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杨新涯1, 冉蔚然1,2, 李丽2   

  1. 1. 重庆大学 人文社会科学高等研究院,重庆 400044
    2. 重庆大学 图书馆,重庆 400044
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-28 出版日期:2024-12-20
  • 作者简介:

    杨新涯(1971- ),男,博士,研究馆员,研究方向为数字人文、智慧图书馆等

    冉蔚然(1989- ),女,硕士,馆员,研究方向为特藏文献资源建设与服务

    李丽(1999- ),女,硕士,助理馆员,研究方向为文献学、古籍保护

  • 基金资助:

Key Points of the 15th Five-Year Plan for University Libraries to Support the Construction of a Powerful Country in the Education Sector

Xinya YANG1, Weiran RAN1,2, Li LI2   

  1. 1. Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044
    2. Chongqing University Library, Chongqing 400044
  • Received:2024-10-28 Online:2024-12-20


目的/意义 近年来,党和国家建设教育强国的决心坚定不移,为稳步推进新时代新征程中的高等教育事业,已作出一系列战略部署。聚焦国家重大战略需求,提出“十五五”规划要点,以期为大学图书馆的高质量发展,加快建设教育强国提供参考。 方法/过程 首先总结了“十四五”期间大学图书馆发展特点,并对当前面临的困难加以阐述。通过分析国家战略规划和新形势下的发展机遇,探讨大学图书馆在未来几年的发展趋向和建设路径。 结果/结论 “十四五”阶段的大学图书馆,在智慧图书馆建设、数字化转型、信息素养教育等方面的积极探索取得了一定成果。同时,也经历了经费缩减的困境,在学术评价学科服务方面呈现两极分化的情况。围绕“十五五”规划,大学图书馆应在治理体系现代化、数据基础设施建设、数字特藏建设、数智化教学支持、未来学习中心建设、人工智能环境下的智慧服务体系建设、全生命周期的科研支持以及虚拟环境下的读者体验这八个核心维度实现深度重塑与变革。

关键词: 教育强国, “十五五”规划, 学术图书馆, 智慧图书馆, 治理体系


Purpose/Significance In recent years, China has been committed to building a strong educational country. As key academic institutions within universities, university libraries play a vital role in disseminating knowledge, nurturing talent, and supporting scholary research. Their development is of great significance in promoting the high-quality development of higher education and realizing the goal of building a strong educational country. This study focuses on the "15th Five-Year Plan" of university libraries. It analyzes the development characteristics of university libraries during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, explores the opportunities and challenges they face in the new era, and puts forward key points and suggestions for the "15th Five-Year Plan" to promote the transformation and upgrading of university libraries and better support the building of a strong education country. The innovation of this article is that it comprehensively considers various factors and national strategic requirements, and puts forward a relatively systematic and forward-looking development plan for university libraries, which provides a new perspective and practical guidance for the research and practice of university libraries in the new era. It contributes to the improvement of the theoretical research system of library science and promotes the deep integration of library services with teaching, scientific research, and cultural heritage in the digital age. Method/Process This study mainly adopts the methods of literature review, data analysis, and case study. By collecting and analyzing a large body of literature on library development policies, strategic plans, and related research findings from home and abroad, it examines the development context and trends of university libraries. At the same time, it analyzes the statistical data of library funds, resource construction, and service development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period to objectively understand the current situation and problems. In addition, it also studies the development cases and practices of some excellent university libraries at home and abroad to draw on successful experiences. The theoretical basis of this study is drawn from the theory of library science, information science, and the relevant theories of education and cultural development. The empirical basis is mainly based on the actual situation and data of the university libraries in China in the past few years. [Results/ Conclusions During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, university libraries have not only made certain achievements in smart library construction, digital transformation, and information literacy education, but they also face challenges such as reduced funding and polarized academic evaluation services. In the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, university libraries should seize the opportunities provided by national strategies such as national cultural digitization and educational strength, and focus on eight aspects, including to modernize the management system, strengthen the construction of data infrastructure, promote the construction of digital special collections, support digital intelligence teaching, explore the management and operation of future learning centers, build intelligent service systems supported by artificial intelligence, provide full-cycle support for scientific research, and enhance the reader's experience in the virtual environment. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the evaluation of development results, summarize experience and lessons learned, and continuously optimize the development path. Future research can further explore the specific implementation strategies and detailed operation methods of each plan point, strengthen the cooperation and integration between libraries and other departments in the school, and conduct in-depth research on the application and impact of emerging technologies in libraries.

Key words: a powerful country in education, the 15th Five-Year Plan, academic library, smart library, governance system

中图分类号:  G25


杨新涯, 冉蔚然, 李丽. 支撑教育强国建设的大学图书馆“十五五”规划要点[J/OL]. 农业图书情报学报. https://doi.org/10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0691.

Xinya YANG, Weiran RAN, Li LI. Key Points of the 15th Five-Year Plan for University Libraries to Support the Construction of a Powerful Country in the Education Sector[J/OL]. Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0691.