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Current Issue
05 September 2021, Volume 33 Issue 9
Investigation and Analysis of Different Roles' Recognition and Acceptance of Open Access Journals | Open Access
CHU Jingli, LIU Peiyi, WENG Yanqin, LI Nan, YAN Qun, XIAO Yue
2021, 33(9):  4-17.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0367
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[Purpose/Significance] In this paper, we aim to investigate different stakeholders for their attitudes about and opinions of open access publishing, in order to explore the basic consensus and make an overall judgment of China's gold open access, which is expected to serve as a reference for the national policy and implementation path of open access publishing in China. [Method/Process] We carried out a questionnaire survey to researchers, editors and librarians about their recognition and acceptance of gold open access. [Results/Conclusions] All stakeholders hold a positive attitude towards gold open access. More than 60% of researchers, journal editors and librarians support that academic papers should be open, and researchers should not be charged twice for reading these papers. The three parties all pay more attention to the policy, platform construction and financial support of open access, which plays a better role in maximizing public interests. The future development trend of open access has been cleared with the introduction and promotion of open access. It is necessary to consider solutions in line with the national conditions to elements including the relevant policies, open access publishing funds, and platforms, so as to promote the open process of academic communication in China.
A Construction Method of the Classification System Oriented to Content Analysis of Ancient Books | Open Access
AI Yuxi, XU Jian, HE Lin, QI Yun
2021, 33(9):  18-26.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0264
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[Purpose/Significance] With the deepening of digital humanistic research on ancient books, the requirement for fine-grained classification based on text content is increasing continuously, and reasonable classification has become the key to the research and effective utilization of digital ancient books.[Method/Process] The research uses the concept of faceted classification, takes the text data of ancient books and related dictionary of ancient books as the research object, and combines conceptual semantic information to organize and describe the features of the content of ancient books. [Results/Conclusions] The classification system constructed in this paper breaks through the limitation of the number, genre and type of ancient books. The research selects five dimensions of politics, economy, culture, society and military to organize and reveal the contents of ancient books in an orderly manner, which is of great value to the in-depth development and utilization of digital resources of ancient books.
The Trigger Verb Classification Method of Event Sentences in Ancient Chinese Classics Based on Bi-LSTM | Open Access
MA Xiaowen, HE Lin, LIU Jianbin, LI Zhangchao, GAO Dan
2021, 33(9):  27-36.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0262
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[Purpose/Significance] It is of great significance to carry out research on the recognition and classification of trigger verbs in ancient books oriented to digital humanities for the deep mining and content revealing of ancient texts. This paper uses the deep learning classification algorithm to explore an automated method for multivariate classification of event sentence text based on trigger words in ancient books. [Method/Process] Based on the construction of the classic event trigger word classification system and trigger dictionary, four different types of event sentence texts are selected as experimental data, and the category labels and sentence texts are coded separately using Onehot and Tokenizer, and then the classifier is trained in the Bi-LSTM model, and a comparative experiment is set by adjusting the parameters, and the performance of the classifier is analyzed by using a general evaluation index. [Results/Conclusions] The classifier after many training and adjustments has an accuracy of 0.95 in the evaluation of the test set, which proves that the experimental method based on deep learning and the constructed trigger word data set can effectively help us realize automatic multivariate classification of event sentence text of ancient books.
A Review and Analysis of the Research Hotspots of Social Reading in China | Open Access
FU Rui
2021, 33(9):  37-47.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0820
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[Purpose/Significance] This paper provides an analysis of hotspots in the study of social reading in the context of digital reading, so as to provide reference for subsequent studies. [Method/Process] Taking the CNKI database as the data source, SPSS, Citespace and Bibexcle were used for co-word analysis and cluster analysis, and the maturity of domestic social reading as the research hotspot was summarized, and the strategic coordinate chart was depicted. [Results/Conclusions] Social reading in China is still in the development stage, having relatively core and mature research groups. However, there are still areas for in-depth research in group type, social reading platform and multi-dimensional perspective research, and the research field needs to be expanded.
An Analysis of Global Smart Agriculture Research Situation | Open Access
REN Ni, GUO Ting, SUN Yiwei, DAI Hongjun, ZHANG Chengcheng
2021, 33(9):  48-63.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-1180
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[Purpose/Significance] By analyzing the research situation of global smart agriculture, this paper aims to provide data reference and information support for scientific and technological innovation and management decision-making in the field of smart agriculture in China. [Method/Process] Based on the Web of Science database, this paper makes an in-depth analysis and visualization display of the global smart agriculture research overview, research group competitiveness, research focus and hot spots by using the methods of bibliometrics and knowledge mapping. [Results/Conclusions] Smart agriculture has drawn increasing interest among researchers both in and outside of China since 2010. The productivity and influence of China and the United States are far ahead of those of other countries in the world. The productivity and influence of China Agricultural University, Zhejiang University and the United States Department of Agriculture have obvious advantages. HE Y, JAYAS D S, and BLASCO J have higher productivity and influence, but the quality of papers of Chinese institutions and scholars is generally not rated as high. Agronomy, computer science, engineering, food science and technology, and chemistry are the key disciplines. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture is the most competitive journal. The global and China's smart agriculture can be divided into three research topics, but the research focus is different; the agricultural Internet of things as a representative of information perception, analysis and control technology is a research hotspot in recent years; agricultural sensor independent research and development, data mining analysis and sharing technology model, smart control algorithm model and system integration, smart agricultural machinery equipment and agriculture autonomous research and development of robots and smart agricultural science and technology service mode are the key research directions for further development of smart agriculture in China.
The Influence of Knowledge Service Ability on the User's Intention of Using the Knowledge Service Platform Provided by University Libraries | Open Access
2021, 33(9):  64-71.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0275
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[Purpose/Significance] The popularity of a university library's knowledge service platform not only depends on the advanced technology, but also the user's attitude and willingness to use. [Method/Process] Based on the theory of technology acceptance model, this paper constructs a research model of influencing factors of a university library's knowledge service platform's use intention, and focuses on the influence of knowledge service ability on users' willingness to use through a questionnaire survey , using the AMOS software to verify the proposed model and the corresponding hypothesis. [Results/Conclusions] The results show that the perceived ease of use significantly affects perceived usefulness, and has a direct positive impact on user attitude, and perceived usefulness has little effect on user attitude. Compared with perceived usefulness and user attitude, a library's knowledge service capability exerts a larger influence on the user willingness. The research points out the future development direction of the university library knowledge service platform, in order to improve the user's usage of the platform.
Benchmarking and Improvement Strategies of Supporting Disciplinary Construction in Normal University Libraries under the Background of "Double First-class" Dynamic Monitoring: Taking Hebei Normal University library as an Example | Open Access
YAO Xiumin, ZHAO Xueyun, FAN Huixia, YAN fen
2021, 33(9):  72-82.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0151
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[Purpose/Significance] Under the premise of dynamic adjustment of "double first class" construction and no lifelong system, the article reviews the application of benchmarking research in the field of libraries at home and abroad,and attempts to apply the benchmarking research method to improve the practice of supporting disciplinary construction in normal university libraries. [Method/Process] This paper selects the library of Beijing Normal University, the only "double first-class" normal university in the collaborative development plan of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, as the benchmarking library, and constructs a benchmarking research index system composed of 5 first-class indicators and 23 second-class indicators to collect data. [Results/Conclusions] Adopting the scientific method and standard process of benchmarking research, the learning purpose is clear, the index is comprehensive, and the data are comprehensive and accurate. The development and implementation of the promotion strategy has achieved the goal of "developing one's own strengths, making up for weaknesses, being able to implement and sustainable".
Overseas Copyright Literacy Research: Origins, Progress and Advances | Open Access
2021, 33(9):  83-92.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0966
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[Purpose/Significance]With the development of the Internet, information and communication technology and digital media, people are facing unprecedented challenges in dealing with copyright issues, and copyright literacy is becoming more and more important.[Method/Process]Based on a large number of literature research, this article reviews the definitions and the main content of copyright literacy and two aspects of copyright literacy education for LIS students and library readers.[Results/Conclusions]Copyright literacy is the important part of traditional information literacy and the extension of information literacy. Some exceptions and limitations in copyright content have maintained the balance of interests between copyright owners and users. Therefore, the LIS curriculum should be revised and adjusted while continuing education and training should be strengthened to improve the copyright literacy of librarians and future librarians. This paper summarizes the relevant international research and experience and provides reference for the research and development of copyright literacy in China.
A Fine-grained Extraction Method of Chapter Structure of Documents Based on PDF Layout Features | Open Access
ZHAO Wanjing, LIU Minjuan, LIU Hongbing, WANG Xin, DUAN Feihu
2021, 33(9):  93-103.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0237
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[Purpose/Significance] This paper proposes a fine-grained automatic extraction method for document structure based on PDF layout features, in order to realize fine-grained organization of literature resources and meet the increasingly growing needs of users for accurate information services. [Method/Process] The method takes full advantage of machine learning in information classification, which can automatically analyze, identify and extract the chapter title of unstructured PDF documents based on layout features. And according to the coordinate positioning of chapter titles, the body content is automatically matched to the subordinated position of the title with paragraph as the minimum granularity, and the fine-grained extraction and identification of the full text of the document is finally realized. [Results/Conclusions] The test result shows that the average accuracy of automatic extraction can reach 80%. The method of fine-grained extraction of unstructured PDF documents proposed has practical significance and application prospect, and the data processing system designed based on the underlying method has been put into practical application, which will greatly liberate us from the mechanical drudgery of chapter structure extraction tasks.