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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 32-43.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0475

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Copyright Data Dilemma of Building High-Quality Data System for AI: Present Situation, Coping Strategies, and Implementation Path

Hecan ZHANG1, Chengqi YI1(), Peng GUO2, Qianqian HUANG1,3, Xiaokun JIN4   

  1. 1. Department of Big Data Development, State Information Center, Beijing 100045
    2. Centre for Strategic Studies, Greater Bay Area Big Data Research Institute, Shenzhen 518048
    3. School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
    4. Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
  • Received:2024-05-20 Online:2024-09-05 Published:2025-01-13
  • Contact: Chengqi YI


[Purpose/Significance] Improving the policy and governance systems to promote the development of strategic industries such as artificial intelligence was explicitly proposed in the resolution of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In recent years, the conflict between AI companies' desire for copyrighted data and the copyright holders' protection of copyrighted data has become increasingly apparent. There have been a number of lawsuits and disputes around the world regarding copyright infringement caused by artificial intelligence. The dilemma of copyright protection of AI training data has become a difficulty and bottleneck that urgently needs to be resolved in the development of high-quality data system for AI. [Method/Process] Based on the academic research and industrial practice on the copyright protection of AI data, this study systematically summarizes six representative approaches to address the copyright dilemma of AI training data, and provides a comparative analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, and applicability of these approaches. The six representative approaches are: signing a license agreement by both parties, initiating special plans or forming alliances, introducing a copyright notice mechanism, introducing a copyright risk guarantee mechanism, replacing with synthetic data, and applying copyright detection tools to large language models. For the copyright dilemma of AI training data, there is no optimal solution that can both encourage the supply of AI copyright training data and protect the copyright of data. [Results/Conclusions] In order to provide helpful references for increasing the supply of AI copyright data, formulating relevant policies, and promoting related work, this study has proposed a concept of general implementation path to build a high-quality data system for AI to solve the copyright dilemma of AI training data, based on the comparative analysis of the above six representative approaches and combined with China's four unique advantages. These include: 1) Integrating existing platforms to build a national-level integrated service platform for copyright data for AI, with state-owned enterprises (SOEs) under the direct administration of the central government taking the lead in establishing a national copyright data alliance and connecting copyright data to the platform. 2) To collaborate with local pilots of data intellectual property rights, explore and promote comprehensive reform pilot programs of copyright data adapted to the development of AI, and continuously strengthen the cooperation efforts and willingness between AI enterprises and copyright holders. 3) The focus should be on principled or critical issues, establishing and improving legislation related to copyright data for AI and promoting industry self-regulation.

Key words: artificial intelligence, data system for AI, copyright protection, copyright data, data elements

CLC Number: 

  • TP3-05


Commercial cooperation between some AI enterprises and copyright owners"

达成合作时间 AI企业 版权所有者/著作权人 版权数据类型、协议期限及金额
2024年7月 微软 泰勒·弗朗西斯(Taylor & Francis) 论文期刊数据,协议期限不详、协议金额1 000万美元
2024年5月 OpenAI 美国新闻集团(News Corporation) 新闻数据,协议期限5年、协议金额超2.5亿美元
2024年4月 OpenAI 英国金融时报 新闻数据,协议期限金额不详
2024年2月 谷歌 Reddit平台 社交媒体数据,协议期限不详、协议金额6 000万美元
2024年1月 万兴科技 中广天择 视频数据,协议期限金额不详
2023年12月 OpenAI 施普林格出版集团(Axel Springer) 新闻数据,协议期限金额不详
2023年11月 谷歌 加拿大新闻出版商 新闻数据,协议期限不详、协议金额1亿加元(约合7 360万美元)
2023年10月 谷歌 德国Corint Media组织 新闻数据,协议期限不详、协议金额320万欧元(约合338万美元)
2023年9月 华为云 中文在线 包括文字音视频等文字数据,协议期限金额不详
2023年7月 OpenAI 美联社 新闻数据,协议期限金额不详


Analysis of six representative approaches to address the copyright data dilemma"

代表性做法 优点 不足 侵权风险 适用情形
双方签订许可使用合同 获取版权数据效率最高、风险最低、适用范围最广 版权数据采购议价成本高、批量获取个人持有版权数据效率偏低 资金储备较为雄厚的人工智能企业,对数据质量规模和权威性有较高要求的科研院所、咨询机构等单位
发起专项计划或组建联盟 继承了签订许可使用合同的部分优点,一定程度缓解版权数据采购议价成本较高的问题 暂未取得实质进展或成效、多方共识难达成、执行效率和灵活性不足等 业内具有一定影响力、话语权较大或版权数据资源独特等企业发起或参与
引入版权声明机制 无获取版权授权的溯源和采购成本、适用范围广 声明易被忽视、操作技术性要求较高、大量作品“退出”将影响大模型性能等 有一定合规版权数据储备和技术能力的人工智能企业
引入版权风险担保机制 提升企业口碑、增加社会信任,在一定程度减少人工智能用户和版权所有者之间的诉讼纷争 部分用户使用过程中触发的侵权责任转移至企业自身,保障条款往往对担保情形有一定额外要求 有一定合规版权数据储备或是法律资金资源充足的人工智能企业
改用合成数据代替 生产数据效率高、成本低、可持续 无法完全根除版权保护风险隐患,进一步加大侵犯版权察觉溯源取证的难度 一些特定如数据原创性要求相对较低、版权数据规模要求相对较小等的场景应用
应用针对大模型的版权检测工具 缓解版权所有者察觉侵权和侵权取证维权问题,提升版权作品的创作动力和创作环境,帮助人工智能企业提前发现未获授权的版权数据 当前适用于人工智能大模型的监测工具较少问世且技术尚不成熟、提高企业版权数据管理成本 不涉及 具有公信力的第三方机构


General implementation path to build a high-quality data system for AI to address the copyright data dilemma"

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