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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 36-44.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0311

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Construction of the Cultivation Framework of AI Generated Content on the Information Culture of University Libraries

JIANG Ye1, LIU Qiong2, LIU Guifeng2   

  1. 1. Nanjing Library, Nanjing 210000;
    2. Institute of Science and Technology Information, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212000
  • Received:2024-03-06 Online:2024-04-05 Published:2024-07-29

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] In the context of the rapid development of artificial intelligence and content generation (AIGC) technology, it is particularly urgent and important to explore in depth its impact and evolutionary path on the information culture of university libraries. As a central platform for knowledge dissemination and information exchange, university libraries not only hold a wealth of literature resources, but also serve as important places for teachers and students to obtain information and improve their information literacy (IL). Therefore, the study of the internal logic and development ideas of information culture in university libraries under the influence of the AIGC aims to reveal how new technologies can reshape the information service model of libraries, and how to promote the deep integration of knowledge innovation and educational informatization by optimizing organizational structure and improving service efficiency. This study will provide scientific basis for university libraries to formulate strategic plans that adapt to future development trends, help them to better serve teaching and research in the context of the new era, and cultivate high-quality talented people with high IL skills. [Method/Process] This study focused on both theory and practice of library information culture construction. First, the theoretical foundations of library information culture are considered, and the concept, characteristics, and manifestations in university libraries are systematically reviewed. Second, an in-depth analysis of the impact mechanism of the AIGC technology on information culture was conducted, including changes in information acquisition methods, improvements in information processing capabilities, and innovations in information exchange models. Finally, the integration path of information culture and the AIGC technology was explored, and a framework for cultivating information culture in libraries and at the university level was proposed. [Results/Conclusions] Under the promotion of the AIGC technology, the cultivation of information culture in university libraries has a new trend and characteristics. In order to better achieve the goal of educational informatization, university libraries should actively embrace and respond to change by building information system standards, improving information management systems, enriching information resources, and enhancing information service capabilities. At the same time, they should also promote the cultivation of information culture by integrating information resources for university education, enriching IL systems, cooperating in the development of the information technology, and participating in the construction of information governance systems. By integrating educational resources, cooperating in information technology research and development, and jointly building an open, shared, and mutually beneficial information ecosystem, we can effectively promote the prosperity and development of information culture in university libraries.

Key words: information culture, education informatization, library, knowledge innovation

CLC Number: 

  • G250.7
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