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    Research on the Development and Reuse of Open Resources
    HUANG Jinxia, WANG Fang, XIAO Man, CHEN Xuefei
    Agricultural Library and Information    2019, 31 (1): 4-10.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.01.001
    Abstract1250)      PDF(pc) (4042KB)(425)       Save
    The open access movement generates a huge amount of open resources, which provides new opportunities for library resource development and services, and also allows libraries to think about how to survive in the wave of OA development. Under the impetus of many academic subjects, the connotation and extension of open resources are continuously expanding, and the development trend is still rapid with the feature of large number, various types, and high openness. In the library's exploration of open resource development, the research priorities are put on the reuse model and construction strategy. The National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences has built GoOA and OAinONE, the distributed and integrated open knowledge resource content system and service systems in different stages from the aspects of overall framework, building mode and reuse models in its practices of open resource development. While, creating innovative resource construction models and reuse services is still the direction of open resources development in the future.
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    A Review of Research on P-books and E-books Resource Coordination Construction in University Libraries
    ZHENG Shifeng, FU Wenqi
    Agricultural Library and Information    2019, 31 (1): 14-22.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2019.01.002
    Abstract1043)      PDF(pc) (867KB)(296)       Save
    Based on the analysis of the current situation of P-books and E-books resource coordination construction research of academic libraries in domestic and overseas, the related research contents are summarized into four major topics, including the main research, influencing factors research, evaluation research and optimization strategy research and so on. It is found that domestic and foreign researches in this field have made great progress, with abundant theoretical basis and practical experience. Compared with foreign countries, domestic research has some deficiencies. The research significance is to sort out the research situation of different historical periods, enrich the theory of university library resource construction, and promote the coordinated development of P-books and E-books resource construction of academic libraries.
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    Practice and Reflection on Procurement of Agricultural Electronic Resources under Shared Economy --Take the Shandong Agricultural Library Alliance as an example
    TANG Yan, XU Shuliang, MENG Jing
    Agricultural Library and Information    2018, 30 (12): 29-32.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.12.004
    Abstract667)      PDF(pc) (1055KB)(158)       Save
    Based on the analysis of Shandong agricultural electronic literature procurement guided by demand, this paper redefines the agricultural library alliance and its business activities by using the sharing economy thinking, discusses the characteristics of the regional library alliance under the sharing economy and makes a prospect, in order to provide some reference for the practice of the national agricultural library alliance.
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    Books Supplier Selection Research Based on AHP-OVP Model
    GAO Wenwen
    Agricultural Library and Information    2018, 30 (12): 33-37.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.12.005
    Abstract726)      PDF(pc) (1402KB)(187)       Save
    At present, the books supplier selection methods are inadequate both at home and abroad. This paper uses analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and osculation value process (OVP) to construct the AHP-OVP evaluation model in the selection process. The model test shows that the method can effectively select books suppliers and make up for the defects of previous books supplier selection methods to a certain extent.
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    Construction of Regional Library Information Resource Sharing System
    MA Jing
       2018, 30 (11): 37-41.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.11.006
    Abstract545)      PDF(pc) (3215KB)(119)       Save
    Regional library information resource sharing system is an organization system under the constraints of common agreement, to realize the co-construction and sharing of information resource, as well as the mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit of regional library. This system architecture in China, is mainly in university library and public library, which is of great significance for regional information resource sharing. However, due to the long-term influence of traditional concepts, this system has faced a series of problems, such as fund shortage and regional development imbalance. This paper attempted to propose an improved method.
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    Construction of PINTEREST Model Picture Database——The Case of Expert Scholar Picture Database
    LI Yuke, DU Pingping
       2018, 30 (11): 42-45.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.11.007
    Abstract633)      PDF(pc) (6062KB)(226)       Save
    This paper expound the idea about using the PINTEREST interaction mode based on social media to conduct image database construction. People can build image database platforms in the open-source social network platform, and establish an expert scholar picture gallery group, so that the site establishment can easily build an interaction network with the scholar network relationship as the core, and orderly organize the upload, layout and display of the pictures, on the other hand, site users can revise, record, display, upload and share their own picture through the photo wall function module, at the same time know the picture dynamic of knowledge friends, acquisition and supplementary network image knowledge sources.
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    Research on Library Collection Resource Construction and Sharing Mode under Digital Research Environment
    LI Wei
       2018, 30 (11): 46-49.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.11.008
    Abstract598)      PDF(pc) (1337KB)(274)       Save
    Strengthening the construction and sharing of library collection resource is a necessary measure to adapt to the digital scientific research environment. This paper introduced the new changes of library collection resource under the digital scientific research environment, studied the construction methods of library collection resource, constructed the library collection resource sharing platform, and pointed out the development direction of library collection resource service under the digital scientific research environment.
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    Analysis on the Elements and Structure of Multi-index Comprehensive Evaluation Index System for Digital Resource Usage performance
    PU Xiaoge, HU Yamin
       2018, 30 (10): 49-54.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.10.006
    Abstract695)      PDF(pc) (1356KB)(197)       Save
    The performance evaluation of digital resource is a multi-index comprehensive evaluation on the nature of its evaluation. The theoretical basis in constructing the multi-index comprehensive evaluation index system should include the target consistency theory, system evaluation theory, stakeholder theory and the quantitative and qualitative combination. The components can be divided into five elements: the contents of digital resource, the ability to supply the digital resource retrieval system, the usage of users, the analysis of cost(digital resources service input) and the situation of digital resources service. The structure design of this system generally adopted the stratification method, which was divided into three levels: the total target layer, the standard layer and the index layer, respectively reflecting the systematization, hierarchy and correlation of the index system, and was also convenient for quantitative evaluation.
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    Application of Cloud Storage Technology in Long-term Preservation of Digital Library Resource
    WANG Qian
       2018, 30 (10): 55-58.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.10.007
    Abstract570)      PDF(pc) (1254KB)(269)       Save
    Cloud storage technology can create reliable resource storage environment, and provide guarantee for long-term preservation and efficient service of digital library collection resource. On the basis of introducing the concept, technical foundation and application scope of cloud storage, this paper analyzed the advantages of cloud storage technology used in the long-term preservation of digital library resource, studied the cloud storage mode of digital library collection resource such as private cloud, shared cloud, alliance cloud and so on, and proposed the construction of digital books based on cloud storage technology. The long- term preservation system of library collection resource, so as to ensure the long-term preservation of library resource, and enhance the quality of library resources construction and service.
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    Investigation and Reconsideration on the Construction and Sharing of Characteristic Resources of University Libraries in Guangdong
    ZHANG Jing
       2018, 30 (10): 59-65.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.10.008
    Abstract536)      PDF(pc) (1216KB)(354)       Save
    By investigating library's characteristic resource construction of 14 comprehensive universities in Guangdong province, the status quo, the forms of access and the types of resources were classified and sorted out, and the existing problems were given and discussed.
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    PIRUS and Its Guidance to Renewal Evaluation of Chinese Commercial Database
    LAN Yu
       2018, 30 (10): 66-69.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.10.009
    Abstract784)      PDF(pc) (1194KB)(110)       Save
    Commercial databases are important components for digital collection. During the process of renewal evaluation, the usage statistic is essential for judging whether the resource is demanding or approved. With higher standard for statistic granularity, there will be more objective data for evaluation. This paper gave an introduction to PIRUS project, and discussed the meaning of more detailed usage statistic for commercial database evaluation, as well as some problems we have to face in this process.
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    Research on Knowledge Annotation and Mining of Library Collection Resource in the Era of Big Data
    WANG Luying
       2018, 30 (10): 70-73.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.10.010
    Abstract599)      PDF(pc) (1790KB)(186)       Save
    With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, libraries need to annotate and mine collection resource to provide users with high-quality knowledge and information. Based on the analysis of the meaning and characteristics of big data technology, this paper analyzed the impact of big data technology on the library construction, including library service model, data mining, knowledge information tagging, knowledge information discovery system, and discussed the advantages and functions of knowledge annotation and mining of library collection resource in big data era, including citation analysis, function description, semantic relevance orientation, academic source of content discussion, and summed up the construction approach of knowledge annotation and mining mechanism.
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    Research on the Optimal Allocation of Digital Library Collection Resource from the Perspective of Information Ecology Theory
    WU Qiyun
       2018, 30 (9): 38-41.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.09.007
    Abstract271)      PDF(pc) (1297KB)(141)       Save
    In the view of information ecology theory, this paper studied the optimal allocation of library collection resource to provide a new perspective for the knowledge and information service and promotes the healthy and orderly development of library. It analyzed the current situation of information ecology imbalance including the lack of information subject and the uneven distribution of resource in the digital library. Duet to the similarity of information ecology and digital library in the components, functional objectives and application value, it expounded the feasible measures for library to introduce information ecology theory to optimize the allocation of resources from the orientation of service, social demand and purchasing decision-making.
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    Study on Self-organizing Model of Scientific Data Set in University Library in the Era of Big Data
    WANG Qiao
       2018, 30 (9): 42-45.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.09.008
    Abstract294)      PDF(pc) (1442KB)(170)       Save
    This paper analyzed the necessity for the construction and implementation of self-organizing model of scientific data set in university library in the era of big data, and summarized the construction principles. Based on the discussion about the main difficulties of self-organizing model construction, it proposed the implement strategies from computing system security management, library data resource integration, data management and maintenance standards, resources application platform sharing service platform, to improve the data processing efficiency with the function extending as the core. Combining with the real-time, interactive and sharing characteristics of self-organizing model data resources of scientific data set in university library, it discussed the advancement, reliability, expansibility of self-organizing model, and proposed the system construction methods with computer, big data technologies as the core.
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    Analysis and Research of Global Well-known Oceanographic Institutions
    WANG Xu
       2018, 30 (9): 46-50.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.09.009
    Abstract423)      PDF(pc) (1195KB)(282)       Save
    In the guidance of Belt and Road basic national policy, China will focus on the construction of marine science, and strive to build a powerful ocean country. In this context, this paper listed the global well-known oceanographic institutions, analyzed and studied the oceanographic institutions of various countries, which provided the basis for China's oceanographic institutions to learn from the global well-known oceanographic institutions, and communicate and cooperate with them.
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    Research on Copyright Risk Assessment System of Network Information Resource
    WANG Jing
       2018, 30 (9): 51-55.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.09.010
    Abstract305)      PDF(pc) (1268KB)(121)       Save
    This paper summarized the selection principles and construction process of copyright risk assessment index of network information resource, and then established a related index system, and found the key evaluation index by assigning the evaluation index, so as to let the network service providers be able to determine whether they are at risk, and prevent and discover the approaching risks, and give effective decision-making as soon as possible to facilitate their rapid and efficient avoidance of risks, and reduce the risk loss.
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    New Think-tank Construction of Library in the Background of "Internet plus Big Data": Opportunities and Challenges
    HE Guolian, HE Yuan
       2018, 30 (8): 31-34.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.006
    Abstract708)      PDF(pc) (1556KB)(109)       Save
    With the arrival of "Internet plus" era and the popularization of new technologies including big data and cloud computing, how to effectively grasp the opportunity and cope with the challenge has become the concerned issue for libraries in new think-tank construction. This paper analyzed the opportunities and challenges of new think-tank construction of library in the background of "Internet plus Big Data", based on the role orientation, explored the effective path for new think-tank construction. The library should grasp this rare historical opportunity, effectively deal with severe challenges, fulfill the duty of traditional information service, and intensify the building of new think-tank, so as to truly play its own information service function.
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    Study on the Information Ecology Environment Construction of Heilongjiang's Agricultural Products Commerce Website
    DI Chunshu, ZHANG Xiangyu
       2018, 30 (8): 35-38.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.007
    Abstract509)      PDF(pc) (1419KB)(96)       Save
    Excellent information ecology environment of agricultural commerce site is significant to improve the management efficiency of agricultural products, raise farmers' incomes and revitalize the Longjiang economy. It can effectively solve the existing problems in the information ecology environment of agricultural business websites in Heilongjiang province by proposing construction measures, such as strengthening government support, establishing unified standard, improving the credit system and providing diversified service.
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    Research on the Literature Resources Construction of University Library Based on Big Data
    WEI Aihua
       2018, 30 (8): 39-43.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.008
    Abstract612)      PDF(pc) (1555KB)(115)       Save
    Traditional data statistics can find the relevance between user data and document data. It provides the basis for resource procurement through data analysis.In the big data environment, user data is easier to collect. Through deep excavation, it can help the resources construction of university library. This paper envisages the resource analysis and interview system of university library based on big data. Through this system, we can achieve timely collection of user information and effective monitoring of users' needs.In the era of big data, data decision mode will replace traditional experience summary mode and subject librarian decision mode.It will become the mainstream mode of resources construction in university libraries.
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    Research on the Think-tank Construction in University Library
    ZHANG Chunyang
       2018, 30 (8): 44-46.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.009
    Abstract575)      PDF(pc) (1184KB)(141)       Save
    The construction of think-tank can give full play of resource advantage and talent advantage in university library, and further improve library's service level. Think-tank construction in university library is the requirement of the development of library functions. The management layer, scientific research personnel, government agencies, enterprises all have large demand on think-tank service. In the construction of think-tank, university library should build four dimensional development paths based on the requirements.
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    Role orientation of University Libraries in the Arrangement and Utilization of Ancient Local Marine Literature
    TIAN Mingwei, WANG Xingwen, HUANG Xiantang
       2018, 30 (8): 47-49.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.010
    Abstract609)      PDF(pc) (1021KB)(276)       Save
    There are existing problems in the protection of ancient marine literature, such as lack of systematic collection and arrangement, lack of protection consciousness, lack of qualified personnel and insufficient funds. With some examples in this field from Wenzhou University library, this paper probes into the role orientation of University Library in the arrangement and utilization of ancient local marine literature.
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    Study on the Information Environment Construction of Library under the Background of Intelligent Society Construction
    LIU Yang
       2018, 30 (8): 50-53.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.011
    Abstract642)      PDF(pc) (1307KB)(153)       Save
    This paper described a new form of library under the background of intelligent society construction, and analyzed the information environment construction, and finally explored how to create a new space service through information environment construction, so as to promote the construction and improvement of information environment in library.
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    Research on the Construction of Information Think-tank in Local University Library
    LIU Chunping
       2018, 30 (8): 54-56.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.08.012
    Abstract628)      PDF(pc) (1011KB)(123)       Save
    Library is the center to conduct teaching and research activities in university, its construction quality and level have important influence on the development of university. With the development of modern information technology, the information think-tank has gradually become the key content in the construction of university library. This paper expounded the concept of modern library information think-tank, and analyzed its importance and advantages in library construction, and put forward the effective ways and theoretical direction to develop and construct the information think-tank in local university library.
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    Research on the Identification of Network Literature Resource Types Based on FRBR
    ZHAN Lihua
       2018, 30 (7): 26-30.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.07.006
    Abstract404)      PDF(pc) (1143KB)(168)       Save
    In order to identify the network literature resource types more effectively, this paper analyzed the characteristics of literature resource based on FRBR, summarized how FRBR described and revealed various kinds of literature, and proposed how to identify various kinds of resource types. It is believed that based on the content attributes revealed by FRBR, literature resource types can be identified more effectively, which can help to construct, organize, manage and utilize network literature resource.
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    University Library's Think Tank Capacity Building
    WAN Yinghong
       2018, 30 (7): 31-35.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.07.007
    Abstract319)      PDF(pc) (1523KB)(110)       Save
    Along with the continuous improvement and development of national policy system, think tank capacity construction has become an important part of university's intelligent development system, and has the extremely important practical significance in optimizing resource rationally, adjusting the structure of intelligence, improving service level, setting up information mechanism. Based on the analysis about its advantages, combined with domestic and foreign construction practice, this paper evaluated the feasibility of university library's think tank capacity construction, studied and formulated the construction approaches, to promote the practice and lay solid foundation in related field.
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    Construction of Institutional Repository Based on Discipline Service ——Taking the Library of Central China Normal University as an Example
    LI Li
       2018, 30 (7): 36-38.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.07.008
    Abstract337)      PDF(pc) (1132KB)(224)       Save
    As the storage and sharing platform of scientific research achievements, institutional repository is widely used in universities. The establishment of institutional repository can promote the subject service of library. This paper took the Library of Central China Normal University as an example, and discussed the construction mode of institutional repository, expounded the design goal, platform architecture, function module and platform application. The construction of institutional repository in Library of Central China Normal University can help students' study, contribute to the scientific research of teachers, and promote the level of library's subject service.
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    Credibility Evaluation of Network Academic Information Resource in Mobile Internet Environment
    DUAN Junli
       2018, 30 (7): 39-42.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.07.009
    Abstract408)      PDF(pc) (1307KB)(101)       Save
    This paper studied the credibility evaluation mechanism and path optimization of network academic information resource in mobile Internet environment, and pointed out the multiple problems through the analysis about the internalization factors of academic information resource credibility, and obtained comprehensive and specific research contents in reliability evaluation analysis, and finally put forward the support of policy level from four aspects of information validation, control mechanism, policy specification and information technology.
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    A Comparative Study on the Patterns of Bibliographic Data Organization in Domestic Libraries
    WEI Haiyan
       2018, 30 (7): 43-46.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.07.010
    Abstract337)      PDF(pc) (1175KB)(109)       Save
    The organization of bibliographic data embodies the ability of library resource integration, and has gradually become a hot topic in the library and information industry. This paper expounded the new requirements of library's bibliographic data organization in the digital era, and made the simple description and comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the three kinds of bibliographic data organization mode in domestic mainstream, and finally gave the future development trend of domestic libraries' bibliographic data organization model, so as to promote the innovation and development of library's bibliographic data organization mode.
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    Study on Digital Resource Evaluation Index System of University Library for Purchasing Decision
    SHI Ruoyao
       2018, 30 (6): 25-28.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.06.005
    Abstract596)      PDF(pc) (1190KB)(79)       Save
    From the point of purchasing decision needs of digital resources construction of university library, this paper proposes the secondary level index weight system ,which evaluates the four aspects of digital resource content, organization level, user guarantee and utilization performance, and puts forward the detailed scoring rule.
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    Analysis on Research Situation of Domestic and International Information Organization
    HU Yicheng
       2018, 30 (6): 29-34.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2018.06.006
    Abstract843)      PDF(pc) (3196KB)(150)       Save
    By using co-current analysis and social network analysis method, and applying Excel and Ucinet software, this paper made visual analysis on the journal papers about information organization research, presented the annual distribution, core authors, main research institutions and research topic evolution of the journal papers, and gave the domestic and international contrastive analysis.
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