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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 93-101.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0187

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Practice and Enlightenment of Developing Librarians' Digital Scholarship Service Skills at the University of Florida Library

YANG Xing   

  1. Capital Normal University Library, Beijing 100089
  • Received:2024-02-27 Published:2024-06-25

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] The digital scholarship service ability of librarians is an essential guarantee for providing high-quality digital scholarship services. However, the current domestic research on improving librarians' digital scholarship service capability is mainly concentrated at the theoretical level, and there is a lack of librarians' skill training projects at the practical level. An in-depth analysis of practical projects implemented by foreign university libraries to develop librarians' digital scholarship service skills can provide some references and insights for domestic university libraries to re-skill their librarians at the operational level. [Method/Process] The Developing Librarian Pilot Training Project (DLPTP), implemented by the Digital Humanities Library Group at the University of Florida, has effectively increased librarians' skills and confidence in providing digital scholarship services with limited staff, funding, and space, and has stimulated the willingness and interest of more librarians to participate in digital scholarship services. Taking this project as the research object, this paper introduces its implementation experience from three aspects: implementation background, implementation characteristics and effectiveness evaluation based on the methods of literature research and network survey. This paper summarizes its main implementation characteristics from four aspects: 1) Conduct the top-level design of the training project in advance based on the feedback from team members. 2) Organize librarians to collaboratively develop the project charter, which includes detailed descriptions of the project scope, deliverables, outcomes, target audience, team member roles and responsibilities, timelines and constraints, communication methods, and deadlines. 3) Apply for special funds to cover the training costs of external experts. 4) Establish an independent space for teaching activities and project collaboration to encourage creativity and a playful atmosphere. [Results/Conclusions] Finally, it is suggested that domestic university libraries should focus on improving librarians' digital scholarship service ability from four aspects: 1) The library leadership should recognize the importance of digital scholarship services and incorporate them into the library's long-term development strategy, and advocate the concept of digital scholarship services from top to bottom. 2) The librarian competency training program should be designed from surface to depth. 3) The evaluation of librarian's training projects should be carried out from the surface to the essence, putting more emphasis on their learning process rather than the result.4) The library can first establish a digital scholarship interest group within the library, and then actively seek communication opportunities with external stakeholders such as campus departments, publishers, database vendors, and off-campus research institutions, thus building a digital scholarship practice community from the inside out. Due to the limited conditions, information about DLPTP can only be collected from literature and the Internet, which has certain limitations and needs to be improved in the future.

Key words: digital scholarship, digital scholarship services, university librarian, capacity enhancement, digital literacy

CLC Number: 

  • G251.6
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