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Current Issue
05 March 2019, Volume 31 Issue 3
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Special review
Biomedical Knowledge Discovery Based on Big Data Linkage Analysis
Open Access
DU Jian
2019, 31(3): 4-9. DOI:
(1591KB) (
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Extracting knowledge and insights from the data is the core of data science and informatics approach. In the medical field, big data analysis is applied to reveal causal relationships and enhance its repeatability and inter-pretability based on correlation mining. Analysis of data association with causality is of great significance for think tank research and intelligence perception. To reveal the causal relationship between knowledge, the paper introduces relevant data platforms and research progress, and proposes a medical knowledge mining ideas based on multi-space and deep data. One is the measurement and critical analysis of laboratory-clinical knowledge trans-formation; the other is scientific technological influence measurement; the third is the identification of cross-cutting and innovative frontiers; the last one is the mining of medical knowledge based on the combination of full-text, bib-liometrics and computational linguistics. The first three approaches expand the space of medical knowledge, includ-ing from basic research space to applied research space, and from scientific space to technological space. The fourth way deepens the disclosure and explanation of the causality of medical knowledge based on certainty or uncertainty of the medical knowledge.
Research on Subject Structure and Research Progress of Linked Data
Open Access
ZHOU Yi, LIU Zheng, ZHANG Jianyong
2019, 31(3): 13-24. DOI:
(1815KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] This paper is intend to find out the subjects structure and research progress in the field of linked data by investigating the relevant research literature.[Method/Process] Several research methods were used to analyze the linked data research in Web of Science, such as bibliometric method and visualization method. We used Citespace as visualization tool to find out who is researching on linked data. Based on the life cycle of linked data, the subject structure and research progress of linked data are explored.[Result/Conclusion] The results show that Europe is the main area for linked data researching, and Tim Berners-Lee et al. have a deep influence in the field. At present, the research of linked data covers all aspects of its life cycle include generate and publish, optimization, evaluation and application. Meanwhile there are also some weak points, such as further research on promoting the publish of linked data with high quality, realizing automatic enrichment and linking of entities, and constructing comprehensive quality evaluation.
Research paper
Learning Common Space Renewing Based on Learning Analysis under Engineering Education Recognition
Open Access
YE Qin, LI Jiang
2019, 31(3): 25-34. DOI:
(985KB) (
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The participation of higher education institutions and the development of engineering education professional certification are conducive to improve the quality of engineering education and the international competitiveness of engineering education graduates. This paper summarizes and analyses the importance of library learning commons based on professional certification education, how to support students' learning, to improve their lifelong learning abilities, the role of learning commons based on learning analysis in the construction of engineering professional certification. Updating and planning the data management system, working with colleges and departments to formulate the strategic direction of education, adjusting the structure and reconfiguration of librarians, providing students with ideal physical space for group cooperation, and developing or maintaining learning analysis systems and platforms are the future development directions of the renewing of learning commons. These will provide reference for further planning and updating information sharing space.
A Comparative Analysis of the Research on the Internet of Things Between CHINA-US Based on Bibliometric
Open Access
XU Zhaoyuan, TAI Jun, FAN Lihua
2019, 31(3): 35-47. DOI:
(2577KB) (
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In order to compare the differences in the research statusin of the internet of things between China and the United States, objectively understand the strength, level and status of scientific research in the field of the internet of things in China, and provide valuable information for the rapid development of the internet of things industry in China, this paper takes SCI academic papers in the field of the internet of things in Mainland China and the United States from 2009 to 2018 as data sources, reveals the current research situation in the field of the internet of things between China and the United States from the perspectives of the output of the papers, disciplines, keywords and highly cited papers by bibliometrics and word cloud analysis. The results show that although the output of the papers in China is stronger than that in the United States, there is a gap in the influence of academic papers between China and the United States. In the future, China should further enhance its independent innovation ability, broaden the breadth and depth of the internet of things research, especially strengthen the research and development of key technologies and core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, enhance its international influence and competitiveness.
Research on the Functional Orientation and Service Innovation of Academic Library in the Construction of University Think tanks
Open Access
ZHAO Xueyan, PENG Yan
2019, 31(3): 48-55. DOI:
(992KB) (
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This paper discusses the strategies of functional orientation and service innovation facing the construction of university think tanks. Based on literature survey, website survey and case analysis, this paper expounds the function orientation of University Library in the construction of University think tank from the relationship between University Library and think tank. Currently, university libraries cannot be think tanks, however, they have particular origin and connection with the think tanks. Academic libraries should provide document support and information service for the construction of think tanks in five aspects - resource construction innovation, team building innovation, platform construction innovation, service model innovation and efficiency improvement innovation.
The Research of Information Behavior on Wechat Community——Based on Information Grounds
Open Access
LI Yan
2019, 31(3): 56-64. DOI:
(1741KB) (
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Although WeChat is widely used and researched, the function and role of WeChat in people's daily information exchange still need further exploration. This paper uses the "Information Grounds" theory to study the information behavior of WeChat community. The qualitative research method was used to interview 85 participants through face-to-face or telephone, and the content of the interview was transformed into text for content analysis. The "Information Grounds" theory based on physical space is also applicable to cyberspace. The unique phenomenon that a user's Friends Circle can be divided into multiple relationship circles is related to the traditional "circle" culture and psychology in China. Different Internet thinking patterns determine the difference between WeChat and Facebook. WeChat is a social platform mixed with privacy and publicity.
Applied practice
Analysis on Agricultural Science and Technology Resources and Dynamic Simulation Research on Resources Utilization
Open Access
2019, 31(3): 65-74. DOI:
(1661KB) (
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Agricultural science and technology resources play a crucial role in promoting agricultural type transformation of a country. This paper analyzes high frequency keywords of agricultural science and technology, builds a dynamic model of agricultural science and technology resources and carrys on the simulation. Using BICOMB and gCLUTO, this paper precipitates the themes and a strategic diagram of the field of agricultural science and technology after compared with the generated map of NetDraw and VOSviewer. In the VensimPLE environment, this paper carry on the simulation. International agricultural science and technology resources research includes five main themes as follows: agricultural science and technology innovation research, policy and environment of agricultural science and technology resources research, agricultural science and technology andrural economic development research, sustainable agricultural science and technology resources research, and agricultural science and technology resources allocation and utilization research. The simulation results show that the promotion of agricultural science and technology resources, the increase of users rely on the diversification of channels and ways of supplying. Combined with the survey data, this paper analyzes the rural information infrastructures and user accesses.
Intelligent Service Design of Academic Library Based on Artificial Intelligence
Open Access
WANG Haiyue
2019, 31(3): 75-82. DOI:
(4007KB) (
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In recent years, with the establishment and development of "AlphaGo", "Internet +", big data, industrial system of intelligent city, artificial intelligence is more and more widely applied to all aspects of life. Artificial intelligence technology is of great significance to the development of Library Intelligence. The author demonstrates the superiority of applying the artificial intelligence technology to the library by the development trend of the artificial intelligence at home and abroad. Combined with the characteristics of academic libraries, this paper expounds four business operation fields on Literature Resources Construction, circulation management, service for readers and Reference Service. It designs the main modules in the management process systems: entrance guard system, books borrowing and returning system and seat reservation system. This paper designs a specific scheme for library intelligent service from two aspects of business operation process and management process, in order to provide some reference for the future development of artificial intelligence library.
(Monthly,Started in 1984)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R. China
Institute of Agricultural Information Instiute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
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