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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture


Factors Influencing Misinformation Propagation: A Systemic Review

Xi HAN, Ke LIAO   

  1. School of Business Administration, Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, Guangzhou 510320
  • Received:2024-08-19 Online:2025-01-02


[Purpose/Significance] The spread of misinformation on social media has caused serious harm and attracted attention from various disciplines. This study aims to systematically examine the factors associated with the propagation of misinformation. It contributes to the existing literature by providing an integrated model of the factors influencing misinformation propagation, which is crucial for understanding and mitigating the spread of misinformation. [Method/Process] The search strategy, developed with the help of librarians, was searched in six Chinese and foreign databases. Four researchers coded the information back-to-back to ensure the accuracy of the analysis. Our literature screening criteria were rigorous to ensure that only high quality and relevant research was included. A total of 108 empirical studies related to misinformation propagation were included. The factors were summarized and sorted from multiple perspectives such as disciplinary field, theoretical foundation, research methods and different roles. [Results/ [Conclusions] Research on this topic has grown rapidly in recent years. Scholars from a variety of disciplines have used survey and experimental methods to study misinformation in the areas of politics and health. Pedictors of misinformation propagation are mainly studed from the perspective of users and information, including objective characteristics of information, perceptual characteristics of information, as well as individual characteristics, cognitive characteristics, and perceptual characteristics of users. The results show that individual characteristics play a critical role in shaping users' intention and behavior to propagate misinformation. Individual characteristics are the most frequently studied factors, while information and situational characteristics have received less attention. Psychological and behavioral variables, including users' cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses play key mediating roles in this process. In addition, the types of information, individual attributes, cognitive characteristics, social interactions, personal knowledge, behavior and emotions play moderating roles. This study constructs an integrated model of the influencing factors for misinformation propagation, which can provide direction for targeted interventions and algorithm design to mitigate the spread of misinformation. The study also identified some limitations of current studies, including an excessive focus on the political and health issues, a lack of attention to how information characteristics, intervention factors, and platform characteristics play a role, and the relative simplicity of the research methods. Future studies should focus on misinformation propagation in other scenarios, explore more information characteristics suitable for algorithmic intervention, examine the differences in misinformation propagation on different platforms, and use mixed research methods to reach more credible conclusions. This study provides directions and goals for multi-agent collaborative misinformation management.

Key words: misinformation, social media, propagation, influencing factors, systematic review

CLC Number: 

  • G206


Literature collection and screening"

Table 1

Predictors of misinformation propagation"

视角 维度 具体因素
虚假信息 客观特征 规范性信息[47]、信息发布者影响力[21]、信息来源[6,7,42,48]、信息主题[25,49]、信息分享数量[38]、信息效价[50]、信息标签[51]、准确性提示[52]、信息内容模糊[53]、信息重复出现[54]、含有故事、科学性/文本、图像、信息长度[55-58]、信息呈现形式[59,60]
感知特征 词汇具体[45]、信息真实[61]、与信念一致[28]、信息有趣[62]、信息可怕[62]、信息新颖[63]、信息有效[63]、信息过载[10,22,36]、标题吸引力[64]
用户受众 个体属性 年龄[31]、教育[31]、个人经历[21]、宗教信仰[65,66]、计算能力[67]、人格特质[2,33,68]、政治意识形态[69]、群体凝聚力[8]、认知反思水平[70]、分析思维水平[71,72]、认知信念[55]、批判性信息评估能力[15]、自我效能感[4,39,73]、从众心理[23,46]、自我监管能力[14]、社交媒体依赖[3,74]、动机(利他[23,41,75-77]、事实核查[24]、自我提升[23,24]、娱乐[14,75]、寻求满足感[2,41,46,76])、情绪稳定性[78]
个体感知 感知曝光频率[29,48]、感知同伴的政治倾向[79]、感知冲突[80]、认可准确性[81-83]、可信度偏差[44]、政府信任感[28]、网络信息信任感[10]
个体情绪 恐惧[64]、愤怒、焦虑[23,27]、害怕错过信息[42]、社交媒体疲惫[42,84,85]、害怕被孤立[86]、喜悦[87]、羞耻[87]、惊讶[87]、兴奋[88]、担忧[87,89]
态度知识 阴谋论态度[32,90]、民粹主义态度[91]、对科学的态度[31,32]、政治认同[6,30]、政治观点[27]、政治利益[66]、党派分歧[9]、科学知识[37]、健康知识[56]、疾病知识[37]
个体行为 信息搜寻[74,92]、关注健康新闻[93]、社交媒体使用[3,74,90,91,94]、接触虚假信息[3]、新闻使用[40]、社会比较行为[42]、分享新闻频率[48]、支持真相[95]、指控虚假信息[96]、在线政治参与[97,98]、共享信息[26]
社会互动 关系强度[46]、避免冲突[99]、准社会互动[46]、增进关系[46]、情感纽带[41]、人际信任[37]、同伴交流[79]、社会排斥[9]
其他 社会距离[100]、空间距离[100]、时间距离[100]、事件卷入度[8]、Facebook的政策干预[101]

Table 2

Mediators of misinformation propagation"

视角 维度 具体因素
用户心理 认知特征 情感极化[110]、个体声誉[8]、信息分享动机[87,102,107]、谣言信念[94]、健康误解[92]、道德接受度[50]、道德判断[54]、认知细化[35]、个人政治倾向[44]、相关经验[8]、对混乱的渴望[69]、行动导向[96]
感知特征 第三人称感知[29]、风险感知[38]、信任感知[38]、心流体验感知[3]、感到不公[91]、情景模糊性感知[8]、感知描述性规范和禁令性规范[47]、感知主观准确性[69]、企业联想[111]、感知信息可信度[25,63,66]、感知信息重要性[51]、感知有用性[39]、感知准确度[7,72]、感知威胁性[45]、感知信息压力[85]、群体一致性[8]
情绪特征 恐惧[68,79]、对信息错过的担忧[40]、积极情绪[36,63]、消极情绪[36,63]、惊讶[63]、愤怒[91]、愉悦感[39]、情绪唤起[39]、情绪调节[107]
用户行为 即时分享[2]、社交媒体新闻搜索[112]、接触假新闻[90]、政治信息分享行为[70]、社交媒体使用行为[26]

Table 3

Moderators of misinformation propagation"

视角 维度 具体因素
虚假信息 信息特征 谣言类型[113]、信息真实性[50,103]
用户受众 个人属性 年龄[48,108]、性别[61,105]、收入[108]、认知能力[40,67,84]、个人目标导向[44]、健康自我效能感[79]、同情心、相信直觉[92]、有责任心[69]、个体适应力[85]、批判性思维[94]、健康焦虑[51]、宗教信仰[108]、居住地[108]、电子健康素养[114]、风险倾向[57]
认知特征 错误认知[112]、参与效能[91]、心理距离[67]、感知同伴政治倾向[44]、政治意识形态[96]、意识形态极端化[27]
行为特征 社交媒体选择[2]
情绪特征 情绪唤醒[115]
社会互动 人际关系强度[59]、社会认可度[106]
个人知识 主观知识[45]、健康知识[51]、假新闻知识[46]


Model of influencing mechanisms of misinformation propagation"

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