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    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 4-4.  
    Abstract326)      PDF(pc) (2257KB)(227)       Save
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    Analysis on Open Science Roadmap and Design on Decision-Making Method of Open Science Road
    HUANG Jinxia, ZHAO Zhanyi, WANG Fang
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 5-19.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-0928
    Abstract308)      PDF(pc) (1733KB)(397)       Save
    [Objective/Significance] Whether a country enters the open science and how to choose the path, it is urgent to provide the decision-making methods. [Method/Process] As a national science policy, open science can be planned and implemented by way of road map. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the six international open science roadmaps in their release, content and effect evaluation, and puts forward a decision-making method for a national open science road. [Results/Conclusions] The formation of the open science roadmap is influenced by many factors such as the national medium and long-term opening plan, supporting infrastructure and other factors. The implementation contents include the country's current situation, future plan and specific measures, which will ultimately improve the open maturity level and influence of a country or region's scientific research. Based on these characteristics, a decision-making model of the national open science process is preliminarily constructed, covering the decision-making contents of different stages (before the process, in process and after the process) in the implementation of open science, and a "three-step" decision-making process of open science is designed. This paper briefly mentions the next step of open science in China and the roles that libraries can play.
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    Characteristics and Trends of Overseas Library Open Access Activities During the Epidemic Period
    ZHENG Yufei, WANG Zheng
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 20-28.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-1016
    Abstract337)      PDF(pc) (1038KB)(237)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The novel coronavirus pneumonia has accelerated the changes in the way of information resources construction and information acquisition, and has greatly stimulated the development of open access activities. To grasp the trend of information resources construction in the post epidemic era, we observed the open access developments during the epidemic period. [Method/Process] Using website survey method to obtain and analyze the overseas open access developments. [Results/Conclusions] During the epidemic period, the trend of open access was mainly reflected in six aspects: the large-scale increase of capital investment, the construction and improvement of network infrastructure, the opening and integration of network resources, the innovation of online resource service, the cooperation and co-construction of various departments and institutions, and the accelerating of the development of open access.
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    Open Access Journals' Development in the Open Science Process: 2017-2020
    Peng Yuanyuan, Huang Jinxia, Chen Xuefei, Zhao Zhanyi
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 29-40.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-0949
    Abstract421)      PDF(pc) (1262KB)(501)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The process of open science has affected the development of OA journals, and this paper discusses the objective of OA journals' adaptive development and the measures to take with the aim to provide references for China's journal publication. [Method/Process] This paper analyzed the development characteristics of OA journals since 2017, sorted out the internal reform factors and external pressure factors of the journals, analyzed the main challenges, and discussed the development opportunities of OA journals in the roadmap of open science, and initially considered the future open access and open science practice in China. [Results/Conclusions] OA journals occupy an important position in the process of open science, but open science is more than open access. Global OA journals have strengthened the mechanism of knowledge sharing and their knowledge utilization ability to adapt to the requirements of scientific research. But they are also subject to preprints, OA2020/PlanS, Projekt DEAL, open conversion, APC monitoring, and pressure from different stakeholders, open technology, and the value of the challenge. In the implementation of open science, OA journals should strengthen their cooperation with funders and actively explore their own open science value-added capabilities. These also serve as one of the basis for the OA transformation of publishing industry, OA game strategy adjustment of libraries and open scientific practice in China.
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    Analysis on Advances in Open Access Publishing of Academic Books from 2011 to 2020
    WEI Rui
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 41-49.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-1099
    Abstract288)      PDF(pc) (2624KB)(131)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This paper investigates and analyzes the advances of open access (OA) publishing of academic books in the past ten years, to provide reference for the exploration of OA publishing of academi books in China. [Methods/Process] Taking the data of the OA books discovery platform DOAB and the websites of major publishing institutions as samples, this paper analyzes the global progress of academic books OA publishing and the development trend of its modes, and puts forward the implementating suggestions on the academic books OA publishing in the context of the China's strategy of building up the strength of the nation through cultural development. [Results/Conclusions] The suggestions include exploring a new cultural mode of academic books OA publishing with the social benefits as the top priority, implementing OA publishing to enhance the level of public cultural services and cultural international influence, and attempting the OA publishing of academic books based on the national publishing funds.
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    Opening up and Sharing Agricultural Scientific and Technological Information Resources: Case Study of the Practice of FAO
    CAO Yuqing, FENG Dongxin, ZHANG Xuefu, SUN Wei, LUO Tingting, XIAN Guojian
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 50-58.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-0950
    Abstract293)      PDF(pc) (1237KB)(222)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] The global rise of the Open Science Movement has greatly promoted the academic dissemination and the uptakes of scientific research results. As an important means of advancing the Movement of Open Science, openness and sharing is key to promoting the development of global agricultural science and technology. By reviewing the practice of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for opening up and sharing global agricultural scientific and technological information resources under an open environment, it provides reference for promoting the opening-up and sharing of agricultural scientific and technological information resources and the conversion and utilization of scientific research results in China.[Method/Process] Through a multi-dimensional review of the practice progress of FAO in promoting the opening-up and sharing of international agricultural scientific and technological information resources, the main steps are to take the lead in the construction and active implementation of Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS) and multi-channel openness and sharing of multilingual thesaurus AGROVOC, and elaboration on the construction and operation of the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). [Results/Conclusions] Based on the experience gained by FAO to promote the opening-up and sharing of international agricultural scientific and technological information resources, we summarize some useful suggestions for improving the openness and sharing of agricultural scientific and technological information resources in China from the aspects of the establishment of a standardized management system, improvement of the capability development and promotion of international cooperation.
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    Analysis of Intellectual Property Problems in Open Science
    LIU Jingyu, ZHANG Cen, SUN Wenxi, HUANG Jinxia
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture    2020, 32 (12): 59-69.   DOI: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.2020.12.20-0887
    Abstract406)      PDF(pc) (1304KB)(297)       Save
    [Purpose/Significance] This study aims to analyze the relationship between open science and intellectual property rights (IPRs) and systematically sort out the main intellectual property problems in open science, so as to provide reference for further promoting the formulation of intellectual property laws and policies in open science. [Methods/Process] This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature review and bibliometric analysis. Based on the analysis of the related work on open science and IPRs, we explore the relationship between them and identify the main intellectual property problems and coping strategies in open science. [Results/Conclusions] Conflicts exist between open science and IPRs, but the conflicts are not unavoidable. Both sides should get involved in forming a positive interaction atmosphere, and establish the IPR system which can be adapted to open science. Currently, the major problems of IPRs in open science are focused on copyrights and patent rights. Meanwhile, hotspot issues include how to ensure a scientist is given preference if he or she is the first to make scientific discoveries and how to protect data owners' rights.
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