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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2021, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 35-44.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.20-0715


• Research paper • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Discourse Cognition and Construction Based on Text Mining: Taking the White House News Text in the Field of Artificial Intelligence and 5G as an Example

ZHANG Yuyao, CHEN Yuanyuan*   

  1. College of computer science and technology, Xinjiang normal university, Urumqi 830001
  • Received:2020-07-28 Online:2021-04-05 Published:2021-04-30

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Government news text is one of the expression forms of [Purpose/Significance] Government news text is one of the forms of policy text. Text mining and analyzing the government news text can intuitively show the dynamics, reveal the position of dialogue events and the relationship between them, and improve the intelligence analysis work and promote the development and construction of China's new think tanks. [Method/Process] This paper uses the TextRank algorithm to extract core sentences, and evaluates it with the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis (CDA). Using the corpus, the paper discusses the government's decision-making attitude from two macro perspectives of key sentences and keywords, and sums up the American official discourse cognitive image in the field of artificial intelligence and 5G from the micro perspective of discourse strategy. [Results/Conclusions] The analysis shows that the attitude of the US government towards artificial intelligence and 5G will continue to maintain the situation that "a priority to the United States under the guidance of the government needs ". In the face of technological competition in developing countries, depending on the guidance of the government in policy text is undoubtedly the best countermeasure.

Key words: think tank, text mining, TextRank algorithm, critical discourse, artificial intelligence

CLC Number: 

  • G249.2
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