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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 65-78.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0254

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Elderly People's Online Health Information Seeking Behavior Based on Evolutionary Dynamics

Chunling GAO, Liyuan JIANG()   

  1. School of Government, Liaoning Normal University, Liaoning 116000
  • Received:2024-03-10 Accepted:2024-09-25 Online:2024-09-24 Published:2024-09-24
  • Contact: Liyuan JIANG


[Purpose/Significance] It is of great significance to analyze the current situation of elderly people's online health information seeking behavior, grasp its hot topics and development trend, to meet the health information needs and improve the health literacy level of the elderly people, and to promote the high-quality development of health services for the elderly people. [Method/Process] In this study, the DTM model was used to perform dynamic topic mining and analysis of Sina Weibo post content from 2016 to 2023, and the topic evolution, topic semantic evolution and topic information entropy trend were each investigated. In this study, data information related to online health searches of the elderly was obtained from the Sina Weibo platform, and the text content and time in the data information were taken as corpus data. After cleaning the data, different time windows are divided in time order, a DTM model is constructed to identify research topics, and "subject-word matrix" and "document-topic matrix" files are obtained. The topic intensity calculation was carried out successively, and the hot topic identification and analysis of online health searches for the elderly was carried out. The evolutionary trend of topic intensity was visualized and the evolutionary path of topic keywords was analyzed at a fine-grained level, so as to explore the focus and changing trend of online health information searches for the elderly people. [Results/Conclusions] The topics of "senile diseases", "old-age care by science and technology", "diet and health care", "mental health" and "social care" have evolved significantly, and the elderly people pay much attention to health information types such as common old age diseases, physical medical maintenance, social assistance and care for the elderly, and clothing, food, housing and transportation, in order to meet their information needs. The topics of "senile diseases", "old-age care by science and technology", "diet and health care", "mental health" and "social care" have evolved significantly, and the elderly pay much attention to health information types such as common old age diseases, physical medical maintenance, social assistance and care for the elderly, and clothing, food, housing and transportation, in order to meet their information needs. The research popularity of "economic trap", "epidemic control", "medical fraud", "virus transmission", "epidemic travel" and "medical health" as a whole showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, and the elderly continued to pay gradual attention to health emergencies and economic property security issues that might arise. The research popularity of "sports health care", "high risk" and "cultural and sports tourism" remain moderately stable from 2016 to 2023 and has not changed significantly. Topics such as "senile disease", "sports health", "high risk" and "medical fraud" are semantically stable. The information entropy of "sports health care", "daily life safety" and "virus transmission" is relatively stable, the information entropy of "medical literacy", "epidemic control", "cultural and sports tourism" and "balanced diet" shows a diffusion trend, and the information entropy of "high risk", "diet and health care", "economic trap" and "medical fraud" shows a convergence trend.

Key words: evolutionary dynamics, the aged, health information search, topic evolution, DTM model, information behavior

CLC Number: 

  • G252

Table 1

Related content of health information search studies (partial)"

研究方法 研究对象 研究目的
扎根理论、访谈法 国外代表性研究论文 综述国外健康信息搜寻行为
系统归纳 国内外健康信息行为研究文献 界定健康信息行为研究的范畴
半结构访谈法 老年人健康信息搜寻模式 探索老年人健康信息搜寻模式
实验法 冲突性健康信息 冲突性健康信息对用户健康信息搜寻行为的影响
访谈法、案例分析法 网络健康信息搜寻行为 探讨网络健康信息搜寻行为模式、特征及影响因素
问卷调查法 健康信息搜寻影响因素 探索信息传播媒介在用户健康信息搜寻过程中的影响
问卷调查法 老年人健康信息素养、老年人健康信息搜寻行为 探讨老年人健康素养与健康信息需求和健康信息搜寻行为之间的关系
集成决策实验室法-解释结构模型 在线健康信息搜寻行为影响因素 分析各影响因素之间的层级逻辑关系和作用路径



社区内用户的健康信息搜寻行为影响因素研究模型 分析健康信息搜寻行为的影响因素
半结构访谈法、扎根理论 老年用户在线健康信息搜寻行为影响因素 构建老年用户在线健康信息搜寻行为影响因素的理论模型
扎根理论 老年人在线健康信息搜寻影响因素 探究老年人在线健康信息搜寻行为机理



信息共享与搜寻行为意愿影响因素模型 帮助在线健康社区精准把握用户需求
IMB模型 中老年人在线健康信息搜寻行为的内在机理和影响因素 提高中老年人的健康信息素养,优化其健康信息获取途径
问卷调查法 老年人在线健康信息搜寻的影响因素、障碍及信息来源等 支持老年人的医疗和健康决策
定性研究 老年人进行在线健康信息搜寻的影响因素 探讨老年人进行在线健康信息搜寻的行为动机


Research design"


Statistics in each year"


Topic confusion"

Table 2

Research topics of health information that elderly people search"

编号 主题 主题词(Top10)
0 老年病症 综合征、口服液、炎症、肺癌、病人、颗粒、肾脏、神经、器官、病情
1 经济陷阱 受害者、现金、电脑、谣言、语音、疗程、手环、晶状体、电信、地方
2 运动保健 平衡、气候、晨练、脊柱、步行、运动量、腿部、衣服、消耗、泡脚
3 高危风险 年龄、老年型、动脉硬化、急性、高血脂、障碍、动脉、血栓、风险、心梗
4 医疗素养 生活习惯、肝功能、隐患、消防、医学科、能力、骨关节、颈椎、病人、素养
5 疫情管控 医用、医学观察、聚餐、轨迹、密切接触、室内空气、阳性、常态、咽痛、信息
6 文体旅游 家乡、机不可失、水墨、文体、活动中心、人间、贡献、宣传片、陪伴、保额
7 医疗诈骗 神药、维权、资金、高额、领域、财产、心理、陷阱、公安、资格
8 起居安全 药房、自然人、马桶、住宅、众生、关系人、民事法律、老板、疾控局、家具
9 饮食均衡 厨房、蜂蜜、能力、心动、氨糖、摄入量、食盐、风险、冰箱、监管局
10 中医养生 人参、补气、舌头、功效、唾液、遗尿、手指、拇指、成人、黄芪
11 疾病诊治 服药、病房、计生委、电话、载体、生物、残疾、专科、入院、百岁老人
12 科技养老 数据、算法、特困、战略、高质量、住房、职业、乡村、目标、计划
13 病毒传播 机关、环境卫生、分区、体温、入境、防线、校园、扎实、层层加码、成果
14 食疗保健 免疫力、症状、胃肠、软骨、成分、早餐、优质、矿物质、物质、脂肪酸
15 视觉障碍 眼疾、步行、干眼症、眼镜、大讲堂、视物、诊室、光线、老花眼、视觉
16 疫情出行 口罩、阴性、交通工具、机动车、公告、凭证、手机、户外活动、图书馆、通告
17 心理健康 僵硬、道路、内心、紧张、健康状况、中年人、记忆、手指、乐观、记忆力
18 社会关怀 常住人口、社会工作、党史、工作者、电话、邻里、物业、家园、常识、能力
19 医疗健康 朋友、屏障、医学观察、密切接触、方舱、传染性、抗原、效果、病人、定点医院


Topic river map"


Topic semantic evolution diagram"


The entropy trend of the topics"

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