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05 November 2019, Volume 31 Issue 11
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Digital Humanities
A Review of International Digital Humanities Research From the Perspective of Quantitative Comparison
Open Access
ZHANG Qi, JI Youshu, WANG Dongbo
2019, 31(11): 4-14. DOI:
(1772KB) (
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[Purpose/Significance] Digital humanities research has been developing in China for nearly ten years. It is important for further developing digital humanities research in China to clarify the differences between domestic and foreign digital humanities research.[Method/Process] Firstly, this paper compares the differences in the participation of various disciplines and cooperation modes of institutions in digital humanities research at home and abroad through quantitative statistics. Based on the existing differences, co-citation clustering, emergence detection, double-graph superposition and other functions in CiteSpace are used to introduce the research progress of digital humanities in foreign countries.[Results/Conclusions] The main difference of domestic digital humanities research lies in the low degree of participation of computer science and humanities. In international digital humanities research, there are seven groups and two research topics in computer science, and five groups and two research topics in ARTS&HUMANITIES. In addition, there is relatively little cooperation between basic subjects(computer science and information science) and humanities(ARTS&HUMANITIES OTHER TOPICS and son) in international digital humanities research, The advanced technologies in computer science are not quickly integrated into the research of humanities disciplines. It is suggested that domestic computer science and humanities should be deeply involved in the research of digital humanities, and the cooperation between basic subjects and applied subjects of digital humanities should be strengthened.
Digital Humanities Education Practice of Stanford University and Library Support Services
Open Access
DING Jingda, LU Ying
2019, 31(11): 15-22. DOI:
(1087KB) (
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Research on the Digital Humanities education practice and library support service of Stanford University, a world famous university, can provide relevant references for the universities and their libraries in China. Through literature and network research and analysis, it is concluded that there are three forms of Digital Humanities Curriculum Education in Stanford University: joint specialty, minor courses and certification courses. The project practice is emphasized, which provides an opportunity for Stanford University Library to participate in Digital Humanities education. It actively participates in Digital Humanities Education by means of embedding curriculum teaching, setting up research centers and providing technical support. It enlightens us that Digital Humanities Education in Colleges and universities in China should enrich teaching forms, set up the feedback mechanism, and give full play role to the service and support of their libraries, so as to actively promote the development of Digital Humanities Education Practice in China.
Research paper
Study the Effect of the One Belt and One Road Initiative on Science and Technology Cooperation between China and Countries in One Belt and One Road Area, Based on the Co-Authored Papers
Open Access
LI Hongjun, ZHAO Yong, ZHANG Hongwei
2019, 31(11): 23-33. DOI:
(1441KB) (
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To evaluate the effect of the One Belt and One Road initiative on Science and Technology Cooperation of both sides, papers in Incites data in 2011-2018 was used to analyze the characteristic of papers co-authored by China and Countries in the One Belt and One Road Area, and focused on the 4 year period change around 2015. The results showed that: (1) numbers of co-authored papers increased quickly, and the quality rose steadily; (2) In most fields, papers produced by both sides had a bigger increase than papers produced by one side, and non-preponderant fields, such as agriculture science, had a rapid growth; (3) Cooperation was strengthened between China and nearly 2/3 countries among all One Belt and One Road countries. Furthermore, the paper producing countries made more co-authored papers with China; (4) The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was the main cooperation area, while Central East Asia gave the least cooperation; (5) West Asia made the most growth on co-authored papers, while South Asia had no increase; (6) Paper producing countries had the most incremental quantity on co-authored papers, the middle-sized-paper-product countries had the fastest growth, while the undeveloped countries had the slowest increase on both increment and growth. Consequently, according to this analysis, different methods are necessary to strengthen science and technology cooperation between different countries when implementing the One Belt and One Road initiative.
Research on Analytical Method of Scientific Research Cooperation Network in Subject Analysis
Open Access
DENG Zhiwen, DU Pingping, JIA Zhiyong
2019, 31(11): 34-41. DOI:
(4555KB) (
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With the development of social network analysis theory and the improvement of visualization tools, scientific research cooperation network has been more and more used in scientific research and disciplinary analysis. This paper discusses the theoretical basis of scientific research cooperation network for disciplinary analysis from the perspective of the structural characteristics of social network, and expounds the existing problems in the process of analysis. Finally, aiming at the construction method of the weights of network relations, the influencing factors are analyzed, and improvement strategies are given, which provide ideas for improving the calculation theory of relationship strength in scientific research cooperation network.
Research on Government Investment and University Innovation Efficiency Based on Scaling Law
Open Access
LI Menghui, LIU Ru, ZHAO Guifen, LIU Yanjun, WU Chensheng
2019, 31(11): 42-48. DOI:
(1757KB) (
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[Objective] The evaluation of research funding and innovation efficiency is mainly to provide reference for the country to formulate scientific research development plans and policies, and improve scientific research management. [Methods] The scaling law can reflect the basic mechanisms, dynamics and structure of complex systems. This paper extends the scale law to the analysis of the relationship between research input and output, and analyzes the funds of scientific research institutions as well as the scientific and technological manpower input and scientific research output data. [Results] It is found that the scientific research input and output follows a scaling law and the scaling law index is basically stable. Based on the method of scaling law, the quality of scientific research can be objectively evaluated. In addition, it provides the factual basis and quantitative comparison of baseline information for the investment and management of colleges and universities in science and technology. It is an important reference for the innovation efficiency of colleges and universities. It has important implications for improving China's scientific research investment and management in the new era.
Research on the Cultural self Modeling and Cultural self Confidence:Cultural Innovation Awareness
Open Access
LI Yuke, PENG Lin, DENG Zhiwen, DU Pingping
2019, 31(11): 49-57. DOI:
(3155KB) (
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Around the Chinese universities to cultivate application-oriented and innovative talents, open the goal, in the promotion of reading Internet plus cooperative cognitive environment, based on the culture of school emphasising on specialized courses, according to the new characteristics of students, characteristics of Library and school culture places using cultural dissemination and inheritance, after reading through the Transformation Era In the ubiquitous reading mode, we should build an innovative reading mode and strengthen the sense of cultural identity and cultural self-confidence of college students. Promote and improve their IP awareness of innovation. Efforts should be made to make students through reading design and Cooperative Cognition at different stages of education, to expand the cultural innovation based on international vision and to cultivate a new generation of cultural innovation talents with national cultural responsibility.
Analysis of University Library Performance Evaluation Index Based on BSC Principle
Open Access
LIU Rongqing
2019, 31(11): 58-63. DOI:
(1167KB) (
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Balanced Score Card provides useful principles and tools for strategic planning and performance evaluation index of university libraries. Based on the BSC principle, and previous studies, combining the mission, task, new demand and new characteristics of university libraries in the new era , this paper carries out the analysis of the performance evaluation of university libraries, and explores to construct a more valuable university library performance evaluation index framework of age.
Applied practice
Research on Behavior Characteristics and Influencing Factors of E-commerce Users' Timely Feedback
Open Access
FAN Wenjie, DENG Weihua
2019, 31(11): 64-71. DOI:
(1227KB) (
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With the introduction of the concept of web2.0, the concept of UGC (user-generated content) is also deeply rooted in people's mind. Nowadays, various platforms cannot live without UGC. The behavior characteristics of e-commerce users on the platform have a huge impact on consumers themselves, potential consumers, e-commerce platforms and product manufacturers. At present, most of the research on online comments is on the text content, and few researches on the timeliness of users' feedback. Through data crawling software, the commodity comment field and its quantity of Jingdong mall are crawled to study the timely feedback behavior characteristics of e-commerce user comments and the factors affecting these behavior characteristics. The behavior characteristics of e-commerce users' timely feedback are studied by combining charts and graphs, and the feedback time rule is obtained. SPSS was used for regression analysis of the data, and the main influencing factors were obtained. According to the research results, the behavioral characteristics and influencing factors of e-commerce users' timely feedback can be targeted to propose suggestions to platform managers, comment publishers and potential consumers.
An Empirical Study on the Relevance between Library Utilization and Academic Achievement of the Undergraduate——Based on Nanjing Forestry University
Open Access
LI Qian
2019, 31(11): 72-80. DOI:
(2488KB) (
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To explore the correlation between library utilization and academic achievement of the undergraduate can evaluate the effectiveness of library learning support services, reveal the impact of library services on different readers, and provide data support for libraries to better play the role of learning support. This paper takes all undergraduate students of Nanjing Forestry University in 2014 as the research object. After extracting, transforming and cleaning the data, this paper develops the correlation between undergraduate library utilization and academic achievement aiming at the characteristics of different majors, grades and genders, using SPSS software and KS normal test, correlation analysis, analysis of variance, non-parametric test and other statistical analysis methods, and the use of library space and paper resources as data research indicators. It reveals there is a significant positive correlation and medium correlation scale between the undergraduate academic performance and the various libraries utilization data. Students of different grades, majors and genders have different frequency and preferences for library resources and services, and the libraries should adjust their service strategies to better support learning.
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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R. China
Institute of Agricultural Information Instiute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
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