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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 95-105.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0748

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Practice and Development Strategy of Culture and Tourism Integration Services for Children in Public Libraries

Fengwei JIANG1, Qing WANG2, Zhuqi LI3   

  1. 1. Anhui Zhiben Culture and Technology Co. , Ltd. , Hefei 230041
    2. Changfeng County Library, Hefei 231100
    3. Anhui Provincial Library, Hefei 230001
  • Received:2024-08-20 Online:2024-10-05 Published:2025-03-12


[Purpose/Significance] Culture and tourism integration services for children have become an important way for public libraries to cultivate the quality of children's services, providing a feasible intervention path for children to understand and enjoy the library and participate in social exchanges. They have received increasing attention and active exploration from public libraries, and have emerged as distinctive practical cases of culture and tourism integration services, promoting the vigorous development of culture and tourism integration services in public libraries. [Method/Process] Based on existing research, this paper explores and summarizes the core orientation of culture and tourism integration services for children in public libraries, which includes four aspects: meeting children's needs for knowledge and exploration, providing equal opportunities for children's participation, serving the cultivation of children's comprehensive qualities, and enhancing their social communication functions. The Paper selected the "Starting from the Library" culture and tourism integration service brand of Changfeng County Library and conducted an in-depth analysis of the case from two aspects: the dynamic development of theme activities and the characteristics of demonstration and promotion value. This case was found to have a promoting effect on children's growth, the expansion of library services, and the development of the rural cultural tourism economy. At the same time, a study was conducted on the culture and tourism integration service case of "Listening and Understanding Bengbu · Walking and Reading in Zhucheng" in the Children's Library of Bengbu City. It was found that the characteristic of this case is to build a systematic service system by combining local characteristics and expanding the culture and tourism integration service model, in order to summarize the practical value of this case. Based on the preliminary analysis of two cases, the paper further analyze the characteristic experience of the cases, and point out that paying attention to grassroots linkage, strengthening political and social cooperation, giving full play to cultural guidance, and promoting resource integration are conducive to improving the level of culture and tourism integration services for children. [Results/Conclusions] Based on the practical case analysis and compared with the core orientation of culture and tourism integration services for children, it is pointed out that the development strategies for promoting the culture and tourism integration services for children in public libraries include increasing service innovation to enhance brand effect, considering individual differences to meet personalized needs, and promoting political and social interaction to achieve multi-party cooperation. In the future, public libraries must pay attention to creating a good environment for the culture and tourism integration services for children.

Key words: public libraries, children, culture and tourism integration services, social forces

CLC Number: 

  • G259.23
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