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05 July 2020, Volume 32 Issue 7
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Public Cultural Service and library socialization
Innovative Power Mechanism of Social Forces' Participation in the Construction of Public Cultural Services
Open Access
LU Hejian, JIANG Fengwei
2020, 32(7): 5-14. DOI:
(1141KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] To encourage and guide the participation of social forces is an effective way for a government to improve its security level of public cultural services. To improve the quality of social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services, we need to improve the power mechanism to support the development of social forces. [Method / Process] This paper expounds on the current situation and the meaning of the power mechanism and the types of the driving forces in social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services, and analyzes the advanced typical case of social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services. [Results / Conclusions] Combined with the case analysis, the paper puts forward the optimization strategy for social forces' participation in the construction of public cultural services, which can provide references for promoting the supply of political and social cooperation in public cultural services.
Strategy of Chinese Voluntary Service Organizations' Participation in the Supply of Public Cultural Services
Open Access
LU Hejian, RUAN Zhangping, WANG Yurong
2020, 32(7): 15-22. DOI:
(1122KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] Voluntary service is a form of voluntary non-profit social welfare activity. With the development of the public cultural system in China, the important role of voluntary service organizations has gradually emerged. [Methods / process] This paper first reviews the current situation of voluntary service organizations' participation in the supply of public cultural services in China, and then based on the analysis of three cases, it points out several major problems and puts forward optimization strategies, to provide references for voluntary service organizations in their participation in the supply of public cultural services. [Results / Conclusions] At present, the main problems of voluntary service organizations in their participation in the supply of public cultural services in China are: supporting policies need to be formulated, and the integration of volunteers' participation and service supply needs to be improved; voluntary service funds need to be raised from diversified sources, and the supply of cultural services lacks autonomy; the interaction between volunteers and the public is not smooth, and the multi-level supply of cultural services needs to be developed; the internal management of organizations is not standardized and the mechanism of introducing and cultivating high-quality talented people needs to be improved. The relevant government departments and voluntary service organizations need to take corresponding measures to solve the problems in time.
Models of Public Libraries in China in the Context of the Integration of Libraries and Bookstores
Open Access
LU Jing, LU Hejian
2020, 32(7): 23-31. DOI:
(1123KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] In the context of the country vigorously promoting nationwide reading and constantly improving the public cultural service system, China's public libraries continue to innovate their service models, introduce social forces and seek cooperation with bookstores to form a new model of integrated development. [Method/Process] The paper first introduces the policy background and practice of the integrated development mode of libraries and bookstores and summarizes the current cooperation projects between public libraries and bookstores in China. Then it puts forward two kinds of integration modes: based on service space and based on information systems. After comparing the typical cases of integration between public libraries and bookstores, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of their integration. [Results/Conclusions] It pointed out some countermeasures that the two sides should strengthen communication, establish the supervision mechanism, increase collaboration with more bookstores, and expand the scope of service coverage. The two sides should further enhance their integration, and jointly promote the nationwide reading in China.
Analysis on Cases of Public Library Service Innovation under the Background of Cultural and Tourism Integration
Open Access
YUN Yun, LU Hejian
2020, 32(7): 32-40. DOI:
(854KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] In the context of the country's continuous construction and improvement of the public cultural service system and the integrated development of cultural and tourism, it is of great strategic significance for public libraries to seize the opportunity, actively explore innovative ways of services, and build public libraries into the places which promote in-depth and coordinated integrated development of culture and tourism. [Method / Process] The article briefly introduces the current status of the integrated development of the cultural and tourism services in public libraries in China, and analyzes the typical practice and existing problems of "public library + integration of culture and tourism" in China at the present stage. [Results / Conclusions] The paper puts forward suggestions: laying a solid foundation for the development of study tour courses; strengthening the digitization of resources and increasing the degree of information sharing; attaching importance to cultural connotation and guiding readers to read and learn; by innovative forms of publicity, promoting the popularity of libraries' cultural and tourism services; deeply exploiting libraries' collection resources and developing cultural and creative products with characteristics.
An Analysis of Public Cultural Services Provided by Public Libraries with the PPP Mode: "Library + Documentary Cinema Line"
Open Access
ZHANG Rui, LU Hejian
2020, 32(7): 41-47. DOI:
(985KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] The article takes the public cultural service provided by public libraries with the PPP mode in China as the research object, and proposes the concept of "library + documentary cinema line". This project can not only diversify public cultural services provided by public libraries, but also promote the healthy development of the documentary film industry. [Method / Process] The study briefly summarizes the status quo of the cooperation between public libraries and social capital, points out some problems in the development process, and analyzes the significance and feasibility of the "Library + Documentary Cinema" project. [Results / Conclusions] Some countermeasures are put forward, such as making efforts to open up the market and improve the effectiveness of publicity, establishing a correct concept, reasonable and legal charge, selecting appropriate partners, giving full play to the advantages of public libraries and providing special services, uniting multiple forces, and overcoming potential obstacles.
Exploration of Social Forces' Participation in Public Library Management and Service Innovation in Chuzhou
Open Access
LU Hejian, CAI Guohua, WU Hongying
2020, 32(7): 48-56. DOI:
(1172KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] Chuzhou Library is the first prefecture-level library in the country to provide overall service outsourcing. Its exploration of introducing social forces to participate in public library service innovation is of great significance to the current construction and improvement of China's public cultural service system. [Method / Process] Based on the social and policy background of social forces' participation in the service innovation of public libraries, this paper discussed the innovative services of social forces in their participation in Chuzhou Library's construction from five different perspectives: construction, management, services, promotion and institution innovation. This paper summarizes several problems in the development of Chuzhou Library: the public's enthusiasm towards public libraries remains low; local characteristics are not deeply explored; the reader activities create low cultural benefits; the sustainable development of the Library is threatened due the excessive dependence on outsourcing. [Results / Conclusions] The paper suggested that public libraries should establish and improve their mechanism in motivation, association, operation and risk control in order to better engage the social forces in the future.
Research paper
Data Governance Research from the Perspective of Governance Framework
Open Access
ZHOU Zhenguo
2020, 32(7): 57-62. DOI:
(951KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] As the basis of improving data value, data governance is a research hotspot in the data age. The systematic review of the current research into data governance will help to promote the theoretical research and the practice of electronic information resource management. [Method / Process] Using the methods of literature analysis, the paper systematically analyzes the research progress of data governance from six dimensions: the goal, the subject, the object, the content, process and means of data governance. [Results / Conclusions] Among the core elements of data governance, researchers have the consistent understanding of the goal, the subject and the means of data governance, while their understanding of the key points of the content of data governance needs to be further unified. The research into the object of data governance needs to be specified. In the future research into data governance, researchers should further distinguish between data management and data governance, clarify the positioning of data governance, and place an emphasis on the focus and core content of data governance.
Taxonomy Construction and Machine Indexing Strategies of Fishery Patent Literature
Open Access
CHENG Jinxiang, ZHANG Zhongyue, CAO Miao, ZHANG Honglin
2020, 32(7): 63-72. DOI:
(1216KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] In order to deeply utilize fishery patent literature in "fishery knowledge service system", we construct a specialized taxonomy for the information organization and test it as an indexing tool in the system. [Method / Process] First, 10, 323 metadata of Chinese fishery patents are selected and analyzed in terms of 4-digit and 6-digit IPC numbers frequency. Based on the results, 12 IPC classification codes are chosen as categories in fishery patent literature classification. Then, based on the analysis of patent titles, it is proposed that a patent title consists of three kinds of phrases: those of industry attributes, of business types, and of invention types, among which phrases of business types are the most applicable for classifying and indexing patent literature. In addition, the subject terms and the ending parts of subject terms are analyzed and the high-frequency subject terms and words of each business type are ranked. Last, the strategy of indexing fishery patent literature by using IPC classification numbers and high frequency subject terms is put forward, and as a result, most of the fishery patent literature is classified properly with the assistance of computers. [Results / Conclusions] Giving that the total accuracy rate of machine indexing is 91.44%, and the missing rate is 7.94%, with the comparison between the manually classified and machine classified sampling data of patent literature in 2016, it is concluded that the goal of this study is achieved. The research shows that the classification system constructed from fishery patent literature is practical and the indexing strategy has a high application value.
Library Services of Children's Maker Space in China
Open Access
WU Xinyu, WANG Hang, GONG Xiaofang
2020, 32(7): 73-80. DOI:
(952KB) (
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[Purpose / Significance] Children's maker space in libraries could not only improve the communication between children and parents, encouraging parents to pay more attention to children's education, but also stimulate children's potential, cultivating their practical ability and creative ability, and improving their scientific literacy. Therefore, studying how to create and improve children's maker space in libraries is important to enrich library functions and promote children growth. [Method / Purpose] By analyzing the current status of Chinese libraries' children's maker space services and in combination with the characteristics of local services in China, the paper points out deficiencies of Chinese libraries' children's maker space services. [Results / Conclusions] Based on that, the paper provides several suggestions on improving domestic children's maker space services, such as improving management systems, paying more attention to the services, changing forms of corporation with partners, and strengthening operational capabilities.
Development Value, Challenges and Governance of Information Sources in the Digital Age
Open Access
Zhang Xin, Zhang Cenglin
2020, 32(7): 81-88. DOI:
(986KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] It is helpful for the orderly development of network society and the enhancement of information sources to discuss the current situation, problems and governance of information sources in the digital era. [Method/process] This paper sorts out the main characteristics of information sources in the digital age, analyzes the multidimensional value and a series of challenges brought by the development of information sources, and finally discusses the governance system and development trend of information sources in the digital age. [Results/Conclusion] This paper puts forward that the information source governance system is composed of government, social organizations, information product and service providers and individual citizens, and expounds on the specific measures of information source governance from the aspects of the basic goal, core content and important links of governance.
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