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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 79-92.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0314

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Model Construction and Empirical Research on the Influencing Factors of AIGC User Dropout Behavior

Liqin YAO1, Hai ZHANG2()   

  1. 1. Department of Shanxi Academy of Social Sciences (Development Research Center of Shanxi Provincial People's Government), Taiyuan 030032
    2. School of information management, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095
  • Received:2024-04-10 Accepted:2024-09-25 Online:2024-09-24 Published:2024-09-24
  • Contact: Hai ZHANG


[Purpose/Significance] In the context of the rapid development of the artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC), it is crucial to understand the driving factors of users' psychological resilience and the characteristics of AIGC users' dropout behavior. This research focuses on this area to address the lack of in-depth studies in the existing literature. It aims to contribute to the knowledge system by providing a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior in the context of the AIGC. This is significant for promoting the transformation of the AIGC industry, as it helps to reduce the negative impacts of user loss and transfer, and promotes the sustainable use of the AIGC. It also has practical value in addressing the challenges facing the industry. [Method/Process] This study is based on resilience theory and S-O-R theory, which provide a solid theoretical foundation for the research. A questionnaire survey method is used, which is an appropriate approach for collecting data directly from users. A total of 328 questionnaires were collected from a wide range of AIGC users, ensuring the representativeness and reliability of the data. The empirical analysis and testing of the constructed model helps to validate the research hypotheses and draw meaningful conclusions. [Results/Conclusions] The research shows that psychological resilience is indeed a key factor in reducing dropout among AIGC users. Technological resilience and information quality play an important role in enhancing the psychological resilience of users. Based on these results, specific strategies and suggestions are proposed, such as improving the technological stability and performance of the AIGC, enhancing the quality of the information provided, and providing personalized support and training for users. However, there are some limitations to this study. For example, the sample size may not be large enough to cover all types of AIGC users. Future research could increase the sample size and explore other potential factors that may influence user behavior. In addition, longitudinal studies could be conducted to better understand the dynamic changes in user behavior over time. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the factors influencing AIGC user dropout behavior and offers practical suggestions for promoting user retention and sustainable use. It paves the way for further research in this field and contributes to the development of the AIGC industry.

Key words: psychological resilience, dropout behavior, AIGC users, S-O-R theory, accumulated emotional factors, information behavior

CLC Number: 

  • G203


Research model on influencing factors of AIGC user dropout behavior"

Table 1

Interviewee statistics"

统计指标 类型 频次 比率/% 统计指标 类型 频次 比率/%
性别 176 53.66 年龄 25岁以下 98 29.88
152 46.34 26~36 172 52.44
合计 328 100.00 37~47 38 11.58
48岁及以上 20 6.10
合计 328 100.00
使用平台 ChatGPT 168 51.22
学历 高中以下 34 10.37 文心一言 75 22.87
本(专)科 156 47.56 讯飞星火 48 14.63
硕士及硕士研究生 96 29.27 百川智能 33 10.06
博士及博士研究生 42 12.80 其他平台 4 1.22
合计 328 100.00 合计 328 100.00

Table 2

Reliability and validity analysis of the questionnaire"

变量 测度项 Cronbach' α系数 测度项删除后Cronbach' α系数 因子载荷 CR AVE
技术韧性(TRE) TRE_1 0.835 0.739 0.724 0.775 0.634
TRE_2 0.812 0.698
TRE_3 0.745 0.769
技术拟人性(TEP) TEP_1 0.826 0.678 0.813 0.822 0.607
TEP_2 0.782 0.767
TEP_3 0.807 0.756
信息质量(INQ) INQ_1 0.903 0.853 0.726 0.787 0.653
INQ_2 0.794 0.803
INQ_3 0.648 0.697
心理韧性(PYR) PYR_1 0.796 0.658 0.835 0.816 0.597
PYR_2 0.627 0.764
PYR_3 0.732 0.714
满意度(SAT) SAT_1 0.851 0.721 0.768 0.829 0.619
SAT_2 0.797 0.753
SAT_3 0.824 0.837
中辍行为(DPB) DPB_1 0.894 0.852 0.864 0.859 0.669
DPB_2 0.769 0.786
DPB_3 0.824 0.803

Table 3

Variable correlation coefficient matrix"

TRE 0.796
TEP 0.475 0.779
INQ 0.368 0.464 0.808
PYR 0.332 0.532 0.438 0.772
SAT 0.437 0.455 0.346 0.397 0.786
DPB 0.476 0.378 0.236 0.232 0.437 0.818

Table 4

Model fit index value"



临界值 <3 >0.90 >0.80 >0.90 >0.90 >0.90 <0.80
实际值 1.804 0.925 0.847 0.914 0.964 0.944 0.537


Verification results of the research model on influencing factors of AIGC user dropout behavior"


Questionnaire items and sources"

变量 测度项 测量内容 文献来源
技术韧性 TRE_1 我认为,AIGC技术是未来的发展趋势




TRE_2 我认为,AIGC技术能够适应社会发展,不断更新
TRE_3 我认为,AIGC技术能够克服技术瓶颈,不断演进
技术拟人性 TEP_1 我觉得AIGC的信息内容符合我的阅读习惯



TEP_2 我觉得AIGC服务比较了解我的信息需求
TEP _3 我觉得AIGC技术较为智能,拟人程度较高
信息质量 INQ_1 我觉得AIGC提供的信息是可靠的



INQ_2 AIGC为我提供了准确信息
INQ_3 我从AIGC获得了足够的信息
心理韧性 PYR_1 面对困难时,我会集中自己的全部精力



PYR_2 面对困难时,我能够控制好自己的情绪
PYR_3 经历困难和挫折后,我一般会比较成熟和有经验
满意度 SAT_1 AIGC服务平台总体上达到了我的预期



SAT_2 AIGC服务平台总体上能够满足我的需求
SAT_3 我对AIGC服务平台的交互体验感到满意
中辍行为 DPB_1 使用一段时间后,我会少用或者不用AIGC服务平台



DPB_2 我目前不会再用了,等技术有突破的时候,我再使用
DPB_3 工作的时候经常使用,生活的时候很少使用
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