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Current Issue
05 April 2019, Volume 31 Issue 4
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Special review
Cognitive Computing and Applications in Agriculture
Open Access
WANG Ting, CUI Yunpeng, WANG Jian, LIU Tingting, WANG Mo
2019, 31(4): 4-18. DOI:
(1508KB) (
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Cognitive computing is a nascent interdisciplinary domain, and it is also an evolution of technology that attempts to make sense of a complex world that is drowning in data in all forms and shapes. It is a confluence of cognitive science, neuroscience, date science, and cloud computing, which makes cognitive computing powerful and has the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and advances. We are entering a new era in cognitive computing that will transform the way humans collaborate with machines to gain actionable insights in areas such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, retail, retail, and financial services. Served as a catalyst for advancing research in cognitive computing, a coherent body of knowledge and recent research in cognitive computing are brought together. First, a deep look was taken at the concept of cognitive computing and an interdisciplinary introduction to cognitive computing, which was to provide a unified view of the discipline. Second, the development procedure was provided. Thirdly, overview of three major categories of cognitive architectures and principal technologies and approaches that are fundamental to a cognitive system were demonstrated. Some of the industries that were early adopters of cognitive com-puting and the types of solutions that were being created were also included. Finally, the applications of cognitive computing in agricultural area was discussed. It covered the applications, the system, the future and its challenges. Cognitive systems can help with the transfer of knowledge and best practices in agricultural area, and using cognitive computing to help decision support services has huge potential. In these use cases, a cognitive system is designed to build a dialog between human and machine so that best practices are learned by the system as opposed to being programmed as a set of rules. It is clear that cognitive computing is in its early stages of maturation. The list of potential uses of a cognitive computing approach will continue to grow over time, and the coming decade will bring many new software and hardware innovations to stretch the limits of what is possible.
Research paper
Research of Topics Discovery and Tech Evolution Based on Text Preprocessed LDA Model
Open Access
2019, 31(4): 19-28. DOI:
(4274KB) (
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[Objective] Computational science and Data Science are inspiring the intelligent analysis and information service today. Machine learning text analysis methods is changing the traditional analysis methods. This article discuss the benefits of unsupervised learning approaches in patent text mining. [Methods] Patent data of SiC industry were preprocessed by filter model based on NLTK Toolkit to identify the tech terms and then clustered based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to find the latent topics which were visualized. Based on group operation Top terms ranked by tf-idf through every year were used to reveal the R&D focus evolution. [Results] This research offers a demonstration of the proposed method based on 43,621 SiC patents. The results show 28 Research and Development topics with tech terms in SiC industry and present a Research and Development focus evolution based new emerging terms of every year which provides a clue for more detail analyses later. Finally,we discuss the clues for the R&D focus in the SiC industry.[Limitation]Multi Topics for documents were not compared for the R&D focus evolution in this article. That will be discussed in future. [Conclusions]The results show a efficent way to find technology focus evolution from a large scale text data.
On the Development of National Intelligence Force and the Enlightenment of China-US Practice
Open Access
ZHAO Bingfeng
2019, 31(4): 29-36. DOI:
(1183KB) (
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[Purpose/significance] The internationalization of China's National Intelligence force is a very urgent and critical issue. At present, we have studied its policy, deployment, operation and infrastructure, but have not completed the research of the shape, structure and dynamic mechanism. [Method/process] This paper first puts forward the concept of the Development of National Intelligence Forces, and then makes a special study of the existing biological principles and the history of modern intelligence activities in China and the United States. [Result/Conclusion] The Development of the National Intelligence Force is a complex research topic, and the study of this concept has great reference significance for the internationalization of China's national intelligence. Therefore, we suggest that China should adopt a new model and gradually develop a modern national intelligence system and its capacity structure.
Analysis of Hotspots and Trends of International Digital Library Research in Recent Five Years Based on Keyword Indexing
Open Access
ZHOU Xiaoying
2019, 31(4): 37-47. DOI:
(2893KB) (
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As the refinement of the content of the thesis, the paper has the characteristics of generality, importance and obvious features. The analysis of keywords can eliminate the redundant information of the paper content, grasp the essence and improve efficiency. This paper takes the key words of IFLA Conference Papers in 2014-2018 as the research object, and designs the keyword semantic indexing model of academic papers based on digital library. The keywords are based on research background, research field, research hotspots and research objects. This paper marks the key words of the papers collected by the IFLA conference in the past five years, constructs an annotated data set, and analyzes the keywords of different semantic functions to reveal the IFLA research hotspots and research trends in the field of libraries.
Research on the Design Knowledge System of Tag Cloudsin Information Search Systems
Open Access
QIU Minghui, QIU Yuqi
2019, 31(4): 48-56. DOI:
(1029KB) (
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Over the pass 20 years, there have been accumulated abundant research findings related to the design and evaluation of tag clouds in information search systems that need to be organized. This paper applies literature analysis method to analyze and summarize these research findings in terms of systems, tasks, users, etc. according to the context framework that affects usability of information search systems. A knowledge system that supports the design of tag cloud in information search systems will be set up and some correlative design principles will also be put forward.
Exploration on the Guarantee Path of Library Reading Promotionfrom the Perspective of Readers
Open Access
LI Hui, CHANG Qing
2019, 31(4): 57-64. DOI:
(3051KB) (
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[Purpose / meaning] There are three purposes of this paper. The first is to provide data support for library's reading promotion work, through data analysis to grasp the readers' reading needs, reading habits, reading effectiveness, and analyze the factors affecting reading. The second is to summarize the feedback information of library's current service, explore the safeguard measures of reading promotion work in the new era. The third is to promote the integration of library service with university's matrix, recommend good books to readers and strengthen them relying on professional advantages reading guidance to promote the construction of scholarly campus culture.[Method/Process] Relying on WeChat, QQ and other Internet platforms, we distribute questionnaires on reading status to college readers, and conduct further investigations in college faculty and department to obtain data and information. We analyze and summarize the collected data through Wenjuanxing APP. [Results/Conclusion] In a certain sense, it can promote the cooperation among the departments in colleges and universities, and provide some methods for reference to guarantee the implementation and promotion of library's reading promotion work.
Research on the Construction of Library Information Commons under Tacit Knowledge Management
Open Access
MA Nini
2019, 31(4): 65-70. DOI:
(1343KB) (
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The transference of tacit knowledge is the advantage of knowledge management, including the increase of knowledge reserve and Innovation of service mode, which satisfied with knowledge service needs of IC. The author discusses and studies the construction of physical layer, virtual layer and support layer of IC, proposes the strategy and model of IC construction under the tacit knowledge management, and then advises some new requirements of IC librarian team in the future.
From Green Libraries to Sustainable Thinking:Multi-faceted Green Information Literacy Instruction
Open Access
2019, 31(4): 71-76. DOI:
(973KB) (
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[Problem Researched] In view of the lack of environmental awareness and the lack of sustainable thinking among users and librarians in the current practice of green library construction, [Objective/Significance] this paper puts forward effective methods of green information literacy instruction and feasible strategy of improving literacy teaching among users and librarians. [Method/Process] This paper proposes that under the guidance of in-depth theoretical research and academic research, information literacy and its teaching should be transformed into effective green behavior and green practice through multi-faceted green information literacy instruction which includes the behavioral level, thinking level and the combination of the two and developing standardized programs for green information literacy education. [Results/Conclusion] Embedding the idea of sustainable thinking in green information literacy instruction not only optimizes green information services, but also helps to promote the development of the whole society's information industry to an environment-friendly way. Green information literacy education guides and serves users in a more scientific and effective way, reduces carbon footprint, protects the environment, saves energy and reduces wastes for libraries, and ultimately contributes to the green library movement and benefits the society.
Applied practice
University Library Digital Resource Sharing Based on Hadoop
Open Access
GAO Yaping, NIU KangKang
2019, 31(4): 77-84. DOI:
(2910KB) (
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In view of the low exchange of big data shared resource in libraries domestic and foreign, and the lack of one-stop service platform crossing all standalone system, this paper his paper is focused on improving the sharing and utilization of digital resources from the technical aspect, proposes a structure model for the sharing of library digital resource based on Hadoop to solve the problem of low sharing performance and the lack of systematic management. Moreover, it provides readers with a multi-faceted service.The system uses MapReduce distributed computing framework and a resource management system to process digital resource data in parallel to achieve fast correlation search and processing of digital resources, and introduces a composite library big data storage system based on HDFS which can guarantee the storage requirements of the resource sharing system, effectively improve the access efficiency for the readers, and solve the scalability problems faced by the traditional storage technologies.
(Monthly,Started in 1984)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R. China
Institute of Agricultural Information Instiute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
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