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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (8): 82-95.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0444

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Factors Influencing User Information Adoption in Virtual Communities of Interest: A Study Based on SEM and fsQCA

Long HAN1, Jincheng GUO1, Yiting LU2, Qun ZHOU1()   

  1. 1. Library, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193
    2. School of Management, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300382
  • Received:2024-07-07 Online:2024-08-05 Published:2024-12-13
  • Contact: Qun ZHOU


[Purpose/Significance] Virtual communities of interest have rapidly become key sources of information that significantly influence users' decision making. Characterized by resource aggregation, active exchanges, and high interactivity, these communities foster a unique environment that encourages strong user engagement. Understanding the factors that influence information adoption in these settings is essential to meeting user needs and enhancing community management and services. Unlike traditional information contexts, virtual communities emphasize user trust, emotional support, and community identity, which are critical in shaping how users perceive and adopt information. This study aims to deepen the theoretical understanding of information adoption in virtual communities of interest by incorporating information ecology theory and applying both structural equation modeling (SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). This dual-method approach enables in-depth analysis of individual factors and reveals complex configurations that influence adoption behaviors, providing insights that go beyond what SEM alone can provide. [Method/Process] The research model is based on information ecology theory, which provides a holistic framework that captures the dynamic interplay between factors such as information quality, user support systems, community structures, and platform features. This theory is particularly suited to the study of virtual communities, where multiple interdependent factors create a unique decision-making environment. SEM is used to assess linear relationships between variables, evaluating the influence of information quality, emotional support, community identity, opinion leader participation, content interaction, source credibility, and platform usability on users' information adoption intentions. As a complement to SEM, fsQCA is used to explore configurations of multiple factors, identify pathways through which these factors collectively shape adoption intentions, and capture complex causal relationships that SEM does not address. [Results/Conclusions] The SEM analysis shows that information quality, emotional support, community identity, active participation of opinion leaders, and content interaction significantly increase users' adoption intentions, while information source credibility and platform usability do not. These findings suggest that community-driven aspects may be more important to users in this context than traditional credibility indicators. The fsQCA results further identify two primary modes that drive adoption intentions: a trust-driven mode, where adoption is supported by trust-related factors, and an experience-promoting mode, which focuses on user engagement within the community. Together, these modes comprise six distinct configurations, suggesting that users' adoption intentions are influenced by combinations of factors rather than isolated variables. This study thus highlights the unique value of fsQCA in uncovering the complex interplay of factors in virtual communities and providing detailed insights into user behavior. Future research could explore cultural differences in adoption behaviors and additional factors influencing user engagement in different types of virtual communities.

Key words: virtualcommunity of interest, information adoption, information ecology theory, structural equation modeling, fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis

CLC Number: 

  • G252


Model of factors influencing users' adoption of information in virtual interest communities"

Table 1

Measurement items and sources of the scale"

变量 题项 题项内容 来源
信息质量 IQ1 我认为我在虚拟兴趣社区中获取的信息是准确的 LIAO等[43]、VENKATESH等[44]
IQ2 我认为我在虚拟兴趣社区中获取的信息是全面的
IQ3 我认为我在虚拟兴趣社区中获取的信息是及时更新的
IQ4 我认为虚拟兴趣社区的信息表达方式清晰易懂
IQ5 我认为虚拟兴趣社区的信息能够满足我的需求
信息源可信度 SC1 我认为虚拟兴趣社区中信息的来源是值得信赖的 HUO等[45]
SC2 我认为虚拟兴趣社区中信息发布者的专业知识对我有帮助
SC3 我认为虚拟兴趣社区中的信息发布者是值得信赖的专家
SC4 我认为虚拟兴趣社区的信息来源是权威的
情感支持 ES1 我觉得虚拟兴趣社区中的其他用户对我的问题给予了同理心和支持 CHIU等[46]
ES2 我觉得虚拟兴趣社区中的用户互动让我感受到情感上的支持或鼓励
ES3 我认为在虚拟兴趣社区中,用户之间的互动帮助我减轻了信息获取时的压力或疑虑
ES4 我觉得在虚拟兴趣社区中的交流让我产生了积极的情感体验,增加了对信息的信任
社区认同 SR1 我觉得自己与虚拟兴趣社区中的其他用户有共同的兴趣或目标 FANG等[47]
SR2 我觉得虚拟兴趣社区的价值观与我的想法相符
SR3 我愿意在虚拟兴趣社区中更多地参与和分享信息
SR4 我认为虚拟兴趣社区对我的观点表示了尊重和重视
社区意见领袖参与 OL1 我认为虚拟兴趣社区中的意见领袖对我有影响 蒋惠芳[48]、吴娇娇[49]
OL2 我信任虚拟兴趣社区中具有较高影响力的用户提供的信息
OL3 我经常关注虚拟兴趣社区中意见领袖发布的内容
社区内容互动 CI1 我经常参与虚拟兴趣社区的讨论和互动 范晓屏等[50]
CI2 我觉得虚拟兴趣社区的讨论帮助我更好地理解信息
CI3 我认为通过与其他用户的互动,我对信息的信任度增强了
平台易用性 EU1 我觉得虚拟兴趣社区平台的界面设计简单明了,易于操作 ZLATOLAS等[51]、郭瑞[52]
EU2 我能够在虚拟兴趣社区平台上快速找到自己所需的信息
EU3 我觉得在虚拟兴趣社区平台上的操作过程流畅,没有不必要的障碍
信息采纳意愿 IA1 我愿意依据虚拟兴趣社区中获取的信息做出决策或采取行动 SUSSMAN[11]
IA2 我经常参考虚拟兴趣社区中的信息来解决实际问题
IA3 我觉得虚拟兴趣社区中的信息对我来说有足够的可信度,因此愿意采纳
IA4 我会向他人推荐虚拟兴趣社区中的有用信息或内容

Table 2

Survey demographics"

描述性特征 类别 人数/个 所占百分比/%
性别 157 43.50
204 56.50
年龄 18岁及以下 6 1.70
19~26岁 187 51.80
27~34岁 121 33.50
35+ 47 13.00
虚拟兴趣社区使用时间 1年及以下 12 3.30
2~3年 84 23.20
3~5年 164 45.40
5年以上 101 28.10
虚拟兴趣社区使用频率 每天都会使用 296 82.00
每周2~4次 51 14.10
每月使用2~8次 14 3.90

Table 3

Results of confirmatory factor analysis"

变量名称 Cronbach's Alpha 组合信度CR
信息质量(IQ) 0.865 0.867
信息源可信度(SC) 0.807 0.811
情感支持(ES) 0.845 0.846
社区认同(SR) 0.83 0.831
社区意见领袖参与(OL) 0.863 0.863
社区内容互动(CI) 0.819 0.819
平台易用性(EU) 0.838 0.839
信息采纳意愿(IA) 0.895 0.896

Table 4

Results of discriminant validity test"

SR 0.621 0.788
EU 0.635 0.383 0.797
CI 0.602 0.422 0.351 0.776
OL 0.612 0.463 0.452 0.412 0.782
ES 0.579 0.309 0.359 0.359 0.386 0.761
SC 0.519 0.433 0.453 0.492 0.475 0.372 0.720
IQ 0.566 0.493 0.472 0.400 0.358 0.306 0.517 0.752
IA 0.683 0.687 0.491 0.617 0.570 0.529 0.571 0.601 0.826

Table 5

Results of model fit test"

指标类别 适配度指标 判断标准 指标值 适配效果
绝对适配度指标 CMIN/DF <3 1.220 符合标准
RMSEA <0.08 0.025 符合标准
GFI >0.9(理想);>0.8(合理) 0.925 符合标准
AGFI >0.8 0.908 符合标准
增值适配度指标 CFI >0.9 0.985 符合标准
IFI >0.9 0.985 符合标准
TLI >0.9 0.982 符合标准
简约适配度指标 PGFI >0.5 0.750 符合标准
PNFI >0.5 0.799 符合标准


Model analysis results"

Table 6

Results of necessity analysis for antecedent variables"

变量 一致性 覆盖度
IQfz 0.738 2 0.855 9
~IQfz 0.621 7 0.614 5
SCfz 0.846 8 0.860 6
~SCfz 0.530 8 0.596 2
ESfz 0.775 9 0.855 2
~ESfz 0.607 6 0.628 3
SRfz 0.779 8 0.875 6
~SRfz 0.607 1 0.617 2
OLfz 0.853 7 0.835 0
~OLfz 0.531 2 0.626 3
CIfz 0.807 1 0.849 7
~CIfz 0.561 8 0.607 8
EUfz 0.823 1 0.835 8
~EUfz 0.542 8 0.610 3

Table 7

Antecedent configurations of virtual interest community users and information adoption willingness"

前因条件 模式一 模式二
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
一致性 0.963 0.958 0.967 0.958 0.956 0.965
覆盖率 0.461 0.487 0.366 0.454 0.452 0.357
净覆盖率 0.041 0.025 0.041 0.058 0.033 0.021
总体一致性 0.946
总体覆盖率 0.693
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