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Current Issue
05 January 2020, Volume 32 Issue 1
Special review
Construction of Multi-Scenario Agricultural Knowledge Service System | Open Access
ZHAO Ruixue, LI Jiao, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Dandan
2020, 32(1):  4-11.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0911
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[Purpose/Significance] To solve the problem of unbalanced supply and demand of agricultural Sci-Tech knowledge services in the big data environment, this paper proposed a "data + demand" driven knowledge service supply model. [Method/Process] The proposed model contains a knowledge service system model for different application scenarios and a technical supporting system with convergence of multi-source heterogeneous agricultural science and technology big data, knowledge computing and intelligent services as links. [Results/Conclusions] We developed a multi-scenario agricultural knowledge service system characterized as "Inclusive + Specialized + Customized", by addressing the key technologies of agricultural Sci-Tech big data integration and knowledge service, and thus provided differentiated, accurate and in-depth knowledge services for users of multiple types, levels and disciplines. The agricultural knowledge service system helps address the contradiction between supply and demand of knowledge services, and meet the need of inclusive & personalized knowledge service simultaneously to a certain extent.
Research paper
Semantic Sharing Mechanism of Heterogeneous Government Data Based on Blockchain | Open Access
2020, 32(1):  12-22.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-1094
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[Purpose/Significance] This paper proposes a semantic chain sharing mechanism for heterogeneous government data based on blockchain, With regard to core issues such as data silos, "dirty data", uncertain data ownership, and lack of a trusted shared environment that arise during the open government data, and the key information involved in the sharing process is stored in the blockchain, and the whole network consensus mechanism ensures that the record can be traced and cannot be tampered, thus constructing a decentralized semantic data platform. [Method/Process] The use of distributed consensus mechanisms, chain structures and asymmetric encryption algorithms in blockchain combined with programmable smart contracts, through data semantic publishing, RDF management, search queries, blockchain interactions, entity disambiguation, etc. A series of processes, together with multi-source government data nodes, is to build a distributed semantic data transformation, fusion and reuse ecosystem with process monitoring. [Results/Conclusions] This study applies the blockchain technology to the semantic research of government data resources, which not only guarantees the semantic security of government data, but also solves the problem of semantic stagnation of blockchain. It is a relatively new research idea.
Literature Review of Scientific Data Competence: the Connotation, Framework and Influencing Factors | Open Access
CHI Yuzhuo
2020, 32(1):  23-29.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0301
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[Purpose/Significance] As the basis of the evaluation and promotion of scientific data competence, it is necessary to clarify the research situation of the connotation, the framework systems and the influencing factors of scientific data competence. [Method/Process] This study uses literature research methods to collect data from both Chinese and international databases, and analyzes the research progress in four aspects: the connotation, the performance dimensions, the frameworks and the influencing factors. [Results/Conclusions] Much research has been devoted to the connotation of scientific data competence, and Chinese and international researchers' understandings are basically the same. The representative framework systems of scientific data competence are generally oriented to the process of scientific data behaviors, and put forward requirements on the users in the aspects of scientific data awareness, scientific data knowledge, scientific data skills and scientific data ethics. There are many overlaps in the top level of indicators and different emphasis on the granularity in the sub-level of scientific data frameworks. The scientific data competence is influenced by subjective factors of scientific data users, the quality of scientific data, the culture of scientific data and the standards and norms of scientific data. The research needs further theoretical integration and empirical methods should be used to further explore the influencing factors from the perspective of improving the data-intensive scientific research environment.
The Characteristics of First Class Agricultural-Related Universities in the World University Rankings——Based on Research of US News, QS and ARWU University Rankings | Open Access
LI Hongjun, ZHAO Yong, ZHANG Hongwei, LI Maomao, REN Zhiguang
2020, 32(1):  30-39.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0870
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[Purpose/Significance] To understand the characteristics of the first class agricultural-related universities. [Method/Process] The changes of the overall ranking and agricultural discipline ranking of top 10 and top 50 agricultural-related universities from 2017 to 2019 in US News, QS and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) University Rankings were analyzed, respectively. [Results/Conclusions] (1) most top 10 agricultural-related universities are lower-ranked, with 2/3 ranked outside of top 100, (2) top 10 agricultural-related universities' rankings are not stable, and only four universities, Cornell University, Wageningen University & Research, California University Davis and China Agricultural University are listed as top 10 agricultural universities in all three rankings, (3) top 10 agricultural-related universities come from more countries than top 10 universities do, and Chinese universities have better performance in agriculture than in other fields, and (4) numbers and position of selected fields by university rankings have more influence on overall ranking than numbers of students and teachers and their ratio. Chinese universities which take agriculture as their main field should strengthen their expertise in agricultural-related disciplines, establish new disciplines with characteristics and improve their international influence.
Analysis of Gold Open Access in China Based on Web of Science | Open Access
LI Guangli, BAI Xue, ZHANG Meiqi
2020, 32(1):  40-46.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0928
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[Purpose/Significance] This paper aims to analyze the current situation of golden OA papers published by Chinese scholars. On the one hand, it helps us understand the situation of Chinese scholars' participation in open access; on the other hand, through comparison, it provides insights for China to learn from the experience of other countries' open access, which is of value and reference in promoting China's OA process and policy-making. [Method/Process] Based on the papers included in the Web of Science Core Databases, this paper analyzes the status of golden OA papers in China, and the analysis indicators include paper productivity, influence, funding support, journals distribution and subjects distribution. [Results/Conclusions] China's golden OA papers have shown a good momentum of development in recent years, but the golden OA paper rate is still lower than the global average level; the citation influence of China's golden OA papers is close to non-OA papers, but lower than green OA papers; the rate of golden OA papers is far lower than the rate of papers supported by funding; China's golden OA papers are relatively concentrated into several journals, and the number of OA journals published in China is relatively small; life science, clinical, preclinical and health fields have a higher degree of acceptance of open access papers.
Status and Development of Books Recommendation in University Libraries via WeChat—— Taking Services in “Double-First Class” University Libraries as Examples | Open Access
2020, 32(1):  47-57.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-1045
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[Purpose/Significance] Each library has provided books recommendation service on their WeChat platforms, which forms an important service model. It is of great significance to explore how to build a books recommendation system with both personalization and functionality via WeChat. [Method/Process] By using the online survey method, we follow the WeChat platforms of university libraries listed in the "Double-First Class" project, and investigate the status of books recommendation services. Some mainstream books recommendation systems, such as Imagination Star, Yuntai Buy and Jiangsu Huiwen are studied. [Results/Conclusions] We found that the type of referral resources is still concentrated on paper books, only single book can be posted each time, and the function of the system is poor. In view of the existing problems, suggestions were put forward to recommend integrated paper-electronic resources and bulk books, realize group management, create national or regional bibliographic data centers, publicize services both online and offline, and implement the library credit points system.
Analysis on the Construction of Regional Library Consortia from the Perspective of Smart Library | Open Access
YAO Chunyan, WANG Jianing
2020, 32(1):  58-64.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0831
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[Purpose/Significance] Regional library consortia is capable of deepening inner-region cooperation, promoting the service ability and service level of the consortia and the members, and driving the librarianship forward. [Method/Process] Through the exposition of the smart library and its three main features, i.e. interconnection, scientific management and intelligent service, this paper points out that inner-region smart consortia is useful in increasing the information service ability of the consortia, and realizing the balanced development of inner-region libraries. [Results/Conclusions] The paper focuses on the analysis of current library consortia cooperation modes and their service actuality, and puts forward to establish a new grid-consortium of regional cooperation. It means that we should build inner-region resource sharing by horizontal collaboration, and deepen the user service lengthways, and then realize librarian open cooperation in the smart consortia, in which each librarian becomes the participant and the service node. In the end we put forward a series of safeguard measures of the synergetic development of regional libraries from obtaining policy and funding support, drawing up the consortia program, to strengthening inner-consortia featured resource construction, and building a high-quality librarian team.
Service Innovation Construction of University Library in the Era of Fragmented Reading | Open Access
ZHANG Haixia
2020, 32(1):  65-72.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0922
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[Purpose/Significance] With the development of informatization, the prevalence of fragmented reading has brought impact to the development of university libraries. This paper puts forward some suggestions for the construction of libraries in the fragmented reading environment by analyzing the current situation of fragmented reading in colleges and universities. [Method/Process] This study explores the opportunities and challenges of fragmentation mainly through questionnaires and data analysis. [Results/Conclusions] Although fragmentation has impacted the development of traditional libraries, it brought new opportunities. It not only stimulated the enthusiasm of librarians to learn continuously, but also brought new opportunities to the development of university libraries in the construction of information services.
Applied practice
Influencing Factors of Digital Library Users' Willingness to Accept—— an Empirical Analysis Based on Questionnaires | Open Access
MO Yidan
2020, 32(1):  73-79.  DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.10.19-0929
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[Purpose/Significance] Users have a low willingness to use a digital library, which affects the function of a digital library's collection service. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of digital library users' willingness to accept the library service, and explore the path to improve users' willingness to use the service. [Method/Process] Firstly, on the basis of sorting out the information system continuous use theories and dropout theory, we construct a theoretical model of digital library acceptance intention. Then, on the basis of 150 questionnaires, a multiple regression model is adopted to analyze the specific influencing factors of digital library users' acceptance intention. [Results/Conclusions] Satisfaction and intrinsic motivation have a direct significant influence, expectation confirmation has an indirect significant effect via satisfaction, and self-efficacy has an indirect significant effect via the intrinsic motivation. Their descending order of influence is as follows: expectation confirmation, self-efficacy, satisfaction and intrinsic motivation.