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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2021, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (9): 4-17.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0367


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Investigation and Analysis of Different Roles' Recognition and Acceptance of Open Access Journals

CHU Jingli1,2, LIU Peiyi3, WENG Yanqin1,2, LI Nan1,2, YAN Qun2,3, XIAO Yue1,2   

  1. 1. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190;
    2. Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190;
    3. Beijing Zhongke Journal Publishing Co., Ltd., China Science Publishing & Media Ltd., Beijing 100717
  • Received:2020-05-11 Online:2021-09-05 Published:2021-09-28

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] In this paper, we aim to investigate different stakeholders for their attitudes about and opinions of open access publishing, in order to explore the basic consensus and make an overall judgment of China's gold open access, which is expected to serve as a reference for the national policy and implementation path of open access publishing in China. [Method/Process] We carried out a questionnaire survey to researchers, editors and librarians about their recognition and acceptance of gold open access. [Results/Conclusions] All stakeholders hold a positive attitude towards gold open access. More than 60% of researchers, journal editors and librarians support that academic papers should be open, and researchers should not be charged twice for reading these papers. The three parties all pay more attention to the policy, platform construction and financial support of open access, which plays a better role in maximizing public interests. The future development trend of open access has been cleared with the introduction and promotion of open access. It is necessary to consider solutions in line with the national conditions to elements including the relevant policies, open access publishing funds, and platforms, so as to promote the open process of academic communication in China.

Key words: open access, scientific researchers, librarian, journal editors, acceptance

CLC Number: 

  • G350
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