0.590 14.476 0.000 支持


Path coefficient diagram of the model"

Table 10

Indirect effect of the structural equation model"

项目路径 路径系数 T P 中介效果
CX -> YX -> XW 0.141 5.87 0.000 存在
FX -> YX -> XW -0.004 0.165 0.869 不存在
GN -> YX -> XW 0.117 3.439 0.001 存在
QG -> YX -> XW 0.065 2.4 0.016 存在
SH -> YX -> XW 0.12 4.328 0.000 存在
SY -> YX -> XW 0.092 2.861 0.004 存在
CB -> YX -> XW 0.027 1.283 0.200 不存在
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