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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 86-94.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0537

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Social Media Users' Expression, Formation Mechanism, and Coping Strategies for Algorithm Aversion

Yan MOU   

  1. Library of Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150001
  • Received:2024-09-12 Online:2024-10-05 Published:2025-03-12


[Purpose/Significance] A thorough understanding of algorithm aversion among social media users, encompassing its manifestations and underlying causes, is crucial in the algorithmic era. This understanding serves as the cornerstone for accurately capturing users' information needs and preferences, which are constantly evolving due to technological advances and changes in societal behaviors. By studying how users perceive, interact with, and respond to algorithmic recommendations and personalizations, researchers can gain insight into the effectiveness and limitations of current algorithmic technologies. These insights are invaluable for improving and optimizing algorithms to ensure that they not only meet user expectations, but also enhance their overall experience and satisfaction. Moreover, understanding algorithm aversion can help design more ethical and transparent algorithms, foster trust between users and technology, and ultimately promote the sustainable development of the digital economy. In addition, this research has broader implications for the fields of human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and social media studies. By exploring the psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence users' attitudes and behaviors towards algorithms, researchers can contribute to the development of more user-centered and socially responsible technologies. This, in turn, can lead to more inclusive and equitable digital environments, where everyone can benefit from the advances of technology. [Method/Process] This study employed a qualitative research approach, which is well suited for exploring complex and nuanced phenomena such as algorithm aversion among social media users. Qualitative research allows for the collection of rich, detailed, and contextually embedded data, enabling a deeper understanding of the subject matter. To accomplish this, the study included in-depth interviews with 26 respondents, who were selected for their active use of social media and their diverse experiences and perspectives on algorithmic recommendations and personalizations. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured format that allowed for flexibility in the conversation while still addressing key research questions and themes. This approach allowed the researchers to gain detailed insights into the participants' attitudes, beliefs, and experiences with algorithms, as well as their perceptions of the consequences of algorithm aversion. A rigorous coding process was used to analyze the collected data. This involved breaking down the textual data into smaller, manageable units, or codes, which were then categorized and grouped based on common themes and patterns. The coding analysis focused on three main areas: the expression of algorithm aversion, the formation mechanisms of algorithm aversion, and the consequences of algorithm aversion for social media users. Drawing on qualitative research paradigms, the analysis resulted in the construction of a theoretical model analysis framework specifically tailored to algorithm aversion among social media users. This framework provides a structured way to understand the complex interplay between users' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards algorithms, and the factors that influence these attitudes and behaviors. The framework also highlights key consequences of algorithm aversion, such as reduced trust in social media platforms, decreased engagement with algorithmic recommendations, and potential negative impacts on user experience and satisfaction. [Results/Conclusions] The results reveal three distinct forms of algorithm aversion among social media users: algorithmic interruption, algorithmic complaint, and algorithmic evasion. These forms have significant implications for individuals, organizations, and society. Additionally, the study identifies personal factors, algorithmic technology factors, and social environment factors as key drivers of algorithm aversion. A comprehensive framework for analyzing the formation mechanism of algorithm aversion, based on the concept of "individual-algorithm-social environment," is extracted. Based on this framework, the study proposes research paths and coping strategies from three perspectives: theoretical research, technical research, and humanistic research. These recommendations aim to effectively address and mitigate algorithm aversion among social media users.

Key words: algorithm aversion, formation mechanism, personalized recommendation, coping strategy

CLC Number: 

  • G252

Table 1

Analysis of the basic situation of the interviewees"

类别 人数/个 比例/% 类别 人数/个 比例/%
性别 14 53.85 学历 高中 7 26.92
12 46.15 本专科 10 25.00
社交媒体平台 微信 8 30.77 硕士 5 19.23
微博 5 19.23 年龄 博士 4 15.38
小红书 4 15.38 24岁及以下 7 26.92
抖音 5 19.23 25~35岁 9 34.62
知乎 2 7.69 36~46岁 6 23.08
哔哩哔哩 2 7.69 47岁及以上 4 15.38

Table 2

Analysis results of open coding and spindle coding (partial)"

原始语句(示例) 独立范畴 主范畴
我更愿意和专业人士交流,算法技术提供的建议不符合我的要求;我认为算法服务具有普遍意义,但我的问题有特殊性,我不会接受服务 情感偏爱 个人因素
每天应付无意义的算法推荐和服务,我很烦,很疲惫;算法技术和服务很多没有意义,还存在问题,我很疲惫 心理疲劳
我习惯人与人的交流和建议;使用算法技术和服务我吃不消;我的职业原因和职业习惯原因,导致我对算法技术和服务不放心 个人特质
我觉得算法技术和算法服务“机器感”十足,没有人情味;我感觉算法技术和服务缺少情感和温度 技术拟人程度 算法技术因素
使用算法技术和服务会泄露我的隐私;算法服务会存在很多错误,又不易察觉,存在风险 算法风险
算法技术和服务提供的结果与我的预想存在较大差距,内容过于片面;算法技术对我的问题理解,感觉过于片面,存在偏见 算法偏见
有些事情,我认为不需要用算法技术,但是算法在起作用;我觉得有些领域,算法技术被滥用,破坏了环境和气氛 算法滥用 社会环境因素
我在就医时,不愿意接受算法服务;我在处理政务事务时,比较反感算法技术和算法服务 使用情境
我的朋友告诉我,算法技术和服务存在很大问题,我觉得是这么回事;网络上的专业人士通过亲身经历告诉我远离算法技术和服务 社群影响
我会找朋友倾诉,也会把对算法的态度和意见发表在网络上;我会尽量远离算法技术和服务在无可奈何的时候,我会及时卸载相关应用和程序 表现形式 算法厌恶
当我很反感算法技术时,我会找相关部门和服务提供商反映;当我觉得算法技术和服务不好时,也会对服务提供商和相关品牌产生不好的印象 产生后果


Analysis framework of social media users’ algorithm aversion"

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