Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 76-87.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0416
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Leilei KOU
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周春雷, 王岩. 中文图情期刊论文作者贡献声明标注分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2023, 34(10): 1321-1327.
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孔晔晗, 刘茜, 都平平, 等. 社科领域期刊作者贡献声明政策的调研与建议[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(3): 344-352.
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唐晓波, 向莉丽, 牟昊. 基于研究问题与研究方法贡献的论文学术价值早期识别方法[J]. 情报科学, 2022, 40(9): 3-11, 19.
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Foster. Open science[EB/OL]. [2023-03-01].
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UNESCO. Understanding open science[EB/OL]. [2024-02-07].
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COS. Open science[EB/OL]. [2023-03-01].
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Global aliance for genomics & health. GA4GH builds the foundation for broad and responsible use of genomic data[EB/OL]. [2024-03-03].
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NISO. Author rights[EB/OL]. [2024-03-07].
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VIVO.What is VIVO?[EB/OL]. [2024-03-10].
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Github. Open research information framework[EB/OL]. [2024-03-10].
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W 3C. PROV-overview[EB/OL]. [2024-03-10].
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ACUMEN. Career management skills[EB/OL]. [2024-03-12].
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刘昊. 学术社交网络用户知识贡献行为影响因素研究[D]. 大连: 辽宁师范大学, 2022.
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刘苡声. 虚拟学术社区用户持续知识贡献行为及激励策略研究[D]. 长春: 吉林大学, 2021.
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谭旸, 秦渴, 袁勤俭. 激励机制对学术虚拟社区知识贡献效果的影响研究[J]. 现代情报, 2020, 40(9): 106-116.
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CASRAI. CRediT[EB/OL]. [2023-11-14].
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SCoRO, the scholarly contributions and roles ontology[EB/OL]. [2023-11-15].
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OLS. Contributor role ontology[EB/OL]. [2024-01-14].
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郝惠子. 基于作者贡献声明的生物学领域支持型作者识别研究[D]. 太原: 山西财经大学, 2023.
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罗卓然, 蔡乐, 钱佳佳, 等. 学术论文创新贡献句识别研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2021, 65(12): 93-100.
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黄晨, 赵星, 卞杨奕, 等. 测量学术贡献的关键词分析法探析[J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2019, 45(6): 84-99.
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李佳培, 安海岗, 冯鑫. Altmetrics学术影响力传播贡献度实证研究[J]. 情报探索, 2021(3): 26-32.
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王申罡, 秦顺, 郭鑫, 等. 国际图书情报学期刊发文的学术实体贡献测度研究[J]. 图书馆论坛, 2022, 42(6): 64-76.
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张闪闪. 作者贡献权重算法优化研究[D]. 北京: 中国科学院大学, 2016.
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Galaxy zoo[EB/OL]. [2024-01-25].
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Flodit[EB/OL]. [2024-01-26].
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Crowd research: Open and scalable university laboratories[EB/OL]. [2024-03-07].
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全球变化科学研究数据出版系统[EB/OL]. [2024-02-16].
Global change research data publishing & repository[EB/OL]. [2024-02-16].
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国家地球科学数据出版系统[EB/OL]. [2024-02-18].
National earth system science data center[EB/OL]. [2024-02-18].
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OSF. Discover public research[EB/OL]. [2024-03-06].
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Github[EB/OL]. [2024-03-09].
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CSDN[EB/OL]. [2024-03-09].
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Nick Steinmetz[EB/OL]. [2024-03-12].
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寇蕾蕾. 开放科学环境下学术贡献识别及计算方法研究[D]. 北京: 中国科学院大学, 2020.
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