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Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 21-31.doi: 10.13998/j.cnki.issn1002-1248.24-0300

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Three Waves of the Organization of Information Resources and the Development of the Statistical Evaluation Systems of Libraries

ZHOU Wenjie   

  1. School of Information Resource Management of Renmin University of China, Beijing 100782
  • Received:2024-02-27 Online:2024-03-05 Published:2024-06-24

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This paper aims to explore the development and evolution of the library statistical evaluation index system, highlighting its characteristics and changes at different stages of document management, information management, and data management. The research is conducted around three key stages: document level, information level, and data level, analyzing the main content and significance of the library statistical evaluation index system at different development stages. The innovation of this paper lies in the systematic analysis of these transitions, providing a comprehensive perspective that integrates theoretical and methodological advances with practical indicators. [Method/Process] The research methodology includes a systematic analysis of statistical evaluation indicators of libraries in different stages of development. The study uses historical review and theoretical analysis methods, analyzing the development of document organization, information digitization, and data management in libraries. By examining the development of classification, cataloging, and evaluation metrics, the research combines historical documentation with contemporary practices to provide a solid theoretical foundation. The study also draws on existing literature and integrates data from library management systems and user feedback to assess service quality and operational efficiency. This mixed-methods approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the applicability and effectiveness of the evaluation indicators. [Results/Conclusions] The study shows that the library's statistical evaluation index system has evolved significantly, reflecting the library's adaptation to changing resource types and management needs. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows. The document level in the first stage, focusing on book circulation, including indicators such as book use efficiency, collection development quality, and reader engagement. Key metrics such as cumulative borrowing and utilization rates provide basic service performance data, but lack deep information insights. With the development of information technology, library statistical evaluation indicators have expanded to include service frequency, response time, user satisfaction, and growth rates, enabling libraries to evaluate and improve service strategies based on user feedback and service performance. Currently, the library's statistical evaluation system focuses on research data management and data value assessment. Indicators now include not only resource- and service-related metrics but also operational efficiency, budget utilization, technological updates, scholarly contributions, and social impact. These indicators provide a comprehensive view of the library's performance in resource management, service quality, and social contribution, helping to optimize resource allocation, enhance service quality, and increase impact. The study also acknowledges certain limitations, such as the evolving nature of technology and user needs, which may require continuous updates to the evaluation system. Future research should explore the integration of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to further refine evaluation metrics. In addition, ongoing studies are needed to adapt to emerging trends in data management and user behavior to ensure that libraries remain at the forefront of information services in the digital age.

Key words: library statistics, library evaluation, document resources, information resources, data resources

CLC Number: 

  • G250
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