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Current Issue
05 April 2021, Volume 33 Issue 4
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Special review
Enhance Data Security Governance Capability: Interpretation of Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft)
Open Access
LIU Guifeng, RUAN Bingying, LIU Qiong
2021, 33(4): 4-13. DOI:
(1265KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] Data security is an important cornerstone of national security. The promulgation of the data security law of the People's Republic of China (Draft) points out the development direction for the establishment and improvement of data security governance system in China. [Methods/Process] Through text analysis, the paper analyzes the content of the data security law of the People's Republic of China, mainly to interpret the legislative spirit and principles, content and characteristics of the law and its deficiencies. [Results/Conclusions] The draft not only pays attention to the confidentiality of data itself, but also takes into account the availability of data. It provides legal protection for safeguarding national data sovereignty and legitimate rights and interests of data stakeholders. In addition, relevant supporting measures should be formulated as soon as possible.
Poverty alleviation of information
Qualitative Research on Information Poverty in Rural Areas: Taking Guizhou Province as an Example
Open Access
WU Jing, ZENG Zhen
2021, 33(4): 14-21. DOI:
(1118KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] The targets and tasks for poverty alleviation in the new era have been met as scheduled, and all rural residents living under the current poverty line have been lifted out of poverty. However, information dissemination remains a weak spot. Therefore, this study explores the influencing factors of information poverty in rural areas of Guizhou Province to provide a basis for promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural information communication. [Method/Process] Based on the in-depth interviews of 87 farmers in poor rural areas in five years, this paper sorted out the interview data based on NVIVO11 software according to the grounded theory principle in qualitative research. This paper makes a qualitative analysis on the influencing factors of rural information poverty from three aspects: farmers' self-factors, information infrastructure construction factors and information acquisition content factors. [Results/Conclusions] Influencing factors lead to the farmers' weak awareness of information, information dissemination is not smooth and the content of dissemination is not complete and accurate, and the information utility is unsatisfactory.
Poverty Alleviation Oriented Digital Agricultural Gamification Development: Cases from Yunnan Province
Open Access
LI Yichen, WU Mingxia, PU Yinsen, FAN Zhenjia
2021, 33(4): 22-34. DOI:
(1118KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] With the penetrating of industrialization and "Internet plus", using ICT to satisfy the yearning of people for idyllic life has become an important direction of the modern agricultural development. As an emerging pattern of agriculture and poverty alleviation, gamification extends the using of ICT to the marketing of agricultural products, which enables users to participate in the process of farming and have fun. [Method/Process] We have a thorough knowledge of the poverty situation in S, L, H District, Yunnan Province by field investigation and second-hand cases analysis. We found the current problems of development and also a relatively advantageous infrastructure and policy foundation in impoverished areas. And we pose the idea that a model innovation in poverty alleviation is the solution to these problems based on the advantageous conditions there. [Results/Conclusions] This paper analyzes the advantages of the digital agricultural gamification mode in impoverished areas, find the potential problems, and establish the path for using agricultural gamification in poverty alleviation.
Research paper
Discourse Cognition and Construction Based on Text Mining: Taking the White House News Text in the Field of Artificial Intelligence and 5G as an Example
Open Access
ZHANG Yuyao, CHEN Yuanyuan
2021, 33(4): 35-44. DOI:
(1213KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] Government news text is one of the expression forms of [Purpose/Significance] Government news text is one of the forms of policy text. Text mining and analyzing the government news text can intuitively show the dynamics, reveal the position of dialogue events and the relationship between them, and improve the intelligence analysis work and promote the development and construction of China's new think tanks. [Method/Process] This paper uses the TextRank algorithm to extract core sentences, and evaluates it with the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis (CDA). Using the corpus, the paper discusses the government's decision-making attitude from two macro perspectives of key sentences and keywords, and sums up the American official discourse cognitive image in the field of artificial intelligence and 5G from the micro perspective of discourse strategy. [Results/Conclusions] The analysis shows that the attitude of the US government towards artificial intelligence and 5G will continue to maintain the situation that "a priority to the United States under the guidance of the government needs ". In the face of technological competition in developing countries, depending on the guidance of the government in policy text is undoubtedly the best countermeasure.
Technology Forecasting Based on Topic Identification of Online Innovation Communities and S-Curve
Open Access
LI Lei, SONG JianNing, SONG TianHua
2021, 33(4): 45-57. DOI:
(1926KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] It is very important for enterprises, industries and countries to carry out technology prediction from a meso-perspective, so it is necessary to establish a set of suitable methods. [Method/Process] Applying text mining and detection of patent citation network, this study built subject clustering based on biggest fragmenting to detect innovation communities and with s-curve to forecast technology development of innovation communities. [Results/Conclusions] The empirical research on hybrid rice breeding innovation field shows that the proposed method not only enriches the theory and method of technology prediction, but also gives the relevant innovation institutions and national level strategic suggestions from the meso-perspective.
The Intelligent Diagnosis Model of Fruit Tree Disease Based on ResNet-50
Open Access
JIN Ying, YE Sa, LI Honglei
2021, 33(4): 58-67. DOI:
(1675KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] Fruit tree diseases endanger the safety of agricultural production, and the use of artificial intelligence technologies to help fruit growers identify fruit tree diseases in a timely and accurate manner is of great significance to ensure safe agricultural production. [Method/Process] Using 10 000 fruit tree leaf diseased spots image data sets, through image enhancement methods such as rotation, pollution, noise enhancement, and cutting to improve the diversity of sample images; using the ResNet-50 deep convolutional network model to perform machine learning to obtain the fruit tree diseases identification model, and develop application software based on this model to provide online diagnostic services. [Results/Conclusions] The experimental results show that the average recognition rate of the four fruit tree diseases reached 92.9%, which has a better diagnostic effect compared with related research results.
The Evaluation Method of University Research Performance and Disciplinary Development Potential
Open Access
LI Feifan, LIU Caie, LI Yongfang
2021, 33(4): 68-77. DOI:
(1837KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] Under the background of "double first-class" university development, scientific research performance and disciplinary evaluation have been increasingly paid attention. More and more universities use the existing databases to find their advantageous subjects and disciplines that have development potential, and provide services in their efforts for the development of "double first-class" universities. [Method/Process] Based on the InCites/ESI databases, this paper proposes an evaluation method of university scientific research performance and disciplinary development potential. Firstly, the evaluation system is composed of scientific research influence, international cooperation ability and disciplinary output ability. Secondly, the scientific research outputs are analyzed from the aspects of the number of papers published, citation frequency, citation influence, international cooperation and ESI disciplines. Finally, a set of relatively comprehensive evaluation indicators is formed. In order to make better use of this method, Beijing university of technology (BJUT) is taken as an example for data presentation. [Results/Conclusions] This method can provide a scientific evaluation method for scientific research performance and disciplinary analysis of universities, and provide theoretical basis and data for the development strategy of universities.
Space Reconstruction Strategy of University Libraries Based on 5W1H Analysis
Open Access
2021, 33(4): 78-85. DOI:
(930KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] Space is an important resource for libraries, and space reconstruction has been one of hot topics in library research in recent years. With the rapid development of information technologies, the social influence of traditional libraries is gradually weakening. The choice and use of different media by a library's users will directly affect the space utilization rate of the library. Therefore, libraries should be user-oriented and actively adopt appropriate ways to continuously enrich and expand space functions to meet the diverse needs of readers. [Method/Process] This paper uses the 5W1H analysis method to analyze space reconstruction's causes, function positioning, organization and lay-out, time planning, participating subjects, etc. and puts forward the development strategy of space reconstruction. [Results/Conclusions] The 5W1H analysis method includes all the elements of library space reconstruction. Using 5W1H analysis method for library space reconstruction can clarify the specific tasks and implementation strategies of each target module to improve the actual efficiency of space reconstruction. The space reconstruction through the 5W1H analysis method can provide reference for the space reconstruction of university libraries.
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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R. China
Institute of Agricultural Information Instiute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
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