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Current Issue
05 June 2022, Volume 34 Issue 6
Ecological Mechanism of User Information Interaction in the Metaverse Environment | Open Access
GUO Yajun, YUAN Yiming, ZHANG Tengfei
2022, 34(6):  4-13.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0424
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[Purpose/Significance] Information ecology, as a kind of overall scenario of user information interaction behavior, reveals the basic logic of information flow among information elements in a particular environment. The study of information ecology in traditional information environment has been relatively mature. With the arrival of the metaverse, its characteristics of virtualization, immersion and decentralization have transformed user information interaction behavior, which in turn has brought about changes of the ecological interaction mechanism. We need to analyze the ecological mechanism of information interaction in the metaverse environment, in order to provide reference for relevant information theory research and promote the birth of metaverse informatics. [Method/Process] This paper stands on the information ecology perspective, takes the four ecological elements of information people, information, information environment and information technology as the entry point, and divides the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment into three layers of architecture: information interaction, information data and information technology. Among them, the information interaction layer contains information users and information environment. Unlike the information ecological chain, each information user in the information interaction ecology under the metaverse environment is an integration of information producer, transmitter and consumer. Unlike the linear information flow in the information ecological chain, the information flow in the metaverse will show a wave-like diffusion. The information data layer provides the information resources in the information interaction ecology, and in this layer, we discuss the process from production to management of information resources under the metaverse environment. The information technology layer is the implementation path and basic support of the whole information interaction ecology, and in this layer we introduce several information technologies commonly used in the metaverse information interaction ecology. Through the above three-layer architecture, we have discussed the ecological composition of information interaction, information interaction logic, and information movement process as a whole to constitute the user information ecological mechanism under the metaverse enviornment. [Results/Conclusions] This paper constructs an ecological mechanism of user information interaction in the metaverse with a hierarchical architecture from the physical environment to the interaction scene, and provides strategies for the development of this mechanism from the perspectives of user, resource, technology, and governance. Taking the metaverse as the theoretical background, this study re-examines and expands the traditional information ecology theory, with the aim to provide a boost to the development of metaverse informatics. It is worth stating that the ecological mechanism of metaverse information interaction proposed in this paper is a theoretical prediction based on existing research, and the empirical conditions are insufficient.
Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Resources Development Based on NFT | Open Access
MOU Lijun, XU Xin
2022, 34(6):  14-23.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0453
Asbtract ( 737 )   PDF (973KB) ( 901 )  
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[Purpose/Significance] Intangible cultural heritage, as a typical representative of excellent traditional Chinese culture, have extremely high social value and cultural value, and the current intangible cultural heritage digital resources development work has made some progresses. However, the distribution of resources is fragmented, displaying the resource "island" phenomenon, and the developers are difficult to form a synergistic effect, user's requirements and live condition, input and output are difficult to balance, leading to the outcome are affected. Therefore, we use the NFT to organize intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, which can better realize the dissemination and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. [Method/Process] According to online survey and literature research, this paper analyzes the deep problems of the intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, introduces the key technology of NFT, which including smart contracts and blockchain, discusses the feasibility in intangible cultural heritage digital resources development. At the subject level, the development based on NFT integrates the strength of various institutions, promotes the multi-developer cooperation. At the method level, the development meets the three needs of users and realizes the live development. At the economic level, the balance between input and output has been achieved, and economic and social values are unified. In addition, this paper puts forward the development architecture based on NFT according to the characteristics of intangible cultural heritage digital resources, which can be divided into network layer, consensus layer, contract layer, resource layer and user layer from bottom to top. Then we expound the application processes and implementation strategies. [Results/Conclusions] The NFT has many advantages in transactions. For example, digital collection transactions record ownership and its flow on a blockchain, the whole transfer process is open and transparent, solving the problem of authenticity of the collection. What's more, NFT brings a new confirmation model, in the new model, the entire blockchain recognizes the sole ownership of the owner, which has revolutionary significance for intellectual property protection. Based on the blockchain, we introduced the NFT into the intangible cultural heritage digital resources development, which is conducive to the copyright protection and develop traceability, provides a reference path for the fine-grained intangible cultural heritage digital resources development. In addition, the architecture has a certain universality, and it needs to be combined with the specific intangible cultural heritage project, resource type, digital format and other personalized requirements. With the maturity of the Meta-Universe ecology, intangible cultural heritage digital resources, as a potential cultural resource, can be further innovated and developed, and derive more forms.
Policies, Resources and Services of Global Alliance of Open Access Scholarly Communication Platforms | Open Access
WAN Yijia, KU liping
2022, 34(6):  24-35.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0271
Asbtract ( 453 )   PDF (1400KB) ( 401 )  
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[Purpose/Significance] With the continuous development of the open access (OA) movement, bibliodiversity is being analyzed and discussed within the framework of global open science strategy. In an inclusive knowledge society, information and knowledge resources should be readily available, interpreted and utilized in appropriate languages and formats. Established in 2019, the Global Alliance of Open Access Scholarly Communication Platforms (GLOALL) mainly includes six national journal publishing platforms, whose establishment and promotion will become a form of bibliodiversity and open access movement. The policies, resources and services of GLOALL's platforms reflect the emphasis on diversity in regions, languages, and academic evaluations, and are conducive to the collision and compatibility of multiple cultures and ideas emphasized by bibliodiversity. [Method/Process] Based on the theory of bibliodiversity research and combined with current OA practice, this paper mainly explains, compares and analyzes the policies, resources and services of GLOALL platforms. The concept of bibliodiversity was first proposed by Chilean publishers, during the creation of the "Editores independientes de Chile" collective in the late 1990s. Besides, "the International Declaration of Independent Publishers 2014" defined it as "cultural diversity applied to the world of books", that is, the critical diversity of products (books, scripts, eBooks, apps and oral literature) made available to readers. Re-examining the OA movement shows that OA under different paths should develop together and complement each other when necessary, rather than just encouraging and promoting one mode. [Results/Conclusions] The GLOALL platforms have similarities in strategic goals and construction principles, like promoting local scientific research, global OA and bibliodiversity. However, since each platform is not systematically constructed in a standardized way and is aimed at different countries or regions, there are differences in specific aspects such as policy formulation, resource construction and service operation. For this reason, these platforms are designed according to the actual situation and publishing needs of their respective countries, and form synergy through alliances to balance the global OA publishing pressure from some international publishing groups. In essence, this publishing market emphasis on the inclusiveness of global OA. The construction experience of GLOALL has certain reference significance for China to promote OA and build high-end academic exchange platforms. On the one hand, the GLOALL members are all national OA publishing platforms, promoting the OA movement through international cooperation to find a balance between unity and diversity, and between international development and local development. They have a positive effect on forming an academic exchange ecology that can not only develop bibliodiversity, but also support international academic research. More importantly, building platforms is a means, while exerting international influence is the goal. At present, green OA has the alliances such as COAR. While as for golden OA, in addition to transforming academic journals into OA, uniting the world's national open publishing platforms is another way. Therefore, research on GLOALL in terms of policies, resources, service can help China better grasp the opportunities in the OA movement, fill the gaps in the current service mechanism, and explore more suitable OA modes.
Scientific and Technical Literature Data Management System Based on Life Cycle Model | Open Access
CHANG ZhiJun, XU LiYuan, YU QianQian, ZHANG JianYong, WANG YongJi
2022, 34(6):  36-49.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0114
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[Purpose/Significance] Scientific and technical (S&T) literature data resources are characterized with wide coverage, large quantity, many types, fast update and strong timeliness. In order to improve the effect and security of S&T literature data management, this paper studies the S&T literature management system based on the data life cycle model. [Method/Process] This paper explores the management mode of S&T documents, constructs the life cycle system of S&T documents based on the data management process, and expounds the data management tools and methods from the stages of data creation, data storage, data pre-processing, data calculation, data service, data archiving and data destruction. In the data creation stage, specific data access forms are formulated for different sources and data types, and personalized data creation tools are built to receive data completely. In the data storage stage, a unified document metadata storage system is developed by analyzing the characteristics and shortcomings of various types of data, so as to better explain and organize scientific and technological document data. In the data pre-processing stage, various tools are built to realize the formatting pre-processing, parsing, conversion, structuring and other operations of various types of data. In the data computing stage, data enrichment processing, entity relationship extraction and knowledge graph construction are mainly completed. Data provides services through a unified service interface. Data archiving completes data archiving and saving. In the data destruction phase, unnecessary data is safely destroyed. [Results/Conclusions] In this paper, the management and practice based on the life cycle of S&T literature were first carried out based on the core data set Web Of Science BP data , and then explored from the seven phases of creation, storage, pre-processing, calculation, service, archiving and destruction. Finally, based on the DAMA data quality evaluation principle, the comprehensive evaluation and evaluation of the data management effect were carried out from the six dimensions of integrity, uniqueness, real-time, validity, accuracy and consistency. The receiving integrity of data was 100%, and the non-null integrity of data was 59.75%. The uniqueness of data reached 99.23%. The real time of data was controllable. The validity of data met the constraint conditions. The accuracy of the data reached 100%. The consistency of data reached 90%. It basically solved the problem that data can be effectively managed and applied in each life cycle stage. Finally, the management model was verified to take effect and achieve desirable service effect.
Impact Mechanism of Information Service Supply on Entrepreneurship Performance under Rural Revitalization | Open Access
WANG Jian, GAO Feng, FENG Jianzhong
2022, 34(6):  50-60.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0069
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[Purpose/Significance] As rural entrepreneurship advances continually, exploring the impact of agricultural information services on entrepreneurial performance is of great significance for accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and driving rural entrepreneurship. [Method/Process] Based on the theory of information and empirical data collected via "pilot work on the monitoring and investigation of the innovation and entrepreneurship of rural", this paper takes new professional farmers as the research object and constructs a panel threshold model with the level of agricultural information service supply as the threshold variable. With the model, the influence mechanism of agricultural information service supply level on entrepreneurial performance of new professional farmers is explored to reveal the relationships between agricultural information services and entrepreneurial performance. [Results/Conclusions] Results show that the impact of agricultural information services on the entrepreneurial performance of new professional farmers is not a simple linear relationship, but a non-linear one with a "single threshold" effect. When service supply crossed the "threshold level", the promotion effect was weakened by 43.6%. It confirms that information technology productivity paradox also existed in the development process of rural entrepreneurship. Therefore, strategies of agricultural information service supply can be formulated according to actual conditions to avoid excessive investment. At the same time, measures such as improving the quality of farmer education and accelerating the construction of rural entrepreneurship infrastructure can be combined to achieve an effective improvement on the quality of rural entrepreneurship.
VOSviewer Application Status and Its Knowledge Base | Open Access
LI Jie, WEI Ruibi
2022, 34(6):  61-71.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0843
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[Purpose/Significance] VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks which may include citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer Online creates the possibility to embed interactive visualizations on online platforms. The software's powerful functions in processing literature information, coupled with free and continuous improvement, are increasingly favored by experts and scholars in scientometrics and domain analysis. It provides a reference for users to use this tool for scientific research through quantitative analysis of VOSviewer's papers and the analysis of its knowledge base structure. [Method/Process] First we collected relevant documents from the Web of Science database, and then used the document co-citation network to obtain some documents and analyze the important documents in this field based on bibliometric analysis. [Results/Conclusions] It was found that the number of papers in this field has entered an explosive period of application after a relatively slow growth stage. It has been widely used by scholars in many countries and disciplines. The research topics involved the novel corona virus epidemic, sustainability, social media, sustainable development and supply chain, etc. Bibliometric theory and methods, software principles, database and network analysis have formed relatively solid research foundation in this field. There is also a great deal of misuse in the applied literature. For example, a survey of the highly productive scholars' papers found that the papers are often a direct interpretation of the results generated by the software, lacking the process of data cleaning and disambiguation, and there are a large number of errors such as duplicate authors, unprocessed singular and plural topics. VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize co-occurrence networks of important terms extracted from a body of scientific literature. However, there are few applied research results in this area.VOSviewer Online has been integrated in Digital Science's Dimensions platform, making it very easy for Dimensions users to create VOSviewer visualizations of co-authorship networks and citation networks.
The Influencing Mechanism of Postgraduates' Trust in Academic Information Consumption and Intensification Strategy | Open Access
FU Lihong, HAN Lu
2022, 34(6):  72-82.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.21-0749
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[Purpose/Significance] Postgraduates are the new force and reserve force of academic research. The discussion about trust and influencing mechanism of their academic information consumption will help improve the quality of academic information production and service, and better meet their academic information consumption needs. The contribution of this paper is on the one hand, few articles systematically studied postgraduate students' academic information consumption behavior from the perspective of trust; on the other hand, the research conclusion is a new idea: the study on the analysis of the graduate students' trust in academic information based on consumer behavior impact mechanism, from creating the atmosphere of academic information sources of trust, strengthening academic information channels fiduciary level, improving the level of academic information content trusted three angles proposed strengthening graduate student academic information consumption behavior trust mechanism,. [Method/Process] Based on the relevant theories of trust and information utilization behavior, interviews of 40 students were used to obtain the first-hand data. Before the formal interview, two authors conducted the pre-interview with 10 postgraduate students with rich experience in academic information consumption, respectively. Then, according to the feedback of the pre-interview, they determined the formal interview outline. Using the method of grounded theory to code the data in open coding, spindle coding and selective coding, a model of the influencing mechanism of postgraduate students' trust in academic information consumption was constructed, and the model was explained in detail. Finally, the strategies for improving postgraduate students' academic information consumption were proposed. [Results/Conclusions] Information source, information channel characteristics, the information content characteristic and personal characteristics influence postgraduates' perception of academic information trust, and postgraduates' perception of academic information trust affects their information consumption. Perceived trust plays a mediating role between the above four factors and academic information consumption. This paper proposes strategies to improve the academic information consumption of postgraduate students from the following three aspects: firstly, two-way efforts to create an atmosphere of trust in academic information sources. Secondly, to improve services and enhance the credibility of academic information channels. Thirdly. To attach importance to quality and improve the credibility of academic information content.
An Analysis on the Gamification Development Path of Library Open Data | Open Access
TAN Yawen
2022, 34(6):  83-92.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0160
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[Purpose/Significance] In the information age, galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GlAMs) began to digitize, classify, process and organize their collections, generating network data resources with different degrees of availability, and then opening up the data to the public in various forms. However, the current utilization of libraries' open data is at a low level, resulting in a large amount of data being developed and available online, but rarely accessed and used. In order to improve the social awareness and utilization of open data, international colleagues' experience shows that the gamification development of government open data can promote data reuse. Therefore, this paper presents the method of open data gamification development, trying to activate the vitality of open data and improve the utilization of open data in libraries. [Method/Process] First, through consulting the training materials of Shanghai Library's open data over the years, the introduction of award-winning works, watching the video introduction of some award-winning works, and experiencing some award-winning works in person, this paper analyzes the actual situation of the award-winning projects of the Shanghai Library Open Data Competition. The winning game works in the competition can be roughly divided into three categories: text adventure, role-playing, and knowledge breakthrough. By comparing and analyzing three specific typical cases, the paper summarizes the experience and method of gamification design presented by the current open data in libraries. [Results/Conclusions] Combining the four elements of digital games' mechanics, story, aesthetics, and technology, the gamification development paths of library open data are constructed: 1) to select appropriate narrative tools according to the types of open data, and express the connotation of open data in the form of stories; 2) to personalize its play mechanism according to the characteristics of open data; 3) to display the cultural connotation of open data through the artistic visual presentation; 4) combined with open data content, advanced technology is adopted to improve the experience of players. The method of gamification development of library open data proposed by this paper aims to provide ideas and references for improving the efficiency of library open data development and utilization, so that libraries can not only improve the utilization rate of open data but also make the public better understand and use open data. In addition, due to the limited length of this paper, there is no in-depth research on how to apply the gamification development path proposed in this paper to practice. Moreover, due to the characteristics of large capacity, and diverse levels of granularity, dispersion, and isolation of open data, various problems will inevitably be encountered in the actual development process. Therefore, future research will explore the specific implementation strategies of open data gamification development in combination with the actual situation.
Analysis and Research Progress of Global Patent Technology of Wheat Genetics and Breeding | Open Access
2022, 34(6):  93-103.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.22-0204
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[Purpose/Significance] Wheat is one of the most important crops in the world, and its development of genetic and breeding technology plays an important role in the guarantee of global food security. Study about the patents of global wheat genetic and breeding technology as a new research field has a great significance on wheat yield and quality. [Method/Process] Patent analysis is used to filter, count and analyze relevant patent documents and convert them into usable information. During the development of wheat genetic breeding technology, a large volume of patent data have been generated. After data cleaning, 4 914 patents were obtained, of which 99.5% were invention patents and 0.5% were utility model patents. By using the methods of patent analysis and standardized data analysis, this paper performs statistical analysis on the patent documents published since 1977 collected from PatSnap database. Insights patent analysis system is used as a tool for patent analysis and valuation. The technical status, researching hotspots and developing trend of wheat genetic and breeding patents in the world can be studied from these following aspects, such as total number and trend of applied patents, distributions of countries' or regions' patents, technology composition, hot topics and patent value. [Results/Conclusions] The results showed the overall development trend of the global wheat genetic breeding technology patents, the research hotspots and the technology distribution and pattern. The research of global wheat genetic and breeding technology is gradually approaching the maturity stage; the growth trend of China's patent application is in the same line with the global patent application, and China has become the world's largest country of patent applicant. The large multinational companies are active institutions in this field, while Chinese applicants are mainly universities and research institutions. The research of disease resistance gene, herbicide resistance and insecticide resistance, molecular marker-assisted breeding, transgenic wheat are the hot technical topics at present; the main technology composition of wheat genetic and breeding technology patent in China is basically consistent with the global situation, but the technical emphasis has slightly difference. In this field China has been in line with the global technology strategy. High-value patents are mainly in the hands of large multinationals; the distribution of China's patent technology should break the regional limitations and take the initiative to participate in the global technological competition. The future prospect of wheat genetic breeding technology development in China was finally put forward.