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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 72-90.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0319

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Proactively Breaking the Circle: Media Integration and the Creation of New Quality Productivity and Rural Revitalization

HUANG Xinyi, LIU Wenchang*   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou 121000
  • Received:2024-03-03 Online:2024-04-05 Published:2024-07-29

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This study aims to unravel the complex relationship between new quality productivity (NQP) and rural revitalization, and to deepen understanding of the role of media in rural development. NQP, characterized by advanced technologies, innovative practice, and enhanced efficiency, has the potential to transform rural economies and communities. This research provides a multi-dimensional theoretical perspective and scientific foundation to advance comprehensive rural revitalization in China. By offering novel insights compared to the existing literature, this study establishes its significance in the field of scientific knowledge and demonstrates its potential to address significant real-world challenges. Understanding the synergies between NQP and rural revitalization can help policy makers, researchers, and practitioners to develop effective strategies to promote sustainable rural development and address socio-economic disparities. [Method/Process] The study employed a rigorous methodological approach that involved the training of a naive Bayes classifier to categorize the texts of government work reports. This machine learning technique enabled the extraction and analysis of relevant information from a large corpus of textual data, providing a robust basis for further empirical investigation. The study utilized provincial-level data from 2012 to 2022 to construct comprehensive evaluation frameworks for the NQP and rural revitalization. These frameworks included a wide range of indicators reflecting economic, social, and technological dimensions.Statistical analyses included bi-directional fixed effect models and spatial Durbin models, which allowed for a comprehensive exploration of the impact mechanisms and spatio-temporal dynamics of NQP on rural revitalization. The bi-directional fixed effect model helped to control for unobserved heterogeneity and to capture the dynamic interplay between NQP and rural revitalization over time. The spatial Durbin model was particularly useful in identifying spatial spillovers and understanding regional interdependencies. The theoretical underpinnings of this research were grounded in established frameworks in economic development and media studies. Media practice, including information dissemination, community building, and consumption upgrading, were hypothesized to play a crucial role in facilitating the impact of the NQP on rural revitalization. The empirical foundations were derived from robust provincial-level datasets, ensuring the reliability and validity of the findings. These methodological choices ensured a rigorous examination of the complex dynamics between NQP and rural revitalization in different regions over time. [Results/Conclusions] 1) Media factors demonstrated significant complementary relationships with various drivers of rural revitalization. 2) Media practice, centered on information support, community building, and consumption upgrading, has profoundly altered rural production relations and economic bases. 3) Temporally, both NQP levels and rural revitalization showed rapid growth, with annual growth rates increasing. Spatially, the central and western regions showed a stronger impact of NQP on rural revitalization compared to the eastern regions.4) NQP had significant spatial spillover effects on rural revitalization, not only influencing local revitalization efforts but also fostering stronger indirect effects on surrounding areas, thereby promoting regional interlinked development.

Key words: new quality productivity, rural revitalization, media availability, information support, community co-construction, consumption upgrading

CLC Number: 

  • G206
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